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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1950)
I Am a Sioux “Yep” said the Old Man on the hill, “I am carried on the rolls at Crow Creek Indian Agency as a member of the Sioux Indian tribe; drew rations and was al loted a hundred and sixty acres of land the same as any other Indian. It all happened when I was Indian interpreter at the agency. I was practically raised with the Indians. My father’s ranch was on Choteau creek which was the boundry line between the reservation and the white settlers. Naturally I played with the Indian kids and learned to speak Indian almost as soon as I did English, even aroused my ROYAL The World's First TRULY MODERN Portable Typewriter . . . with finger form keys de signed to cradle your fingertips. You’ll be proud to own a Royal Portable. The welcome mat is al ways laid out to our customer*. For the very best in food, the Mill Market is the store to trade with. For the Best in— mothers’ dander at times by jabbering Indian to her; “you talk English to me, you young buck," she would say, “I’m no squaw.” t When I was about 19 years old I heard an interpretor was wanted at Crow Creek Indian Agency and went up and applied for the job. It was a hot day in July and I was tired and dusty when I went in to see the agent and told him what I had come for. The conservation went some- like this: “Yes, we need an in terpretor; do you speak Indian”? “Yes sir.” “Where are you from”? “Choteau creek.” That is a long way. How did you get here”? “Walked mostly, got a ride now and then.” “Must want the job pretty bad. Had your dinner”? “No sir”. “Go get something to eat, then come back.” When I returned there was a young buck sitting cross legged on the floor of the office; he wore a breech cloth, leggins, a buckskin jacket and no hat. The agent jerked his thumb to ward him and said, “find out what he wants.” An interpreter’s job is exacting . You are a ma chine. The English words go in your ear and come out of your mouth changed into Indian, or visa versa, without a syllable of their meaning changed. We talked back and forth a few minutes then the Indian got to his feet and, in Office Supplies THE EAGLE, > ■ Com« «•' ” Enjoy the whiskey thcts OA itb Kentucky Whiskey-A Blend *230 P‘ *360 Former l‘oli-v Holders Invited to See Me for Re-Instatement 4/5 ui DON BAYLEY, Agen* McDonald Hotel NATIONAL DISTILLERS PROD. CORP., N. Y. • 86 PROOF • 65X GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS Shop or Phone Your Order Today MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS Remember— DELIVERIES TWICE DAILY : 10 a.m - 3 p.m. IWA HALL SAT., JAN. 21 If you’d like to . . |C Grade ’A' Large w - 5U SAFEWAY YOU CAN DO BETTER AT— Mrs. Wright's Bread I'/i-lb. Loaf Sunnybank Margarine SWEET, FRESH TASTING ■------------------- --------------------------------------- The Vernonia Eagle Marvin Kamholz, Editor and Publisher Melvin Schwab, Linotype Operator Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon Entered as second class mail matter, August 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernonia, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price, *2.50 yearly. a::,.. CANTERBURY TEA *£ 30' UPTON'S TEA 33' 20‘ 2 No. 303 Cans butter Cream Corn .u. c-" Haley Meat Balls — 25e Busy Baker LB. 27c xv. 1 Cheddar Cheese Kitchen Craft s .’ î GRADE GOOD, PER POUND WtlGHlHG»1’ Don Parson’s Cleaners îi'r9 ’ î 05 yejc Beef Short Ribs lb. 29c Delivery Every Mon day and Thursday A CALL OR PHONE 1221 HANK'S PARTS HOUSE Open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. except week end* ARMATURE TESTING AND TURNING NEW AND USED PARTS If you’ve got the piece*, I’ve got the part* Rieerview BORAXO SORP<>««Cim‘ l,lF - - CI..M Jirtv t M €•" 17* WOODBURY soar 3/25* Sii. «•'• PETER PAN »•toil* 3 PACKARD SÍDWS 400 WtSTIMGHOU« H<H« aerowax h ». 79* Peanut Butter Specials! 35* l*4a. lar ** appuancis yr sKirrv ■RAND PEANUT ■UTTER White Magic $.1! WuhlM H-w. I«' 54* 29* Serve a healthful, nouriaWng salud with Formerly Dixon's Free Pick-up and no- ••• | PEACHES 5 for $1.0° SIRLOIN STEAKS LB. u >- I BISQUICK 31c I A hoi roll mi«, tool 49C I 40 oi. AT c CASTLE CREST 69c Lots of lean, tender meat. Chock full of mouth - watering goodness. ROUND STEAK muj T3C lb. ,-fl those delie EACHES for oh «o IMI»! Enriched Flour For a rout that’a eaay to carve—one that'a iure to roast juicy and tender—get one of the« Standing Rib Roait» at Safe way today! *" Chathans grade a Armour's Pure Lardasse Rib Roast Trim«"*4 I ™ I Syrup Blue Label u> Tea Timers c"*k,r‘ lb Soda Crackers 72' 69' 77' 19' 22' M.odow W. 4 DelMontePe^:» I Pictsweet Corn Z J --------ORANGE PEKOE, HACK TEAS_____ before NEHALEM HOTEL Phone 77* Lb. Nob Hill Coffee Airway Coffee Edwards Coffee 7:30 P.M. PHONE 1391 I rt ,htm “ •EST LIKED, OF ALL THE BEEF ROASTS ! Take Home a Sack of Groceries for a Dime or other prizes of your own choice ■ FOOD! : < a — ! ♦ Are Today'» Most Outstanding Value in Good EGGS Cream Style—Golden BINGO PARTY THURSDAY. JAN. 19, 1950 5 forgotten his name but think it was Major Roundtree; anyhow he was an honest and under • standing man. He told me the Indians had a legal right to adopt anyone into the tribe but I would have to surrender my rights as a citizen and become a ward of the Government. Next week — a ceremonial adoption into the Sioux Indian Tribe. ■Ï". J WHITE OR WHEAT The Mi(l Market is un excelled and also VERNONLA, ORE. time to think. I replied that it was a great honor and I was pleased that I had found favor with my red brothers but I would have to ask the great white father in Washington for permission; for them to take back word to the council that my heart was good, my hand palm raised. I told the agent all about it and asked his advice. I have til' KODAK Vernonia Eag'e of Indian customs. The peace pipe was filled and passed around each taking three puffs and pass ing it to the next, the ranking chief smoking first, small talk being indulged in meanwhile. Presently the spokesman arose and stated the purpose of their visit, the gist of which was: A council meeting had been held, attended by the chiefs and the old men of the tribe. They had decided I was worthy to be a member of the tribe and this was a formal invitation to be adopted into the Sioux Indian Tribe. He ended his speech by saying “chant netowa Dakota”. (Tn your heart you are an Indian) Ha feado. (I have spoken). It was, indeed, a signal honor and, to the best of my knowledge, unprecidented in the history ot the Sioux Indians, but I wanted $ r >-■* DEVELOPING SUPPLIES I saw it.was a ceremonial visit and I obsefygd the strict ritual perfect English, said “I think he will do Major, he ever,» pro nounced pepper (yamininimnio- gah) correctly.” I stood with my mouth agap, looking from one to the other. The agent smiled at my bewilderment and said “this is laughing boy, a Carlyle gradu ate. I got the job. My experiences were many and varied; not only was I interpre tor but I was often sent to settle disputes between the white settlers and the Indians and also trouble among the Indians them selves. I learned much of the administration of affairs at the agency. Some of the agents were honest men but many were not and the Indians were often im posed upon. While my sympa thies were with the Indians, I was wise enough to keep my counsels to myself and not take sides or be a troublemaker. I understood the Indians, their customs and their superstitions. I never told an Indian a false Food in my life; they will never again trust anyone who has de ceived them. They soon learned they could trust me and more and more they came to me be fore going to the agent with their problems. Sometimes I could help them. When I could not I told them so. I had been at the agency for about two years when a deliga tion of two sub-chiefs and the medicine man came to see me.- Ground Beef lb. 39c Pork Roast su.ij.rlb. 39c Sliced Bacon lb. 39c Turkeys lb. 59c Smoked Hams lb. 53c pre - ripened AVOCADOS NAVEL Sweat Coa«bolla Pork Steak su . ij « lb. 45c Fryers or Rabbits lb. 65c Grapefruit S«ve—Buy the Baq Pork Sausage lb. 45c Fresh Oysters PICNICS Smoked Pork Shoulder RINSO SOAP Granulated— 44-0*. », pk9. 55 lb. pt. 69c Mb. »•» 37« Il’s digestible Saturday, January right to limit quan No sales Be lb. ec APPLES CriapT Bad Dalic*°u* » Newton 3/Mc Wi^P- 3'25c Garden-fresh 1*4*. »M- 2!. We reserve the dealers. lb. TOPPED TURNIPS. SPINACH £81* tities. 5c SMOOTH CARROTS 19e Prices in this ad SAFEWAY lb. Extra fancy an<^ ^anc^ P10*1 are effective through Y m gat imts far year money at ORANGES 5-lb baR Me green cabbage pr«.pa«ke**d CRISCO SHORTENING Uso Crisco— 1 09c 15c Each to tomatoes u ». HO. « •«**• Him* Potatoes , 50-lb No. 2 $1.29 w o* PARSNIPS Local crop l 23c pke DRY ONIONS Yellow CAULIFLOWER Solid lb. 10c lb. lb. 8c