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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1951)
2 THURSDAY, MAR. 8, 1951 VERNONIA, ORE. THE EAGLE, Same Appearance-Different Years 2 Attend Sale, Cattle Show NATAL — Jim Moran TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shulke, Timber route, are the parents of a nine-pound boy born March 1 at ths Jones hospital in Hills- boro. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Meyer, R. V. Kelly and Mrs. Beulah Slemmons mortored to Astoria and around to Seaside and Sun set beach on a business trip one day last week. The ladies of the Christian church surprised Mrs. Skinner on ST. PATRICKS DAY DANCE, March 17, Legion hall. Music by Eddie Kaphammer and Music Makers. Single 75c. couple $1.25. lOtlc her birthday last Friday. Sixteen Jadíes brought a pot-luck noon dinner. Mrs. Olivia Woods of Riverview made a birthday cake kor the occasion. They presented Mrs. Skinner with an electric waffle iron. Little Barbara Keith celebrated her fourth birthday March 1. Those attending were Mrs. Welty and children, Mrs. Barker and Miizie and Mrs. Frank Wolfe and two daughters, Lois and Violet. Mrs. Elizabeth Carriker has just completed a spinal operation according to her sister, Mrs. Beu lah Slemmons, who visited her Friday, March 2. Mrs. Carriker The Wise Shopper Shops Here Because— Guests of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Remnant last week end were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ide and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Meyer, both couples from Hillsboro. Mrs. Cressie Richmond THE PHOTOS above and left were taken in January and Feb ruary of last year but the same views would have greeted a cameraman from the points where tha shots were taken so new photos weren't snapped for publication this year. Anyway, the surprise of having a 41-inch snowfall in March would pro bably have so flustered the Eagle photog that he would have failed to focus properly, even if he had tried for news shots. Bridge street was cleared by state snow plows and the excess pushed to the center early this week just the same as it was last year. From the O-A hill, the view of town presented the same appzarance Tuesday as it did in the middle of January last year. and George G. Ward of Estacada were married February 14. Mrs. Richmond resided in Vernonia several years ago. ST. PATRICK'S DAY DANCE. March 17, Legion hall. Music by Eddie Kaphammer and Music Makers. Single 75c, couple $1.25. lOtlc Mr. and Mrs. Earl Spofford of Ralph Borton has received word that his cousin, Wilbur Fast, was called to the service in Texas and is leaving his Portland home Monday. DATES TO REMEMBER feeds, canned goods, staples are first qualify, and all are low priced. makes Deepest March Snow Recorded RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Louanna Rogers had a has offered the housewives of also John (Tex) Lankston returned to work at the mill March 1 aft°r an absence of five months. He is still wearing his brace and will for some time yet. Mrs. M. Grunden received a telegram recently from Shrev- port, Louisana that her sister, Mrs. Chester Welch, had passed away.' Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Heenan drove to Coquille over the week end to visit their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heenan. growth removed from her hand last Tuesday. Vernonia unprecedented values in foodstuffs. Fresh MUI Market Mr. and Mrs. David Fairbanks, Portland, visited at the R. J. Keith home Sunday. Both fami lies were friends when they for merly lived in Dillon, Montana. Annette Island, Alaska are the parents of a daughter born on March 2 at Ketchikan. She weighed seven pounds. 13 ounces and has been named Ellen Jean nette. Mr. Spofford is the son of Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Spofford. Day after day MILL MARKET and meats — All and Reed Holding left Sunday for Spokane where they will attend a cattle show and sale. Lincoln Peterson has been quite ill with the flu. Visitors at the DeVere Hershey home Sunday were Mrs. Hershey and daughter, Bessie, Bud Wilkins and Mrs. Hal Vickers, all of Port land. Mary Lou Fredrickson was an overnight gu^st Saturday of Bev erly Cline in Vernonia. On Sun day she was a dinner guest at the Bellingham home in Birk- enfeld. entered the Emanuel hospital about a month ago for a diabetic ailment and will probably re main there for three weeks longer. Thurs., March 8 — Mist P.-T.A. Meeting, 8 p.m. Fri., March 9 — Meeting to or ganize town baseball team. Le gion hall, 8:30 p.m. Mon.. March 19 — Grade P.-T.A. meeting, Washington school, 8 p.m. ZHXHZHZHXHXH •Joy Theatre a specialty of filling telephone orders with the same care and thoughfulness accorded to the person who comes to the store. Why ot come in today and pel acquainted. MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS Remember— ; DELIVERIES TWICE ; DAILY: 10 a.m - 3 p.m. PHONE 1391 THURS.. FRI. Emergency Trip Made Saturday RIVERVIEW — Mary Millis, youngest daughter of Mrs. Blanche Miliis, was taken to the Physicians and Surg.ons hospital in Portland Saturday where sne underwent an emergency opera tion for a ruptured appendix. At last word she was recovering satisfactorily. Mrs. Emery G urge of Port land visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Rundeil, and sister ! 1 | | and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buckner, from Fijday until Sun- day evening at which time Mr. George drove out and they re turned home. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Huntley and Mrs. Gerald McCool and children attended the wedding of Mrs. Huntley’s nephew. Tom Williamson, at Tillamook Friday evening. The Huntley’s took Mrs. McCool and children to their Rav Buckner and children of Hillsboro visited his mother, Mrs. Artie Buckner, Sunday. Virgil Powell has kept a re cord of the weather here for 40 years azid reports that Monday’s snow is the deepest ever recorded in the month of March. The next deepest for the month was six inches on March 21, 1935. Mon day’s snow measured 12 inches. Mrs. Gilbert Abney and child ren of Wishram. Washington spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Welter. Due to the snow Mrs. Abney went home by bus leaving her car and children and will return for them later. PTA Meeting Date to Be Thursday Evening The Mist P.-T.A. will meet on Thursday evening, March 8. in stead of Wednesday as earlier anounc'd. An election of officers will take place at this meeting. home in Portland before return ing home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Olin and daughter, Christy, spent the week end at the home of his grand-, parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Olin. PHONE 853 NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT INCOME TAX SERVICE FcdFederal and State Reports Filled Out — Expert Service Inquire at CATON AUTOMOTIVE Bridge and Maple Phone 1321 MARCH 8-9 RIGHT CROSS June Allyson - Dick Powell MARCH 10 SATURDAY SLEEPY TIME GAL Judy Canova - Tom Brown Plus SHERIFF OF LAS VEGAS in the low-price field ! Bill Elliott MARCH 11-12 SUN.. MON. DALLAS (Color> Gary Cooper - Ruth Roman TUES.. WED. MARCH 13-14 THE MINIVER STORY Greer Garson - Walter Pidgeon HXHXHXHXHXHX HANK’S PARTS HOUSE Open 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. except week ends INVESTIGATE OUR TIRE RECAPPING SERVICE! Vne Smart New S>yl«line De Luxe 4-Door Sedan If you’ve got the pieces, I’ve got the parts Phone 773 — New and Used Parts — Riverview Continuation of ttondard equipment end trim •:'uitroted is dependent cn o*ailobiltty of materiol ) Yes, Jumbo-Drum Brakes . . . extra smooth, extra safe . • • ... another reason why more peop/e buy Chevrolets than any other tar! BRAND KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY YELLOW LAMI and, of course, you ¡4 can continue to enjoy £ OLD HOMnwe WHITE LABEL KENTUCKY WWSKEY -A BIENO You and your family will enjoy special safety in Chevrolet for ’51—America’s largest and finest low-priced car. You'll know this the minute you test its new, more powerful Jumbo-Drum Brakes-largest in the low-price field! They’re extra smooth, positive and sate; they provide maximum stopping powei with up to 25% less driver effort; they combine w ith many other Chevro let safety factors to give you the fullest measure of motoring protection. And you’ll enjoy a special kind of per formance and driving ease in this car, too. For it’s the only low-priced car that offers you your choice of a mighty 105- h.p. Valve-in-Head engine, teamed with the time-proved Powerglide Automatic Transmission,* for finest no-shift driv ing at lowest cost. Or the brilliant stand ard Chevrolet Valve-in-Head engine, teamed with Silent Synchro-Mesh Trans mission. for finest standard driving at lowest cost. Come in, see and drive it! AMERICA’S LARGEST AND FINEST LOW-PRICED CAR! I f — /J 'CHEVROLETS •Combination of Ponerglide Automatic Transmission and 105-h.p. engine optional on De Luxe models at extra cost. VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY 801N U HOOF Standard Oil Products Phone 342 * A Safe Place to Trade” Your Chevrolet and G. M. Dealer Vernonia, Otcg.i