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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1950)
2 THURSDAY, FEB. 23, 1950 TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mrs. Doyle McAnnich and daughter, Karen Sue and Alberta LaRae, of Newberg were here recently to visit her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Kent and grandmother, Mrs. Minda Davis. Visitor* at the home of Mrs. Frank Morris Thursday after noon were, Mrs. Minda Davis, Mrs. Erma Kent and Mrs. Wilma 3orton. Margaret Junken of Timber Route, Vernonia, was among JEWELRY NEEDS IT If you own fine Jewelry and Furs, you have an in vestment of hundreds of dollars. Many things can happen to them over which you have no con trol You can be protected financially from any loss cr damage whether at home or away with a Hart ford Jewelry-Fur Policy. Ask this agency to insure yours NOW! VERNONIA INSURANCE BILL J. HORN, AGENT 905 Bridge Street Phone 231, Vernonia ORE. DATES TO REMEMBER those present at radio station KGW’s "Hostess House Party” last week. This Wednesday and Friday morning audience-partici pation show is held in the new Oregonian building's Hostess House auditorium in Portland. THOMAS VARIETY siora 9c sal* with many stock reducing specials. Feb. 23 to March 4. •tic Sunday dinner guests at the Robert Mathews home were the L. P. Mathews family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mathews and Marion and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wright and David. Mrs. Hulan Thacker and Mrs. Lester Galloway and Tamara left Tuesday for Long Beach, Cali fornia for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and family. Mr. Thacker will accompany them as far as San Francisco. Mrs. Earl King and daughter. Marilyn Kay, came home from St. Vincent’s hospital Thursday. Mrs. Hollis Hartwick and daughter. Sue, of Banks spent the week end at the Claude Nor ris home. Rev. and Mr*. Thoma* Kilcoyn, former residents here, are the parents of a daughter, Beverly Sharon. They are residing at Cypress, California. THOMAS VARIETY store 9c sale with many stock reducing specials. Feb. 23 to March 4. 8tic Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Schroeder of Klamath Falls were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Ruhl part of the past Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Schroeder was employed in the Oregon-American, office a number of years ago. Coming here io attend the funeral Sunday, of their brother and uncle, Thomas Turner, were: Mrs. Ruby Schultz and daughter, Mrs. Ella Scott of Red Bluff and Oakland, California and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Carpenter and Lois Mc Queen. all of Chehalis and Win lock, Washington. Also attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Graven, Mr. and Mrs. Royce FrL. Fab. 24 — Vernonia Coun try club Mini-formal party. FrL. Fab. 24 — Vernonia country club iemi-formal party. Sat.. Feb. 25 — High school operetta. 9 p.m_ Washington auditorium. Sat„ Feb. 25 — County 4-H lead ers association meeting, high school. 10 a.m. TueSo Feb. 28 — Cub Scout pack meeting. IWA hall. 7:30 p.m. Sat.. March 25 — Boy Scout merit badge show. THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, Try Our Service The whole family will enjoy the prompt ef ficient service that we offer. For the BEST in Focd, Dairy and meat needs Nehalem is your one and only choice. Hospital Stay Improves Health RIVERVIEW — Glen Mitchell came home from the Veterans hospital in Portland Saturday much improved in health. . On Monday he and Mrs. Mitchell went to St. Helens on business, returning by way of Portland and Hillsboro where they visited their daughter, Mrs. Iva Ward. J. M. Peachey was called to Tacoma, Washington Tuesday be cause of the critical condition of his mother, Mrs. Alice Bolting house. She is past 97 years old and is suffering from a broken hip. THOMAS VARIETY store 9c sale with many stock reducing specials. Feb. 23 to March 4. Stic Week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hanson were his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hanson and daughter Karla and Mrs. Cletis Hanson and three children of Sweet Home. PUBLIC dance Saturday, Feb. 25, I.O.O.F. hall. Hal Cook's orchestra. Admission $1. Bile Mr. and Mrs. Ray Williams and girls, Beverly and Sandra, spent Sundav at Seaside. Mitchel, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Champ- liss, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Gid dings and daughter, Nancy, all of Portland, Miss Norella Van Alstme, Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rogers of Dallas, Miss Ruth Frick, Monmouth and Robert Rowe of Forest Grove. All re turned to their homes Sunday evening excepting .the California ladies, who left Tuesday morn ing. PUBLIC dance Saturday. Feb. 25. I.O.O.F. hall. Hal Cook's orchestra. Admission $1. 8tlc There is a very interesting ar ticle in the February 10 issue of the Saturday Evening Post about Ozona, Texas, its people and the lives they live. Beverly Herrin, who attends T.C.U. visited in Ozona during the Thanksgiving holidays with Miss Sue Mienecke, one of the young ladies whose picture appears in the article. NEHALEM 3XHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXH HOFFMAN’S i A NEW PRODUCT MADE BY REPUBLIC « H at | Self-Seal Flat Wall Paint ! One coat covers most surfaces. Easy to apply X X —easy to wash. Use it over plaster, canvas, H Ml wallboard and old paint. Colors include— ** thistle green, moonglow, dusty rose and others, g Quarts $1.30 5 J Where there'* a Sea lloree. there's FUN! 3E Johnson DEPENDahiliiy means carefree varation hours ... for years ... and then a higher trade-in. 5 models. u ' ■ X M X ................. ,il 75.00 Gal. $4.25 ___ OUR J x ! SPECIAL! h Men’s full size H lunch kits with || thermos. ... $1 98 ^eg. $2.85 1 J ¡J H H S Hoffman Hardware Co. M •r Cast Named For Operetta RIVERVIEW — Wednesday a group of Mrs. W. D. Steele’s friends surprised her by arriving with a complete meal prepared to spend the day. Those present were: Mrs. C. N. Rundell, Mrs. C E. Buskner, Mrs. Jim Bond, Mrs. Glen Hawkins and Mrs. Lester Blair. PUBLIC dance Saturday, Fab. 25. I.O.O.F. hall. Hal Cook's orchestra. Admission $1. Stic Visitors at Mrs. Artie Buck ner’s home the past week were: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Buckner and boys of Hillsboro on Sunday and Walt Buckner of Portland on Friday. THOMAS VARIETY «tore 9c sale with many stock reducing specials. Feb. 23 to March 4. 8tlc High school students who will appear in the operetta, “Rose of the Danube,” were named earlier this week as follows: Darrejl, Lonnie Justice; Galoo- ski, John Brown; King, Don Ren fro; Prince Karl, Deri Roberts; Popova, George Bellingham; Demetrius, Dick May; Tromboni- us, Sylvester Williams; McPipp, Billy Wells; Belladonna, Edna Fuller; Queen, Lois Schwab; Rose, Beverly Closner; Daisy, Inetta May; Mrs. McPipp, Evelyn Ai derman; Pamela, Irene Weaver; pianist, Francis Kaspar; Ballet Soloists, Glenna Pearl and Rus sel Goodburn; Dance Instructor, Miss Hughes and Dancing chorus, 20 girls. Mrs. Win Kelly is di rector of the group. One Sawmill Near Mist Begins Operation Tues. MIST — The Garlock-Closner lower mill No. 2 started up Tues day morning. Mrs. Clara Libel recently spent a few days visiting her daugh ter, Mrs. Ed Lindberg, in As toria. The Lindbergs are now on a trip to California. THOMAS VARIETY «fore 9c sale with many stock reducing specials. Feb. 23 io March 4. New for Spring j I Spring Dresses Spring Coats h » Telephone 181 For Hardware H |f Vernonia, Ore. ~»®e Hoft man X *HXMZHXHXHZHZHZHZHXHXHXHZ To To To To To To Joy Theatre Vernonia, Oregon THURS.. FRI. FEB. 23-24 TOP OF THE MORNING Bing Crosby - Barry Fitzgerald S ät ; FEB. 25 THE WESTERNER Gary Cooper - Maureen O’Hara SUN.* MON. FEB. 2S-27 The Inspector General Danny Kaye - Barbara Bates TUES.. WED. FEB. 28 MAR. 1 Chicago Deadline MIST — Many people turned out for the special school meeting last week. The items voted on regarding the money to be raised or taken for serving lunches. The help, etc., was defeated by quite Alan Ladd - nonna Reed June Havqp 7 From where I sit... ¿y Joe Marsh How to Get That Homework Done Miss Gilbert, our grammar school principal, spoke the other night at the regular Parent-Teachers’ meet ing, on getting children to do their homework when they want to listen to the radio. “We musn’t give them a flat •no’,” Miss Gilbert said. “If we adults really believe in tolerance and moderation, we should instill these qualities in our children. Listening to the radio is fine—in moderation— as long as homework . gets done, too.” From where I sit, the lady was -lead-right. This radio vs. home work problem is a wonderful way to see to it that our youngsters ac quire the sensible moderate habits they’ll need later on. I’ve never believed in hard and fast rule* — except where abso lutely necessary. Let the other fel low do as he likes, as long as he’s temperate and tolerant. Guess that’s why I’ve never felt we should quarrel with the fellow who la par tial to a glass of beer—the “Bever age of Moderation.” Copyright, 1950, United States Brewers Foundation Maternity Dresses Pure Silk Head Scarfs and Neck Scarfs --------------- \ House Coats The Apparel Shop To dormant spray fruit trees and rose bushet with Miller’s liquid lime and sulphur. To reseed bare spots in your old lawn with Lilly’s Cre- bent mixture. • • • • • • School Meeting Well Attended a majority after much discussion. Mrs. George Kalessee was down from the Summit Thursday trad ing and calling. This was the first time she’s been able to get out for the deep snow around their little log home on the moun tain and no power. She had to melt snow for everything The last of the week the power came on. Stic Mrs. Ray Garlock called at the Austin Dowling home Monday afternoon. PUBLIC dance Saturday. Feb. 25. I.O.O.F. hall. Hal Cook’s orchestra. Admission 51. Stic Mrs. Joe Roeser has been doing some house papering recently in her home. NOW IS THE TIME MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 S * J Friends Bring Prepared Meal MILLER'S The Friendly Store where Quality Costs No More FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS First Quality Nylon Hose. Spring Colors. They are beautiful stockings. These hose today sell for $1.50 all over the country. 51 Ga. 15 Denier Miller's Special 98C Pair plant Sweet Peas plant Early Onion Sets prune and graft fruit trees prune Rose bushes start your hot beds order baby chicks FrL, Sat.. February 24 and 25 Two Pair Per Person Women's Panties SPECIAL-— YELLOW SPANISH ONION SETS 49c 2-lb. 35c VERNONIA TRADING CO. FLOUR — FEED — FUEL — BUILDING MATERIAL DU PONT POWDER Vernonia, Oregon Phone 681 ITS LIKE PICKING IT OÜT OF YOUR GARDEN. VITAMIN-RICH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FROM OUR SUPER COLD CASE Drop in today and look over our Salesboy new Supercold refrigeration case. This newest method of keeping fruits and vegetables assures you of garden-freshness. Not only does the Salesboy keep your produce fresh and crisp looking, but it retains all the vitamins of the food. You’ll be convinced when you see it at— FINE Grocerin Meal*—Vegetable« SAM'S FOOD STORE Phone 7S1 Free Delivery I'