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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1950)
At the Churches ASSEMBLY OF GOD "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Where You’re a Stranger Only Once —Rev. W. A. McBride. Pastor 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. 11:00 a.m. — Worship. 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic service. 7:45 p.m. Wed. — Bible study and praise service. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST (Colored) —¿Elder J. C. Foster, Minister Services every Sunday at 1:30 and 7:30. ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC —Rev. Anthony Gerace —Rev. J. H. Goodrich There’ll be only one Mass at 9:30 at St. Mary’s Catholic church until further notice. CHRISTIAN CHURCH 9:45 — Bible school. 11:00 — Preaching service. 6:30 — Youth meeting. 7:30 — Preaching service. 7:30 Wed. — Prayer meeting. NAZARENE CHURCH The church that cares. —H. L. Russell. Pastor Residence — 1208 — Bridge 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. 6:30 p.m.—Young Peoples service 7:30 p.m. — Evening service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. — Prayer meeting. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Services on Saturday: 10:00 a.m. — Sabbath school. 11:00 a.m. — Preaching, mission ary programs or Bible study. OFFICE HOURS: Tues: 9:30 A.M. — 8:00 P. M. COMPLETE VISUAL SERVICE Canada has about 37,000 square miles of peat deposits. Doctor of Optomentry PHONE 633 For Appointment Joy Theater Bldg. Calling all liars, thieves, adult erers and such as curse God or commit any other sin. You are a dead man, for you have sin ned and the wages of sin is death — Bible Death — eternal seperation from God, out in con scious anguish. See BIBLE, Luke 16:24. Eut Mr. So-Good does not answer the call for he says his ducation, culture and good life ancels out his sins and so it is that God will pass him. But in God’s holy eye, Mr. So-Good’s human best is but a filthy rag. BIBLE, Isaiah 64:6. BELIEVE AND LIVE Now back to you who knows you have sinned. It cost Christ His life to take your sins and die for you. God’s part was to give Christ. Christ’s part was to take your sins and die for you. Your part is to stand on it that Christ’s daath for your sins cleared you. Now as saved, step ahead, looking utterly to Christ for new days, ways and appe tites. God. men and angels are to know that Christ has made you His new man. So which for you? Judgment and eternal anguish wit,h the lost or Resur rection Day into glory. Which? A Columbia county resident, Manley Wilson, who maintains a business office in Mulnomah county, where he is editor of a semi-monthly newspaper, the In ternational Woodworker, has an nounced that he will be a candi date for the Democratic party nomination for election to the state senate from the 14th Sena torial District, Clackamas, Co lumbia and Multnomah counties. Wilson lives in the McNulty district near St. Helens and has served four terms, 41, 43, 45, 47, in the state legislature as repre sentative for the 33rd district, Clatsop and Columbia counties. In 1948 he was Democratic party candidate for United States Sena tor, pol ing a vote of 199,275 in a state-wide contest against the Republican incumbent, Senator Guy Cordon. VERNONIA EVANGELICAL —Paul D. Sister. Minister 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. Mrs. Lesta Garner, Sup’t. 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. Sermon, “Finding the Truth about Jesus.” 7:30 p.m. — Evening service. Message: “Slave or Freeman, Which Are You?” 2:00 p.m. Wed. — Martha Society meets at home of Mrs. Alice Malmsten. 7:30 p.m. Wed. — Mid-week prayer service. 8:30 p.m. Wed. — Choir practice. FIRST BAPTIST 969 Bridge St. Th» Church with a Bibje Message —Rev. Joe K. Smith, Pastor 10:00 a.m. — Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. 6:45 p.m. — B.T.U. 7:45 p.m. — Evening worship. 7:30 p.m. Wed. — Prayer service. LATTER DAY SAINTS Sunday school convenes at 10 a.m. at 925 Rose Ave. under the direction of Charles Long, Jack C. Smith S. W. McChesney Rd.. Portiann- This space paid for by a Port land businessman. In Oregon METERS SLATED SEASIDE — A resolution pro viding that the mayor enter into a contract with the Duncan Parking Meter company for the installation of parking meters was passed at the meeting of the city council Monday night. The contract form has been de livered to the city by the park ing meter firm and now awaits approval of the city engineer before being signed by the mayor. PEARS RUN SHORT MEDFORD—A slight decrease in the number of boxes of pears packed and shipped out of the Rogue River valley during 1949 was reported at the year’s end by the Rogue Valley Traffic association. The past year’s pack- out was 2,554,000 boxes com pared to 2,570,000 for the 1948 season. There were, in addition, 6,795 tons of cannery Bartletts pro duced in 1949. CONTROL DISLIKED BEAVERTON — A practically unanimous public opinion among 25 citizens present at the January 9 meeting of the Beaverton city council energetically lashed at the continuation of controls on rent and expressed unveiled dis trust at rental restrictions of any nature, whether federal or local. Except for one lone citizen who described himself as a member of a labor organization as well as of a veteran group, rather than a renter who would be personally affected by lifting of controls, it was a landlords’ congregation. Although given every encourage ment by Mayor H. H. Jeffries, tenants failed to show up and offer contrary arguments on the matter. Protect Your Most Precious Possession — EYESIGHT with regular examinations. Let Dr. Plumsiead prescribe the proper glasses, if needed. An examination is the best as surance against eye trouble. Make an appointment now. DR. C. A. PLUMSTEAD — Optometrist Phone 445 Hillsboro 233 E. Baseline For Further Information Inquire at KuJander’s Jewelry Store “You Can’t Be Optomistic if You Have Misty Optics” LODGE AND CLUB NOTICES Knights of Pythias Lodge No. Harding V. F. W. 116 Vernonia, Oregon Regular Meetings Legion Hall, Second and Fourth Mondays Each Month Wm. D. Shafer, Chancellor Commander Oscar G. Weed, Secretary Winston Walker, Commander James Cox. Adjutant AUXILIARY 4-50 A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 Vernonia Temple No. 61 Meetings: l.O.O.F. Hall Second Fourth and A.F. & Masonic Wednesday of each month meetings: 2 & 4 Weds., 8 p.m. Regularly meet«: 1st A 3rd Wed. Pythian Sister« A.M. meets at Temple Stated Communication 2-50 THE EAGLE, Bad Men Wanted Wilson Declares For Senate Post fir>t Thursday of each month, Snow Totals 26 Inches at Mist Two Mighty Meetings If the fair city of*Portland is not shaken to its toes and giving way at its seams by sunset on Friday, January 27, then I’ll have to admit the town is built better than we knew. Starting Monday the 23rd the lumbermen begin to congregate there, for oratory, argument, love feast, sqng, dance and welkin-ringing in general. It is a record-breaking occasion. The first half of the week the members of the Western Retail Lumbermen’s Association will hold the fort and shoot the fire works, and then the big chiefs of the tall timber, the members of the West Coast Lumbermen’s Association will invade the field —while Portland is still rocking. All this, I hasten to state, is the old literary symbolism. In this day and age lumbermen are nothing if not genteel. They form as seemly a convention audience as may be seen anywhere. Their voices are ever well modulated and it is doubtful if “Holy mackinaw” will be heard once in Portland a’.l week. However, these are to be mighty meetings. They are point ed at an estimated $15 billion of U. S. home building business in 1950 for just one thing. They are vitally concerned with the big gest peacetime government pro grams ever heard of. They have to do with the present income and future management of the Northwest’s major industry and No. 1 resource. The Lumber Merchants The typical growth of Ameri can communities practically al ways began with some sort of lumber yard. Retail merchandis ing of lumber ranks as one of America’s oldest businesses. In its pioneer phase the lumber merchant commonly operated his own sawmill—or the sawmill op erator sold his own cut to the consumer. When the railroads were built the retail lumbermen came with them, starting a yard by the new siding in each bud ding town. Many of the nations 25,000 re tail lumber establishments of to day began as sheds by a raw railroad siding. Their history represents American private en terprise at its best. The original Harry Sandon, W.M. Ray Mills, Sec’y Order of Eastern Star Nehalem Chapter Meets Every Tuesday 8 p. M. Lloyd Quinn, Nobl» Grand Am. D. Shafer. Sec’y. of I PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY Telephone 8812 Timber Rt., Bax 56 Vernonia, Oregon each S. FOR QUICK STARTS month especially on cold mornings, ■ batterv check is good in surance. Have us check yours now — BEFORE trouble sitters and broth« develops, not after it is too late. welcome. ers Dorothy Sandon, Worthy Matron Mona Gordon, Sec'y. 1-50 H. H. STURDEVANT rc ?^A gvee Vernonia F. O. E. Order 4-50 of 717 Rose Avenue Eagle,) Phone 337 810 Bridge Street Columbia Encampment No. 89 Ver. onia will meet the 1st and 3rd Friday» of each month at the I.O.O.F. hall. Loren Atkins. Chief Patriarch Wm. D. Shafer. Scribe. 1-50 Meet. 2nd and 4th Thursday evening. of each month in I.O.O.F. Hall. Ione Justice. Noble Grand June Ray, Vice Grand Nell Thomas, Secretary June Wilson, Treasurer Gladys Strong, Financial Sec. 3-50 E. com* at Masonic Ten*» pie. All ▼¡siting (Fraternal Mt. Heart Rebekah Lolge O. munication first and 3rd Wed. Vernonia Lodge No. 246 ^O^IMF. 153, Regular MEETINGS 2ND & 4TH MONDAY EVENINGS Vernonia Country Club Luther Choate, President Bill Wilson. Secretary 3-50 of Red Gulch, the Nevada solon will really mako the welkin ring if anybody does. And the triumphant story of West Coast Lumber advertising and promotion is one to bring cheers from the toughest surviv or of old-time lumbering sales ways. This story is to be told and pictured. And, the first West Coast lumber movie of top class among industrial films is to have its premiere. Big doings. Paul Bunyan himself may be ex pected to show up any minute. Call or Write In its 33 centuries, the city of Jerusalem has endured more than 20 sieges and blockades. 1-50 investors sank their money. Again and again all was lost But there were some who came through, not just growing up with the country, but building up the country as they built their businesses. What the members of the Western Retail Lumbermen’s Association will face in their 47th annual convention, like their business brothers in other con ventions throughout the country, is the threat of government in vasion of the building business to their investments. They must submit to a tax load that piles up and piles up until the back bend the legs spraddie and wobble, the eyes bug, the tongue hangs out, and the heart aches. A featured speaker of the WRLA convention is the nation ally famed radio • preacher and orator, Dr. W. H. Alexander, Oklahoma City pastor, who was once an amateur champion boxer. I keep wondering if he is expected to help the lumber men prepare to meet their end or to inspire them to pitch in and fight through. Th? Sawmill Man While the annual meeting of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association is more centered on the actual work of the organiza tion than on consumer merchan dising and entertainment fea tures, the sawmill men also have some rousing numbers on their program. There is Senator Malone of Nevada, for example, who is to be the orator of the evening at the dinner on Thursday, January 27. A powerful foe, in both speech and deed, of all that is on the march nowadays to pipe the people over the hill to the poor house and down to the sinholes MIST — Twenty-six inches of snow on the level here in the village. No mail Saturday, however, the mail went Monday. Saturday evening we felt alt cut off from the rest of the world. The power was off two nights and two daj^s, so no radio, but the Oregonian man was faithful, which we appreciate. Only one attended the demon stration at Mrs. Libel’s Friday, the weather was so bad. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Egertors and his mother left for California last Friday driving as far as Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Egerton are staying at the home of his brother, Leonard, while the fam ily is in California. Mrs. George Jones was taken to Vernonia last week to see the Doctor by Mrs. Percy Baillett. Clatskanie business visitors, Thursday were Claud Kyser, Melvin Saxon, Norman Hansen, Earl Knowles, Bernard Dowling and Austin Dowling. Mrs. Alma Busch and her son, Fred, took a veal to Ver nonia last Friday. It was very bad traveling and they got stuck a time or two. For Gradefl Pasteurized Dairy Products at 7:30 p.m. VERNONIA LIONS CLUB THURSDAY, JAN. 19, 1950 7 VERNONIA, ORE Meets Every Friday Corned Beef Hash 8 P. M. Veal Loaf — Lunch Tongue F. M. Russell. W. P. Rex Normand, Sec’y 7-50 Deviled Ham — Vienna Sausage American Legion VERNONIA POST rORSflLEflT... 11« Meets first and Third Mos. of Each FINE month. AUXILIARY Fir®* and Third Tuesday a Groceries Meat»—Vejeta bles 1-50 i SAM'S FOOD STORE Phone 761 Free Delivery