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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1950)
Mrs. Stubbs Honored At Birthday Party Let’s Be Sociable Shower Surprises Native of Sweden A stork shower was held at the home of Mrs. Glen Hawkins Thursday for Mrs. Ralph Scarby, a native of Sweden. The cake for the occasion was decorated by Janet Peterson; the decora tion was a stork hovering over a red Swedish house. The shower was a complete surprise to the honor guest as nothing like it is ever held in Sweden. Those pre sent were: Mrs. Frank Serafin and son, Mrs. E. C. Buckner, Mrs. Clyde May, Mrs. Newell Wood and grandson, Mrs. Cass Berger- son. Mrs. Earl Atkins sent a gift. Mrs. Scarby received many beautiful gifts. Mrs. Julius Stubbs was the guest of honor at a birthday party given at her home Tues day by Mrs. Ben Brickel. Guests present for the affair were Mrs. Jack Wall, Mrs. Olive Powell, Mrs. Bert Hawkins and Mrs. R. A. Simmons. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. Tea to Honor Sislers An at-home tea honoring Rev. and Mrs. Paul J. Sisler and son is planned at their home Sunday, September 10 from 2:30 to 5 p.m. Members of the church and friends are cordially invited. 2 New Families Live Here Now Convention of Legion, Auxiliary Attended RIVERVIEW — Nancy and Roberta Lloyd spent a. couple c-f days last week visiting at the home of their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Poole, at Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mitchell and Mrs. Albert Schalock went to Grants Pass Monday to attend the Amerincan Legion and Aur- iliary convention. Mrs. Earl H. Clark and children of Oakridge are visiting at the Lloyd Callister home for a week. Herbert Cambs and Hazel Doner of Portland spent Labor Day at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Hillyer. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Laymance of Pateros, Washington visited his sister and family, the Ralph Mc Kees, recently. The Laymances were on their honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sjoberg and family of Portland spent the week at the Ralph McKee ho" . Lee Davis and son, Ro bert of Neotsu, are staying with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ben Davis. RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Santo, Jr., and baby and Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Miles, Jr., RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. and baby from Albany have Claude Shaw are the parents of moved into the Wm. Tyack a girl, Linda Kay, born August house on 7th Street. The men 28. She weighs eight pounds. work for the S. P. & S. railroad. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McCool Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Kirtland are the parents of a girl born and daughter, Karen, are living September 1. She has been in the Smith house, near 8th named Roberta Louise and Street while their house, wheih weighs 71* pounds. was damaged by fire is being Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Cook are repaired. ATHLETES FOOT ITCH the parents of a girl born Sept Mrs. Helen Rancor and Mrs. NOT HARD TO KILL. ember 1. She weighs 6’4 pounds Irene Happy of Portland and IN ONE HOUR. If not pleased, your 40 back at and is named Shelby Ann. She Mr. and Mrs. Mike Stolen of any drug store. T-4-L, a STRONG was born at the Lloyd Maternity Forest Grove spent the week end fungicide, contains 90 ner cent alcohol. IT P E N E T R A T E S . home which opened September 1 at the Tom Magoff home. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Galloway Reaches MORE germs to KILL after being closed for two the itch Today at Nances months. and granddaughter, Marilyn, spent Sunday visiting his sister and family, Mr. and Mrsl B. S. Sweet Home Family Golden, at Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Severn Visits at Treharne and children and Mrs. Carl Biggs TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. and son of Longview spent Sun day evening visiting Mr. and Everett Reynolds cf Sweet Home were up Friday anc stayed over Mrs. Jim Bond. Mrs. Mabel Mills and grand night with Mr. an 1 Mrs. Don son, Ray Denny Hough, left Sat Reynolds. Don, Forrest and K?nneth Rey urday for their home at Los Angeles. They were accompanied nolds made a business trip to Snug Arch Fit... as far as Portland by her mother, Hillsboro Thursday. Forest Reynolds, George and Mrs. Artie Buckner, who spent "LACE-TO-TOE” CHAMPION th? night with her son and Velma Snyder went to the Hot daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rod races Monday with Mr. and Walt Buckner, who brought her Mrs. Don Reynolds. Mrs. Betty Smith, the former home and remained until Mon Betty Thacker and sons, Freddy day afternoon. and Terry, are visiting relatives. Three Births Recorded In Past Few Days MILLER’S The Friendly Store where Quality Costs No More Man Improves After Injury Just pull the laces to adjust tliis •hoe the way it’s most comfort able on your foot. It also boasts the famous Keds shockproof arch cushion and insole, a sure footed crepe outsole. Pull-proof eyelets. Washable. White. '.'Ivds Sfa Women’s Sizes. Score in Floor-Grin ( AGEK RIVERVIEW — Ben Davis, who was injured at Roseburg recently, is improving slowly and hopes to be home in about six weeks. He is in the Physicians and Surgeons hospital in Portland. Mrs. Frank De Witt of Washta, Iowa and Mrs. Alice Noble ot Beaverton are visiting at the Shirley Kirtland home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schalock drove to Walkon, Washington to visit his father on Tuesday. Mrs. Schalock’s son, Leonard Wilhelm, wen with them as far as Uma tilla, from there he went to Lincoln, Nebraska to stay with his grandmother. The Scha- locks returned on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Winkle of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Mancel Lee Rose of Eugene spent the week end at the Bud Rose home. Jackie Greenwood went home with the Mancel "Lee Roses for a week. Margaret Wells spent the week end visiting her aunt and uncle. Dr. and Mrs. Wm. N. Shearer, at Multnomah. Mrs. Pete Krause of Hillsboro is visiting at the home of her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Roediger. I THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY, SEPT. 7, 195« 2 Reception Planned For Mist Teachers Mild Fishing Luck Encountered at Coast MIST — The Mist Helping Circle met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Austin Dowling. There was a good attendance and the hostess servec a chicken dinner with added pot luck. After dinner the busines< meeting took up and among the business of the day the Circle decided to give a reception for the teachers, Mr. and Mrs. Snyder. The affair will be given in the Mist gym on September 7 at 8 p.m. and every one is invited. A short but good program is promised by those in charge, Mrs. Geo. Jones and Mrs. Austin Dowling. A friendly get- to-gether will take place, then a sociable cup of coffee and cake will be served. There are no charges. Recent visitors of Mrs. Ella Roeser include Mrs. Charles Han sen, Mrs. L. P. Wikstrom, Mrs. Joe Roeser and Butch and Kathy, Mrs. Earl Atkins and grand daughter and nephew and Mrs. Allen Ray and daughters. TREHARNE — C. E. Pierson was on vacation the past week He visited with his daughter and family in Portland for a flew days and went fishing on the coast twice, with mild luck! Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fetersen motored to the beach Sunday with their son, J. F. Petersen, and family. Leslie Petersen and family of Coos Bay visited last week end with his parents, the Martin Petersens. Electrolux Open 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. except week ends WE CAN REPLACE THAT BROKEN AUTO GLASS FAST If you’ve got the pieces, I’ve got the parts Phone 773 — New and Used Parts — Riverview DANCE Rohl's Orchestra Sat., Sept. 9 ANDREW A. KARP St. Helens Hotel St. Helens, Oregon Also MacDonald Hotel Vernonia, Oregon DON BAYLEY, Agen* McDonald Hotel HANK'S PARTS HOUSE For Sales and Service For Cleaner and Air Purifier Call Former Policy Holders Invited to See Me for Ile-Instatemeat Birkenfeld Gym Adm. $i.00 Person — 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. ST Closing Out at the , , Ice hockey is at least 200 years old. Brous Shop Special gripping sole allows fast footwork for basketball players. Shockproof arch cushion end in sole. Scientific foot-fitting last for comfort. Pull-proof eyelets. Full breathing upper and cash able for a long career. Black. Men’s and boys’. ¿Knk Day's College Cords For Men, Big Boy* and Little Boy* Springfoot Sport Sox For Scho:|\ Boy* and Men School Sweaters For Everyone. All size* and age* COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR MEN’S AND BOY’S JACKETS starting WHY DIDN’T SOME BODY TELL ME? That’* the “day after the disaster” roar of the teliow with no insurance or too little. He’s been hurt cially, finan Spare YOURSELF from laryngitis and from finan cial loss too. Make sure you have adequate insur ance for your home, busi ness, car and other posses sions NOW. VERNONIA INSURANCE Bill J. Horn, Agent 90S Bridge Street Phone 23 L Vernonia Fri., Sept. 8 so% Off on all merchandise including our Christmas stock Sale will continue until all merchandise is sold. Don’t fail to take advantage of the many money-saving buy* you will find during our sale.