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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1950)
I Continuing Our Outstanding SPRING SHOWING 1950 FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCES-Now Going On! look Outside! look inside! You Can’t Match a E/eefric "Ranges Extra High Grade Onion Sets. Lb. 20c 2-lbs. 35c FRIGIDAIRE — festest cooking in Frigidaire history! True Temper Deluxe Bow Rake Continuous Household True Temper or Garden Hand Sprayer. Qt. size. A Deluxe Ho $1.25 Value for 85c EACH ONE FEATURES: • Big, porcelain Even-Heat Oven • Radiantube, S-Speed Cooking Units New gold-and-white beautyl • High-Speed Broiler, waist high • All-porcelain inside and out New full-length door! New aluminum rust-proof shelvesl New "Ice Blue” interior trim! • Acid-Resisting Porcelain Top $169.95; Thrifty 30 Blue Bantam and Little Marvel Pea Bel-Grade Grass Hand Sickle 49c Set of Two Garden Trowels and Claw Special 40c Ea. X lgoro Fertilizer 100 lb. Sack 50-Ib. Sack 25 ib. Sack ..... 10-11». Sack . . 5-!b. Sack Quick Growing Lawn Seed lb. KITCHEN SCOOP 1 Two-Wheel Metal Garden Cart Garden Seeds and Flower Seeds Come to our Frigidaire Spring Showing and get one of these handy kitchen scoops. But hurry! — while our supply of scoops lasts I Free To All Ladies Who Have Not Already Registered At Our Second Floor Frigidaire Spring Showing BRUNSMAN Hardware and Electric FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS and FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGES GARDEN HOSE 25-Ft. Length $2.95 50-Ft. Length $5.45 Poppy All Metal Rub 50-Ft. Length with ber-Tired $ 5-Yr. Guarantee $6.95 Wheelbarrow 50-Ft. Length with 10-Yr. Guarantee $7.95 5-Ft. Hose for Wash ing machine drain or filler. Black 60c Red 75c HARDWARE SPORTING GOODS — GUNS — AMMUNITION PAINTS —LINSEED OIL — TURPENTINE ELECTRIC WIRING NAILS Bergmann Shoe with Safety Toe. Will Outwear Several Pair Ordinary $ 1 4 95 Shoes ’ Dille and McGuire 16-Inch Lawn Mowers Tomahawk $17.95 Grass Groomer $21.95 Turfmaster $23.95 20'”« off on Salesmen’s Samples Paint Brushes of bright “Ice-Blue” plastic during Spring ShovAng\ $5.00 $3.00 $1.75 90c 50c 75c S309.75 $234.75 $194.75 9 Cubic Ft. DeLuxe Model Shown MM92 $269.75: MM76 SM76 $219.75 SM60 RM 45 $309.75 SIMPSON BOARD 4x8 Sheets $2.25 ALL SIZES PLY WOOD IN STOCK Bergmann Caulked Boots. $33.50 Value Floor sander to rent $5.00 per day $2.50 half day Skil Saw Edger $2 dav We Were Able to Get a Few More Grindstones at A $20.00 Value VERNONIA, Fishermen Make 2-Day Catch RIVERVIEW — Week end •visitors at the Louis Huntley home were: Frank McCool and two sons. Claude McCool, Edna SPECIAL: Large trade-in this month on any old washer for the new Deluxe ABC Washer with $1 CQ95 Timer Rollaway Bed With Innerspring Mattress a-Piece Bedroom Set. Light or Dark Water fall Design. $150 Vai. for S|QQ50 Arvin Steel Dinette Set with Formica Top 4 Upholstered Chairs ¡50 * *’ Jit * * Simmons Innerspring Mattresses and Box Springs Deepsleep $39.50 Each Beautyrest $59.50 Ea. Charm Innerspring Mattress and Inner- spring. Both Border Fence . Per 100-Ft. Roll Print Linoleum Square Portable Double ! Yard Laundry Inlaid Linoleum i Tubs. Special Square Sunbeam 1950 Special South Bend Fly Rods Ye-d & $13.95 $6.95 $25.90 value Combina Also New Patterns in True Temper Casting tion Sunbeam Iron & Linoleum Rugs Rods from $3.15 Up Adjustable Metal Several New Patterns Bristol Telescope of Inlaid Linoleum Rods $3.60 Just Received Single Action Fly Reels $1.50 Martin Automatic Reels $7.95 & $8.95 South Bend Automatic Reel $9.95 . Level Wind Casting Whirlpool Wash Re'ds $1.80, $2.69, $3.60, $4.95, and $10. er and Pump. A Large Size Arkon Real Spec. $89.95 Reel $10 Fly Lines 35c, 75c, 90c, $1.20, $1.60 Tapered Line $8.95 Fly Boxes on Special $1.00 Value 50c $1.25 Value 75c $2.00 Value $1.25 }, THIKSUAY, APRIL 20, 1950 THE Matching Table Sets with Hand Tooled Green Leather Tops, Blond Finish End Table $12.95 Lamp Table $12.95 Cocktail Table $16.95 Matching Table Sets with Hand Tooled Maroon Leather Tops, Mahogany Finish End Table $13.95 Lamp Tabla $17.95 Cocktail Table $17.95 $215 Value Daveno Set. 4 Colors Si Ct to Choose from * " * Swing Rocker. $45.00 Value $29.95. $60 Vai. $39.95. Beautiful Se lection of Colors $45 Value $29.95 $60 Value $39.95 Vv alnut, Mahogany & Blond Drop Leaf Desk $45.00 Value $29.50 Taylor Tot Deluxe Walnut Waterfall 5-piece Bedroom BABY BUGGIES $14.25 - $18.95 - $24.95 5-Picce Deluxe Light Oak Finish. $225.00 T Shirts Special 12-Cup Aluminum Percolator $1.85 8-Cup Drip Coffee Maker $2.10 45-lb. Roll Roofing 55-lb. S2.65 90-lb. Red or Green $3.75 Heavy Black Roofing Toll and son. Bobby, of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. George Tiel ot Carlton. Nate Huntley and Tom Teal of McMinnville. All of the men and Louis Huntley were lucky at fishing both Saturday Extra Good Bamboo Rakes $235 Fence Stretcher and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Combs and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Combs and Miss Schnitzner of Port land spent Sunday at the T. F. Hillyer home. Ladies Small House hold hammers 35c Medium Size Hammer Special 59c High Speed Twist Drill, Straight Shank. From 1 f6 to inch. Priced from 30c to 3-Piece Sectional Very Special SO4 Outstanding O * Value Two-Piece Love Seat and Matching SCQ Chair Marshall-Wells Miracle WallTonc $n.59 Gallon Zvnolyte Chip-proof Plastic Type Floor Covering. Quart $2.00 Harvey Crume of Coquille of Aurora spent the week end spent the week end at Ver at the home of their brother nonia on business and visiting at and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dave the Everett Wood and C. I. Hass. I Anderson homes. Pat. Leona and Harold Hass Reid and use Eitle wmt id«