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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1950)
ORE. DATES TO REMEMBER as soon as arrangements are made, is expecting to go to Providence hospital in Portland. Fri.. April 21 — Public metalla tion of V. F. W. Post and Auxiliary. Legion halL FrL. April 21 — Columbia Coun ty Livestock association meet ing. Waahington school. 7:45 p.m. Sat- April 22 — General baaaar of Upper Nehalem Valley home extension units. Wed- April 26 — EUB Martha society to meet at Sisler home. 12:30. Thun., April 27 — Senior ban quet, Legion hall. Sun.. May 7 — P.-T.A. ham din ner. Legion hall, benefit sum mer playground fund. Thun.. May 11 — Mist P.-T.A. meeting, 8:30 DST. Fri.. May 12 — High school carni val. gym. benefit athletic pro gram. Sat.. May 13 — Vernonia volun teer fire department Firemen's Ball. Legion hall. Sat.. May 13 — 4-H club co operative sale, benefit park project. 2 THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1950 THE TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mrs. W. F. MacDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Messing spent from Tuesday until Friday at Medford. The men attended Royal Arch Mason grand lodge and the entire group visited Mrs. MacDonald's mother, Mrs. Lawrence, accompanied by Mrs. Alma Lund of Camp McGregor were callers at the home of the Borton family last Friday. Cal lers Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oglesby of Forest Grove. Ping. Mr. and Mrs. Tas we 11 Tunnall Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Marsh and son and Mrs. Grace Wanous, all of Bethany, spent Sunday afternoon visiting at the home uf Mr. and Mrs. Norris Soden and Mrs. Dorthea Pearson. Mrs. Pearson is Mrs. Soden's sister. VERNONIA, CANASTA party. Masonic temple Saturday. April 29. • p.m. Ad mission 50c. Refreshments served. lGtlc Mrs. Dawn Lee and son. M. uf Eugene spent the week end visiting his brother, George Tun nell, and other relatives. EAGLE, Mrs. J. D. Cates and daughter. Nilda, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith from Portland were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cates Sunday. J. D. Cates, son of L. H. Cates, is confined in a hospital in Port land. Mrs. Simon Wynne has been Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cates at in ill health for some time and tended Easter Services at the Pioneer Methodist church of Portland. •Joy Theatre A birthday dinner was held Vernonia, Oregon THURS.FRI. APRIL 20-21 Dancing In The Dark Wm. Powell - Mark Stevens Betsy Drake SATURDAY APRIL 22 Road to Rio Sunday visitors at the Ralph Bing Crosby - Bob Hope ______ Dorothy Lamour_____ SUN.-MON. “APRIL 23-24 Borderline Fred McMurray - Claire Trevor TUES.-WED. APRIL 25-26 The Last Bandit Mahar home for Easter were Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Mahar and family from Yamhill, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henrickson and son and Charles Henrickson from Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Clark Cain and family. Here from Seattle to spend a William Elliott - Andy Devine Plus Black Shadows Sunday at the Forest Blount home for his brother, Grover Blount. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blount, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Atkins and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Blount and Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Bateson of Mist, the guest of honor, Grover Blount, and Mr. and Mrs. Forest Blount and Odean. week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Weidman, was their daughter, Mrs. Alexander Harvey. She was here from April 7 to 14. INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL AND HOUSE L. A. JACKSON ELECTRIC Cornelius — Phone 371J — Contractor MILLER’S Tlie Friendly Store where Quality Costs No More » i i i i i » ♦ i » « i i i ♦ Missionary Society Group Holds Meeting MIST — Claud Johnson was off work the first of the week owing to a sick spell. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Cardiff and Frankie from Jewell spent Thursday evening at the Hansen home. Mrs. Robert Berg has been in the hospital at Portland for a week or so, but is home again now. Mrs. Austin entertained the Women’s Missionary Society last Wednesday. A very interest ing Bible study was enjoyed. There were nine ladies present and lunch was served at the close. The next meeting will be the second Wednesday in May with Mrs. Elsa Knowles. Social Adds $50 To Mist PTA The Mist P.-T.A. met at the school house the evening of April 13 with Norman Hansen pre siding. The committee chair man announced that $50 was taken in at the recent basket social and she also announced the winners in the poster con test. First place was taken by Robert Kyser while Esther Kyser won second place and Maxine Oblack and Margie Cargo, who had worked together on their poster, won the third place. Prizes will be awarded at a later date. As the children are still en joying their dish at school, it will be continued for the year Next month, cooks will be Mrs. Henry Wilson, Mrs. Charles Han son, Mrs. John Howry and Mrs. Aldon Ashley. Mrs. Leonard Harris was appointed standing chairman of the refreshment committee. Mr. Jones announced that after May first, cards for parent teacher conference appointments will be sent out. Each parent is invited to meet with the teacher to study the child’s progress in school. • A delicious lunch of cake and coffee was served by Mrs. Wayne Pugh and Mrs. Jack Crawford. At the next meeting on May 11 at 8:30 D.S.T., Mrs. Paul Travis will show colored pictur s and lecture on his travels in the Orient. Refreshments will be served and the public is invited. During World War II more than twice as many Americans died of cancer as were killed in action. Topic of Food Studied Tues. TREHARNE—W. H. Wienecke, North Plains, visited his brother, Carl, and family Sunday. The Timber Route home exten sion unit met at the home of Mrs. Grayce Boyer April 11. Miss Agnes Kolshorn gave a demonstration on adjusting food to your age. Mrs. Bernita Peter son give a report on the rum mage sale to be April 22 at the Eagles hall. There will also be cooked food and flowers for sale. The following were elected as officers to serve for the next year: Chairman. Louise Smejkal; vice-chairman. Hettie Petersen; secretary, Florence Kirkbride; treasurer, Virginia Bergerson. There were 13 members and 3 visitors present. The next meet ing will be May 9 at the Ver nonia Grange kitchen. Mrs. Grace Boyer as project leader will give a demonstration on “Synthetic Detergents.” Every one is welcome. Pot-luck lunch. Mrs. Lester Galloway, Tamara, and Mrs. Hulan Thacker went to Hillsboro last Thursday. Mrs. J. E. Britton of Estacada and Mrs. Ruth Piper of Forest Grove called on Mrs. Blitton's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wienecke Sunday. Mrs. Mae Tailman, Mrs. Donna Tailman and daughter Lorraine of Timber, Mrs. Sylvia Falconer, Mrs. Nell Thacker, Mrs. Pat Gal loway and Mrs. Mae Wienecke were Monday visitors of Mrs. Laura Thacker. Mrs. Lin Reynolds, son Mike, house guest Cheryl Lee Reynolds and Mrs. Don Reynolds motored to Forest Grove and Hillsboro Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Lin Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Don Reynolds and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver mo- tored to Portland Saturday night Truman Davenport came home from the hospital Thursday and is getting along as well as can be expected. Mrs. Weaver returned from Dallas last Saturday where she has been staying at the home of Mrs. Ernest Chambers. Mr Chambers is much improved. Albert Reynolds returned home Sunday evening from Arkansas His father, Ben Reynolds of Combs, Arkansas, is reported out of danger. Lin. Don, and Forest Reynolds motored to Portland last Satur day on business. Speed Lusby came down with the mumps since Sunday. GREAT STRAIGHT BOÏÏBBON $030 " Pint Mrs. Bob Titherington of Seaitle was here from Monday to Friday of last week visiting her mother. Mrs. J?an Neuer, and grand mother, Mrs. Ada Fish. Clem Bruce, O-A dry kiln fore man. and Lloyd Quinn, secretary of the W.-st Coast Kiln club, were at Roseburg Friday and Saturday for a meeting of the club. While there they inspected the plant of the Young’s Bay Lumber company where Guy Wilbur is now employed. Wil bur was formerly employed in the dry kilns here. BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Werk Vernonia, Oregon Plan to Attend a Real Vernonia Merchants Day Celebration at Sam’s Food Store Phone 761 •Trade Mark Reg U • Fst OW / 'friend#1*1 We Deliver Listed Below Are Just a Few of Our Merchants Day Specials Preferred Stock PEANUT BUTTER 10-oz. Glass 29c HERITAGE Freedom to run, shout end play in The kind with the good Old Fashion Flavor clothing strong enough to "take it" and roomy enough for comfort. Only color fast quality fabrics and matching boil 5 lb. 49c—Î0Ïb?~95c 25 lb. $2.15 Preferred Stock TOMATO JUICE 46 oz. Tin 29c proof threads are used for these gar ments You save money when you buy TUMBL-TOGS* ‘hey're reasona bly priced end designed for longer wear. Come in and taste the difference Shafter Whites NF.W POTATOES "c Ha-’« New Dotat->es LB. & Creamed Peas for Sunday dinner VISIT OUR Sam's F-'nest Blue Label Pancakes REFRIGERATED The Sperrv Way SECTION 24 oz. 39c Sperry Pancake and Waffle Flour 10 lb. $1.09 SAM’S FOOD STORFS Best Blue Label Coffee lb. 69c Red Dot Coffee lb. 67c Food Demonstration All Day Saturday Coffee Cookies GARDEN-FRESH PRODUCE Snowshoe Pure Cane & Maple Syrup Bi.ouick and Peanut Butter Tomato Juice Preferred Stock — Finest Syrup Bacon Snowshoe. Pure Cane and Maple Swift's Premium WIDE VARIETY OF QUALITY MEATS AT LOW PRICES