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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1950)
BRUNSMAN Hardware and Electric To Choos« From ! FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS and FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGES HARDWARE — SPORTING GOODS — GUNS — AMMUNITION PAINTS LINSEED OIL — TURPENTINE ELECTRIC WIRING — NAILS — fastest cooking in Frigidaire history! EACH ONE FEATURES: • • • • • $85 Value Club Chair 4* * * Stoneware Jars and Matching Lids 2 Gallon Size $1.60 3 Gallon Size $2.30 5 Gallon $3.95 Large White Step-on Garbage E/ecfric flanges Thrifty 30 Big, porcelain Even-Heat Oven Radiantube, 5-Speed Cooking Unix High-Speed Broiler, waist high All-porcelain inside and out Acid-Resisting Porcelain Top $169.95: RM 45 $279.75 $309.75 look Ovto’de! look fosfato! You Can’t Match a G. E. Deluxe Vacuum Cleaner and Atach- ments $ $77.45 Vai. Treadle-Type Grindstone $20 Value $7.95 32-Gallon $025 Garbage Can J 26-Gallon $988 Garbage Can This is way below the carload factory price. Every farmer or mechanic should have one. FRIGIDAIRE SWING ROCKERS $45 Value $29.95 $60 Value $39.95 Wool Frieze and Tapestry Coverings New gold-and-white beautyl New aluminum rust-proof shelves! New full-length door! I New "Ice Blue" interior triml Gold Band Sherbet Dishes 25c Vai. Ea. New Shipment of new Colors to Choose from Better selection of 9 Cubic Ft. DeLuxe Model Shown $269.75: MM76 and Reel $in95Values than Ever Be’ MM92 Boots lv fore. Wool Frieze, MM76 $219.75: SMSO Tapestry, Mohair. $309.75 $234.75 $194.75 Temper Deluxe juick Growing Lawn Seed lb. Rake True Temper Deluxe Hoe ABC Super Deluxe Washer $ with Timer Standard Model With Pump Vigoro Fertilizer 100-lb. Sack $5.00 50-lb. Sack $3.00 25-lb. Sack $1.75 10-lb. Sack Sack Occasional Chairs $25.00 Value $16.95 Nesco Porcelain Double Boiler $1.50 Value $215 Value Daveno Set. 4 Colors S1 C C to Choose from Marshall-Wells Miracle WallTone $0 59 Gallon J Zynolyte Chip-proof Plastic Type Floor Covering. Quart $2.00 Pint $1.25 New Shipment of MASONITE Whirlpool Wash Wallboard er and Pump. A 4x8x3/16 - $2.85 Real Spec. $89.95 SIMPSON BOARD 1- Quart Handled Stew Pan 40c Value 2- Quart Handled Sauce Pan n’7 50c Value ‘ 32-Pc. 3et Iris or 3- Quart Handled Dutch Mill Design Sauce Pan *?QC Dishes 60c Value Individual Covered $11.95 Value $20 Floor Lamps with 3-way, 100, 200 and 300 watt bulb. Others at $10.95 8 THURSDAY, FEB. 23, 1950 Traffic Toll in January Down Eighteen persons lost their lives in January traffic accidents, the Oregon state traffic safety division reports. Officials credited the month’s heavy storms and hazardous road conditions as being prim arily responsible for a sharp de ci, ie in fatalities THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. Easter Seal Sale Head Named for Columbia Columbia county’s chairman for the annual Easter Seal sale by the Oregon Society for Crip pled Children and Adults will be Mrs. Drucilla Walworth of Deer Island. This is the fourth sale spon sored by the society in Oregon and will be held from March 9 through Easter Sunday. April 9. NOTICE to Personal Property Owners of Columbia County CHAPTER 342, SEC. 110-349 Provides that every person and managing agent or officer of any firm or corporation or association owning or having possession of or control of taxable personal property, shall make a return thereof to the county assessor of the countv in which such property is located on January 1st. 1950. The final date for filing this return is March 2nd. 1950. In 1949 this Law was Amended making it mandatory that the assessor add the penalty of 5% to the tax on all returns that are filed after the said March 2nd, 1950. ( However, if you will co-operate by filing your report now, you will do your part in reducing the cost of tusking this assessment; also eliminate having the penalty added to your personal tax. Blanks have been mailed to all personal property owners shown on the 1949 tax roll. However, if vou are a new owner or have not received a blank, call St. Helens 12, or drop a card to the Assessor’s office. St. Helens. Oregon, and vou will receive the necessary form. Failure to receive or secure the form shall not relieve any such person, managing agent, or officer from, the obligation of making any return herein required. Walnut, Mahogany Blond Drop Leaf Desk $45.00 Value Five-Piece Walnut Bedroom Suite. $195 Value $1 4 4 50 Special 1““ Replace Your Battery for the Winter Season. Up to 30 Months Guarantee 23 Aluminum Percolator $1.30 Value Simmons Innerspring Mattresses and Box Deep Slep $39.50 Ea. Beautyrest $59.50 Ea. Bergman Caulked Boots. $33.50 Value Gold band Tumblers $2 Dozen Value 6 for 4x8 Sheets $2.25 ALL SIZES PLY WOOD IN STOCK Paint Brushes to $18 Print Linoleum Spring Filled Matress Square < Special Yard C Price Inlaid Linoleum Square Yard Also New Patterns in Linoleum Rugs Several New Patterns of Inlaid Linoleum Just Received Extra Good Size $ Clothes Rack Dust Pans 35c Value NOTICE OF RURAL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in compliance with Section 110- 1207 OCLA as amended by Chapter 393 Oregon Law 1943 and Chapter 345 Oregon Law 1945 as amended by Chapter 591 Oregon Laws 1947, as amended by Chapter 543 Oregon Law 1949, to the legal voters of the Rural School District of Columbia County, Oregon, that a meeting will be held at the Court House in St. Helens, Oregon, on the 11 day of March, 1950, at 11:00 o’clock A.M., for the purpose of discussing the budget of the Rural School Board for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1950 and ending June 30, 1951, hereinafter set forth. BUDGET 1950 . 1951 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS Daveno and Swing Rocker. $165 $ Value for LIGHTING FIXTURES Wide Selection APPLIANCES — WIRING All Your Electrical Needs at L. A. JACKSON ELECTRIC Cornelius — Phone 371J — Contractor 1. Estimated available cash on hand at beginning of the year for which this budget is made ..... — ----------- $ 0 2. Estimated receipts from delinquent taxes ----- 240.00 3. Amounts received from other sources .............................. — 0 TOTAL .................................... S 240.00 GIVE THE PERSON YOU ARE TELEPHONING TIME TO ANSWER ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES ITEM Estimated Expenditures for 1950-51 1. Personal Service (A) Rural District Secretary Salary (B) Clerical and Legal 2. Supplies, Printing 3. Postage, Telephone and Telegraph 4. Elections and Publicity 5. Board Expenses. Travel. Etc. 6. Office Equipment 7. Other Miscellaneous Expenses .............. 8. Emergency Total Estimated Expenditures $ 960.00 | 100.00 25.00 25.00 75.00 800.00 100.00 5.00 150.00 $2.240.00 SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES. RECEIPTS AND AVAILABLE CASH BALANCES AND TAX LEVY 1. Total Estimated Expenditures $2,240.00 2. Deduct Total Estimated Receipts & Available Cash Balances .. __ 240.00 3. Amount Necessary to Balance the Budget $2.000.00 4. Deduct Deficit Forwarded to Next Fiscal Year 0 5. Balance to be Raised by Taxation 2,000.00 6. Total Estimated Tax Levy for the Ensuing Fiscal Year 2.000.00 Dated February 14, 1950 Signed Lois D. Kent. Clerk Julia Helen Leu. Chairman Board of Directors Approved by Budget Committee, February 11, 1950 Signed C. Miller. Secretary, Budget Committee Paul A. Gordon, Chairman. Budget Committee Wait at Least 10 Rings Very often the person telephoning cannot di thing to answer the te! when telephoning, it's a wise policy to wait a minute—that’s ten rings—before hanging up. This gives the person you are calling a reasonable time to answer. You'll also be likely to complete a lot more telephone calls this way. And your consideration will help us to serve everyone more efficiently by cutting down the number of "it>- completed calls. So always wait 10 rings—won’t you, please?