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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1950)
Let's Be Sociable Two Couples Honored At Housewarming A housewarming party was given a few days ago for Mr. and Mrs. Vern Mason and family at their new residence on the O-A Hill near Riverview. The party was also for Mr. and Mrs. Vern Romine and family, past resident of Camp McGregor who now reside in Camas. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Brit Morris of Camas, Mr. and Mrs. Swen Westerberg and children of Clatskanie, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cook and children, Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Cook and children and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mason of Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn John son and children of Camp were invited but unable to attend. Gifts presented to the families were a coffee table and bed spread. Cards were the enter tainment of the evening and a pot-luck supper was served at midnight. Degree Work Planned For Tuesday Meeting A goodly number of members attended the meeting of Pythian Sister Temple No. 61 Wednesday evening. During the business meeting it was voted to make a contribu tion to the Cancer and Red Cross funds. A high light of the evening was the modeling of the latest styles in Easter bonnets by some of the members. The evening closed with the serving of lovely refreshments by the committee in charge. Several officers and members are planning to attend the dis trict convention at Yamhill April 29. The initiatory degre wrll be given to Sherman Fisher at the Odd Fellows lodge meeting next Tuesday following the showing of the movie on the 1949 World Series. In commemoration of the an niversary of the I.O.O.F. lodge, Louis Graven will give a short resume of the history of the Order. Members of the lodge are sched uled to go to Forest Grove Mon day evening of next week for a fraternal visit to Washington lodge. Missionary Group Meets The Women’s Christian Mis sionary of the Christian church met Friday at the church parlor. Devotional was led by Ruby Fowler and a dainty lunch was served by Mattie Jacobson. Installation Planned Smith-Christensen post, Veter an’s of Foreign Wars, and the Auxiliary will hold a joint instal lation of officers at the Legion hall Friday, April 21. The meet ing is open and the public wel come. Bazaar Date Changed The Loyal Women of the Christian church met Wednes day in the church social rooms. Being unable to get a place to hold their bazaar at the time they had planned, the date was changed to May 13 at the Eagle’s hall. Pythian Temple Votes Two Contributions Painless lumps may be an early sign of cancer. A doctor should be consulted immediately. Rebekahs Celebrate Two Events Thursday Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge en joyed a wonderful evening at their regular meeting April 13 when 35 members retired to the kitchen after a short business meeting to celebrate two oc casions. Ione Justice was presented with a birthday cake and handker chief shower, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis were presented a cake on their 31st wedding an niversary. Lotus McMullen favored the lodge with two vocal solos which were greatly enjoyed. Birthday Remembered By Surprise Party Mrs. Charles Justice was pleasantly surprised on her birth day by a group of ladies last Thursday afternoon. Present were Katie Mae Howard and son, Patrick, Esprance Fulton, Vera Henderson, Della Moore and daughter, Dayle, Ruby Smith and Marie Elliot. Mrs. Justice received many beautiful cards and gifts. Re freshments of cake and coffee were served. Marthas to Meet The Martlia Society of the E.U.B. church will meet April 26 at the horn? of Mrs. Sisler for potluck* dinner at 12:30. This is the annual dinner to reveal birthday friends and draw for new ones. You are fully insured for life, regardless of whether you work another day under Social Se curity, if you have worked a to tal of ten years under the Social Security Act. THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY. APRIL 20, IBB* 3 Unit Adds New Member Friday Food Studied by Keasey Unit Wed. Mist-Nehalem unit of home extension met April 14 at the home of Mrs. Aldon Ashley. Members present were Mrs. Charles Hansen, Mrs. Irving Knowles, Mrs. A. R. Melis, Mrs. Fred Siegenthaler, Mrs. William Wilson and Mrs. Ashley. The unit was happy, to enroll a new member, Mrs. Arthur Siegen thaler, who comes here from California. Miss Betty Jane Paterson, ex tension agent, presented an in teresting meeting on Adjusting Food to Age. Large, colorful charts wore used showing a per son just what required nourish ment they receive from an ade quate meal. Miss Paterson stres sed the need of an adequate breakfast and that each of the daily meals should meet one- third of the days requirement of food. New officers were elected for the coming year. Mrs. Fred Siegenthaler was elected chair man of the unit, Mrs. Charles Hansen, vico chairman and Mrs. Aldon Ashley, secretary-treasur er. Extension Unit Names Officers Adjusting food to age was the subject of the day when the Keasey unit met last Wednesday at the home of Alice Buckley. Miss Betty Jane Paterson from the home extension office in St. Helens was the speaker. She brought charts showing the dif ference in food values between a well planned and a poorly planned meal. A higher stan dard of living plus the results of medical research has increased our life expectancy from 34 years in 1880 to 67.8 years today. With a well balanced diet and a bit of luck, most of us can expect to reach three score and ten in vigorous health. Part of the meeting was de voted to electing new officers for next year with the following re sults: Ruby McDonald, chair man; Jean DeVaney, vice-chair man; Hilda Keasey, secretary and Edith McFarland, treasurer. MOVING? CASON TRANSFER Call 581 for Free Estimate - Wilbur (Shorty) Davis, Pr»a- Offke at Sundland Electric De Luxe Rolls For Sale at Your Favorite Grocery BAKED BY THE VRKNOIVIA RAKKRV The Vernonia Extension Unit met in the home of Grayce Bundy on April 13. The meeting was called to order at 10:30 by the chairman, Viola Eckland. After a short but interesting busi ness meeting election of officers was held, the following being elected for next year’s meetings: Sally Roediger, chairman; Isola Morris, vice-chairman; Pearl Adams, secretary and Grayce Bundy, treasurer. At 12 o’clock Red O’Brien demonstrated how to make vege table sal?d and presented a large salad to the group for the noon meal. Miss Patterson was in charge of the lesson on “Adjusting Food to Age.” The group discussed next year’s lessons. The next meeting will be May 11 in the home of Pearl Adams and Mrs. Bertha Kirkbride will give the lesson on synthetic detergents. Visitors are wel come. About 100,000 women will die of cancer this year. I HOME OF BUTTER KRUST BREAD AND ARDEN ICE CREAM Your ‘One-stop’ Saving Center Exterior House Paint. Excel. Covw Longer Wear PAINT Gal. $4.39 ..... Gal. $4.59 Interior Gloss Brilliant Gloss Finish Qt. One Coat Flat....... Gal. $3.49; $1.20 100% Oil Base LINSEED OIL — TURPENTINE — BRUSHES Wrangler 11-oz. Jeans for Men and Boys G. E. Automatic Electric Iron.................... $9.95 SPECIAL ********* * T°"'" 90c Rix, 20x37. Hemmed 9x12 Felt Base Rugs................................... $5.98 Several Patterns io Choose From PHONE 1271 CIU F WHITE VERNONIA, ORE. Here Are America’s Most Outstanding Truck Values FOR FOOD BUYING ÄT ITS BEST - ALL SIGNS POINTTO KING'S Where complete table needs are featured for your buying satisfaction and .Payload Xeaders ^Popularity Xeaders J’lrice Xeaders Most Powerful Cost Less Chevrolet Trucks Ever Built! To Operate Per Ton Per Mile! Preferred by Far Over All Other Trucks! Now at New Lower Prices! ^brformance Xeaders convenience. FA* AHtAD with all these PLUS FEATURES • TWO GREAT VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINES: the Now lOS-h.p. Lood-Moeler «nd the ■»'»•VW m.p. ThHh-M.,Nr . THE NEW POWER-JET CARBURETOR • DIAPHRAGM SPRING CLUTCH . SYNCHRO-MESH TRANSMISSIONS KING’S Grocery - Market "Where Your Money Buys More" Phone 91 At the Mile Bridge Riverview • HYPOIO REAR AXLES • DOUBLE-ARTICULATED BRAKES STEERING VERNONIA Standard Oil Products Phone 342 e • WIDE-BASE WHEELS • ADVANCE-DESIGN STYLING UNIT-OESIGN BODIES AUTO COMPANY ‘‘A Safe Place to Trade” Your Chevrolet and G. M. Dealer Vernonia, Oregon • BAU-TYPB