Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, December 29, 1949, Page 4, Image 4

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THURSDAY, DEC. 29, 1949
1949 News LvtibS in pictures
VERNONIA received quite a bit of publicity this summer from the winning of Conyers, above horse
owned by L. G. Dodge and ridden by Clarence Lusby. Two wins were chalked up at the Pendleton
Round-Up in the feature race and mile derby.
NEHALEM VALLEY Pveatock 4-H members discuss summer school with Governor Douglas McKay
as he autographs the'r books. Jerol Moran holds the book and James Kirkbride stands next io the
THE POURING OF CEMENT for the VFW buildi j was accomplished to mark the initial step towards
const _cii;n of the hall tor
____and the Auxiliary. The build:ng which i> now
patia. y comploted is cf l'terock building b ock.
THIS GROUP OF GIRLS assembled for a picture a : Maple Meadows, the farm owned by Mr. and Mrs.
H. Anderegg on one of the days of Girls Camp which started on July 5 under the spensorsh:p of the
Vernonia Girl Scouts. Enrollment was 52 girls with eight unit leaders supervising the activity.
THE LEGION AUXILIARY'S play "Laff It Off" was a huge suc­
cess November 4 and 5 at the Washington grade school auditoriun
when approximately 800 people attended the show. About 50 loca
pecple took parts n th’s stage show d’rected by Beatrice Engstrom
ABOVE left to right s'ending are Charlie Biggs. Mid Crawford
George King. Cal Davis, Bill Horn and Wi’bur Dav;i impersonating
popular comic strip characters with Guy Thomas portraying Dorothy
Dix in the center acting as chaperone. At right is Paul Gordon
port; ay Ing Pappy Chiselfinger.
IN WHAT IS CONSIDERED one of the highlights o the year the Past Matrons and Patrons of the
Eastern Star assembled in the Washington grade s hool on November It to celebrate their 25th an­
niversary. The Past Matrons are pictured above w .h the Past Patrons below.
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