2 TWWSVK'i, JUNE 14, 1951 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE. TOWN TOPICS Riverview Folk Mr. and Mr». Kenneth LaGore ao« the parents of a girl born Saturday morning, June 9 at the heme of Mrs. LaGore’s parents, 4fc. and Mrs. Tom Fulton of Ver nonia. The baby weighed 8 powpd«, < ounces and was named Judy Ann. Mrs. LaGore and daughter hove since returned to their home near Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Harlan and Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Borton celebrated their anniversaries Last week end at the Borton home. They had as guests Pearl and Leonard King of Portland and Mrs. Nellaray Bradford and family. VFW Auxiliary Cooked Food and Rummage Sale Saturday. June IS at Sessman's Store. 24tlc Mrs. Albert Staley has re turned from a week’s stay with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ritchie of Herm iston and Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Lindstrom of Ione. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomas and family and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Garner visited Mr. and •Mrs. John Killburg at Milton- Freewater over the week end. ■Mrs. Killburg is Mr. Thomas' »isier. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Waite and family attended a family reunion and picnic at Creston park in Portland last Sunday. The picnic honored Pvt. Robert Waite of Toledo who is home on furlough before going overseas The group attended church in On Vacations RIVERVIEW — Max Buckner is spending a couple of weeks in Portland with his aunt and un cle, Mr. and Mrs. Emery George. Vicky Serafin is spending a week at St. Helens with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Beeler. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lundgren, Sr. visited at the Morris Falcon- burv home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rav Buckner and children of Hillsboro visited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buckner and Mrs. Artie Buckner. Mrs. Kenneth Walker spent the w°ek end at Medford where Mr. Walker is working and where they plan to move. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Gibby and children of Marquam spent the week end at the Lloyd Callister home. Clara Hill went home with the Gibbys to spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Palm of Dallas visited his sister, Mrs. Clara Hill at the Lloyd Callister home Sunday. Portland where Rev. R. A. Fe- enstra, formerly of Toledo, held his last services before retiring. Four-months-old Stephen How ard Waite was baptised by the retiring minister. VFW Auxiliary Cooked Food and Rummage Sale Saturday, June 16 at Sesiman's Store. 24tlc Judd Greenman is in Chicago this week attending an export committee session of the National Lumber Manufacturers associa tion. Mr. and Mrs. George Turner and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Turner of Monmouth are visiting their mother, Mrs. Sil via Turner, before the start of summer term at OCE. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Stotts and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Jones of Electric City, Washington are visiting the H. E. Ecklands for several days. Mrs. Mathilde Bergerson un derwent an operation at St. Vin cent’s hospital in Portland on Wednesday, June 6. She is ex pected to remain there about two weeks. Her son, Clifford, of Seattle visited her in Vernonia the first week in June. Mr .and Mrs. Pate Brunsman attended the Shrine convention ir. Vancouver, B. C. last week end. Gerry Heskeit arrived home Saturday night from Minneap olis, Minnesota where he attend ed the Northwest College of the Bible the past term. Mr. and Mrs. George Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Turn er of Monmouth are spending the week with their mother, Mrs. Svlvia Turner. Ed (Chief) Baldwin is confined in the Barnes Hill Marine hos pital in Portland where he un derwent a major operation on Monday. June 4. His condition is reported as very satisfactory. VFW Auxiliary Cooked Food and Rummage Sale Saturday, June 16 at Sessman's Store. 24ilc Mrs. Judd Greenman and Mrs. W. G. Heath left here Monday for Coos Bay where they attend ed the convention of the P.E.O. Sisterhood from Tuesday to Thursday. Mr .and Mrs. H. D. Thoreau and children of New York City are here visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Con nie Anderson. The Thoreaus are planning to move to the west coast. Mr. and Mrs. R. Long of La guna Beach. California arrived here last Friday to spend a few days visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Vaughan. Theatre JUNE 14-15 THURS.. FRI. INSIDE STRAIGHT David Brian - Arlene Dahl SATURDAY JUNE 16 RIO GRANDE PATROL Tim Holt - Cleo Moore Plus DOUBLE DEAL Marie Windsor - Richard Denning SUN- MON. JUNE 1758 THE GREAT MISSOURI RAID Wendell Corey-MacDonald Carey JUNE 19-20 TOTS- WED. SHAKEDOWN Howard Duff - Brian Donlevy Plus 50 YEARS BEFORE YOUR EYES Arthur Godfrey For Grade A Pasteurized ; Dairy Products i Call or Write PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY Telephone 8812 Timber Rt., Box 56 Vernonia, Oregon i.... -----------......... A person standing in the area of the Oregon Vortex, located near Gold Beach Hill, inevitably assumes a posture that inclines toward magnetic north. WHEN TELEPHONING Well Curbing Causes Injury MIST—Martin Mathews had the misfortune to get hurt last week end when a piece of the well curbing fell on him. They were digging and curbing the well on George Jones’ property. Fred Parson and his son and wife and nephew from Portland were recent visitors of the Irv ing Knowles. The Parsons are old timers in the valley. Mrs. Clara Libel, Mrs. Emma Aldridge and Mrs. Elizabeth Mc Cauley were up from Seaside for the Pioneer meeting. They, with the Francis Burnhams of Portland and the Ed Lindbergs of Astoria, were late dinner guests of the Shalmon Libels. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Libel of Fairview were also guests. Mr .and Mrs. Charles Hock man have returned to their home at Bend after paying a two-week visit to their niece, Mrs. Charles Sundland and family. Church School To Observe Day Father’s Day will be observed Sunday at the E.U.B. Sunday school with some special num bers during the closing exercises. Gifts will be given to the oldest and youngest fathers present and to the one with the most child ren present with him. Special recognition will be given to the class having the most fathers present. The cost of living remain^ about the same — 10 per cent more than a fellow makes. MUIRS “Custom - made" sta tionery printed to your exact specifications. Rapid, quality service. VERNONIA EAGLE The Friendly Store Where Quality Costs No More Gifts For Dad On Father’s DaY Van Heusen Van Heusen® Comfort Contour Collar Styling The “custom REG.T.M. CENTUM SHIRT on all Van Heusen shirts with the soft collar that won’t wrinkle...ever! how it feels I.ow setting, smarter, neater! Gives you a more youthful look, keeps your collar smooth and neat all day, gives you welcome new comfort. In your size and your favorite collar model! 10.00and up. Dealer’s Name and Address Van Heusen ‘custom knot” panel ties Here’s America’s newest shirt sensation — the Van Heusen Century — with the revolution ary new kind of collar. Not fused, not stitched, needs no starch or stays — a wonder fully soft collar that never wrinkles... that can’t be folded wrong. Even the collar points resist curling! All this...plus flawless Van Heusen tailoring and quality. OTHER FATHER’S DAY GIFTS THAT ARE OUTSTANDING Van Heusen Kerchiefs in Fine Lawn Gift Box of 3 3 with Initial $1.00 $1.00 These ties are new, novel, anc different. Bold, handsome panels designed to give you a solid color “custom knot.” Tailored with that famous Van Heusen shirtmaker magic, they add a smart, new note to your appearance. Come in and choose today. ADAM Hats for Men Ideal for Dad on Father's Day $5.00 - $7.50 - $10.00 Count 3 for new sleeping comfort! The Nation’s Most Outstanding Values! ! You’ll savo lots of this TROUSERS AND • y usfof this SLACKS You’ll always enjoy telephone -HICKOCK- service at its fastest by checking the directory before calling The few sec onds it takes to tort of the number in advance will save you the possibility of many an irritating sec- ood call. So be sure—save time and get the best service possible Alwaya check rise directory before calling Willi ciimii - Relfs - Suspenders - Billfolds Jewelry By Day’s Tailoring Co. are number one for . . . - Quality - Tailoring -Fit -Price Van Heusen Pajamas Count 3 and you've discovered new sleeping comfort in these smart new pajamas. Oie, they’re loose in the right places—at shoulders, chest, crotch, knees. Tao, all-around Flexibelt* holds trousers gently but firmly in place. Three. they're Sanforized—stay the size you buy. See onr new stripes and patterns. o ar».. os.