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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1949)
TROUBLE ON THE HILL .. Every New Year’s Day I make a list of good resolutions which are supposed to add much to my general well being and domestic tranquility. This year I made a set of good resolutions of which I was justly proud and I firmly intend to keep ’em—at least some of them. For instance, I have resolved to cut my after noon siesta from two hours to one and a half hours. That way I save three hours each week, nearly two whole days each month. Much can be accomplish ed in two days if profitably em ployed. The only question is, when and how to cash in on them. , Then I have .resolved to keep the ax sharpened so Ma can split the wood without complaining about the ax being dull as so often has been the case in- the past. Then I have resolved to guard the decanter of O. B. Joy ful, that I keep on hand for medical purposes and as an anti dote for snake bite, more care fully and parsimoniously. I shall keep a supply of postage stamps on hand; heretofore, whenever Ma writes a letter, I have to go down town and get a stamp to mail it. I shall not go to sleep i Pen Today! I ♦ « ♦ I ♦ ♦ ♦ I » » Gfere/rs dfe jk i' ft" ‘•J ßy 'VC while reading the paper and 1 - by pipe fall from mv mou.h and spill ashes on Ma’s . ug. Also I resolve not to run for congress or for senator. There have been too many of them winding up in jail lately. All these were compiled after due deliberation and with serious intent. I was very well satisfied with the result, so much so that I showed them to Ma. That is where I mad? my mistake. She came up with a list that did not coincide with mine at a'l; she has resolved that my afterdin ner nap is to be eliminated en tirely and the time, thus saved, ■mployed in splitting and carry ing in the wood. Also the O. B. decanter is to be done away with. I protested loud and long over this last, I declared it was an infringement on my personal rights. I even pointed out that i snake bits can be just as poisonous in winter as in dig days. No use. No more Kicka- poo Joy Juice, Ma is the argu- fyingest woman I ever knew. I have never yet won out in an argument with her. Once or twice it has been close but I can’t remember ever having won a clearcut victory; there ain’t no justice. Oh well, what's the use when there ain’t any? Try This Sensational THE EAGLE. *■ •*' Tho Trad 3 Association The place of the trade associa tion in the American system ot life grows amazingly stronger day by day in public faith and publié esteem. Amazingly, be cause so many other institutions have come under public suspi cion, including the institution of government itself. The trade association, how ever, confers a stamp of distinc tion on its individual member in the public mind. jThe trade as sociation stands for. business in tegrity, business progress and the public w ■ fare, in the eyes of the vast majority of the people. It is the public face, voice and chai act er of its business group, serving non members as well as its supporters. Trade associations, and their name is legion, have well earned this standing with the American people. With few exceptions, their representatives in the na tional and state capitals, have made a clean record of good deeds well performed. Leaders in government depend on them for information and help outside poetics. Their conduct has been The earliest known plan of a powerful factor in retaining profit sharing was introduced bv public confidence in the Ameri ? F-^nch fire insurance .company can free business system. in ’'”’0. Ball Pens 98c The Day's Work The main job of the average American trade association is of coursa not governmental rela tions, nor is it labor relations. Sometimes they are included, one or the other or both, but in any case there are trade relations, as with consumers, retailers and jobbers and their organizations. There are traffic relations, and here aeain the work goes on with associations in the traffic field. There are public relations, which have to do with education of the public on the facts of business life. There are legal relations, and so on. The word “relations” is em phasized because it covers the general all-over job of the usual trade association, which does not engage in business itself but ranks as a non-profit service or ganization. The West Coast Lumbermen’s Association, for example, cooper ates through its Trade Extension Department with the National Retail Lumbermen's Association and the regional retail lumber trade groups of America. Through its Traffic Department the As sociation works with the railroad and steamship associations. It cooperates with an endless list of forestry associations, both p.iblir THURSDAY, L VERNONIA, ORE. complexity of it. Therefore, the trade a. is of first importance in t. dem American scene. It re. sents a specific element of th nation, interprets it, and relates it to the other business elements, sets up linqj of communication for its members, and keeps them humming. This is “free private enterpris“" personified. This is our way of life, the one that cannot be mistaken for or confused with any other. and private. There are many other specialized activities, all essential to the whole industry in doing its part in the American system. This is America As life goes on today, American business finds the trade associa tions an indispensable institution. America is a complex of inter related industries and business concerns and corporations. No president, no congressman, no editor, nobody at all can possibly see the whole except in confusion before the wonderful and awful s. Enjoy the whiskey thats ao itò iVawut" Kentucky Whiskey -A Blend 4/5 «' NATIONAL DISTILLERS PROD. CORP., N. Y. • 86 PROOF • 65% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS for ä THR-R-RIFTy 1950 Resolve to save regularly at SAFEWAY B.B is the world’s larg est Selling Pen As Advertised in LIFE 1 T ’ - ‘ 0 Consider the number of shopping trips you’ll be making during 1950. Then consider how much it would mean to you to save even a few cents on each trip. That’s why we suggest that you compare Safeway’s prices with what others are asking. You’ll discover many ways to trim your food costs. Take advantage of these savings by shopping regularly at Safeway in the months ahead. A th-r-rifty 1950 to you! All in one replaceable cartridge Fits all B.B. Pen Modela 49c White Star Tuna n ? a S Jan-U-Wine 29 c CHINESE FOODS Busy 2-LB. Box Morrell’s Snack Soda Crackers , Baker Delivery ARE YOU TAKING ADVANTAGE OF IT? Just phone 1321, tell us your food needs and we will deliver the mat no expense to you. You save time and ef- fort as well as taking advantage of the sav ings on our meats and groceries. MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS Remember— DELIVERIES TWICE DAILY: 10 a.m -3 p m. j PHONE 1391 The Vernonia Eagle Marvin Kamholz, Editor and Publisher Melvin Schwab. Linotype Operator Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon Entered as second class mail matter. August 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernonia. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price, $2.50 yearly. ; Macaroni Fra neo-American Roast Beef Libby brand Minced Clams Snow's Sunnybank Margarine 17c 53‘ l'/z-oz. 07c can Al EDWARDS COFFEE No. I can 12-oz. can fafra Rich Blend 73c Tllino Ul W SUNNY DAWN TOMATO 46-OZ. Tomatoes NOB HILL COFFEE Solid Pack No. 2 Can IS 68' ïï T Relish and others PEP Kellogg’s Cereal 50.25e KRAFT AMERICAN 5-oz. gl. POP CORN lO-oi. can 10° 8-oz. Pkg. Chop Suey Vegetables No. 2 Can Bean Sprouts N«. 2 Caa 25' 13' EGGS Grade B — Large PER DOZEN 49c 2 for 25 Mammy Lou, yel. FRESH RREAD Mr... WrigM'i—Wbif. 65' Smoked Hams Fernem broads Half or whole 14e 2,.r27C Scooter, Quarts SPARK. WATER Merry Mix, Quarts KITCHEN CRAFT 19c FLOUR 21 LEMON-LIME entry blank» at at ora GINGER ALE 2for27C 2fo27e Snowy Peak. Qft. SPARK. WATER White Rock 25-LB. SACK *2.05 50-LB. SACK *3.99 15c 2I-OI. bof. GINGER ALE White Rock 29-01. bof. — •*•*•> (Fies beHle ARIZONA WHITE —MARSH SEEDLESS OI B SECTION*— REAL SWEET SECTIONS H>. 49c ROILED HAM SLICES Ib. 9»c SMOKED LIVER SAUS. Ib. 59c GOTERERG, hard taut. Ib 95c LIVER SAUSAGE Ib. 4Se COOKED SALAMI »■ 45e Ib. 49c Ib. 49c SKINLESS WIENERS 21/j-lb. 2fo,27e Sky Room, Qts. 71 other big prizes WIDE, JUICf-FULL Hens 65 THÜRINGER 27e WARDROBE MONEY TOM COLLINS GRAPEFRUIT 45È Toms 55 ASSORTED CUTS 29c WIN 5000- Ade CORN MEAL Luncheon Meats for New Year's Eve Sandwich Snacks 2 f„ 25c PEAS No. 303 Can KRAFT SPREADS Jolly Tim« Turkeys Soy < Qc Sauce, bot. I Z Fre»h whole bean Showboat PER LB. C Highway—Standard Qc Chees« Spread Standing Rib Roast, trimmed waste-free More weighing. No. 2/2 Can DEL MONTE KRAFT SPREADS Tender—by Safeway! Chow Mein 4 Qc Noodles, jin I < LIBBY'S O 1 TOMATO 47-OZ. Zf 1 GARDENSIDE— Tomatoes Old Eng., Koka, Smokelie 5-oi. Long Grain Rice 1 Qc 1 7 35c $1« lb. 31e Parkay Margarine Color lb. 33c Kwik Stuffed Olives Grandee a«. 37c Columbia Pickles Sweet Midget pt. 33c Zee Dinner Napkins P*9*> pl,« 2/25' Ritz Fresh Crackers ,.pk#. 32c Potato Wafflettes Blue Bell Fresh Milk Pasteurized Grade ’A’ Butter Meadow Wood 12-OZ. CAN Prices in this ad are effective through Saturday. December 31. We reserve the right to limit quantities. DELICIOUS APPLES I 3-lb. Red lb. AVOCADOS Famous Calavos LETTUCE Crisp Fresh lb. SWEET POTATOES 2-lb. SC’JASH lb. Hubbard-Marblehead SOUTHERN YAMS 2-lb. TOMATOES Ripe, 14-oz pkg. 25c 49c 16c 27c 6c TABLE GRAPES Red Emp. 'Here's e Saving on Potatoes U. S. No. I Grade— Smooth, «aiy peeleri 10 1b. 27c 23c HAPPy NEW y EAR From all of us at RAA Sack * ' O*LD. DAV 2-lb. 27c LEMONS U>- 27c Bursting with Juice FRESH LIMES lb. 25c ORANGES Florida 5-lb bag 39c lb. 19c BANANAS BROCCOLI Garden fresh lb. 15c CRISP CELERY Pascal, lb. Rc SAFEWAY JI