Revival Present For Second Week Special revival meetings are being continued this week at the Assembly of God church with Dick Colsen as evangelist. In terest and attendance has grown nightly with the blessings of God resting upon each service. Evangelist Colsen delivers a very inspiring message adapted to lhe age in which we live. The services are nightly except Mon day and Saturday nights and the pastor extends a cordial invita tion to all to attend. The As sembly of God church is located at the corner of Maple and Second streets. Salmon Derby Catch Made Fri. Conference Head To Speak Twice Sun. After-Church Dinner Served Speaking at both the morning and evening services of the Evangelical United Brethren church Sunday will be Dr. Chester P. Gates of Portland, a conference superintendent of the Oregon-Washington conference of the Evangelical United Breth ren churches. Mr. Gates is a student of the prophetic scrip tures and one of the Northwest’s greatest preachers. RIVERVIEW — Mrs. Herman Wood and Mrs. Gerald Heskett were joint hostesses Sunday night at an after-church dinner at the Wood home. Those at tending were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gupta, Miss Ann Smythe, Paul Marks of Los Angeles, California, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Heskett and daughter, Emogene, and the Herman Wood family. Visitors at the Lester Hill home the past week were on Tuesday: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dockwiler of St. Helens, Mel vin McIntosh and Jack Quirck of Tacoma; on Thursday: Mrs. Robert McIntosh, son James and daughter Shirley of Scoggins valley. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cooper brought Mrs. Glen Mitchell home Saturday after she had spent a couple of weeks visiting in Tacoma. Mrs. Cooper is Mrs. Mitchell’s daughter. The Coopers spent the week end here. 3 Beach Houses A Backer for Joe GEO. N. TAYLOR Funeral Rite Bought by Couple For BY the Portland, Oregon first time, the Joe RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Pingles have a Backer. A Read Monday __ Otto Carlson have bought three houses near Wecoma beach. They moved there Sunday to occupy one of the houses and plan to rent the oth->r two. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bond en tertained the C. E. Buckner family and Mrs. C. E. George of Portland at breakfast Easter morning. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Beeler of St. Helens spent Monday at the home of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Serafin. Mr. snd Mrs. J. R. Burdell of Medford, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bur dell, Jr., and daughter of Forest Grove enjoyed Easter dinner at the W. F. MacDonald home. In the afternoon the Burdells and MacDonalds all went to visit Mrs. MacDonald's brother-in-law at the Permanante Hospital ar Vancouver, Washington. RIVERVIEW — Mrs. Otto Carlson entered the St. Helens salmon derby and was lucky enough to catch a 21-pound salmon Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Farnstrom brought her mother. Mrs. W. D. Steele, home Sunday after a week’s stay at the Physicians and Surgeons hospital, and two week's stay at the Farnstrom’s home at Vancouver, Washington. Mrs. Steele wishes to thank all of her friends for the many beautiful cards and flowrs she received while away. Linda Larson, little daughter of Mrs. Lester Blount is spend- I Ing a week at Mist with her Answers to Your Questions grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Bateson. QUESTION: I will graduate Mrs, Robert Wyckoff end from hish school this coming daughter, Laur-l, spent a few June, and I expect to go to work days visiting re'atives in Port in my father’s grocery store this land and Gresham, going in summer. I have been told by Tuesday. one of my teachers that I will Mr. and Mrs. Bert Keck and not need a social security card. children of Sheridan spent Is she correct? Easter Sunday at the Chas. Rat- ANSWER: Your teacher is cor kie home. rect. If the store is own'd by Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hill and your father as an individual, the boys spent Sunday at Taft visit business not being a corporation ing his sisters family, Mr. and or a partnership, and if you are Mrs. Harold Hopkins and father, under 21 years of age. your Harry Hill. work for your father will come Week end visitors at the C. I. under the family employment Anderson home were their exception and will not be cov daughters and their families: ered by the Social Security Act. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Anderson and Your wages will not be taxable children of Ocean Lake. Mr. and under that law and you will have Mrs. Ebon John and daughters no need for a social security of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. card in such employment. For Chet Anderson and children of more information write the Social Tillamook. Security Administration, 104 Old Post Office Building, Portland 4, IT’S TRUE Oregon. Jesus Christ is the solution to all your problems. Phil. I AT THE CHURCHES 4:6 Roms. 8:28, 1 Tim. 1:15 Matt. 11:28-30. NAZARENE CHURCH FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH The church that cares. —H. L. Russell. Pastor Residence — 1208 — Bridge 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. ROYAL 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. The World's First 6:30 p.m.—Young Peoples service TRULY MODERN 7:30 p.m. — Evening service Portable Typewriter Wednesday 7:30 p.m. — Prayer . . . with finger form keys de meeting. signed to cradle your fingertips. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Y’ou’ll be proud to own a Royal —Gerald F. Heskett, Pastor Portable. 9:45 — Bible school. Vernonia Eagle 11:00 — Preaching service. Office Supplies 6:30 — Youth meeting. 7:30 — Preaching service. 7:30 Wed. — Prayer meeting. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Services on Saturday: 10:00 a.m. — Sabbath school. 11:00 a.m. — Preaching, mission ary programs or Bible study. ASSEMBLY OF GOD •THE FRIENDLY CHURCH” —Rev. W. A. McBride, Pastor 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. 11:00 a.m. — Worship. 6:30 p.m. — Young People’s C.A. 7 30 p.m.—Evangelistic service. 7:45 p.m. Wed. — Bible study and praise service. TREASURE CHEST ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC Your home furnishings —Rev. Anthony Gerace —Rev. J. H. Goodrich may he worth thousands. Mass at 9:30 Yet a few dollars can pro VERNONIA EVANGELICAL —Paul D. Sisler, Minister — tect them! 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. Mrs. Make an inventory and Lesta Gamer, Sup't. see what a big investment 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. you have in furnishings Dr. Chester P. Gates, Portland, will speak. and personal effects. It’s well worth protecting, 6:30 p.m. — Youth Fellowship. 7:30 p.m. — Evening service. with insurance! Message by Dr. Chester P. Ask today for free Hart Gates. 1:30 p.m. Wed. — Pollyanna ford Inventory Booklet. Society at home of Mrs. H. L. Bennett. 7:00 p.m. Wed. — Choir practice. VERNONIA 7:30 p.m. Wed.—Midweek prayer and Bible study. INSURANCE 8:30 p.m. Wed. — Sunday school Bill J. Horn, Agent Board meets. Social Security 905 Bridge Street Phone 231. Vernonia THE EAGLE, LATTER DAY SAINTS Sunday school convenes at 10 a m. at 925 Rose Ave. under the direction of Charles Long, Backer for Joe and all who live in ignorance, poverty, fear, worry, sickness or even such as do time behind bars. And who is this Backer? He is the Lord Jesus Christ, the Creator and Upbuilder of the universe. He stripped off His glory and came among us to even share our poverty.—The foxes have dens, the birds of the air have nests but the Son of Man has not where to lay His head — BIBLE, Luke 9:58. New Life For Joe — Let Joe be lieve down in his heart that Christ died for his sins and God gives him eternal life. But even then, if Joe would have Christ’s joy, peace, and cheer, he must disown every sinful way and look wholly to Christ to clean him up. Fred Nelson, Chengfu, China, writes of Chinese Christians lifted so high above old heathen ways, vices and habits that they are seen as Christ's new creation. It is Christ who now lives in them and out through them. And how about you? This space paid for by a Port land business man. B1RKENFELD — The funeral services for Thomas Hopkins, Jr., were held Monday, April 10 at 11:45 o’clock at the Catholic church in Birkenfeld. Burial was at the Fishawk cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rodgers of Jewell spent Sunday at the home of her folks, the Francis Larsons recently. Wilbur Ocean and his son, Aldon, left recently by car for their home in Vermont. Mrs. Ocean is staying over for the remainder of the school term. Word was received last week of the serious illness of Mr. Metzler. He lived here in the valley a few years ago and is now living at Carlton. Mrs. Andrew Nordstrom re turned to her home recently after an absence of four months. She spent the winter with her daughter at Hood River, later going to Spokane and Seattle and visiting with another daughter and son and their families. The Howard Larson’s recently sold their ranch and are moving to Quincy. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Lar son (Ruth Block) of Birkenfeld, announce the birth of a 6-pound 1% ounce daughter, Linnea Pau line, on April 9 at tha Columbia hospital in Astoria. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST (Colored) —Elder J. C. Foster, Minister Services every Sunday at 1:30 and 7:30. FIRST BAPTIST 969 Bridge St. The Church with a Bible Message —Rev. Joe K. Smith, Pastor 10:00 a.m. — Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. 6:45 p.m. — B.T.U. 7:45 p.m. — Evening worship. 7:30 p.m. Wed. — Prayer service. Birthday-Easter Dinner Served at Buckner Home Two Birthdays Are Celebrated RIVERVIEW — A birthday and Easter dinner was served at the C. E. Buckner home. Those having birthdays were Mrs. C. N- Rundell and Howard RundelL Those attending besides the guests of honor were: Mr. and Mrs. Everett Rundell, Mrs. Wil liams, and Mrs. C. E. George of Portland, C. N. Rundell and the C. E. Buckner family. TREHARNE — Mrs. Hulan Thacker and Mrs. Lester Gal loway were in Portland last Friday. The following ladies helped Midge Reynolds celebrate her birthday Thursday, April 6: Mrs. M. Odam, Judy and Jimmy; Mrs. Florence Reynolds; Mrs. Flora Whitmire; Mrs. Ann Walker; Mrs. Sylvia Falconer; Mrs. Leann Odam; Mrs. Dorothy Odam and Billie; Mary Ella Whitmire; Mrs. Edna Reynolds; Mrs. Eleanor Kells, Marilyn, Patsy and Bobby; hostess Midge Reynolds, son Mike and house guest, Cheryl Lee Reynolds. Mrs. Falconer presented the birthday cake. Many could not attend the party because of illness. Mrs. Rey nolds received lots of nice gifts. Tamara Ann Galloway cele brated her second birthday which fell on Easter Sunday this year by having a party. Those at tending were Darlene Newton, Marilyn Galloway, Michael Riley and Toni and Shorty Monaco. Out-of-town guests were Penny Kramer, Portland and Karen Maish, Vancouver and Butch and Bill Stowell, Buxton. An Easter egg hunt was held with Penny Kramer and Butch Stowell each receiving a prize for finding the most eggs. Each guests also received a small easter basket. Ice cream and cake were served Jack C. Smith Doctor of Optomentry PHONE 633 For Appointment Joy Theater Bldg. OFFICE HOURS: Tues: 9:30 A.M. — 8:00 P. M. COMPLETE VISUAL SERVICE Coming! Monday, April 24th, Missionaries John Griener and Jim Shrago, of the New Tribes Mission. This is an inter denominational Mission and is not sponsor ed by any denomination. They will show their famous "DC-3 FLIGHT FILM." and bring a challenging Missionary message. Wednesday. April 26th. Mlss-'onary J. Hoafh. of the World Evangelization Crusade, and recently from Dominica. W. L where he has spent many years as a soldier of the cross, will speak and show color slides of the work. All that are interested in Missions will want to hear these men of God. Come promptly at 7.30 P.M. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH look At The Value! Look At The Features! DON BAYLEY, Agen* McDonald Hotel ■Hotpoint FOOD FREEZER is today’s best buy! For Sale at Your Favorite Grocery BAKED BY THE roomy 8-cubic-foot model quick-freezes moots, game and garden produce—stores 280 pounds of frozen food. Famous sealed-in refrigerating system assures dependable service for VERNONIA BAKERY J > many years. Removable wire HOME OF BUTTER KRUST BREAD AND ARDEN ICE CREAM ------------- --------------------- ——* baskets provide easier handling of stored foods. Positive tempera ture control is provided by nine temperature settings. You get many other features, including counterbalanced lid, interior Service From Bumper to Bumper lights and thermometer. Everybody ’» Pointing To point ■ It’s part of our Job and we like to do it—those little extras in service that mean a lot for your driving efficiency. No windshield goes unwiped, no oil unchecked, unless you say so. Try Heath's service soon . . . Come in for a lankful of gas or an oil change . . . you'll like our SIGNAL service. Food Freezers Franchised Hotpoint Dealer Sundland Electric & Appliance Heath’s Service Station 786 Bridge Street Phone 5711 Vernonia Phone 581 The Meeting Place of— NATIONALLY SOWN FOODS HERE ARE SOME SUGGESTIONS— Peanut Butter Potted Meat Prem Chili Con Came Spaghetti and Meat Chopped Ham Tamales Lunch Tongue Liver Pate FINE Groceriee Meat«—Vegetable. I ii Former Policy Holders Invited to See Me for Re-Instatement | De Luxe Rolls i VERNONIA. ORE. THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1950 7 SAM'S FOOD STORE I hon. 781 Free Delivery 1