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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1951)
LET'S BE SOCIABLE Public Installation Planned by Rainbow Assembly January 22 Mrs. Pete Brunsman was hos tess to the Deborah Circle De cember 5 when Mrs. Judd Green man, in charge of the program Natal Grangers met January 10 gave interesting Christmas read at the Natal hall. Pomona Master ings and play?d a recording of and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Walter “The Small One” by Bing Cros Tracey, of Rainier were present. by. After the business meeting, January 9 being the 25th wed ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. gifts were exchanged by the Noble Dunlap, the Lecturer hour guests and the hostess served hot was dedicated to them. The pro mince pie and coffee. Mrs. Corinne Wall was a visitor. gram included: Clyde Hender Mrs. F. M. Ruhl was hostess to son and Austin Corll singing songs for the occasion; Mrs. Tracy the group Tuesday, Jan. 9. For playing a piece; Mrs. Walter the program, Mrs. Oliver Graves Mathews, Mrs. Robert Mathews gave a lesson from nature on and Mrs. Waddell giving read the Creator’s method of discip line for growth and its application ings. A beautiful silver salt and pep to the spiritual realm of life. A request for used Christmas per set was presented to the hon ored couple. cards was heard. Mrs. A. B. Mr. and Mrs. Shalmon Libel, Sturdman, 7116 N. E. 15th Ave., newlyweds, were also present. Portland, uses these cards to Songs were dedicated to them make scrap books for ¿he state and they were presented with a tuberculosis hospital patients. nice table lamp from the Grange Anyone having such cards on members. hand can mail them direct to the A special table was decorated above address. with white candles and a three The hostess served a tasty des tiered wedding cak > decorated in sert to 13 members. Mrs. Walter white and pink with a wreath Olinger, a former member of the and tiny bride and groom. circle, was guest. Mrs. Fred Olin will entertain [ the group in February. Business Women Name 25th Wedding Date Honored at Grange The Rainbow Girls of Nehalem Assembly No. 18 will have public installation January 22 in the Masonic temple. Those to be installed are: Worthy Advisor, Claudine Gib son; Worthy Associate Advisor, Donna Aldrich; Charity, Nancy Flecher; Hope, Dolores Barrett; Faith, Patty Floaten; Drill Leader Tempie DeHart; Honorary drill leader, Betty Lou Frazee; Chap lain, Kathryn Keasey; Love, Frances Kaspar; Religion, Joy Silver; Nature, Mary Tapp; Im mortality, Lorraine Crowston; Fidelity, Nancy Bergerson; Pa triotism, Glenna Pearl; Service, Darlene Aspinall; Inner Observ er, Alice Davis; Outer Observer, Joyce Howard; Choir Director, Director, Margaret Michner; Mu sician, Joyce Jones; and Historian Laura Steers. Courtesy Girls, Faye Cook, Margaret Cook, Alice Steers, Nor ma Elliot, Beverly Cline, Harriet Heath and Mother Worthy Ad visor, Mrs. Harry Sandon. Officers for Year Baptist WMS Meets The W.M.S. of the Baptist church meet Thursday, January 11, at the home of Mrs. K. G. West. Program for the day was, ‘God is Moving—Who Can Hin der.” Next meeting will be on Thursday, January 25, at the home of Mrs. John Moore. The stomach of an average size hippopotamus is over 10 feet long. PHONE 853 The Vernonia Business Wo men’s club held its first meeting of the new year at the home of Mrs. Morsedes Proehl. The following officers were elected for the year: Julie Kanz- ler, president; Mercedes Proehl, vice-president; Elaine Valentin?, recording secretary; Irma Chance, corresponding secretary and Mar garet Brockhaus, treasurer. Plans for som? interesting meetings for the year were made. Delicious refreshments were served by th? hostess. Society to Meet The Martha Society of the Evangelical United Brethren church will meet January 24 at the home of Mrs. George Roland on Washington street at 2 p.m. NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT HANK'S PARTS HOUSE Open 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. except week ends WE CAN REPLACE THAT BROKEN AUTO GLASS FAST If you’ve got the pieces, I’ve got the parts Phone 773 — Deborahs Entertained, Hear Request for Cards New and Used Parts — Riverview FUEL FOR YOUR SPARK! Unlike oil heaters limited to the use of one or two types of fuel oil, SPARK oil heaters give clean, efficient heat with FOUR TYPES OF FUEL OIL: • No. 1 oil or kerosene (similar to the fuel used by jet planes). • No. 2 oil. • No. 3 oil. • Motor diesel oil. Last winter, for example, SPARK heaters using common motor diesel oil provided thousands of homes throughout the nation with clean, satisfying warmth! See your SPARK dealer for a demonstra tion of this versatile, years-ahead SPARK oil burning heater. venience an •'arF| Club Entertained Mrs. Ruhl was hostess to the O-A Bridge club last Thursday and Mrs. R. D. Eby held high score, Mrs. Ben Brickel second. Mrs. F. R. Olin will be hostess for Bridge club January 25. Lesson Heard At Unit Meet The Mist-Nehalem extension unit met at the home of Mrs. William Wilson on January 12 with 10 members present. Mrs. Fackel, Mrs. Bump and Mrs. Robert Wilson were guests at this meeting. Miss Betty Jane Paterson pre sented the lesson on improved home lighting. A sample house plan was used and the proper location of ceiling fixtures, floor and table lamps were shown as well as the proper location of outlets and switches. Different types of lamps, both incandescent and fluorescent were discussed as were ways of bringing old lamps up-to-date by use of new bulbs, reflectors and shades. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Fred Siegen- thaler on February 9, at which time Mrs. C. O. Hansen and Mrs. Leonard Harris will demonstrate cleaning walls, woodwork and floors. Leader Meeting Attended Sat. MIST — Mrs. Aldon Ashley ana Harold drove to St. Helens on Saturday. Mrs. Ashley attended the 4-H Leaders meeting at the John Gumm school. Harold Ashley had the mis fortune to break his arm while at high school last week. George Jones made a trip to see the dentist Friday and had his teeth extracted. The snow plough was out Sun day and Sunday night. Be sure you set your car brakes firmly when getting out of the car. Even then some times they don’t hold. A story comes to us of a well known man up river who got out at the Pittsburg service station and as he looked his car began moving rapidly across the road toward the river. The same thing happened in Bir- kenfeld to another driver. He went inside and someone said, “look, there goes your car.” It ran against Laurence Jepson's fence. capacity or l«»6er' Hand of No Use Due To Accidental Shot SPARK „..„HEATERS Sundland Electric and Appliance 786 Bridge Street Phone 581 Vernonia, MIST — Bernard Dowling was in Vernonia Tuesday on business. Mrs. Rich Banzer and Mrs. Geo. Jones spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Percy Baillett. Mrs. Arthur Siegenthaler is in California for awhile. Claud Kyser is home now from Portland. His hand is in a very useless condition, caused from the accident of a shot that shat tered his wrist. Mrs. Emma Aldridge and Mrs. | Lizzie McCauley returned to their home at Seaside after spend ing a week or more with their sister, Mrs. Libel. Mis. Graves to Act as Chairman The Vernonia extension unit met on Thursday, January 11, at the Evangelical church. During the lengthy business, the resigna tion of Mrs. Lucille Fowler was accepted and Mrs. Mamie Graves was elected as chairman. Next year’s program was dis cussed and by using the 66 method' the unit decided they would like to have the following subjects for next years lesson: Mending; home decorations (using new types of paints and wall paper); sewing short cuts; ironing (using modern irons and prepared starches). The lesson on improved home lighting was given by Miss Pat erson. She instructed the group on modern lights and also how to use to the best advantage the light and fixtures that the home maker has on hand. Next meeting will be Febru ary 8 and the lesson on cleaning walls, woodwork and floors will be given by two project leaders. Friends Express Sorrow at Loss ROCK CREEK — Mr. and Mrs. Ted Keasey are grandparents for the second time, Philip being the pround father of a boy. Car roll also has a boy, now eight months old. Friends and former neighbors of the John Brown family ex tend their sympathy to them in their recent bereavement. Patty lived for several years of her short life near Keasey. THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY. JAN. 18, IM! Road at Bluff Rocks Fall on ROCK CREEK — Big rocks are down in the road at the bluff again. Newcomers hurry by the bluff at first but before long become used to it and are callous to the danger. So far no rocks have fallen on any cars, although small ones have been heard and seen as they caine bouncing down. Johnny Counts visited his brother, Herb Counts, and family and his sister, Mrs. D. R. De- Vaney, and family. Final Rites for Niece Attended in Portland RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Brown and daughter, Joanne, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hibbs and daughter, Doris, at tended the funeral of Mr. Brown’s and Mrs. Hibbs’ little niece, Patty Brown, in Portland on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zimmer man and son, Kenneth, of Mc Minnville visited his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kipp, Sunday. Those enjoying a birthday din ner for Ed Buckner were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Serafin, Mr. and Mrs. Hank Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bond and Mr. and Mrs. Buckner and boys. Mrs. S. J. Parsons returned Sun day after spending six weeks visiting her daughters, Miss Ruth Parsons and Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Jaffarian, and daughter, Ruth Ann. Mrs. Parsons makes her home with Mrs. Alice Mills. Mr. Graham visited old neigh bors and friends recently. Bob McDonald is able to be at home again but his wife must stay in Portland to be near her doctor. Everyone who has seen the car has remarked on how fortunate they were to escape with so few injuries. Mrs. Verl DeVaney has been quite ill and spent some time in Portland with her mother while recuperating. Laundry and Dry Cleaning SPECIAL Winter coat« shortened, cleaned and pressed Only $4.95 Hats Cleaned and Blocked $1.50 BEN BRICKEL’S BARBER SHOP Oregon Laundry and Dry Cleaners Câcîléin Sfote Your ‘One-stop’ Saving Center Mist PT A Hears Report Of Het Lunch Project 12-Mo. Guarantee $ 8.95 Exch. DdllCllcS 12-M o . Guarantee $12.50 Exch. Car Chains, all sizes......................... $7.95 and up The Mist P.-T.A. meeting was held in the school house on the evening of January 11. The meeting was opened by president, Norman Hanson read Anti-rust Anti-freeze, In your container $1 GaL ing a New Year’s prayer. Mrs. Coleman Mantle Lantern............................. $10.95 Ashley reported on the hot Kerosene Heater ........................................ $10.95 lunches that are being served at Stocking Caps ....................................... All Wool the school. More volunteer cooks are needed for the hot lunches. BLANKETS — Double, 5 % Wool President Hanson announced Ladies Flannel Pajamas and Gowns that Mr. Travis will show pic Ladies and Children’s Boots tures of his travels on the even- | ing of January 20. It also was decided for the P.-T.A. to sell lunch after the pictures. Coffee and cake were served WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO, by Mrs. Henry Wilson and Mrs. V CI.1FF WHITE PHONE 1271 VERNONIA, Max Oblack: The next P.-T.A. meeting will be February 8. PRESTONE - - - Quarts & Gallons $ A merica ' s largest and finest low - priced car ! h has that longer, lower, wider big-car look! Here’s America’s largest and finest low- priced car—the newest of all new auto mobiles—as trustworthy as it is thrifty to buy. operate and maintain. New with that longer, lower, wider big-car look! New in its strikingly smarter Fisher Body styling and beautifully tai lored Modern-Mode interiors! New in safety, new in steering ease, new in fea ture after feature! Moreover, it's thoroughly proved in all things, from the finer no-shift driving of its Powerglide Automatic Transmis sion,* or the finer standard driving of its Synchro-Mesh Transmission to the fleet, frugal performance of its Valve-in-Head engine. . Come in — see and drive A merica’s largest and finest low-priced car—Chev rolet for '51—the only car that brings you so many big-car advantages at such low cost! NEW AMERICAN BEAUTY DESIGN • NEW AMERICA-PREFERRED BODIES BY FISHER NEW MODERN-MODE INTERIORS • NEW MORE POWERFUL JUMBO-DRUM BRAKES NEW SAFETY-SIGHT INSTRUMENT PANEL • NEW IMPROVED CENTER-POINT STEERING PLUS TIME-PROVED POWIRGW. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION »Combination of Powerslide automatic trantmitrion and IOS-h.p. engine optional on De Luxe modelt at extra cost. CHEVROLET VERNONIA Standard Oil Products Phone 342 3 AUTO COMPANY * A Safe Plsce to Trade” Your Chevrolet and G. M. Dealer Vernonia, Oregc i