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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1950)
BRUNSMAN Hardware and Electric FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS and FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGES HARDWARE — SPORTING GOODS PAINTS — LINSEED OIL TURPENTINE GUNS — AMMUNITION ELECTRIC WIRING NAILS Five-Piece Walnut Bedroom Suite. $195 Value $ Special Dinette Set with Extra Special Wool Stocking cap 98c Bergman Outdoor 100% Wo.ol Union Suits $8.25 Vai. $6.95 50' '• Wool Union Suits $5 Value $4.95 $34.95 SNOW WON’T LAST FOREVER—Get Your Garden and Flower Seeds Now Small Coleman Oil Heater $59.95 • ¡■Piece Maple Bedroom Suite. Dresser, Night Stand and Bed. Papa and Mania Dresser Our Special $ Price .................. I New Shipment of MASONITE Wallboard 4x8x3/16 - $2.85 Rain Coats Wool and Goat Hair Sox AU Wool Sox Priced 7Q‘ From * “ Replace Your Battery for the Winter Season. Up to 30 Months Guarantee Unfinished Drop Leaf Desk. Extra $j 0 75 Well Made 1 ® Unfinished $i r50 Kneehold Desk " Chest of Drawers $7.95 & $14.25 Air Tight Heaters Small Size $4.45 Medium Size $4.95 Large Size $5.75 SIMPSON BOARD -4x8 Sheets $2.25 ALL SIZES PLY WOOD IN STOCK % Combinettes $!.-!□ M'S*4 Black Bear Rain Pants Brand £ V I A- Frisco Jean type Black Bear $095 Work Pants " 2-Heat LaSalle Elec. Heater with Fan. Best Portable Heater On the $ Market Print Linoleum Square Yard Inlaid Linoleum Square Yard Waterproof non-slip Gloves 79c Jersey Dress Gloves Red Flaanel Linning 45c Other Cotton Gloves 25c and vp Also New Patterns in Linoleum Rugs Several New Patterns of Inlaid Linoleum Just Received Coleman Deluxe Radi ant Oil Heater $59.95 Med. Size M59 $76.95 Lg. Size 518 $84.75 Marshall-Wells Miracle WallTone $-»59 Gallon ** Zvno’yte Chip-proof Plastic Type Floor Covering. Quart $2.00 Pint $1.25 enw $2. day ABC Super Deluxe Washer $ with Timer Liberal Allowance on Your Old Washer 8 new low-priced Washer with pump THURSDAY, JAN. 19. 1950 $109“ THE EAGLE, DeLuxe Windproof kerosene lantern $2.85 Protect your water pump and plumbing VERNONIA, ORE. Chance of Polio Infection Placed At 4 of 5 by Recent Research If you are over 15 years of age the chances are four out of five that you have already been in fected with the polio virus. Tail statement — starling as it may seem — is based on prevail ing scientific opinion, according to Otto H. H. Petersen chairman of tie Columbia County Chapter A COSTLY CRASH Your car will come out “second best” if it tangles with a telephone pole. You will find the repair bills are “plenty.” Add collision damage to your Comprehensive Automobile policy and all such losses will be paid. Consult this Hartford agency NOW about com plete protection for your car. VERNONIA INSURANCE BILL J. HORN. AGENT 905 Bridge Street Phone 231, Vernonia of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. In a review of a recent re search report from national head quarters, Mr. Petersen revealed that March of Dimes scientists came to this conclusion after completing sample surveys to de tect polio antibodies in the blood of normal persons. Mr. Petersen explained that the presence of polio antibodies in the blood re sult from some previous contact with the polio virus. “Fully 80 per cent of normal adults tested showed the pre sence of polio anti-bodies in their blood streams," Mr. Petersen de clared. "Scientists now believe polio is much more widespread than the actual reported number of cases would indicate. In most of the individuals tested, there was no known previous history of polio. Scientists feel that the majority of these infections were of the unrecognizable, subclinical type which produces no symp toms at all or symptoms so mild that they cannot be diagnosed." Scientists believe tnat these subclinical polio infections are fortunate, Mr. Petersen explained inasmuch as it is this type of repeated exposure which can build up strong resistance to the disease. Without such protection, Mr. Petersen pointed out. polio would be an even greater tragedy than it now is. He added that more than $11.000,000 in March of Dimes funds have already been spent in seeking a preven tive to the disease and to mini mize its crippling after effects. Paul A. Gordon is heading the drive for funds which, is current ly underway and will continue to the end of this month. Extra Good Large Size Clothes Rack Scrap Book for Library Planned A scrap book of information about the early days of the Ne halem valley will be assembled by the Vernonia public library as the result of a decision made at a meeting of the library board last week and the assistance of long-time residents of the val ley is asked in gathering the material. Acceptable for use in the book will be early day pictures, clip pings from newspapers and any other information that tells of pioneer days here. Contributions for the book will be acceptable at the library from those who wish to help with the project. Anliker Resigns As Assessor In a surprise announcement, the resignation of Janies Anliker as Columbia county assessor was reported last week by the Co lumbia county court. The re signation is effective March 1. Anliker has accepted a position as supervisor of operations for the Longview Fiber company in Tillamook. Marion and Lincoln counties. His headquarters will probably be in Taft, where he will move shortly after March I. Named to replace Anliker was Leo Mickelson, who has previous ly had eight years experience as deputy clerk in the assessors’ office. Anliker first came to the asses sor office as a deputy clerk in March, 1938. He was deputy as sessor under Fred Watkins, until 14 months ago when Watkins retired from office. In the 1948 election, Anliker was elected to the assessor's post by a large margin of votes. Astone Anti- Freeze Gal. $3.50 t. 95c 32-Gallon $025 Garbage Can J 26-Gallon $^38 Garbage Can Arvin All-Metal Ironing Board Frigidaire Automatic Electric Ranges j ' J 1 COMPLETE LINE OF PLUMBING SUPPLIES New Frigidaire Electric Range with Automatic Oven Control. RI.45 ................................... $279.75 Deliver RL 65 RL 75 with 2 Ovens Singing Group Enjoys Program A very enthusiastic group at tended the Vernonia Community Sing held at the Assembly ot God church. The number was less than usual because of the inclement weather, but those pre sent made the church ring with the singing of their favorite hymns. Mrs. Irma Chance, who was leader of the singing, was very ably assisted by Mrs. Howard Frank, pianist, and members of the orchestra, Mr. and Mrs. Elgus P. Frank and Gerald Russell. The group also enjoyed and appreciated the special numbers sung by Rev. and Mrs. McBride, David McBride, Murvel Frank, Mrs. H. L. Russell and Gerald Russell. Patricia and Margaret Wells sang Whispering Hope and Robert Kimball who appears on the Stars of Tomorrow program sang and played "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere and When My Blue Moon Turns to Gold Again. The Jones quartette sang two beautiful hymns. By special re- quest Mr. and Mrs. Howard Frank sang "When They Ring the Golden Bells.” Marshall Crowell reported that the Christmas baskets contribut ed by the group and prepared by Mrs. Norris and Mrs. Bruce Bass were greatly appreciated by the needy families. Those who enjoy singing hymns are asked to attend the next meeting of the Sing which will be held at the Nazarene church Sunday. January 22. at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Sisler. who will be the leader, has planned an interesting program. Last year the average Ameri can consumed a half pound ot tea. $309.75 $349.75 $191. i.> . . $224.75 $289.75 With the new iceberg blue inner Trim 227 Complaints Total for Year A city police department re port of activity for the year 1949 indicates that city marshals answered a total of 227 com plaints the past 12 months. The report was compiled and submitted to city councilmen at a meeting earlier this month by Marshal Shirley Kirtland. Hiszreport also indicated that $1027.77 in fines was collected from department arrests and that all complaints were satisfied ex cept one. All local robberies during the year were solved except one and that was of the Vernonia Drug company. BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon All good o things in life give greatest pleasure when enjoyed in moderation. Light beer is the beverage of moderation. Enjoy Send your , I j I ( i Laundry & Dry Cleaning to Portland's most mo dern plant. One pick up and delivery weekly on Thursday at Ver nonia at your home or our local agent— BEN BRICKEL’S BARBER SHOP OREGON Laundry and Dry Cleaners Its the Water'