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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1950)
the old man on THE HILL SA YS— Yesterdays FIVE YEARS AGO From The Eagle. Sept. 6, 1945 Fall Touches the Air There is a touch of fall in the air this morning. Not only do I sense it. The birds seem, to be thinking along the same lines. Swallows are sitting in long rows along the telephone wires; blue jays are picking up the hazelnuts; young robins are gourging themselves upon fruit and worms—building up their strength and endurance for their long flight southwards; sparrows are busy eating the fallen ripe seeds and wrens, juncos and fly catchers are feeding at the base of the flower bushes, picking the callen seeds. Plants and bushes, vine maple and other trees are making ready for the coming fall. Leaves are taking on the colors of the sun— The real goodness of our American way of life stems from a gracious spirit of tolerance, moderation and good fellowship. Light beer is the beverage of moderation. Enjoy — dipping into the color barrel that fall so graciously provides, know ing full well the many tree people will help themselves in their untidy way by splash.Y.g and dripping its many colors along the hillsides and valleys and touching all plant life till its colors are exhausted. What a picture this topsy-tur- vey method produces—not mo dern in any way, not impres sionistic in any way. It makes the artist grieve that his brush cannot capture all the beauties of nature and transfer them to his canvas. Summer is almost gone. Soon will come the grey rain and then the frosts. Mother Nature is teliing her children to prepare for the rigors of winter. The pine squirrel that lives in the old fir tree is building up his store of food for winter. He was so busy shucking the seeds from the fir cones that he hardly took out Hme to scold as I went by his tree this mornin«'. The cotton tail rabbit that lives under the wild blackberry bush is so fat that he waddles as ’he scurries to his sanctuary. The old doe that lives in the swale beyond the lower pasture has donned a new raiment; she has changed the rusty, red coat she wore all summer for a new one, blue-grey it is, with just a hint of brown. Very natty she looks in her new ensemble, but I wish she would keep out of my strawberry patch. Yes, fall seems to have touched th"1 air, just as though the leaf of a book had been turned from one page to another. Fall is in the air. Can’t you notice it? Can’t you smell it? Another addition to the West Oregon Electric system was con sidered last week when people residing at Chapman and on the east fork of the Nehalem met to hear Manager J. W. Nichols and County Agent, George Nelson ex plain details. A state policeman and three deputy sheriffs arrested Robert Brockman here last Wednesday when he stopped at the Vernonia Service Station and he has been returned to the state penitentiary from which he escaped in March. He has been living near Treharne. Thirty-five suits have already been issued for early season foot ball practice, that being the turn out this week. An increase to over 40 can be expect d after Monday. September 15 will be the last day of the issuance of home can ning sugar, local food rationing executives for the OPA mention ed this week. TEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle, Sept. 6. 1940 The third successful Vernonia Host Days celebration came to an end Monday evening when the Vernonia firemen concluded the scheduled series of events had provided entertainment for spec tators. Opening of old age assistance rolls recently has resulted in 65 new applicants at the St. Helens office, Mrs. Eva Tice, county ad ministrator, said this week. In vestigation of these 65 will pro bably result in about 50 per cent of them being placed on the rolls starting October 1. Plans for a bigger and better Eagle’s Day celebration were being whipped into shape this week by the various committee groups of the Fraternal Order of Eagles. First day enrollment figures of students entering ths Washington and Lincoln grade schools totaled 479 it was revealed Tuesday by E. H. Condit, superintendent. That figure is considerable over the first day enrollment last year when the number was 412. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle, Sept. 6. 1935 Loel Roberts will move his insurance office the first of next week into the Van Alstine build ing on Bridge street near third. The Timberline, publication of the high school student body, is to appear this y-ar as a mimeo graph sheet, according to plans that are being formulated. The Timberline has formerly appeared as a section of the Vernonia Eagle. The Joy Theater is now pre senting shows every night instead of the four nights per week EAGLE, THE schedule formerly in effect. Up to yesterday afternoon 314 had enrolled in the grade school as compared wirth 365 a year ago. • Eight first prizes and seven econd prizes were won by J. W. Brown’s Rhode Island reds at the County fair in Hillsboro last week. Picnic Enjoyed by Large Group Thurs. TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. Hulan Thacker, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker and Mildred Mr. and Mrs. Lester Galloway and Tamara, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby New, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fal coner and Mary, Mr. and Mrs Carl Wienecke, Mr. and Mrs Royce Newton and Darlene and Mr. and,Mrs. Cecil Johnson and Mrs. Betty Smith, Freddy and Terry picnicked by the river Thursday evening, the occasion was Mrs. Johnson’s birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Wienecke and family arrived Friday night to visit with his parents, the Carl Wieneckes. Their daugh ter Laura Lee returned home with them Monday. She had visited her grandparents the last three weeks. Bill Wienecke of North Plains visited his brother, Carl, Sunday. Arnold Wienecke and wife visited his brother, Carl, around- THURSDAY, SEPT. 7, 1950 VERNONIA. ORE. Labor Day. Mr. and Mrs. Lin Reynolds anif Mike motored to Beaverton Sat urday night. They motored to Portland Thursday evening ot* business. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Stantom. Minnie John and Michael Haines; who is a great grandson of the Stantons, and Mrs. John visited the A. R. Stantons Sunday. Mrs. Ione Justice, Mrs. Elma Mills and Mae Mellinger called at the Stanton home Friday. The Vernonia Eagle Marvin Kamholz Editor and Publisher Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon Entered as second class mail matter, August 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernonia, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price, $2.50 yearly. '' newspaper . PUBLISHERS ^ASSOCIATION SAFEWAY'S Made fresh daily from tender, fine-flavored meat, low in fat content. TOPS in quality! It won’t cook away in the pan. All we ask is that you COM- PARE this fine ground beef with any other. We GUARAN TEE you’ll like it! Swed'sh Meot Bolls S I L LD 59 Cut from genuine round steak or sirloin tip. No heels. PHONE 853 Swiss Steak............... lb. 95' Scotch Cosserole Doled bee* Potties • It's the Water NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT ,U. s. Govt. Graded Beef—»well trimmed. 4 new ground beef Rump Roast.............. lb. 35' recipes — with menu suggestion* Truly superior in every way. Really delicious! Don't miss these easy ways to dress up thrifty ground beef-featured in tile big interest packed September ASTHMA? Pork Sausage............ lb. 55' Short shanked. A wonderful value. MAGAZINf NOW ON SALE NEW METHOD GIVES Smoked Picnics.. INSTANT HELP! Say ten« ot thousands who have ex perienced the miraculous effect and relief from ASTHMA symptoms BREATHEASY has given. Try BREATHEASY Nebulizing Method on a money back arrangement that leaves no room for doubt. You are the Judge—you must be satisfied. No matter how many years you have suffered — no matter if you have ••tried them all -—BREATHEASY must work or It costs you nothing. Don't wait ... Try BREATHEASY today! Vernonia Drug Co. Del Monte Peas Spaghetti Gerber'i or Heim Baby Food —er IMormollo« frem intATHSASV DIS TRIBUTORS, I m .. SeoHle 1, W<nki«,tee. Fig Bars ANSWER.... QUICK WHERE ARE THEY? — — — — — ._ YOUR U. - WAR AND SAVINGS BONDS? YOUR INSURANCE POLICIES? THE DEED TO YOUR HOME? YOUR CONTRACTS OR BUSINESS PAPERS? THE TITLE TO YOUR CAR? YOUR JEWELRY, KEEPSAKES. HEIRLOOMS? If y^ur home were burning, you'd have lo answer ALL these questions in a FLASH. The best answer at ANY time is "SAFE in me SAFE DEPOSIT BOX." The cost? Less than you pay for your daily newspaper. Stop in and let us tell you all about it. • Vemonia Branch Commercial Bank of Oregon Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Quality Franco-American with tomato sauce 3 Reg. Cans I0C No. 303 Reg. Cans 2 97c LL 23e c”; 89c ABC—white or whole wheat. A wholesome treat! 1'/4-lb. Pkg. 12-OI. Peanut Butter Beverly Brand... . . Jar 29c Real IVi-lb 49c Peanut Butter Roast. .... . . Jar Lunch 32-ox. Sandwich Spread Box. . .Jar 49c No. Vi Tuna Fish .Can 27‘ Fine for tali Ì Cherub Milk Babies. . .............. cans 25e Extra 1-lb. : »-lb- sin Edwards Coffee Rich Tin 87‘ Tie I Fresh 1-lb. : î-ib. sits Nob Hill Coffee Ground Bag 82c Bag I Mild and 1-lb. : 2-ib. H57 Airway Coffee Mellow Bag 79c Bag I 1-lb. lVj-lb. OAc Mrs. Wright’s Bread oai 14cl loaf ¿V Finest ïS-lb. SOOS Kitchen Craft Flour Quality Bag L Extra 50-lb. SQ98 Kitchen Craft Flour Savings Bag 0 All-Vegetable Spry Shortening Shortening 37. 95‘ Rinso Soap Powder. 3T 23-oz. White Magic Soap... Pkg. Vel Detergent Mar-Vel-evs.. ’A,” 3V Surf Detergent 3r Unit Starch Leaaderlng...... 13e 29‘ Safeway Features Govt. Graded Beef T-Bone Steaks „ I” Sirloin Steaks Trimmed. ... lb. 1 Rump Roast ..... lb. 85c Rib Roast lb. 89c Short Ribs 35c Fancy Bacon, 59c Std. Bacon ^r/Xl.Jb. 53c Fryers.... ..... lb. 79c Hen Tprkeys lb. 59c LOOK WHAT Your Choice of SAFEWAY Sunsweet Prune Juice, Heinz Tomato Soup, Kippered Snacks, Pork & Beans, Kid ney Beans, Butter Beans, Chili Beans, Diced Beets, Sauer kraut, Peas, Hominy or Spa ghetti. Real values! Ready for Home Canning T* 1 Rio'Osos or 1 Pcdchcs Hales LB. 1«? Pears » y .‘, h X m ...25' Prunes „14 Grapes Oranges WHITE SATIN SUGAR 100-lb $8.98 2-ib. 29c v.S. ib. ioc SURE JELL PECTIN 3-Pkgs. 2Sc CERTO 2-Bottle* 39c Potatoes 2’» 50-lb. 85c ■ $039 O Lug $098 28 1b. Box $| 29 12 lb. Flat A Other Produce Section Values , Cucumbers <£:' ib. 9c 3-Pkgi. 29c I AT SAFEWAY NOW! I MCP PECTIN lb. 49' ..........All Celery Crisp and While.... lb. 13c Com Lettuce Tender Golden.... Ib. Crisp $alid........... 8c lb. 7c Potatoes 1’ b 25-1 b. 89c fritti tfftttlvt tbeoagk Snlerdny. itfttmbtr 9 SAFEWAY