2. THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1950 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA, ORE. TOPICS OF THE TOWN Miss Mildred Wolff, employee <.1 tl* Commercial Bank of Ore gon has started her summer va cation and is being replaced by •S ts . Maryanne Cline. Mrs. Cline •will continue working until the vacation period is over, as a re- Jt ace men t for the regular staff members. son are at home after a vacation trip which took them to Oregon coast places of interest. Elm.r Goodman and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Goodman returned recently from Yakima, Washing ton where they visited relatives. FOE Auxiliary Cooked food Sale and Fried Chicken dinner Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fulton and FOE Hall, Saturday. July 22. Cooked food sale in the after Commercial plywood as known • noon. Fried chicken dinner serv today dates from 1905 when it ed 5 to 8 p.m. 2812c »as first made in St. Johns, Ore. Mrs. Dorthea Pearson was in •Jog Theatre Vernonia, Oregon 7HURS., Fill. JULY 13-14 Portland Sunday on a combined business and pleasure trip. Mar shall Gram, Mrs. Pearson’s son, brought Mrs. Pearson and his daughter Maren home to the Norris Soden residence where Steamboat Around The Bend What Does Your Belk of Coronado Roy Rogers - Dale Evans Plus Dorothy Patrick SUH- MOM. JULY 16-17 Mrs. Mike Dick Powell - Evelyn Keys TUES . WED. JULY 18-19 Brian Donlevy - Robert Preston Napa, California are visiting ths Louis Morgan and Virgil Snook families. The visitors are the parents of Mrs. Morgan and Mr. Snook. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Snyder, former Vernonia residents, now of Westlake, Oregon spent sever al days recently at the home of Mrs. Olive Powell. spent Sunday at the Gerald Hes- kett home. Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Bass of We can make it look like new—remodeling and recover- ng. Free Estimates. FREE ?ickup and Delivery. Leave Orders at Sheridan are the parents of a girl born July 4. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bass. Mrs. Bruce Bass returned Sunday after spending several days at Sheridan. Recent visitors at the George Mrs A. A. Woolsey’s Wake Isand FOE Auxiliary Cooked food Sale and Fried Chicken dinner FOE Hall. Saturday. July 22. Cooked food sale in the after noon. Fried chicken dinner serv ed 5 to 8 p.m. 2812c Mr. and Mrs. Ed Snook of Howard Means of Oregon City Look Like? The Blende Bandit Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ludwig of Oak Park, Ill., are the parents of a girl, born June 14. Leo is well known here having at tended both grade and high school here. 176 2nd Ave., Vernonia, Ore. Tunnells were his nephew, Alva Tunnell and family of Long Beach, California, whom the uncle and cousins had never seen. Having become an orphan at an arly age, he was raised by mem bers of his mother’s family. He □honed from Eugene to tell ot his coming and received a hearty welcome upon arrival. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Protect valuables left at home Mr. and Mrs. Jack Riley and family attended a birthday din ner last Sunday at the home of Wilma Hinze in Portland. The occasion was in honor of Betty Conway, daughter of the Mc Nairs and sister of Mrs. Riley. Answers io Your Questions Paul Naviaux Mr. and Mrs. Chai Alexander The B. Borton family motored to West Salem over the last week end to visit their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ron nie Harlan. Sunday evening the Borton family returned to Ver nonia, bringing granddaughter, Loree back to Vernonia for an extended visit. Mr. and Mrs. John Rosa are visiting their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Liepold in Portland. Mrs. Phil Taylor of Portland FOE Hall, Saturday, July 22. Cooked food sale in the after noon. Fried chicken dinner serv ed 5 io 8 p.m. 28t2c Mrs. R. E. Culbertson and children and Mrs. H. Culbertson spent several days at Cannon Beach last week. Vernonia Branch j Commercial Bank h Oregon AFFILIATED WITH THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK OF HILLSBORO Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Cobat and Vernonia, Oregon . . . It’s the new movable microphone of the new SONOTONE, and looks like a lovely jeweled brooch. No dangling out side cords! No muffling clothes-rub noise. see it TODAY! Or WRITE NOW i j I | I j | • | I j I SONOTONE Mr. R. L. Gifford, Certified SonoIone Consultant, will be in Vernonia on Friday. July 14. If you wish him to call a: your home for any batterie» SonoIone service, or demon straiion of the new Sonoione "94(1", please write our office for an appointment. SONTONE OF PORTLAND 321 Failing lildg., Portland, Ore äJXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXft H Z H H H X H Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Archibald at have returned from a vacating trip which took them to Olympia, Washington to visit Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Long and to Port Angeles to visit Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Chit- tim. The Chittims ar? former Vernonia residents, Mr. Chittim having had the Oregonian agency here for a number of years. From Port Angeles they motored to Victoria, B.C. Copyright, 1950, United States Brewers Foundation you can HEAR a pin drop! BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsor»al Work daughters of Sweet Home spent July 3 and 4 with Mr. and Mrs. John Kirk. The Cobats were former Vernonia residents having moved to Sweet Home in 1945. the surveyor’s marker. Where did they find it? Right in the middle of their “no man’s land I” Well, they both grin and take turns finishing the job and then re treat to Easy's for a friendly glass of beer together. From where I sit, a little searching around for the truth of the matter often shows that the other fellow is as much right as you are—at which point the whole thing doesn’t seem as important anyway. With this PIN board is announcing an examina- tio for Park Forester to be held on July 25th in room D, Munici pal Auditorium, Portland. Ap- HOFFMAN’S 1 ONLY Woodburning H CIRCULATOR H Regularly $72.50 H This Week Only H ( , Heavy Aluminum 10” SKILLETS Reg. $1.35 NOW There it Was— Right.in The Middle! Easy Roberts mowed his lawn early last Saturday. Then he sat on the porch, and watched Handy Peterson cutting hie grass. The Roberts’ property and tha Peterson’s border each other — with no hedge or fence between them. So, when Easy notices Handy had left about a four-foot strip unmowed along the boundary, he walks over and asks why. "That’s yotir land,” says Handy. "Mine ends here. See, it lines up with that oak tree across the road!” Easy didn't think so, so they went up and down looking for People cause most forest fires Civil Service Board Plans Forester Exam. a.. J Ffom where I sit... ¿y Joe Marsh Prelecting your money and valuables is an important part of our bank’s service to you. Our vault is the safest place you know to leave your important papers, jewelry, and other valuables. And carrying American Express Travelers Cheques is the safest way we know to protect your travel cash against loss or theft. American Express Travelers Cheques are spendable anywhere because they •re the most widely accepted cheques in the world. So, if you are planning a trip, play safe! Stop in and see us today. Leave town fully protected with your valuables in our vault and your travel cash converted into American Express Travelers Cheques. Only 75< per $100 . . . 401 for $50 or less. ed persons may contact them at the above address for complet information concerning duties, requirements, etc. QUESTION: I have heard that I can get a statement of the amount of wages posted to my account by the Social Security Administration. How do I go about getting such a statement? ANSWER: The field offices of the Social Security Administra tion distribute a post card form that can be used for this purpose. We will be glad to mail you this card upon request. Our address is Room 104, Old Post Offic: Building, Portland 4, Oregon. As an alternative you can send a letter_ to the Division of Ac counting Operations, Cand'er Building, Baltimore 2, Maryland asking for a statement of your wage account. Be sure the letter is signed. It should in clude your full name and ad dress, your social security num ber and your date of birth. returned the latter part of last week from a vacation tour which to<$k them into northern Cali fornia. returned last week after a six- weeks visit with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Saulsbury at Lexington. Nebraska, then on to Denver where they visited his I Wood was first kiln-dried at iaught r, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Speaks, then to San Francisco to Norfolk, Virginia, in 1879. isit Nat and Glen Morgan, sons JUST AS YOU are read ng thi* f Mrs. Naviaux. Charles Wasser and twin daugh classified, so are thousands of ters spent five days recently others. Moral: U«e Eagle ads to visiting her mother and other get results quickly and cheaply. relatives at Sutherlin, Oregon. Phone 191 travel cash while you roam $ for the exam will be Social Security I plications accepted up to July 19. Interest Mr. and Mrs. L. R. McNair and spent the past few days visiting An addition of two bedrooms Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brickel in is being built onto the Christian | Vernonia. church parsonage by members 1 FOE Auxiliary Cooked food Sale and Fried Chicken dinner of that church. Upholstered Furniture Will Rogers - Irving Cobb SATURDAY JULY 15 Maren will remain for an ex tended visit. Her sister Marsha has returned to Portland after having visited here for some time. 896 H Enameled Double Boilers............... 8-Cup White Enamel Percolaters... H 2-Quart White Enamel Saucepan H 4-Quart White Enamel Teakettle. 2-Gallon White Enamel Coffee Pot H H H For Picnics 69c ...98c M ...49c ...98c M $1.95 H H Hoffman Hardware Co. For Hardware H Telephone 181 H Vernonia, Ore. See Hoffman X H ¿HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXH^ SPEAKING OF PLAYING BALL The VERNONIA BAKERY really scored with its untiring efforts in supplying our community with bakery goods during the recent strike. — i V/e are happy to continu? featuring VERNONIA BAKERY products MILL MARKET LEW'S CAFE KING'S GROCERY C&CCAFE SAM'S MARKET SUNNYSIDE SERVICE NEHALEM MARKET HERRIN & JONES H