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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1950)
THE g THURSDAY, JAN. 19. 1950 EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE. I CLASSIFIEDS À FOR SALE—General SERVICES ORDERS taken for hand-made crochet gifts. Chair sets, doilies, holders. June Willis, 875 First Ave 44tfc NELSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE, household and commer cial. 455 W. Baseline St., Hills boro, Oregoh. Phone 701 collect. Leave service calls at Vernonia Eagle. _______ _________ 15p YES, I now have hay! Fair prices at farm or delivered. Must be cash. Elmer Bergerson. 49t6c FOR SALE—Insurance LIFE, Fire, Car and Accident Insurance. Oregon Automobile Insurance Co. H. Hudson and George Bell. 26tfc STATE FARM Automobile and Life Insurance Co’s Winston Walker, 843 3rd St. (First house behind bakery). Phone 1066. _________________ 34tfc FOR SALE—Cars, Trucks SPRING is just around the cor ner—time to see me about your 1950 Buick. Don Bayley, Mac Donald Hotel, sub-agent for Bar ker Sales and Service, St. Helens. 3tlc 1948 PLYMOUTH 5-passenger coupe, special, r&h, $1395. 1946 CHEV 5-passenger coupe, r&h, $1045. 1941 PODGE 4-door se dan, $665. 1938 GMC %-ton pickup, $348. 1940 DODGE se dan, $548. Greenwood Motors, phone 1121, Vernonia. 3tlc FOR SALE—Machinerv 8N FORD tractor, like new; 9N Ford tractor recently overhauled, excellent tires; Oliver 60 with cultivator; New Holland Auto matic Pick-up baler. Walker Tractor Co., W Washington & Dennis Ave., Hillsboro. 3t3c FOR SALE—Real Estate BRAND NEW 4-rm house close in. some work to be done yet, only $2150. GOOD 4-rm house, extra large lot, $1500 cash, $1650 terms. 5-ROOM house, good condition. $2500 full price, $700 down. Many others. See me for com plete listings. Don Bayley, Broker, MacDonald Hotel. 3tlc $3750, REASONABLE down pay ment, 2 bedroom home, breakfast nook, utility room with tubs, bathroom. Hen house, garage, wood shed, all fenced. Straw berries, Fruit trees, 3 lots lOOx 150. Wired for Elec, range. 1005 Third avenue on Corey Hill. E. Nielson. 2t3 FOR RENT ROOMS newly decorated. Kitchen and living room privileges. Mrs. Lvlah Fullerton, 479 Rose Ave. _________________________ 35tfc CARD OF THANKS OUR MANY friends and neigh bors will glad to know Mr. Barker is home now after a long illness in the hospital. We sin cerely thank each and everyone for the many cards and letters of kindness to us. i Mr. and Mrs. Ben Parker 1_________________________ • 3tlc WE WISH to take this opportu nity to thank all our friends for their sympathy and floral offer ings shown at the recent be reavement of our beloved mother and sister. G. A. (Roy) Wilson H. G. Wilson and family W. A. Wilson and family Lulah Fackrell Mary Chase and family • Kate Youmans Alberta Burke McNeilly family of Colfax, Washington. f • 3tlc !.................. ! Try This Sensational j Pen Today! B-B : Ball Pens 98c B.B is the world’s larg est Selling Pen As Advertised in LIFE —• • — ATI in one replaceable cartridge Fits all B.B. Pen Models 49c ¡The l «iele I ! WANTED HIGHEST cash prices paid for cream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery, Forest Grove, Oregon, phone 126. 14tfc MISCELLANEOUS NEW, HOME LAUNDRY. Family washing washed and dried, 15c lb. Finished at reasonable rates. Also curtain stretching. Mrs. E. M. York, 108 A. St., phone 1107. 38tfc FLASHBULBS! at THE EAGLE office BUNDLES of old papers for sale. Inquire at The Eagle Office. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT ESTATE OF ANTHONY CHRISTIAN BJORN, Known as Thomas Byron, NOTICE: Deceased The undersigned Administrator of the Last Will and Testament of Anthony Christian Bjorn, known as Thomas Byron, de ceased, has filed his Final Ac count in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County and said Court has ap pointed Friday, January 13th, 1950 at 10:00 o’clock A.M. in the Court Room in said Court at St. Helens, Oregon, for hearing ob jections thereto and settlement thereof. Date of first publication: Dec. 15th, 1949 Jewett A. Bush, Jr, Administrator Bush and Hieber Attorneys for Administrator 50t5c CLASSIFIED RATES MINIMUM charge 35c for 25 words or less. Words over min imum, 2c each. Three inser tions for the price of two. CARD of Thanks & Notices: 75c No information on classifieds will he given out until after paper is mailed. BLIND ads with answers to be handled by The Eagle: Minimum charge 75c. No information given relative to such ads. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. ACCEPTED AFTER WED. NOON EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK’S PAPER. POETRY accepted only as paid matter. Rate: 5c per type line. THE EAGLE assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors that may appear in ads publish ed in its columns, but in cases where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typographical mistake occurs. DELUXE THRIFTY POSTAL SCALE *4 ounce to 1 pound Bowling Results CITY LEAGUE 24 Nance’s 22 O-A Mill 15 Mist Auto 15 V. F. W. 11 Eagles Sundland's 9 Sundlands 0 V.F.W. 4 712 928 788 849 843 851 2343 2628 V.F.W. — high game E. Ade, 201; high series W. Walker 539. Sundland’s — high game J. Fair 199; high series J. Fair 585. Mist Auto 1 Nance’s 3 896 763 747 797 843 904 2536 2414 Nance's - — high game J. Vike, 223; high series J. Vike, 559. Mist Auto — high game J. En- neberg 196; high series J. En- neberg 506. O-A Mill 2 Eagles 2 823 853 843 907 947 822 2613 2582 O-A Mill high game Don McCammon 208; high series F. O’Brien 559. Eagles — high game R. Nor- mand 209; high series C. Van- DeBogart 544. INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE 26 Dessy’s Brunsman 19 I. O. O. F. 17 Club 15 Vernonia Trading 12 Heath’s 8 Dessy’s 3 I.O.O.F. 1 912 884 923 864 843 918 2678 2666 Dessy’s — high game F. Burk- hard 240; high series F. Burk- hard 630. I.O.O.F. — high game H. Gwin 215; high series H. Gwin 577. Heath’s 0 Club 4 891 918 900 913 835 867 2626 2698 Heath’s — high game A. Scha- lock 212; high series A. Oveson,' 554. Club — high game E. Ade 225; high series E. Ade and H. Rober- son 597. Brunsman 4 Trading 0 926 892 864 817 898 819 2688 2528 Brunsman — high game R. Curl and D. Brunsman 224; high series R. Curl 574. Trading — high game W. Par ker 209; high series W. Parker 535. WOMEN’S LEAGUE As cold and snowy as it was all the gals were on the ball and ready to go Monday night. Some were pretty sharp and then of course there were the others of us that weren’t so sharp. High individual game went to Pat Hilderbrand, 201, and indi vidual high series went to Silvia Turner’ with a 547 series. High team game to O-A office, 682 and high team series to O-A of fice with a 1921. series. Standing for the week of Jan uary 16. 1950 ar* as follows: Bush Furniture 8 O-A Office 7 Vernonia Cleaners 4 V. F. W. Auxiliary 4 Dessy’s 3 Johnson’s Service 3 Vernonia Drug 2 Vernonia Bakery 1 [ d ) on ' t you A lot of people do-but they're wrong ! Only Let us do your nellinc far you. Kurnituro. farm machinery and also farm sale*. “The Octopus Is a Terror of the Sea” The terror of the octopus is limited to his fearful appearance and the irresponsible stories about his "unbreakable” hold. Some authorities say he would never attack a man — and all agree that he will flee from resistance. “Freezing Spoils Canned Foods” Wrong! Freezing does not affect the wholesome- ness of canned foods, although in some cases it may cause slight changes in appearance or con sistency. Many delicious desserts which are very popular are made by freezing canned foods. Game with Clatskanie Called; Scappoose Next The Logger netmen are sched uled to meet the Scappoose Indians there Tuesday of next week after a week without a game, the Clatskanie tilt being postponed for Tuesday of this week. Present plans call for the Indian-Logger game according to schedule if weather permits. The Loggers are also scheduled to go to Sherwood Friday of the coming week. LOG SCALE BOOKS $114.50 • Scribener’s • 1948 Columbia River • Only 50c O From X2 to 80 Feet • Waterproof Sundland Electric and Appliance THE VERNONIA EAGLE 786 Bridge Street Vernonia OLD Social Security Answers to Your Questions I H ermitage f --------------------- - This is the first of a weekly series of question and answer articles about the Federal Social Security program. Readers are invited to send in questions on any phase of the social security program. A prompt reply will appear in this column. QUESTION: Why is it neces sary for me to have a social security number? ANSWER: The number is needed to distinguish your social security wage record from every other account with the same name. There are, for example 88,- 000 J. Johnson’s with social se curity cards. Your social security card, carrying your account num ber, is the key to your old-age and survivors insurance account with the federal government. You will need your card if you take a new job. You’ll need it when you file a claim for bene fits and your family will need it if you die. VICTOR Adding Machines kentucky Ukiskey -ABlend ■FO« GENERATIONS A GREAT KENTUCKY FAVORITE* $230 pt. $360 4/5 qt. 86 PROOF A Gentlemans llhiskeyjrom kentuclay NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CORPORATION, N. Y. ■ 65% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS Saddle Pals, Stars of KWJI Saturday 5:30 to 6 p.m. QUEEN FOR A NIGHT DANCE 9 Fine for small offices. Anyone can operate. They’re portable Many models subtract, multiply and divide. • Choice of keyboards • • • • PRICED ¿OftSO FROM Tax Not Included Jim Lofti*, Auctioneer Dick Lofti«, Clerk §250 Vernonia Eagle Fully Guaranteed VERNONIA EAGLE Next to Hy Van Hotel With positive locking gauge More Compact Easiest to operate Ball Bearing action Hear and Dance to Them at Till. Every Saturday Afternoon - 2:00 (2-Hole Punch) • • • • $265 Public Auction Bates Perforator believe it - Vernonia Eagle Any Lady Can Win the Title ♦ Saturday, January 21 and the Fallowing Eight Weeks. Grand Queen to be Chdsen Ninth Week Sunset Hall - Banks. Oregon PRIZES!