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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1949)
C THURSDAY, DEC 29, 1949 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. Bowling Results ORE- CLASSIFIEDS À FOR SALE—General FOR RENT____________ BLUE wool rug and pad, 9 ft.x 15 ft. 7 in. $70. See Mrs. Landers at Pal Shop.______________ 52tlc FURNISHED 2-bedroom modern house. Between 5th and 6th in , Riverview. Inquire 3rd house | from Mill Lockers toward | Bric’.-e. 52tl 1- RIGIDAIRE refrigerator like new Liberal discount. See at 501 Bridge St._____________ 50t3 ORDERS taken for hand-made crochet gifts. Chair sets, doilies, holders. June Willis, 875 First Ave. 44tfc YES, I now have hay! Fair prices at farm or delivered. Must be cash. Elmer Bergerson. 49t6c FOR SALE—^Machinery MODERN HOUSE close in. In quire at 847 Third St. 50t3 NICE, clean apartment with new bedroom set. 376 North St., L. M. Porterfield. 49tfc RIVERVIEW apartments. All apis newly decorated. Elec, range, oil heat, individual elec, hot water, , nice laundry. Wm. A. Greene, . proprietor. 46tfc ------------------------------ SEE US for good values in used tractors and implements. Also late model New Holland baler at a bargain. Walker Tractor Co., W. Washington & Dennis, Hills boro, Oregon. 51t3c ROOMS newly decorated. Kitchen and living room privileges. Mrs. Lulah Fullerton, 479 Rose Ave. ___________________ 35tfc FOR SALE—Insurance WANT to buy anything old in good condition. Old furniture, glassware, lamps, coffee grinders, copper, etc. Write Ruth M. John son, Warren, Oregon. 47t6c — WILL CARE for children in my home day or night. Mrs. V. Hamer, first door west of Pittsburgh Guard station. 42tfc LIFE, Fire, Car and Accident Insurance. Oregon Automobile Insurance Co. fl. Hudson and George Bell. 26tfc STATE FARM Automobile and Life Insurance Co’s Winston Walker, 843 3rd St. (First house behind bakery). Phone 1066. _________________________ 34tfc FOR SALE—Cars, Trucks SEE Don Bayley for new 1950 Buick, on display at Barker Agency, St. Helens, after Jan uary 1st. Inquire at MacDon ald Hotel. 52tlc '34 FORD cpe, box on, $125; ’33 PLYMOUTH 4-dr., good motor, $95; ’37 PLYMOUTH 4-dr„ re conditioned motor, $225; ’37 PLYMOUTH 4-dr., $145; ’39 HUDSON, good transportation, $195; ’38 G.M.C. 44-ton pickup, $350; NEW ’49 Dodge l’A-ton cab and chassis, 2-speed axle, 8.25x20 10-ply tires, 172” WB. $500 discount — a real savings. Greenwood Motors, phone 1121, Vernonia. 52tlc FOR SALE—Real Estate HOMES BRAND new 4-room house, 2- bedrooms, nook, kitchen and liv ing room. Just right for couple. Only $2150. GOOD 6-room house, will sell or trade for small place close to Vernonia. 5 ROOM house, just refinished inside. $2500 full price, good terms. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES APT. house, 2 apts., close in. Only $1250. ROSEWAY apts. now for sale. $150 per mo. income. Full price only $12,000. Good terms. FARMS AND ACREAGE 58 ACRES, 4-room modern house, only 4-mi. out. About 300 thou sand ft. second growth. $4250 fuil price. 2 ACRES, 3-room house, on Ne halem river. Good place for service station and cabins. $1800. Sbe Don Bayley, Broker, Mac Donald Hotel. 52tlc SERVICES ~~ NELSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE, household and commer cial. 455 W. Baseline St., Hills boro, Oregon. Phone 701 collect. Leave service calls at Vernonia Eagle. _________________ i5p FOR SALE—Livestock RABBIT fryers, dressed, 55c lb. 959 Rose or phone 1132. 52tl LOST AND FOUND FOUND: 4 head calves, strays. Owner please come after. L. Cai michael, Stoney Point road 1 mile from highway. 52t3 CLASSIFIED RATES MINIMUM charge 35c for 25 words or less. Words over min imum. 2c each. Three inser tions for the price of two. CARD of Thanks & Notices: 75c No information on classifieds will be given out until after paper ■s mailed. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. ACCEPTED AFTER WED. NOON EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK’S PAPER. I’OETRY accepted only as paid matter. Rate: 5c per type line. THE EAGLE assumes no finan cial responsibility for errora that may appear in ads publish ed in its columns, but in cases where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typographical- mistake occurs. WANTED_____________ HIGHEST cash prices paid for cream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery, Forest Grove, Oregon, phone 126. 14tfC MISCELLANEOUS NEW, HOME LAUNDRY. Family washing washed and dried, 15c lb. Finished at reasonable rates. Also curtain stretching. Mrs. E. M. York, 108 A. St., phone 1107.] 38tfc FLASHBULBS ! at THE EAGLE office j BUNDLES of old papers for sale. | Inquire at The Eagle Office. Legal Notices NOTICE OF DISTRICT SCHOOL MEETING STATE OF OREGON County of Columbia School District No. 47 Jt., SS. of Columbia County, Oregon. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a District School Meet ing of the legal voters of said School District No. 47 Jt_, of Columbia County, Oregon, here by called to be held at the Washington school house of said District on the 31st day of De cember, 1949, there will be sub mitted to the legal voters of said district the question of au thorizing the District School Board of said District to expend the sum of $32,000 now in the treasury of said school district and unappropriated, for the pur pose of building an addition to the Washington School Building of said District, repairing and improving school district pro perty and securing other needed educational equipment. The polls for reception of bal lots will be open on said 31st day of December, 1949, at the hour of 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the place aforesaid. By Order of the District School Board. Dated December 8, 1949. First published Dec. 15, 1949. Last published Dec. 29, 1949. Glen F. Hawkins Chairman, District School Board R. M. Aldrich, Clerk, 50t3c NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT ESTATE OF JERRY ROY MANNING, Deceased NOTICE: The undersigned Administra tor of the Last Will and Testa ment of Jerry Roy Manning, de ceased, has filed his Final Ac count in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Colum bia County and said Court has appointed Friday. January 6th, 1950 at 10:00 o’clock A. M. in the Court Room in said Court at St. Helens, Oregon for hearing ob jections thereto and settlement thereof. Date of first publication: Decem ber 8th, 1949 Jewett A. Bush Jr., Administrator Bush and Hieber, Attorneys for Administrator 49t5c BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tomoria! Work Vernonia, Oregon CITY LEAGUE 13 O-A Mil 13 Nance’s 11 Mist Auto 8 Eagles 6 Sundland’s 5 V. F. W. Nances 3 Eagles 1 835 785 839 863 921 906 2595 2544 High game — C. VanDeBogart, 207; high series C. VanDeBogart 547. Nance’s — high game J. Vike, 216; high series J. Vike 571. Sund’.ands 1 Mist Auto 3 856 928 859 817 804 917 2519 2862 Mist Auto — high game L. Clos- ner 202; high series L. Closner, 573. Sundlands — high game B. Horn, 192; high series O. Fuller 550. The series between O-A mill and V. F. W. for this week was postponed. Scores for those two teams in the league standing are of the previous week. INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE 17 Dessy’s 10 Brunsman’s 10 I. O. O. F. 9 Vernonia Trading 5 Club Heath’s 6 Dessy’s 4 Club 0 932 867 904 838 777 901 2737 2492 Dessy’s — high game V. Dusen- berry 213; high series V. Dusen- berry 599. Club — high game E. Ade 212; high series E. Ade 543. Heath’s 0 Brunsman 4 827 835 917 769 817 839 2591 2413 Brunsman — high game R. Curl, 201; high series R. Curl 572. Heath’s — high game O. Fuller, 194; high series O. Fuller 518. I.O.O.F. 2 Trading 2 916 864 859 845 786 869 2561 2582 I.O.O.F. — high game H. Gwin, 202; high series H. Gwin 532. Vernonia Trading — high game L. Atkins 212; high series C. VanDeBogart 535. I F.GAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE In the county court of the State of Oregon for the County of Columbia. In the matter of the estate of Nellie J. Boyd, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as administrator of the estate of Nellie J. Boyd, deceased, by virtue of order duly made and entered in the county court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County will on or after the 6th day of Janu ary, 1950 sell at private sale to the highest and best bidder for cash the following described real property belonging to the estate of Nellie J. Boyd, deceased, to- wit: Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 11, Block 2, Vogel tract, City of Rainier, Columbia County, Oregon. Sealed bids for purchase of said real estate will be received by the undersigned administra tor at the law office of Joe F. Walker in Rainier, Oregon on or after January 6, 1950. The sale of said property will be subject to confirmation by the above entitled court. Joe F. Walker, Administrator of the Estate of Nellie J. Boyd, Deceased. 49t5c NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT ESTATE OF ANTHONY CHRISTIAN BJORN. Known as Thomas Byron, NOTICE: Deceased The undersigned Administrator of the Last Will and Testament of Anthony Christian Bjorn, known as Thomas Byron, de ceased, has filed his Final Ac count in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County and said Court has ap pointed Friday. January 13th. 1950 at 10:00 o’clock A M. in the Court Room in said Court at St. Helens, Oregon, for hearing ob jections thereto and settlement thereof. Date of first publication: Dec. 15th, 1949 Jewett A. Bush. Jr. Administrator Bush and Hieber Attorneys for Administrator 50t5c Future of America CHARLES A. LOCKWOOD state game director. Oregon state <*ame Commission 1949 Bond Sales Up In County Next Stag Dinner Date At Club Set Jan. 11 The next stag dinner for men belonging to the Vernonia Golf and Country club is scheduled for the evening of January 11, according to an announcement by Lloyd Quinn, club president, Tuesday. No dinner is scheduled for Wednesday of next week be cause of the nearness to the New Year holiday. The president asked that a good attendance of members be present for the affair, The sales of savings bonds in Columbia county for November totaled $29,194, a decrease from October sales which were $38,- P. W. SCHNEIDER, 802 according to Irving T. Rau, Asst, state game director, county bond sale chairman. The Oregon state game commission county has exceeded total 1948 sales by $46,475, the chairman said. For the year through Novem ber, cumulative sales of bonds have amounted to $637,766 for the county. Charles A. Lockwood, Oregon Sales of E bonds in Oregon state game director, calls atten for November total $2,229,087, tion to the fact that the annual, Interior — Exterior with additional sales of F & G public hearing concerning angl bonds bringing total purchases FLOOR SANDING ing regulations for 1950 will be of U. S. treasury department COLOR MATCHING held in the Portland office of the savings bonds to $2,867,824. The game commission at 10:00 a.m. sale of E bonds for November ALL WORK GUARANTEED January 13. The public is invited were off about $140,000 com ON CONTRACT BASIS to attend this hearing, and any pared to October but total E one having suggestions to make bond sales for this year exceed concerning the new angling reg Charles Seeberger ed the same period of 1948 by ulations will be heard at that 856 Rose Avenye $520,000. time. Representatives of organi zations and individuals will all be heard. Those organizations not able to send a representative and individuals not able to at tend should send in their recom WITH mendations by mail before that TO date. BEST YOU AND After the public hearing the game commission will set tenta WISHES YOURS tive regulations for the coming year. These will be announced, — L. A. JACKSON ELECTRIC and after a two -.veek interval, the commission will reconvene, Cornelius — Phone 371J — Contractor make any changes deemed neces sary, and set the final angling regulations for the year 1950. Game Hearing Due Jan. 13 PAINTI NG A HAPPY NEW YEAR Sport Broadcast Time Changed Again Monday Effective Monday, December 26, Rudy Lachenmeier’s “Sports Page Final”, featuring same night results of sports events all over the Pacific Northwest, will be heard over KGW, 620 kc. Monday through Friday at 10:30 p.m. “Sports Page Final”, the oldest, continuous, 15-minute sports pro gram on the Pacific coast, having been aired regularly for the past seven years, has been scheduled over KGW at 10:15 p.m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and at 10:30, Tuesday and Thursday. With next Monday's shift, Rudy’s program* returns to its original time. Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon LOG SCALE BOOKS • Scribener’s • 1948 Columbia River • Only 50c • From 12 to 80 Feet VERNONIA EAGLE WOODBOSS We're off to 1950—with a world full of hope for surpass ing mankind's remarkable progress of the earlier years of the 20th century while avoiding their mistakes. Telephone service—which played such a vital role io bringing the world doser together for the first part of the century—has a still bigger job for the years ahead. We’re tackling our part of that job, confident of increas ing our service to you even more while increasing the value of your telephone for you. Happy New Year! ¿»^/FACTORY SALES • SERVICE • FEITS • REPEINS WOODBOSS, I nc . IIOO I. I. UNION AVENUE RUANO •$$♦ MITUNI IB, Oilton EK TELEPHONE CINMNY