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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1951)
6 THURSDAY. JAN. 18, 1951 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE. Bowling Results Vernonia Club CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General ZLL ENAMEL wood rang?. Good condition. 575 Third Street. 3tl THREE-WAY floor lamp. Hoovei vacuum cleaner with attachments. Inquire House 54, O-A hill. StS $50 Delivers a New BALDWIN ACROSONIC io your home. Balance may be paid over a period of 3 years. For information write— OREGON MUSIC CO. 1028 S.W. Alder Portland 3i2c USED bathtub with fittings. Used windows, assorted sizes. Reasonable prices. Phone 342. It3c ERAND NEW Pacific pressure water system and 42-gal. tank. D. R. Hunt, State St. (Old Hanel residence). It3c THREE-WHEEL Cushman mo tor scooter. $350. One-half dwn. See David Berger or inquire at Jake’s Union Service. It3 , REPOSSESSED SPINET PIANO Available near Vernonia, For information, write Credit D»- périment. P. O. Box 329, Long view, Washington. 51tfc 16” OLD growth wood. $10.00 cord at place. Can deliver. Melvin Bergerson, Timber Route. 47t8 HAY AND STRAW for sale. Fair prices as to quantity and quality. Elmer Bergerson. 39tfc COAL FOR SALE. Also hauling with dump truck—sand, gravel, dirt. Phon? 1023. See D. P. Spofford, 6th Ave. 37tfc E. DON SIMMONSON registered Piano Tuning and Servicing. Member National Ass’n. Piano tuners. Contact Mrs. Fullerton, Phone 837. 31tfc FOR SALE—Insurance STATE FARM INSURANCE CO. Life — Auto — Fire Sam L. Hearing, Representative «91 Third — Phone 1062 3tfc WOMEN S LEAGUE FOR SALE—Real Estate ACRES, half cleaned, good 2- bedroom house, $6300. Would consider smaller house on trade. 2-BEDROOM house in town, $675. 3 BLOCKS from high school: Clean, roomy house with one large bedroom. $2100. 160 ACRE farm, 60 acres culti vated, 26 in oats. Large house. Approximately 200,000 ft. tim ber, considerable pulp wood. Very good soil. $13,000, very good terms to responsible party. 4-BEDROOM home, wired for range, clean. $2200 cash, $2600 terms. GOOD 3-bedroom home, modern kitchen, very attractive, on 3 acres ground, very close in. $6000, terms. Lucille Sessman, Salesman, J. M. Person, broker, phone 322. 3tlc FARMS AND ACREAGE 5 ACRES, just out of city limits. Modern 7-rm. house, good con dition. Price $6250, terms. 2 ACRES % mi. from town, 5-rn.. house, barn, garage, woodshed and fruit room. $4000 full price, good terms. 84 ACRES, 20 cultivated, all gooa level bottom land, river bor- ders one side. Small house and barn. $12,000, terms. 200 ACRES, about 20 in cultiva tion. Good 8-room house on river. $6000 full price. 2 ACRES, 6-rm. house, woodshed and garage. Pressure system ' in. 1 mi. out, $2850, good terms. 243 ACRES, 50 in cultivation, 80 acres level bottom land, mo dern 9-rm. house, 22 stanchion barn, 2-machine sheds, 35 acres seeded. $27,500, terms. This is excellent setup for stock or dairy ranch. HOMES HOME or business, just 1 block off Bridge St. Bldg, can be remodeled for home or business or both. $2009 full price, $500 will handle. VERY neat, modern 4-rm. house just redecorated, good location. $4000 full price. 4-ROOM house, 40x200 lot. $1300, $500 down. DON BAYLEY, BROKER MacDonald Hotel 3tlc I Individual high game, Mary Weise, 190; individual high series, Agnes Blount, 534; team high game. Bush Furniture, 676 and team high series, Betty's Cafe, 1915. Standings— „12 Betty’s Cafe Vernonia Drug 8 8 O-A Office ....... ... .. 7 Johnson’s Service Dessy’s ................... 6 « Rebekahs ...... ....... Bush Furniture ..... 3 V. F. W. Auxiliary 0 CITY LEAGUE I.O.O.F. 3 Sundland 1 858 855 875 797 873 827 2803 2182 Eagles 3 Lew’s 1 887 871 874 897 894 823 2655 2591 O-A 4 Dessy’s 0 850 841 897 841 926 894 2673 2576 Team Won Lo Dessy’s ....... 20 8 Lew’s .... .. ..... 16 12 Eagles 15 13 Sundland’s 14 14 I.O.O.F. 12 16 O-A ........ 7 .... 21 INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Friday night the Vernonia Rifl? team outshot the Portlana rifle team No. 5 with a score of 1400 to 1366. This was Ver nonia's highest score this season. The Portland team had met and beat every team in the sharp shooter division except Vernonia where they met their first do- feat. This was a prone-sitting-stand ing match. The Lamping boys led the way. Milton with 284 and Bernard with 281, followed by Harold Peterson, 280, Ben George, 279, and Truman Knight 276. Box Score — Vernonia Milton Lamping 284 Bernard Lamping ___ 281 Harold Peterson 280 Ben George .... 279 Truman Knight .... 276 Portland No. 5 M. w. Green _______ .... 285 C. F. Erickson ........ 275 James Moyer 270 Robert Kock _____ 269 L. S. Denton 267 The next match Friday night will be at Vernonia against Gresham. Club Chooses New Officers Trading 3 Country Club 1 861 814 878 956 861 821 2600 2591 Heath’s 4 V.F.W. 0 852 818 916 781 899 873 2667 2172 Brunsman’s 3 Mill Market 1 887 879 808 825 924 889 2619 2593 Team Won Lost Country Club 19 9 Vernonia Trading .17... 11 Brunsman’s 11 17 Mill Market 11 17 V. F. W. 11 17 Heath’s 9 19 On Wednesday night last week, after the regular practice the Vernonia Gun club held its an nual meeting and election of officers. The new officers for 1951 are: Tod Bowerman, president; Ralpn Aldrich, vice-president; J. W. Nichols, secretary-treasurer and Milton Lamping, executive offic er. The club will shoot a 30-cali- ber course this summer and in vite young men and boys to shoot it with them. They can qualify and receive army medals if they qualify. This is especially good training for those going into the armed forces. Club Shoots Army Course Tigers Tally Win Saturday Early this season the members of the Vernonia Gun club began FOR SALE—Cars, Trucks shooting a qualification course LIFE, Fire, Car and Accident order. License paid to Septem Insurance. Oregon Automobile ber 1, 1951. J. A. Wirtz, Third for the army. This course con sists of 40 shots fired as follows: Insurance Co. H. Hudson and St., Riverview. 2t3c 5 shots prone, 5 shots squatting, George Bell. 26tfc 5 shots kneeling and 5 shots LOST AND FOUND WANTED standing. In each five-shot FOUND: 2-cell flashlight. 1 pair WANTED TO BUY: Pole and string, shooters w*ere allowed glasses found on Corey hill. May piling stumpag?. Box 55, Buxton, be claimed at city hall upon five minutes. The second phase Oregon. 3t3 identification. 3t3c was rapid fire and was as fol WILL PAY TOP prices for all lows: from standing to squatting, FOUND: Tuesday afternoon, livestock. Will pick up at your small pup, looks like collie. Has 5 shots; from standing to kneel place. Grant C. Dodge, Forest long hair, brown, female. In ing, 5 shots; from standing to Grove, Rt. 2, Box 15. 50tfc quire E. D. Pierson residence, prone, 10 shots and shooters were 3tlc allowed 40 seconds for each five HIGHEST cash prices paid for Treharne. shots. cream and eggs at your door— WANDERED on my place: Three This course is shot with iron picked up once or twice weekly— yearling guernsey heifers. Have sights and under rigid rules that cal) or write Forest Grove Cream been around place two weeks. are furnished by the army under ery, Forest Grove, Oregon, phone Owner please call for. J. P. Mc the supervision of local gun club 126. 14tfc Farland, 1 mile North Vernonia officers. Twelve men have quali on Rock Creek. 3tlc fied so far and a few more will shoot later. MISCELLANEOUS Men who have qualified are: Truman Knight 334 AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY. Berry Workers 329 Misc. Sale 11:00, Livestock Sale J. W. Nichols Melvin Snook 297 1:00. Clatskanie Community Auc Work to start, weather permitting Bernard Lamping 334 tion. Quarter mile East of Clats TRANSPORTATION 303 kanie on highway 30. Phone 1600. Raymond Hartzell FURNISHED 342 28tfc Harold Peterson ___ Ralph Aldrich ...... 354 Register by Postcard to NEW, HOME LAUNDRY. Family Ben George 294 Rolling Hills Farm washing washed and dried, 15c lb. Carl Schaumburg 277 Banks, Oregon Finished at reasonable rates. Also Virgil Snook 287 curtain stretching. Mrs. E. M. Tod Bowerman ... 336 York, 108 A. St., phone 1107. Carl Davis 327 CLASSIFIED RATES 38tfc The club will shoot an out door course for 30 caliber rifles MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 SERVICES this summer and will permit words or less. Words over min non-members to fire the course if imum. 2c each. Three inser NELSON they wish. tions for the price of two. REFRIGERATION CARD of Thanks 8c Notices: 80c Commercial - Household The average American male No information on classifieds will Sales of Milk Coolers, Home be given out until after paper Freezers, Reach-in Coolers and weighs 152 pounds and is 5 feet 8 inches tall. is mailed. Walk-in Coolers WANTED NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY GUARANTEED SERVICE ON ADV. ACCEPTED AFTER ALL MAKES WED. NOON EXCEPT FOR Washing Machine Repair Service NEXT WEEK'S PAPER. Phone Hillsboro 701 THE EAGLE assumes no finan 3-29-51 cial responsibility for errors that may appear in ads pub lished in its columns, but in case where this paper is at DELUXE THRIFTY fault, will reprint that part of POSTAL SCALE an adv. in which the typo graphical mistake occurs. ’s ounce to 1 pound BLIND ads with answers to be handled by the Eagle: Minimum charge 80c. No information given relative to such ads. VERNONIA EAGLE POETRY accepted only as paid matter. Rate: 5c per type line. • Topples Leader I fishing and descended to the river bank, encountered four so called sportsmen, who were on Walker's land, without permis sion, and on arrival at the fa vored fishing hole, Mr. Walker was cooly informed that there was no room for him to fish at that spot. On proceeding to prepare to cast his tackle, he, Walker, owner of the land, was approached by one of the fisher men, and in a belligerent manner, was told, in forcible language, that if he didn’t move on, dire things were to overtake him. “Walker decided to do a little ordering on his own and inform ed the belligerent sports that being owner of the land he had com? to the conclusion that there were four too many fishermen and for them to move on and pronto, as he was boss there and for the four devotees of the cast ing rods to vamoose and do so suddenly or else. “Two more choice spots where fishermen used to try their luck now closed to fishermen. And the majority of the decent typ? fishermen continue to wonder why the property owners post their land with NO TRESPASS signs.” Forest conservation means the wis? use of the forest for the greatest good of the greatest number of people for the longest time. It does not imply stopping the harvesting of timber nor does recognize unnecessary waste. and, of course, you can continue to enjoy OLD KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY WHITE LABEL KENTUCKY WHISKEY -A BLEND YELLOW LABEL BI1A1I» Clatskanie’s up and coming Tigers edged the Logger basket ball team in a hard fought .game at Clatskanie on Saturday by a 53-46 count. Vernonia led their rivals until the closing seconds of the first half and then slipped be hind by two points. The second half found a midget guard from Clatskanie going completely point nuts as he fired in one long shot after another. It seemed that Lahti couldn’t miss the hoop as several of his shots were fired on the run from mid floor and he poured grand total of 27 points. Next home game for the Log- gers will feature the Scappoose Indians here or^ Saturday even ing. Towering Gulls Gallop to Win Seaside’s towering basketball team rolled into town Friday evening and gave their shorter Vernonia rivals a lesson in basketball. The Gulls, boasting five men on their first ten that stood taller than any Vernonian, were in charge all the way as Dick Carpenter showed local fans why he is classed among the state's better ball players. The Gulls chalked up 56 points to the Loggers’ 26. Carpenter checked in with 19 counters to dominate all scoring and was in complete control of both back- boards. The Vernonia B’s lost the open er in a close game to th? baby Gulls. THOSE ARE HAWAIIAN NOW WATCH THE FUN • ARE THEY BOYS SHOUTIN' WELCOME! I'L l throw ’ em this SILVER DOLLAR! THEY DtVE UNDER THE SHOUTING MUM? ABOUT? WATER FOR GOINS! SEE, - I I If! Note: The story below appeared in the December 21 issue of the Tillamook County News a«. Gari baldi. Very likely it has the answer to th? reason for the appearance of “No Trespassing” signs, so many of which have been posted by property owners and more of which will no doubt be posted if some sportsmen coi'.- tinue to act as they do. “NEHALEM, Or. — One of ths outstanding reasons that so-called sports fishermen are barred from trespassing, on private grounds adjoining good fishing waters, occurred during the past week at Lohman’s prime fishing hole, above Mohler on the Nehalem. “Mr. Lohman and a friend de cided to do a little fishing ana descended to the stream at his favorite spot. Much to his cha grin he and the friend wre coo’.y informed by two women angler» that there was no room for the gentlemen to cast their line in quest of the festive steelhead, It was not the fact that th? order to vacate was delivered to the property owner but in which way the ord?r was delivered. “Mr. Lohman ordered the irate females to vacate and now there is a no-trespass sign barring other anglers from fishing at the hot spot. “Another instance related a» having occurred during the past week occurred at the Walker place, also on the Nehalem and a highly prized place to angle from for the steelhead, now in the Nehalem in numbers. 'Mr. Walker decided that he would put in part of the day H ermita < ì £ MUTT AND JEFF » Why No Trespass Signs? Maybe This Story Has tl^ Answer I □ ver ; ALOHA' 45% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS I THE OLD HERMITAGE COMPANY, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY mum Winter vitamin requirements to keep a family Z H het..thy call for plenty of fresh fruits and H vegetables. You can secure these garden-fresh H produce items at King’s Market and Grocery H at a reasonable cost to your budget. Drop H M in today and give us a try H KING’S Grocery - Market "Wher« Your Money Buys More' Phone 91 H H At the Mile Bridge Riverview H B7 Bud Fisher rÂLOHA/Ji