« THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1950 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General FOR SALE—Machinery DAVENPORT and chair, kitchen table and chairs and wool rug. See Fritz Hausler. Mist Rt. 15t3 ONE model 7 Mall power saw, 6-ft. bar, new chain. One P.M. Wood Boss, 26-in. bar. two chains. One Vaughan drag saw, two saws 4 and 5 ft. Howard Haverland, 1209 Rose Ave. 15t3 BABY cribs, stoves, washing ma chines, table and numerous other articles at reasonable prices. Second Hand Store, Vernonia, Oregon. 15tl AUCTION: Every Wed. Our salp is growing steadily. We sell a goodly number of calves along with other cattle of all types; also numerous pigs and hogs at good prices. We have the buyers — they are paying top prices. Asy your neighbor who has con signed livestock; why not bring in yours. We have a ready out let for your livestock at good prices. We sell by the hear or you can have them weighed up. Mis. sale at 11; livestock auction at 1:30. Altman’s Auction Mart. Forest Grove; phone 16215. 14tfc ANYONE WISHING AVON pro ducts phone Mrs. Frank Morris. Lip sticks, colognes, face and ifcrby powder, specials till April 14. Mrs. S. P. Bowles, 348 C 14t3c st. BALED STRAW for sale. Ted Keasey. See 13t3 USED Spark oil heater $90; Mon arch range with Reliance oil bur ner $50; Easy Spindrier washing machine $100; 8-foot Coldspot re- irigerator $75; barber chair and mirror $100; Maytag washing ma chine $10. Cash. M. P. Mills, E.vkenfeld, Oregon. 13t3 WALNUT book case, rug and pad 9x12, davenport and chair. See Mrs. Landers at The Pal Shop. lltfc ORDERS taken for hand-made crochet gifts. Chair sets, doilies, holders. June Willis, 875 First Ave. 44tfc BUNDLES of old papers for sale. Inquire at The Eagle Office. FOR SALE—Real Estate 4-ROOM house on 1* *4 acrq half cleared. $1500. Terms. See Larry Wickstrom, Mist, Oregon. 15t3 2-BEDROOM home. Living rm., kitchen, dinette, utility, bath. Wood range, wood, garage, chick en house, fruit room, woodshed. Ntw roof, new plumbing. 2 lots fenced, fruit trees, berries, shrubs, nice lawn. $3300, $800 do-vn. Owner, 987 Second Ave., ■ Ctrey Hill. 14t3 THREE-ROOM house, hot and ■c. d water, shower, flush toilet, modern built-ins, $500 for quick strie. Trailer house $400. Also Tcread-a-matic for sewing ma- ■chine and hand needles. Threads ■easily, quickly. See Wilma Bor- U n, Treharne. 1413 FOR SALE—Pianos MANSFIELD cabinet grand piano in good condition. Price only $250. Andrew M. Parker, Mist Rt., Vernonia, Ore. 13t5 FOR SALE—Livestock WHITE stewing hens 25c lb. live weight. L. Carmichael, Stoney P. nt. 14t3 FOR SALE—Insurance STATE FARM automobile and life insurance co’s. Sam L. Hear ing, Sr., 891 Third Street, last bouse on street north of bakery. Phone 1062. lltfc L1FE, Fire, Car and Accident Insurance. Oregon Automobile Insurance Co. H. Hudson and George Bell. 26tfc FOR SALE—Cars, Trucks 1942 GMC 6x6, log bunks, runs good, good tires, $950. Inquire Benson’s Service Station 13t3 FOR SALE—Machinery USED Ford tractors, ready to go to work. Three to choose from. 2—14" pull-type tractor plow, goed as new. 7' Oliver tandem disk, 18” blades. 6’ Lindeman cover crop disk. 22" blades. 4'6" Tow ncr pull-type cover crop disk for Ford Tractor. 7’ field cultiva tor. New Holland automatic pick-up baler. Gustafson choke proof duster, 8 nozzles, fine for strawberries. Spray-Rite weed sprayer, tractor-mounted. Walker Tractor Co., West Washington and Dennis Ave. Hillsboro. Ore. 13t3c 1 TITAN BLUE STREAK chain saw. 4 and 6 ft. bars, 4 chains and filing rack. Complete outfit $500.00. See it at Greenwood Motors. 14t3c FOR SALE OR TRADE $50 ED HAMILTON fur certifi cate to trade for accordian or like value or sell for $25. Phone 8815, Mrs. Byron Kirkbride. I8t3c FOR RENT APARTMENT for rent. Electric range, Frigidaire, automatic hot water, oil heat and laundry. Riverview Apartments. 9tfc ROOMS newly decorated. Kitchen and living room privileges. Mrs. I.ulah Fullerton, 479 Rose Ave. 35tfc SERVICES PALOMINO Stud service. Service fee $25.00. Write or call at farm for appointment. Ken West, Tim ber Rt., Vernonia. 14tfc N E L S 0 N REFRIGERATION SERVICE, household and commer cial. 455 W. Baseline St., Hills boro, Oregon. Phone 701 collect. Ix?ave service calls at Vernonia Eagle. 15p WANTED WANTED: Good homes for 3 six-weeks-old male pups. Call at 1134 N. Weed Ave. W. B. Silver. 15tl WANTED: No. 1 Peeler Douglas Fir and Port Orford cedar logs. Quote prices and best delivery. Niedermeyer-Martin Co., 714 Spalding Bldg., Portland 4, Ore gon, telephone ATwater 4341. 15t7c (IK'HEST cash prices paid for .ream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery, Forest Grove, Oregon, phone 126. 14tfc MISCELLANEOUS ANYONE studying or interested in Christian Science in or around Vernonia, please call 253. 15t3c NEW, HOME LAUNDRY. Family washing washed and dried, 15c lb. Finished at reasonable rates. Also curtain stretching. Mrs. E. M. York, 108 A. St., phone 1107. SStfc LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has filed his final account in the Estate of Carmen M. Sykes, deceased in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County and the court has fixed Friday, the 5th day of May, 1950 at the hour 10:00 a.m. in the Court Room of said Court as the time and place for hearing of objections thereto and the settlement there- of. Bush & Hieber Vernon Sykes Attry. for Adm. Administrator 14t5c NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has filed his final account in the Estate of James M. Currie, deceased in th- County Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County and the court has fixed Friday, the Sth day of May, 1950 at the hour 10:30 a.m. in the Court Room of said Court as the time and place for hearing of objections thereto and the settlement there- of. M. G. Hieber Neal W. Bush Attrv. for Adm. Administrator 14t5c LOG SCALE BOOKS • Scribener’s • l:‘IS Columbia River • Only 50c • From 12 to SO Feet • Waterproof Bowling Results Parkrose Takes CITY LEAGUE Bowlers End 1949-50 Season WOMENS LEAGUE Monday, April 10, ended the second and final series of the Women’s bowling league and Bush Furniture came out the winners. Final standings were as fol- lows: Bush Furniture 37 Vernonia Cleaners 33 O-A Office 29 Dessy’s Tavern 29 Johnson’s Service 27 V. F. W. Auxiliary 26 Vernonia Bakery 23 Vernonia Drug 19 Winners of the first series, Dessy’s, and the winners of the second series. Bush Furniture, played off Tuesday, April 11, to see which was first. Prizes for the winning teams were as follows: Bush Furniture, $90.00; Dessy’s Tavern, $60,00; Johnson’s Ser vice, $30.00. Highest series for the entire group was bowled by Hazel Shipman and highest game was bowled by Opal Lindsley. A meeting will be called to dis tribute these prizes, day night went to Pauline Neeley day night wen to Pauline Neeley with a 198 and high series to Pauline Neelev with a 515. High team game went to Dessy’s with a 692 and high team series also to Dessy’s with a 1965. Splits picked up were: Celeste Poetter, 3-10, 3-7-10; Geet Burton 4-7; Pat Hahmeyer, 4 7; Silvia Turner. 2-7; Alice Gwin, 5-7; Hazel Dusenberry, 3-10. A city tournament for singles and doubles will be bowled next Monday, April 17. KODAK DEVELOPING SUPPLIES TIIE VERNONIA EAGLE Logger Opener 26 Sundland Electric 23 V.F.W. 21 The Vernonia Loggers opened Eagles 20 their league baseball play here O-A 15 on Monday afternoon and went Mist Auto Service 15 Nances O-A Mill 2 down to defeat by a 4 to 0 score. Sundland’s 2 921 The Parkrose pitcher didn’t al 921 low a single hit during the game 839 856 822 and was never in trouble as he 808 2982 struck out 14 Vernonia batters. 2589 It was a scoreless ball game Sundland — high game E. Ship- man 211; high series G. Bacon until the fourth inning when a series of Parkrose bunts counted 576. O-A Mill — high game W. Par- for three runs and they were ker 220; high series W. Parker in front the rest of the game. Batteries were Williams and 589. Snyder for Vernonia and Wetzel Nances 1 V. F. W. 3 873 and Lund for Parkrose. 783 865 948 853 912 2991 2643 V. F. W. — high game M. An- derson 229; high sériés M. An derson 602. Nances — high game J. Normand Thursday, April 6, brought to 197; high sériés J. Normand 561. a close the 1949-50 bowling sea Mist Auto 3 Eagles 1 son for the Men’s Vernonia 736 bowling leagues. 642 633 692 The winners for the third bowl 700 ing period were Sundland Elec 689 2069 tric in the City league and The 2023 high game O. Cant- Club in the Industrial league. Eagles well 219; high series O. Cant- The three period winners in well 555. the City league were: Eagles, Mist Auto — high game J. Kent Nance’s and Sundland’s and in 210; high series G. Bacon 534. the Industrial league the win This series between the Eagles ners were: I.O.O.F., Dessy’s and and Mist Auto was bowled by The Club. four men on each team. The three teams in each league will bowl in the near future to INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE 30 decide the champions in each The Club I. O. O. F. 25 league. 18 Dessy’s Tavern IB Vernonia Trading 15 Three-school Track Heath’s Service Brunsman 14 Event Due Wednesday The Club 3 Trading 1 A three-way track meeting is 801 scheduled to take place at Scap 860 877 838 poose next Wednesday when 862 896 Scappoose high school track men 2594 2935 the Vernonia Loggers and the Club — high game E. Ade 206; Parkrose track team will com high series C. Cederburg 550. pete. Trading — high game L. Atkins The Loggers next try for a 195; high series L. Atkiqs 558. baseball win will be Saturday Heath’s 3 when they go to St. Helens. Dessy’s 1 918 876 854 865 895 960 Read and use Eagle want ads 2667 2701 They get It—E—S— L—L—T—S Dessy’s — high game E. Shipman 204; high series E. Shipman 554. Heath’s — high game O. Fuller 249; high series O. Fuller 620. Give Your Home A Brunsman 1 I.O.O.F. 3 843 762 Beauty Treatment 784 815 764 831 2391 2408 Restore the original beauty of Brunsman — high game B. drapes and covers with our Brunsman 201; high series B. careful cleaning service. Bring Brunsman 534. I.O.O.F. — high game L. Schroe- that "new look" into your der 191; high series L. Schroe- home. der 538. Vernonia Eagle Office Supplies Rare Tie Match Result of Clubs Rifle Competition with Clatskanie CLATSKANIE Kneeling Prone 97 93 Paavola 100 88 Knoll 1001 87 LaBeck 96 91 Rand 98 89 Young 491 448 TOTALS Practice was made more in teresting Wednesday night at Vernonia's Gun club range by the visit of the up and coming Clatskanie rifle team for two matches. The first was won by Vernonia 912 to 846. The second match was a tie, 939 to 939, that had to remain a tie because the teams were tied in both positions. This rarely happens and this is the first time it has ever happened to Vernonia. Harold Peterson led the Ver nonia team in the first match, a sitting-standing match, with 185, followed closely by Milton Lamping with 184, and Ber nard Lamping 183. In the second match Bernard Lamping was high with 190 followed by Ralph Aldrich 188 and Melvin Snook 187. First Match Peterson 185 Horn 179 M. Lamping 184 Mellinger 175 B. Lamping 183 Rounds 169 Aldrich 182 Young 162 George 178 LaBeck 161 192 846 Second Match VERNONIA Kneeling Prone Ttl. Lamping 91 99 190 Aldrich 90 98 188 Snook 91 96 187 Peterson 89 98 187 M. Lamping 87 100 187 TOTALS 448 491 939 Handy staple removers for sale at THE EAGLE office. I W A PARTY IWA HALL SAT.. APRIL 22 7:30 P.M. Special Gifts Free Admission Canned Goods and Other Prizes Coming ! ! ! The fourth Monday of each month one of our Sales and Service representatives will be in— Vernonia and Vicinity and will be glad to take care of your sewing machine requirements. Please list your requirements on the coupon below. Mail it and we will do the rest. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 572 Commercial Street Astoria, Oregon GENTLEMEN: Vernonia Cleaners Please instruct your representative to call in regard to: Repairing my present WEATHER PROOFING SERVICE □ □ □ □ sewing machine Appraisal of my WOODBOSS present sewing machine Purchase of a new P ower S aw O wners * SINGER Sewing Machine Purchase of a new * SINGER Vacuum Cleaner •Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. by the SINGER Mfg. Co. Name Address Make of Machine ¿»^'FACTORY SUES e SERVICE • HITS e IEHIRS Phone WOODBOSf, I nc . !••• «. I. UNION AVINVI FkoNo Vtrmoal tilt IO IT U « 11 14, OaSOON J K ind THAT OF THE Ttl. 190 188 187 187 187 939 weT the whistles 9A«»eR SH0P QUARTET- J ust tell the man YOU WANT Imperial is made by Hiram Walker. Biended whiskey. 86 proof 70? grain neutral spirits. Hiram Walker & Sons Inc., Peoria, Illinois. 4 4 5 ' qt.'