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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1950)
»9 THURSDAY, SEPT. 7, »950 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General AUTOMATIC Bendix $68. Mrs. R. D. Eby. WANTED See 36tl SWEET CORN 25c doz., $1.75 sack; Tomatoes 5c lb.; Sw.'tet >Teen p?ppers 8c lb.; Green '»tans 6c lb. or $1.50 bu.; Wax ewans 4c lb. $1.00 bu.; Cucumbers -4r Jb., $1.60 bu.; Delicious squash :3r lb. Tomatoes will sell for $1 »5 bu. in several weeks. I can <i< liver to Vernonia if several -allies could get together on an «onfcr of at least $25. Jaross «County Gardens, Rt. 3, Box 207 Hillsboro. Halfway between N. Plains and Hillsboro on N. Plains read off Sunset highway. Phone 24F1S. 36t2 AUCTION: Every Wednesday; “urniture and mis. sale at 11, •rvestock auction at 1:30. You ¡ray consign, or we will buy out- '•»ght. Auction Mart, Walt Alt- . nan. Auctioneer. I sell auctions ■ nf any kind, any place. Satis faction guaranteed. Phone or -write for rantes and dates, iforest Grove, Phone 16215 IStfc IE. DON SIMMONSON registered T*«ano Tuning and Servicing. .Member National Ass’n. Piano rtuners. Contact Mrs. Fullerton, IPhone 837. 31tfc ' TWO Underwood typewriters re count and in excellent condition1. 'Priced at $37.50 and $51.50. Also typewriter, for rent. Inquire at Eagle office. ' 35tfc ATTENTION fishermen! Get '«our bait at Goodburns. Night -crawlers and crawfish. First house on left across Mile bridge :at Treharne. 35tfc FOR SALE—Cars, Trucks ’ 4i. ¡DODGE 2-dr. sedan. Perfect See Darrel Rose, Bush Furniture. 34t3 USED CARS: ’36 Dodge sedan, .'•*245; ’39 Olds coupe, $100. ’36 <Chev. sedan, $165. ’41 Ford with "46 £S>0 HP motor, as is, $150. ¡Model A, $120. Greeswood Mo tors, phone 1121, Vernonia. 36tlc FOR SALE—Insurance STATE FARM automobile and i it»? insurance co’s. Sam L. Hear- sng, Sr., 891 Third Street, last ‘»Ouse on street north of bakery. IPhone 1062. lltfc tLlFE, Fire, Car and Accident Bnaurance. Oregon Automobile Knsuranee Co. 11. Hudson and <cseor'gt> Bell. 26tfc FOR SALE—Livestock ■SADDLE mare and colt. One «luarter-horse stallion. Both are Xerdle for children and women. Hull ideal hunting horses. R. H. Meyer, Timber Rt., 7 miles iron town by steel bridge. 36t3 FOR SALE—Real Estate ■4-RM. house furnished. 924 2nd Av.-. $2850.00. W. E. Jones, Jr. 35t3 PLACE FOR SALE: house fur nished, 3t-i acres, garden spot, <*4ec. lights and city water. 144 mi out of town on Stoney Point ros.d. Inquire Walter C. Kelly, Stc-ey Point road. 35t3 FARMS ■ ACRE, 4-rm. modern house 1 rr.i. out. $600 down. $3975 full price. ACRE. 4-rm. modern house. $2250 full price. Good terms. 720 ACRES. One 6-rm. and one •4-rm. house, barn, chick, house and wood shed on river. $12,- 000.00. Terms. 5 ACRES, 6-rm. house and chick, house. 5 mi. out Vernonia on p«:ved road. $3500, terms. 5 ACRES, 4-rm. mod. house 1 mi. Cut. $3850. Terms. HOMES 5-ROOMS modem, $2000, terms. ft-ROOM modern house, 2 lots cose in. $3750, terms. 4 ROOMS, modern. $1000 cash. $ 250 terms. 4 WK5MS. modern, $2700, terms. 4 ROOMS almost new. Unfin ished. $2750, good terms. VERY neat 2-bedroom house, c.nier lot. $3500, terms. 3-ROOM house, garage, 2 lots. -$:500. $700 down. SEE DON BAYLEY. BROKER MacDona’d Hotel _________________________ 36tlc LOST AND FOUND FOUND: Key ring with five keys including pass k -y. Owner claim nt Eagle office, pay for this ad 36ttc NEED MAN OR BOY TO chop wood, clean yard and chim ney. Mrs. Cloyd Jess, Sixth St., Riverview. 36tlc WORK by the hour or day. Baby sitting, washing or ironing. Write P.O. Box 68 or call at Eagle office. 36tl WANTED: Fir and Cedar poles all sizes. Quote prices f.o.b. shipping point, earliest shipment. Niedermeyer-Martin Co., Spald ing Bldg., Portland, Ore. 30t7c HAULING with dump truck— sand, gravel and dirt. • Phone 1023 or see D. P. Spofford, 6th Ave., Corey hill. 16tfc HIGHEST cash prices paid for .■ream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery, Forest Grove, Oregon, phone 126. 14tfc BOYS to set pins. Call bowling alleys’ phone 291. 35t3c WANTED: Douglas Fir and Ce dar Poles, all sizes. Advise prices f.o.b. shipping point, earliest ship ment. Niedermeyer-Martin Co., Spalding Bldg., Portland 4, Ore. Phone ATwater 4341. 35t7c MISCELLANEOUS AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY. Misc. Sale 11:00, Livestock Sale 1:00. Clatskanie Community Auc tion. Quarter mile East of Clats kanie on highway 30. Phone 1600. 28tfc NEW, HOME LAUNDRY. Family washing washed and dried, 15c lb. Finished at reasonable rates. Also curtain stretching. Mrs. E. M. York, 108 A. St., phone 1107. 38tfc WILL CARE for your children in my home day or night. First place west Pittsburgh Guard Sta tion. Violet Hamer. 28tfc ATTENTION. EVERYBODY: There will be a club meeting every Friday at 8 p.m. at Town send hall, corner of Maple and Weed. Come in and get acquaint ed. Good time for all. 35t3c FOR SALE OR TRADE CUSTOM MADE rifle. Bishop stock with cheek piece. Cal. 257. Roberts. Cost $175, price $100. Used one season. C & C Cafe. __________________________ 36tlc Report to Sportsmen Fishing over Labor day week end was reported good in most places with several limit catches of bluebacks along the Nehalem at and below the mouth of the Sa’monbcrry. Rock creek is still yielding some nice fish, but not in any large amounts. The bluebacks are taking flies, mostly mosqui toes, but a few are taking worms and spinners. Clatskanie sloughs have been reported rather good for bass, fair for crappie and fair for cat fish. Yellow perch have been exceptionally good. They have been taking worms most of the time. Blueback fishing has been re ported good at the mouth of the Nehalem and a few salmon have been taken there. Colonel Tells Accident Cause In a recent letter received by Mr. and Mrs. William Falconer from Colonel H. R. Spicer of the Williams Air Force base at Chan dler, Arizona, they learned the circumstances surrounding the death of their son, Robert. The letter said: “Robert and another airman, Staff Sergeant Chester G. Green, also from the 3529th Maintenance Squadron, were riding in the lat ter’s 1946 Ford sedan eastbound on Highways 60, 70 and 80 out of Mesa, Arizona. Sergeant Green was driving, with Robert in the right front seat, and states that he fell asleep approximately eighteen miles east of Mesa. The car went off the road, onto the right shoulder, where it knocked over three wooden safety posts and then struck a concrete abut ment of a small bridge. The right side of the automobile suffered the majority of damage. “An ambulance from Superior, Arizona, was called and brought both men to our station hospital. However, Robert suffered serious internal wounds and died in the ambulance while enroute to the hospital. The first regular air mail ser vice in the U. S. began May 15, 1918 from Washington to New York City. Legal Notices ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR RENT____________ Sealed bids will be received by HOUSE for rent for two people. the City Recorder at the City See Mrs. R. D. Eby. 36tl Hall, Vernonia, Oregon, until 8:00 P.M. P.D.S.T., September 18, for 4-BEDROOM house for rent. constructing— i Near mill. $45. Contact Mrs. Concrete retaining wall (approxi Lucille D. Sessman, phone 322. mately 6 ft. high) and wading __________________________ 36tlc pool on Rock Creek. The bids will then and there CLASSIFIED RATES be publicly opened and read MINIMUM charge 35c for 25 aloud. Bids received after the «ords or less. Words over min time fixed for the opening will imum, 2c each. Three inser not be considered. Specifications and forms of tions for the price of two. CARD of Thanks & Notices: 75c contract documents may be ex No information on classifieds will amined at the office of the City be given out until after paper Recorder, Vernonia, Oregon and at the Engineer’s office, N. W. is mailed. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY Haner and Associates, Education A l> V . ACCEPTED AFTER Center Building, 220 S.W. Alder WED. NOON EXCEPT FOR Street, Portland, Oregon after September 11, 1950. Bidding NEXT WEEK’S PAPER. BLIND ads with answers to be papers may be obtained from handled by The Eagle: Minimum either of the above upon deposit charge 75c. No information of $10.00, which will be returned upon return of papers within 10 given relative to such ads. TI1E EAGLE assumes no finan days after the bidding date. Each bid shall be accompanied cial responsibility for errors that may appear in ads publish by a certified check, cashier’s ed in its columns, hut in cases check, or bid bond (with author where this paper is at fault, ized surety company as surety) will reprint that part of an made payable to the City of adv. in which-the typographical Vernonia in an amount not less than 5% of the amount of the mistake occurs. CREDIT ADDS, 10c EXTRA FOR bid. No bidder may withdraw his BILLING. POETRY accepted only as paid bid after the hour set for the matter. Rate: 5c per type line. opening thereof or before award of contract, unless said award is delayed for a period exceed LEGAL NOTICE ing 30 days. NOTICE OF FINAL By order of the Mayor and SETTLEMENT Council. City of Vernonia. Ore NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN gon. that the undersigned has filed his Albert Childs. final account in the Estate of City Recorder Luther J. Choate, deceased, in Publication: Sept. 7. II. 1950 the County Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County, and ADVERTISEMENT FOR B'DS the Court has fixed Friday, the Sealed bids will be received 22nd day of September, 1950 at by the city recorder at the city the hour of 10:30 am. in the hall until 8:00 p.m. Monday. Court Room of the said Court as September 18, 1950 to change the time and place for hearing of the course of Pebble creek at the objections thereto and the settle city dump. ment therof. Specifications of the work to Neal W. Bush be done can be obtained at the M. G. Hieber, Attorneys city hall. Lather L. Choate Albert Childs Administrator 34t5c Recorder 36t2c Holiday Week End Spent Visiting Here RIVERVIEW — Ronald, Duane, Teddy, Janet and Maxine Snook of Salem spent the week end visiting their cousin, Virgil Snook and family. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sorlee ot Portland spent the long week end with their respective parents, Mr. and Mrs. Olof Sorlee, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmidlin, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ulmer of Meridian, Idaho and Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bell of Eugene spent Labor Day at the home of Mrs. Blanche Millis. Mrs. Ulmer is Mrs. Millis’ sister and Mr. Bell, her brother. Mr. and Mrs. George B. McLoed of San Francisco and Harry Pat ton of Portland visited at the F. R. Olin home on Wednesday. Mr. McLoed is president of the Hammond Lumber company. Mr. Olin worked for that company many years. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fowler and sons, Harold and Delbert, spent the week end visiting his sister at Roseburg and his brother at Grants Pass. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Carlson of Neotsu, Oregon spent Saturday here caring for their property. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Beeler, Mrs. Thelma Henderson and Mrs. Leo Beeler and children of St. Helens visited at the Frank Serafin homo Sunday. Timber School Starts Term TIMBER — Mr. John Bino spent the week end at Foss at the home of her sistor-in-law. Timber grade school started September 5. The faculty in cludes principal Robert Warner, Forest Grove; Mrs. D. Spaatz, Timber; and Mrs. A. Harkson, Timber. Mr. Warner is teaching his first year at Timber. He will make his home in Forest Grove and drive to school. Mr. and Mrs. George Ranch of Wenatchee spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Ranch’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Ahlson. Mr. and Mrs. Donald O’Brien and son left Friday for Los Angqjes where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Noah and son, Danny, spent Sunday at Balm Grove picnicking with Mr. and Mrs. Al Roe and son, Tom my- from Glenwood. Long Car Trip Ended Sept. 3 Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Douglass re turned here last Sunday, Sept ember 3, from an automobile trip that took them to Iowa and Ne braska where they visited rela tives they had not seen for many years. The trip took them through nine states and was mad? with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Eckman and two children who live at Fresno, California. They left here August 18 and visited Mr. Douglass' son at Omaha, his sister at Kearney, Nebraska and her sister at Min den, Nebraska. During the trip they spent a day at Yellowstone National Park as one of the points of interest. America’s first newspaper was established in 104. Farewell Party at Timber Home Enjoyed TIMBER — A farwell party was given by Mrs. Elizabeth Tol son and Mrs. Willis Nyberg honoring Mrs. J. L. Johnson at the Nyberg home Thursday even ing. The Johnson's are moving to Roseburg. Those attending were: Mesdames S. A. Fretwell, H. L. Ahlson, C. R. Brown, L. E. Tate, E. C. Olmstead, W. Lolley, J. Andrews, L. S. McCarty and D. A. Middleton. Mrs. Johnson was presented with two pairs of sheets. Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown spent their vacation fishing at Siletz. John Dunn is spending a few days with his son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dunn, at Pacific City. KEEP OREGON GREEN The Wise Owl Knows the Store What— has a fresh slock of garden fresh produce, fresh meats, and complete stock of canned goods for the most discriminat ing food shopper. That Are Important We carry a complete Line of Office Supplies Where— PENS — PENCILS RULERS — ERASERS The shopper always goes away satisfied that he has his money's worth in food dollars. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Now— PAPER — CARBON INK — PASTE shop Mill Market and become one of the many satisfied cus tomers. Rubber Stamps Made-To-Order MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS Remember—. DELIVERIES TWICE DAILY: 10 a.m - 3 p.m. PHONE 1391 The Vernonia Eagle Clear Vision Means Better Work . . . and a mush happier person when you can see without having to squint and read without getting those bothersome headaches. Come in today for a check-up to see if you need glasses. ¡ DR. C. A. PLUMSTEAD — Optometrist Phone 445 Hillsboro 233 E. Baseline For Further Information Inquire at Ku.lander’s Jewelry Store “You Can’t Be Optomistic if You Have Misty Optics ” fiaemewf 4 from where I sit... fy Joe Marsh Squint's Drumming For Fair Play! Squint Miller’s mighty proud of the lot he owns that fronts on River Road—one of the prettiest spots around here. out there,” he says, “with a big sign reading: ‘If you must dump trash—use these — I like to keep my property clean! ’ ” He’s been in a stew about it lately, though. Seems that trash dumpers take one look at his prop erty, stop their car or truck, and out goes a load of rubbish, spilling all over his place and the roadside, too. Wouldn’t that make you mad? From where I sit. Squint’s sign should make any would-be roadside trash-dumpers pretty darned ashamed of themselves. Now and then some folks just have to be re minded that they ought to have as much regard for their neighbors' rights as they do for their own. Last night Squint dropped by the house. Over a friendly glass of beer, he tells me what he’s done. “ I put a couple of empty oil drums Copyright, I9Ô0. United Slam Bieweri Foundation good / year Super-Cushion Tires It's Natures Most Perfect Food! Milk contains most of the nutritional substances needed by growing children. Each child should consume at least a quart per day. NEHALEM DAIRY PRODUCTS (0. Grade A Pasteurized Milk & Cream PHONE 471 and enjoy a new riding thrill! Heath’s Service Station Phone 5711