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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1950)
2 THURSDAY, SEPT. 7, 1950 THE EAGLD. VERNONIA. ORE. TOPICS OF THE TOWN Gerry Haskett and two friends. Howard Means and Don Hoffman, of Oregon City left Sunday morn ing for Minneapolis, Minnesota, where they will enter Billy Gra ham’s Northwestern Bible Col lege. Sunday afternoon. Beverly Her rin and Betty Jane Snook left for Los Angeles to enter Bible Institute of Los Angeles. PIANO STUDENTS wanted, be ginners or advanced. Prefer school age. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas. •72 Weed Ave., phone 1067. 3612 Harvey Crums and daughter. Aladene, of Coquille came Sat urday. Mr. Crume visited rela tives and friends until Monday and returned to his home. Ala dene plans to remain here and Furniture Upholstering! Does your furniture need to be recovered or repaired? FREE ESTIMATES Free pickup & delivery Contact Mrs. A. A. Woolsey 976 2nd Ave. for information Jot/ Theatre Vernonia, Oregon TMURS.. FBI. SEPT. 7 « The Refoimer & The Redhead June Allyson - Dick Powell SATURDAY SEPT. 9 Bells of Coronado Roy Rogers - Dale Evans Plus VILLAGE BARN DANCE Lu) u_Belle and Scotty____ SUN.. MON. SEPT. 10-11 Stars In My Crown _ Joel McCrae - Ellen Drew TUES.. WED. SEPT 12-13 The Asphalt Jungle Sterling Hayden - Lois Calhern attend high school. She is stay ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Wood on Stoney Point. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pierce and daughter oT Lebanon came to show a film “The Power of God,” at the Friday night cru sade at the Christian church. The Pierces will bring a film the first Friday evening of each month during the winter. Mrs. H. D. Thoreau and two children left Friday for their home in New York City after spending six weeks with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Connie An derson. DANCE io the music of Eddie Kaphammer k the Music Makers at the I.O.O.F. hall. Saturday. September 9. 36tlc Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Waite and daughters, Julia and Carolyn, formerly of Camp McGregor have purchased the home of Wray Hudkins on Park Drive. Mrs. Waite and daughters spent from the last of June to the last of August at the home of Mrs. Waite’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Orr, at Pendleton. The family is now living in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tapp and daughter, Mary, accompanied by Margaret Michener motored to Salem Monday to attend the State Fair. While there they saw Margaret’s half brother and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor and children of Scotts Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Davis celebrated their great grandson's birthday recently. Those pre sent were the honored great grandson, Frankie McLeod and brother, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McLeod, and grand mother, Mrs. Orin Davis all of Yamhill. FOOD SALE September 9. Sund- land Electric, sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary. 3611c Mr. and Mrs. B. Borton and John and Ralph motored to Sa lem Friday to enjoy the Labor week end with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Harlan and Loree. They return ed Monday by way of Amity and stopped in to see Mr. Borton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Bor ton, for a few hours. Mrs. Ella Younger and daugh- ter, Lois, of Portland visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Justice recently. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Justice over the Labor Day week end were Lonnie Justice of Olympia, Wash ington, Glen Justice of Hermis ton, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Jus tice and sons of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Justice and sons of Hermiston and Mr. and Mrs. George Kirk and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barnes of Vernonia. Pat McCabe and Mrs. Tony Franciscone, both of Portland, were here Thursday of last week to spend the day at the Frank McCabe home. The occasion was Mrs. McCabe’s birthday. DANCE to the music of Eddie Kaphammer & the Music Makers at the I.O.O.F. hall. Saturday, September 9. 36tlc Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wilbur and children of Roseburg were visi tors here during the past week end with Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Grunden and Mrs. Vera Finnell. Miss Emily Fairbanks, who has been visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Dave Marshall, and Mrs. Marshall left here last Thursday for Arcadia, California to spend two weeks with Mrs. Marshall’s son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Marshall. Miss Fairbanks will leave there for her home at Jacksonville, Florida. Guests here during the Labor day week end at the Ben Br’ickel home were Mr. and Mrs. Phil Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brendle and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartwick. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Washburn are here from Phoenix, Arizona visiting friends. With them is his mother, Mrs. Dora Washburn. They are staying at the A. L. Kullander horn?. Among those who were in Salem Monday for the opening day of the state fair were Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Hieber and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Heath and children. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burrow and children of Portland were guests during the holiday week end at the home of Mrs. Bur row’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Judd Greenman. Spending this week at the Clark Cain home are Mrs. Lor raine Henrickson and son, Dickie, of Milwaukie. Mrs. Cain and Mrs. Henrickson are sisters. Mrs. Norine Vullis and son. Larry, and Mrs. C. E. Robinson, all of Yakima were guests of Mrs. Vera Finnell from Thursday to Sunday of last week. Mrs. Vullis is a niece and Mrs. Ro binson a sister of Mrs. Finnell. FOOD SALE September 9. Sund- land Electric, sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary. 36tlc Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heenan were among those who attended the Pendleton Round Up from this vicinity. DATES TO REMEMBER Mon.. Sept. 11 — American Le gion Auxiliary meets at Reatha Horn home. 8 p.m. Fri.. Sept. 15 — Opening football game of year. Vernonia vs. Banks here. 8 p.m. Month Spent at Farm; School Intide Painted Jalopy Races Viewed Monday TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. Carl Snyder, Velma and Bert went to the fair at Hillsboro Saturday night. Harold Shipley’s sister, Mrs. Margaret McCafferty, was oper ated on last Monday. She is in the Emanuel hospital for the rest of this week. Joyce Webb and Mrs. Harold Shipley attended the hot rod races Labor Day. Jack Gates car was broke down so he drove No. 14 and came in sixth. Jack Kells and family were Portland visitors Friday. While in Portland they saw one of Mr. Kell’s cousins and family that they hadn’t seen for several years. Jack Kells and Marilyn went to Portland Monday. E. D. Pierson and family at tended the Labor Day Jalopy races at Deer Island. Mrs. C. E. Pierson has been spending the last ten days with her daughter, Mrs. Rodney Fry- kholm, in Portland. Mrs. H. A. Wilson was on the sick list again the past week. William Henry Harrison, ninth president of the U. S. served the shortest term. He died 31 days after his inauguration. MIST — The A. R. Melis home was the scene of a dinner party Saturday evening a week ago for Mr. and Mrs. Jepson Lonquist and family who are leaving for Phoenix, Arizona soon. Present at the dinner were Mrs. Margaret Haff and boys of Beaverton, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Berg and family, Henry Jepson of Mist and the Mills family. The Lonquists have been here about a month vaca tioning on his father's farm. The school house had a new paint job inside before school started. Margie Wikstrom spent the holiday week end in Shedd. Bernard Dowling and Norvin Wikstrom went to see the ja lopy races in Deer Island Labor Day. Miss Virginia Mathews came home from Portland this week end. Walter Mathews has a new pick-up. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Jones en tertained Mr. and Mrs. Albert Holmes from Portland Sunday. Bernard Dowling and Claud Johnsen took a load of the lat ter’s wheat to Cornelius Friday. B?tween 4 and 8 per cent of the population is left handed. The Meeting Place of— NATIONALLY KNOWN FOODS HERE ARE SOME SUGGESTIONS— FINE Liver Pate Prem Peanut Butter Chili Con Carne Spaghetti and Meat Chopped Ham Tamales Lunch Tongue Groceries Meats—Vegetables Potted Meat SAM’S FOOD STORE Free Delivery Phone 761 WANTED PULP WOOD We Will Pay SHOO I ♦ a For Your Douglas Fir, Hemlock, White Fir Pulp Wood in 4 Ft. or 8 Ft. Lengths. Deliveries Accepted Any Hour of the Day and Up to 12:00 Midnight Monday Through i Friday and 7:00 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sat and Sun. A NO QUOTAS IN EFFECT — BRING ALL YOU CAN —No Delay in Unloading— St Helens Pulp and Paper Co St. Helem, Oregon