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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1950)
C THURSDAY, FEB. 23, 1950 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. CLASSIFIEDS ? ’’-’OR SALE—General BLACK rayon crepe dress like new, size 14. May be seen at 225 A St._________________ 8t3c SPINET piano. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Cash or terms. Can be seen at Vernonia. Write Tall man Piano Store 395 South 12th St., Salem, Oregon. 8t3c MARSHALL-WENDELL piano. Will leave tuning price off. Leav ing town. 3rd house to left, Riverside drive. 7t3c GOOD horse hay and hairy vetch hay, ideal with molasses. Also straw and wheat and mixed grain. Mike Yunker, phone 16104, Forest Grove, Oregon. 7t4c DAVENPORT and chair, rug and pad 9x15, 5-piece maple dinette set, end table. See Mrs. Landers at the Pal Shop. 7tfc OVERSTUFFED davenport and chair set like new. Less than half price. Also nice rocker, electric heater. 1005 3rd Ave., Corey hill. 7t3 THOR Automagic gladiron, like new, $75.00. J. F. Willis, 875 First Ave. 7t3 AUCTION every Wednesday; misc. sale at 11, livestock sale at 1:30. Just S.E. of the city limits of Forest Grove; the place where buyer and seller meet. Will buy or give you free appraisals on livestock or other property you have for sale. Write or phone 16215. Altman’s Auction Mart, Forest Grove. 6tfc ORDERS taken for hand-made crochet gifts. Chair sets, doilies, holders. June Willis, 875 First Ave. 44tfc FOR SALE—R»*al Estate 3-ROOMS partly furnished house. F.rst house down steps by ball park. Very reasonable. See Daisy S. Rankin, Timber Rt., Vernonia, Oregon. , 8t3 HOMES 3- ROOM modern with utility room and 75x100 lot. This is in excellent condition inside and out, close to both grade and high schools. New garage. $2500 full price. 4- ROOMS modern, close in, $2500 full price. Will take car on dwn .pymnt or will trade for property in Forest Grove or Hillsboro. 4-ROOM, semi-modern on lOOx- 100. Lots of strawberrys. Garage and wood shed. $3,000 full price. $500 down. 4-ROOMS, newly decorated, 75x- 100 lot. $1,500 cash. Many others. FARMS 100 ACRES—Approx. 700,000 ft timber. Lots of good farm land when cleared. $5,500 full price, terms. More timber available on adjoining place. 100 ACRES, about 15 cleared. Grade A milk house, some tim ber. $8,000, one-half down. 27 ACRES, 20 bottom land. Close in. $5,500, $3,000 down. 4-ROOM modern house. 1 acre. Wonderful location. $3,950. $500 down. Many others. Don Bay- ley, Broker. 80 ACRES for $5,000 including horse, cow, calf and machinery. 7-8 tons hay, barn, small house, family orchard, berries. Terms if desired. C. D. Bushart. Capi- to. hill, Timber Rt., Vernonia. ____ _______________________ 8t3 FOUR-BEDROOM house and two lots for sale. Possession in 2-3 weeks. Very reasonable. Inquire se< >nd house left on Riverside drive._____________________ 8t3c $3300.00. $1000 down or less takes my 2-bedroom home, living room, kitchen, bft. nook, utility room with tubs, shower. Wired for elec, range. Garage, wood shed, hen house. Lot 100x150. Fruit trees, berries. One block to school. 1005 Third Avenue, Corey Hill. 6t3 FOR SALE—Insurance LIFE, Fire, Car and Accident Insurance. Oregon Automobile Insurance Co. H. Hudson and (in rge Bell. 26tfc STATE FARM Automobile and Life Insurance Co's Winston Walker, 843 3rd St. (First house behind bakery). Phone 1066. _________________________ 34tfc FOR SALE—Livestock CALF for sale Pebble creek Dairy, telephone 8812. 8tlc IN MEMOR1UM In memory of Thomas R. Tur ner, be it resolved, that the of ficers and members of Vernonia Lodge No. 246, I.O.O.F., extend to the family deepest sympathy and love. God calls our loved ones, but we lose not wholly what he has given. They live on earth in thoughts and deeds, as truly as in His Heaven. Resolved that a copy of this resolution be sent to the bereaved family, a copy published in the local paper, also a copy spread on the records of the lodge. Louis F. Schroeder Allen C. Ray Earl L. Atkins Committee Club Rifle Team Wins 3 Matches LOWER COLUMBIA LEAGUE STANDINGS Seaside Scappoose St. Helens Rainier Parkrose Vernonia Clatskanie Sherwood w i, 8 i i 3 4 5 7 111 ’]11 Pct. .890 .890 .728 .637* .500 .365 .154 .090 The Vernonia Gun club team 8 has won again, three times, two 8 with Clatskanie and one with 7 FOR SALE—Car», Trucks 5 Portland. 4 1948 FORD super deluxe four- Wednesday night of last week 2 door sedan, radio and heater, the Clatskanie rifle team came 1 to Vernonia for two matches. The spotlight, seat covers, white side first was sitting-standing and the wall tires, $1195.00. second was kneeling-prone. 1947 CHEVROLET Fleetline 2- Harold Peterson led the Vernonia door sedan. Loaded with acces team with a healthy 186 followed sories, low mileage, $1295.00. by Ben George with 185 and CHEAP transportation: ’38 Chev. Milton Lamping with the same 4-door, 1934 Plymouth cpe., 1934 score. Rands led the Clatskanie Chev. 2-dr. sedan, 1934 Chev. cpe. The past week has been a team with 182 followed by Harold All good transportation at very series of upsets and close games Davis 179 and Roy Zimmerdahl low price. Vernonia Auto Co. in the Lower Columbia League. 177. Scores were: Stic Vernonia Saturday night Rainier handed NEW FORD truck, 2 ton, chassis One by one the links are broken Harold Peterson 186 Seaside their first defeat and and cab. Original price $2217.45. From the golden chain of love. Ben George 185 Sherwood won their first game Can be bought for $1850.00. One by One may each he welded Milton Lamping 185 In the Father ’ s home above; Terms if desired. Phone 861. 182 by defeating Vernonia in the Ralph Aldrich 7tfc Not till the loom is silent 181 second overtime period while St. Bernard Lamping And the shuttle has ceased to fly. Helens managed to defeat Clats Total highest five 919 FOR SALE: '49 Ford Vi-ton pick Will God unroll the pattern kanie by one point. Clatskanie up with only 300 miles. Heater And explain the reason why. Tuesday night St. Helens de Rands 182 and defroster. $1375.00. Original Whereas a great sorrow and fended a lead gained earlier in 179 H. Davis price was $1649.00. Phone 861. loss has come to the sisters and 177 the game to defeat Vernonia by 7tfc brothers of Mt. Heart Rebekah Zimmerdahl Terms if desired. O. Mellinger 172 two points and Parkrose gave Lodge in the passing of our Horn 171 Rainier a surprising defeat. FOR SALE—Machinery brother Tom Turner; Friday night ends the regu Highest five total 881 Resolved, that Mt. Heart Re SEE US for good values in used This was a sitting standing larly scheduled season’s play other than postponed games with Ford tractors. Also have a good bekah Lodge No. 243 extend to match. assortment of new and used the family sympathy and love. The second match with Clats- Scappoose playing Vernonia at Resolved, that a copy of these implements. Walker Tractor Co., kaniz was a kneeling-prone Vernonia, Rainier at St. Helens, W. Washington & Dennis Ave., resolutions be sent to the be match which was also won by Parkrose at Seaside and Clats kanie at Sherwood. Hillsboro. 7t3c reaved family, also spread on the Vernonia. Scores were: records of our Lodge. Vernonia Jane L. Pace FOR RENT Milton Lamping 194 Jewelle Robinson Ralph Aldrich 189 HOUSE FOR RENT. 3-rm. fur Faye Davis 8tlc H. Peterson 187 nished house on Mist highway 3 Ben George 186 miles from Riverview. Henry H. Tod Bowerman 184 Anderegg. 8tl | Highest five total 94U Vernonia traveled to Parkrose ONE-ROOM cabin to rent with CITY LEAGUE Clatskanie last Friday night and tangled good cook stove. Mrs. Frank Mills. Sundland Electric 8 Rand 188 with the city boys in a close * 8tl O-A Mill 8 Zimmerdahl 187 struggle before admitting defeat. Mist Auto Service 7 H. Davis 182 The Loggers were unable to 4-RM. modern house on Stoney 177 check Wagner, the 6’4” Parkrose 5 Noll Point. See Morris Falconberry Nance’s 4 Pavols 177 center, during the first half and near 10th St., Riverview. 7t3 Eagles V. F. W. , 4 Total highest five 911 the big fellow led his mates to ..... ......... ■ ■ On Friday night the Vernonia an 8-point halftime edge. O-A Mill 1 ROOMS newly decorated. Kitchen Sundland’s 3 875 846 team went to Portland to shoot and living room privileges. Mrs. During the third quarter the 865 816 a match that was postponed be score remained at about the Lulah Fullerton, 479 Rose Ave. 875 905 cause of bad weather. __________________________35tfc same advantage for the Park The match was held at the rose boys, but a determined bid 2615 2567 WANTED_____________ Sundland’s — high game O. Ful- Portland Rifle clubs new $50,000 by Vernonia in the final stan ler, 208; high series O. Fuller,» range. This range has 21 firing za had the house in an uproar. WANTED to rent: 1 or 2 bed points and is said to be the finest The locals roared back to with 588. room house. Phone 1166. 8tl O-A Mill — high game R Bran- range owned by a private Gun in one point wiih two minutes HIGHEST cash prices paid for dow 207; high series R. Brandow club in the United States. remaining, but coudn’t overtake This match was a prone- their opponents as the two-min- cream and eggs at your door— 593. Eagles 1 kneeling and Vernonia shooters ute ruling favored the Bronco’s. picked up once or twice weekly— Mist Auto 3 841 798 were in top form, four of them Final score was 59-48. Wagner call or write Forest Grove Cream 808 ery, Forest Grove, Oregon, phone 820 shooting possibles. Tod Bower had 19 points for Parkrose, Wil- 843 man led the team with the very 126. 14tfc I 939 2588 2461 high score of 193 followed by Ben SERVICES__________ ■_ Mist Auto — high game E. Ses- George with 189 and Harold Club Members, Guests slin 222; high series E. Sesslin, Peterson with 187. Plan Party Friday NELSON REFRIGERATION 594. Vernonia SERVICE, household and commer A buffet turkey dinner and Eagles—high game C. VanDeBo- Tod Bowerman 193 cial. 455 W. Baseline St., Hills Ben George 189 dance will take place at the gart 186; high series C. VanDe boro, Oregon. Phone 701 collect. Harold Peterson Bogart 540. 187 Vernonia Golf and Country club Leave service calls at Vernonia VFW 2 187 Friday evening of this week, Nances 2 Ralph Aldrich Eaele. • 15p 836 186 February 24, for members of the 793 Milton Lamping club and their guests. The club Total highest five 863 ____ 942 859 CARD OF THANKS house will be closed to the gen 882 1022 WE DESIRE to express to our 2581 eral public for that evening. 2674 kind neighbors and thoughful VFW — high game E. Ade 194; Formal dress for the affair is friends and especially to the Odd high series W. Walker 527. optional. Fellows and Rebekahs our heart Nances — high game J. Normand Portland felt thanks for their many ex 245; high series J. Normand 604. Roy Green 198 pressions of sympathy. The beau INDUSTRIAL LEAUGE C. Erickson 189 tiful floral offerings were ap The Club 10 Kock 185 preciated very much. Dessy’s Tavern 10 Moyer 181 Mrs. Silvia Turner & family Vernonia Trading 5 A. Alpon 174 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schultz & Brunsman 4 Vernonia has three more family I.OO.F. 4 matches to shoot to complete this Mr. and Mrs. George E. Turner Heath’s Service 3 season's schedule and to date has and family Club 3 Trading 1 won five and lost none. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Turner 877 900 and family. 899 862 887 870 THE FAMILY of the late Phoebe 2632 D. Sandon wishes to express their 2663 appreciation and thanks for the Club — high game R. Brandow many acts of kindness shown to 199; high series R. Brandow 555. us at this time. We especially Trading — high game L. Atkins wish to thank those who sent 213; high series L. Atkins 557. Heath’s 0 such lovely flowers and cards. Dessy’s 4 910 855 N. L. Sandon. Light beer is the beverage 951 846 Harry and Dorothy Sgndon 889 808 8tlc of moderation Enjoy - 2750 2509 Dessy ’ s — high game A. East MISCELLANEOUS 219; high series L. Wiese 589. ONE Dalmation and 1 pup 7 ' Heath’s — high game W. Heath months old to give to someone ! 209; high series W. Heath 586. who will give them a good home. Brunsman 2 1.0 O F. 2 Inquire Mrs. C. Makinster, quar 906 781 ter mile on Scappoose road. 8t I 791 842 830 835 NEW. HOME LAUNDRY. Family 2527 '/ts the Water 2458 washing washed and dried, 15c lb. Finished at reasonable rates. Also Brunsman—high game D. Bruns curtain stretching. Mrs. E. M. man 209; high series R. Curl 546. York, 108 A. St., phone 1107. I.O.O.F. — high game C. Minger __________________________ 38tfe 201; high series G. King 525. Upset Series Marks Net Week Parkrose Wins Close Struggle Bowling Results To be temperate means moderation Upset Game at Sherwood Lost Vernonia dropped an upset game to Sherwood earlier this week at Sherwood. The Loggers, who were playing their fourth game of the week, just didn't have the snap and drive to carry them to victory. The locals had held the lead during the entire game until Harold Crowston rehurt his knee and was forced out of the game Gordon Crowston fouled out in the second half and followed Harold to the shower. With only seconds remaining, the Sherwood boys tied the score and forced the game into an overtime. At the end of the first overtime the score was still tied so the teams squared off again. In the second overtime Sherwood scored the first bas ket and the game was theirs via the sudden death ruling. LaFollett and Wall had 9 points each. Lions Entertained by Vernonia Quint Tues. Vernonia dropped its second win of the season to St. Helens here on Tuesday night of this week by a score of 60-58. The Lions were in front most of the game but the locals 'refu-Wi to admit defeat until the final whistle. St. Helens was ahead by a seven point margin at halftime and widened it to 12 points in the third quarter. The Loggers came roaring back in the fourth stan za despite the fact that Gordon Crowston went out on fouls a few seconds after it started. The St. Helens lead was a little to great, however, and the final whistle found the Loggers still trailing by 2 points. Gene Wall led scoring for the evening with 19 points. Bowling Results WOMEN’S LEAGUE Monday, February 20 started off with a bang with all the girls out to win. High individual game went to Celeste Poetter with a 212. High individual series went to Marge Cederburg with a 516. Johnson's Service took high team game with a 668, and also took high team series with an 1895. Standings for the week of February 20 are as follows: Bush Furniture 20 V. F. W. Auxiliary 17 Dessy’s Tavern 16 Vernonia Cleaners 16 O-A Office 15 Johnson’s Service 13 Vernonia Bakery 9 Vernonia Drug 6 Vet Netmen Schedule Jewell Here Next Wed. The V.F.W. town team will take the floor against Jewell here next Wednesday evening. Al Pierson, Vet .club manager, announced the game Wednesday morning of this week zfor the high school gym next Wednes day, March 1. in all things. BUNDLES of old papers for sale. Inquire at The Eagle Office. CLASSIFIED RATES MINI M U M charge 35e for 23 words or less. Words over min imum. 2c each. Three inser tions for the price of two. CARD of Thanks & Notices: 75e No information on classifieds will be given out until after paper is mailed. BLIND ads with answers to be handled by The Eagle: Minimum charge 73c. No information given relative to such ads. Just ask anyone who trades here and they wi«I proclaim KING’S has the best meat in town. Why don’t ycu drop around and make a pur chase from our meat counter and find out for ycurself. Give the whole family a treat. Shop King’s—you won’t regret it. League-leading Indians Slated Here Friday Next game for Vernonia will be played here on Friday night against league leading Scappoose. Vernonia led Scappoose for al most three quarters of the first game played at Scappoose and the locals are out to upset the Indians this time. Shrapnel was first used ex- tensively by Wellington’s forces in the Peninsular War against Napoleon. ITS BEST KING’S Grocery - Market "Where Your Money Buys More“ OLIMPI» BREWING COMPANY 0 i. ’ * * i » • * S *1 •» GI ci b S * Phone 91 At the Mile Bridge Riverview