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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1950)
• THURSDAY, APRIL 20. 1950 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA, ORE. CLASSIFIEDS STATE FARM automobile and life insurance co’s. Sam L. Hear ing, Sr., 891 Third Street, last house on street north of bakery. Phone 1062. lltfc FOR SALE—General FOR SALE—Cart, Trucks AVAILABLE NOW: Cards and stationery. Delicate coloring. 21 vauds $1. For every occasion. Snquire Mrs. A. E. Jennings, 196 A Street. 16tfc GUARANTEED RECONDITIONED CARS "48 DODGE 4-dr. custom sdn.. 18.000 mi., perfect condition. '46 DODGE 4-dr. custom sdn.. completely recond., many ex tras. '42 JEEP 4WD: '42 Jeep station wagon, 4WD. '39 PLYMOUTH cpe: '39 Hudson 4-dr. sdn.: '36 Dodge 4-dr. sdn.: *37 DeSoto sdn.: '34 Ford cpe., Box on R; '39 motorcycle. '46 CHEV. 1'iT truck. 11.000 mi. '31 MODEL A, riih, excellent condition. GREENWOOD MOTORS Phone 1121 Vernonia, Ore. 1611c <• CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR. See Sherman Irish, Riverside Drive, 3rd house on right off highway. 16tl DAVENPORT and chair, kitchen -table and chairs and wool rug. See Fritz Hausler. Mist Rt. 15t3 LAIN Mower. Kitchen sink and Saurets. See Mrs. R. D. Eby. 16tl i’RIMROSES, perennials, glad and dahlia bulbs. See Mrs. John Krinick, 5th house on 10th street, Riverview. 16t3c AUCTION: Every Wed. Our sale < k growing steadily. We sell a r«rfiy number of calves along Kvifh other cattle of all types; aha numerous pigs and hogs at sftood prices. We have the buyers —-they are paying top prices. Asy your neighbor who has con signed livestock; why not bring in yours. We have a ready out- Bft for your livestock at good erieea. We sell by the hear or you can have them weighed up. M,.-. sale at 11; livestock auction -Tl 1:30. Altman’s Auction Mart. Forest Grove; phone 16215. 1-itic ANYONE WISHING AVON pro- dhxts phone Mrs. Frank Morris, sticks, colognes, face and taLy powd°r, specials till April »4. Mrs. S. P. Bowles, 348 C ¡St. 14t3c WALNUT book case, rug and pad ■#»12, davenport and chair. See 4!ri Landers at The Pal Shop, lltfc «ORDERS taken for hand-made gifts. Chair sets, doilies, *M3Wers. June Willis, 875 First Ave. 44tfc FOR SALE—Pianos ‘MANSFIELD cabinet grand piano sn good condition. Price only ‘$203. Andrew M. Parker, Mist HI, Vernonia. Ore. 13»5 /FOR SALE—Livestock shepherd mah pups, stock dogi for country only. $1.00 ca: ?; one rough, one mild. Sei- beri, Rock creek. No business Sstarday. 16tl WHITE stewing hens 25c lb. live ■« ight L. Carmichael, Stoney Po..t. 14t3 FOR SALE—Insurance FOR SALE—Real Estate HOME FOR SALE: 3 bedrooms; recently rewired; new roof; good neighborhood. Priced to sell, Come up and see it and you will agree that it’s a buy. 459 South 1st Ave. 16t3 4-ROOM house on 114 aero half cleared. $1500. Terms. See Larry Wickstrom, Mist, Oregon. 15t3 2-BEDROOM home. Living rm., kitchen, dinette, utility, bath. Wood range, wood, garage, chick en house, fruit room, woodshed. New roof, new plumbing. 2 lots fenced, fruit trees, berries, shrubs, nice lawn. $3300, $800 down. Owner, 987 Second Ave., Corey Hill. 14t3 THREE-ROOM house, hot and cold water, shower, flush toilet, modern built-ins, $500 for quick sale. Trailer house $400. Also Thread-a-matic for sewing ma- chine and hand needles. Threads easily, quickly, See Wilma Bor- ton, Treharne. 1413 FOR SALE—Machinery A COMPLETE OUTFIT. Farmall Cub Tractor with lights, starter, wheel weights, Power Pulley, Plow, Cultivator, Blade and Mow?r all for $995. Tualatin Valley Tractor Co., Hillsboro. 16tlc ONE model 7 Mall power saw, 6-ft. bar, new chain. One P.M. Wood Boss, 26-in. bar. two chains. One Vaughan drag saw, two saws 4 and 5 ft. Howard Haverland, 1209 Rose Ave. 15t3 1 TITAN BLUE STREAK chain saw. 4 and 6 ft. bars, 4 chains and filing rack. Complete outfit $500.00. See it at Greenwood Motors. 14t3c LIFE, Fire, Car and Accident Insurance. Oregon Automobile Insurance Co. H. Hudson and (Scorge Bell. 26tfc Vernonia, Oregon r SERVICES PALOMINO Stud service. Service fee $25.00. Write or call at farm for appointment. Ken West, Tim ber Rt.. Vernonia. 14tfc NELSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE, household and commer cial. 455 W. Baseline St., Hills boro, Oregon. Phone 701 collect. I .eave service calls at Vernonia Eagle. 15p WANTED HAULING with dump truck— sand, gravel and dirt. Phone 1023 or see D. P. Spofford, 6th Ave., Corey hill. 16tfc LAWN MOWER sharpening. Will call and deliver. Riverview, 3rd Street, A. F. Schalock. 16t3 WANTED: No. 1 Peel?r Douglas Fir and Port Orford cedar logs. Quote prices and best delivery. Niedermeyer-Martin Co,, 714 Spalding Bldg., Portland 4, Ore gon, telephone ATwater 4341. 15t7c HIGHEST cash prices paid for .ream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— eall or write Forest Grove Cream ery. Forest Grove, Oregon, phone 126. 14tfc MISCELLANEOUS ANYONE studying or interested in Christian Science in or around Vernonia, please call 253. 15t3c NEW, HOME LAUNDRY. Family washing washed and dried, 15c lb. Finished at reasonable rates. Also curtain stretching. Mrs. E. M. York, 108 A. St., phone 1107. 38tfc LEGAL NOTICE CALL FOR BIDS The City of Vernonia invites sealed bids for the construction of approximately 1700 lineal feet of curbing on Maple street. Plans and specifications can be obtained at the city hall at Vernonia, Oregon. Bids will be opened in the city hall at 8 p.m. May 1, 1950. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Albert Childs, City pecorder 16t2c NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has filed his final account in the Estate of James M. Currie, deceased in th? County Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County and the court has fixed Friday, the 5th day of May, 1950 at the hour 10:30 a.m. in the Court Room of said Court as the time and place for hearing of objections thereto and the settlement there- of. M. G. Hieber Neal W. Bush Attry. for Adm. Administrator 14t5c CLASSIFIED RATES Sem« numbars do BE SURE—check the Telephone Directory before making a call Telephone number«, especially those recently learned or seldom used, have a way of getting mixed up in our minds. So why take chances on wrong numbers—you need only a second or so to check the telephone directory to make sure you are calling the right number, You II find it always leads to better telephone service. a a Won 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 Scappoose Parkrose St. Helens Rainier Vernonia Clatskanie Sherwood Seaside Lost 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 FOR RENT HOUSE for rent, partly fur nished, 2 mi. out. See John Krinick, 5th house on 10th street, Riverview. 16t3c NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has filed his final account in the Estate of Carmen M. Sykes, deceased in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County and the court has fixed Friday, the 5th day of May, 1950 at the hour 10:00 a.m. in the Court Room’ of said Court as the time and place for hearing of objections thereto and the settlement there- of. Bush & Hieber Vernon Sykes Attry. for Adm. Administrator 14t5c Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION LOWER COLUMBIA LEAGUE STANDINGS MINI M U M charge S3c for 25 wovds or less. Words over min. imum. 2c each. Three inser tions for the price of two. CARD of Thanks & Notices: 75c No information on classifieds will he given out until after paper is mailed. BLIND ads with answers to be handled by The Eagle: Minimum charge 75e. No information given relative to such ads. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY A D V . ACCEPTED AFTER WED. NOON EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK’S PAPER. i Winner Choice Method Decided Officials from three schools in the Lower Columbia League met in Portland Tuesday of this week concerning the question of naming a baseball team to repre sent district 3 in the state playoff at Albany May 25-27. Ray Mills, Vernonia principal, met with John Cox of Hillsboro and Robert Houck of Parkrosc to decide the method which will be followed in selecting the dis trict winner. Four districts in the state will be represented at Albany in the finals. Sisters Attend All of Meetings F Send ycur Laundry and Dry Cleaning to Portland’s most mo dern plant. One pick up and delivery weekly on Thursday at Ver nonia at your home or our local agent— BEN BRICKEL’S BARBER SHOP Oregon Laundry Dry Cleaners Mrs. Chet Clenderin and three boys of Shedd are here this week visiting her parents, The L. P. Wikstroms. Mrs. Chas. Webber and his friend spent the week end with the A. R. Melis family, his grand parents. Mrs. Geo. Kalassee is back home from Portland where she was in the hospital with pneu monia. Mrs. Ashley, the enumerator, was around calling officially Monday on the village. L. P. Mathews has just re turned home from a trip back to the middle west, his boy hood home. MIST — A bad accident oc curred last week, Tuesday even ing on the Clatskanie mountain just the other side of Bradley’s Mill. Mrs. Katherine Dippold and her daughter, Marguerite, were returning home from Clats kanie when their lights went out, the vehicle going over the em bankment 30 feet. Mrs. Dippold was injured so badly she passed away very shortly. Marguerite was battered and bruised, but not seriously hurt. Mr. Dippold passed away some time in 1949 and since then Marguerite and her mother had continued to live in the home place at the shingle mill site. The funeral was held in Clatskanie Friday with burial at Murry Hill cemetery. Survivors include her daugh ter, Marguerite, two step-daugh ters. Wilma Grahom and Isla Dippold of Napa, California; two step son’s, Leon of Jewell and Bill of Branley, California. Sin cere sympathy is extended to the relatives. Monday dinner guests of the Chas. Hansen family were Leif Erickson of Seaside, and Mr. H. Barstow of Astoria. Jack C. Smith Doctor of Optomcntry PHONE 633 For Appointment Joy Theater Bldg. OFFICE HOURS: Tues: 9:30 A.M. — 8:00 P. M. COMPLETE VISUAL SERVICE FIATIHIXi. RIVERVIEW — Mrs. A. E. Gardner of Drain, and Mrs. B. G. Brown of Ridegfield, Wash ington, sister of Mrs. J. M. Peachey, came the first of the month to celebrate their birth days together and to attend the Paul Gupta meetings. The three sisters attend ‘d every one of the meetings and celebrated Mrs. Gardner’s birthday, April 4 and Mrs. Peachey’s, April 12. Mrs. Brown returned to her home Wednesday and Mrs. Gardner to hers Monday. Mrs. Fred Olin of Klamath Falls is spending a couple ot weeks at the F. R. Olin home. She and F. R. Olin spent Mon day in Portland on business. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Leach of Port’and spent Sunday afternoon visiting at the Chas, Ratkie home. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Steele of Sweet Homo cam? up Friday evening when they heard of his father’s injury, but returned home that night. Mrs. Jim Wal ker and daughter of Eugene and Mrs. Alice Hollwell of Dallas ¡pent Sunday h"re with their mother and grandmother, Mrs. W. D. Steele. Mrs. G. E. Fraser spent the week end at the home of her daughter and family, the Robert Wyckoffs. and Light Failure Costs Life Tues Swifts Premium DEVILED HAM VIENNA SAUSAGE CORNED REEF PREM NEHALEM MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 YOU FINANCE YOUR NEXT CAR Learn all about our bank auto loan plan — And you'll agree that bank financing is best! Interest rates are low. Convenient monthly payments may include insurance if you wish. And—your local bank loan helps you establish bank credit. Vernonia Branch Commercial Bank of Oregon AFFILIATED WITH THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK OF HILLSBORO Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.