Mrs. Pederson will be hostess F. L. Club Yule Party to the Society in January and Mrs. Otto Schwab, a new mem­ Enjoyed December 15 ber, volunteered to clean and The F. L. club had their Christ­ decorate the church during that mas party December 15 at the Mothers Enjoy Tea Three Officers Named; month. home of Louise Hamnett. New Secretary Still Needed Thursday Afternoon The members were pleased to officers for the next six months The high school Girls League St. Mary’s Altar Society’s have Mrs. Claude Gibson, Betty was hostess to mothers of the Christmas party in connection Sauer and ten pre-school child­ were: Opal Counts as past presi­ community at a tea last Thurs­ with the regular December ren as guests. The drawing of dent; Neoma McMullen as presi­ day afternoon. Barbara Bass, meeting drew an unusually large ■ Christmas packages brought forth dent; Beryl Cline, vice-president; president of the league, announc­ group to the J. A. Wirtz home much merriment and everyone Louise Hamnett, secretary and ed the program and the mothers Wednesday. received a nice gift. Mrs. Eliza­ Virginia Walker, treasurer. were taken on a tour of the The business meeting was very beth Mullins held the lucky num­ Christmas gifts were exchanged school building afterwards. lively and a new president, vice- ber for door prize. Mrs. Wirtz and each member received a gift Refreshments were served by president and treasurer were se­ was assisted by Mrs. Jos. Vander- from the hostess. Also a delicious the girls following the tour. cured. The question of the kind Zanden and Mrs. Schwab in lunch was served. The next and quantity of flowers for the serving lunch to those present. meeting will be at Beryl Clines January 19. Christmas crib and altars was Shower Honors Couple also discussed and decided upon. A surprise handkerchief show­ Mrs. Reuben Pederson will be Chapter Members Told er was given for Audry Thomas. Miss Marilyn Graves and Jack Frank, who are to be married president for 1950, Mrs. Alois Of Christmas Customs soon, were honored at a shower Sauer, vice-president and Mrs. Mrs. Judd Greenman was host­ held at the E. P. Frank home Ben Meiwes, treasurer. The ess to members of the Vernonia Woodcraft Yule Party last Thursday evening. Mrs. M. Society will be pleased to hear Chapter P.E.O. on Tuesday, De­ Is Thursday Event K. Frank was hostess for the 21 from any memebr who will take cember 13. The Neighbors of Woodcraft over the secretaryship. guests present. Mrs. Paul Gordon, who was in met at the Legion hall Thursday charge of the program, related a number of Christmas customs night, December 15 for their of other lands. All were interest­ Christmas program and party. ing and many, tinged with su­ The program was announced by perstition, hold over to this day, the chairman, Erma Johnson. In especially in homes where the addition to singing by the entire parents migrated to this country. group, individual numbers were: Gifts were always simple and Piano and Guitar duet, “Star in many cases were articles of of the East,” Joan and Wesley food prepared by family recipes Brady; song, “Bethlehem Lulla­ handed down from one genera­ by,” Verna Johnson; Santa Claus tion to another. Never was the skit, Larry Johnson and Bobby true spirit of Christmas lost Crowston; reading, “A Conquer­ sight of. or’s Christmas,” Erma Johnson; The next meeting of the Chap­ reading, "Let Us Keep Christ­ ter will be held at the home mas," Noia Brady; song, “Bill of Mrs. Wesley Bolmeier with Grogan’s Goat,” Nona Rae Saw­ Mrs. Fletcher in charge of the yer and Margaret Michener and program. song, “There’ll Always Be a Christmas,” Bob Lindsay. Claus cèrne in with gifts Mis. Greenman Hostess for Santa those present and after dis­ For Club Yule Party tributing them, he talked with The Vernonia Study club met each child present and gave at the home of Mrs. Judd Green­ them treats. A lunch was later served by man Thursday evening for a delightful Christmas party. Ca­ the ladies of the circle. rols were sung and a recording of Dicken’s Scrooge by Ronald Coleman played. Mrs. Ralph Valpiani gave the ' Top of the second section of "Music Through the Ages”, Bauer and Peyser, a season to you. most interesting era. It was the beginning of the Classic period hlay your happiness be as or harmonic age and the charac­ plentiful as the gifts teristics of this new style were: order, proportion, restraint and \vu give logic. Familiar artists during this time were John Sebastion Bach, Geao. Frederick Handel, The Mannheim symphonists, Friedemann, Johann Christian, Christoph Gluck, Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven. THE LET’S BE SOCIABLE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY, DEC. 22, 194» 3 Pythian Sisters Elect Officers for Year At the regular meeting of the Pythian Sisters, held on Wednes­ day, December 14, the following officers were elected for the coming year: Most Excellent Chief, Lesta Garner; Excellent Sr., Mary Sawyer; Excellent Jr., Edith McFarland; Secretary, Faye Davis; Treasurer, Edna Heenan; Manager, June Willis; Guard, Marie Shaffer; Protector, Mary Dripp and Musician, Silvia Turner. The drawing of names for the winner in the hamper and fancy work project, on which the mem­ bers have worked for the past several months, was also accom­ plished at this meeting. Lavonna Neiman won the hamper and contents. Murel Knight was second for a lovely pair of, pil­ low cases and June Willis re­ ceived a crocheted chair set as third prize. After the meeting closed, the quarterly birthday party and Christmas party was held wmtraaf Don Bayley Merry Christmas and Happy New Year We wish to thank the people of Vernonia and " vicinity for your patronage during the past year. We hope to serve you with the same high " quality merchandise in the coming year as we have for the past three years. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff White Mil I F R ’ Q The Friendly Store where ITI I L L L II 0 Quality Costs No More Yule Party Enjoyed Ray's Tavern The I.O.O.F. Christmas party Tuesday evening was one of the most enjoyable of any given by the lodge. An attendance of about 100 children and the same number of parents were present. Easy to Find, Hard to Leave For Men Complete New Shipment of House Slippers For Women Strutwear Gowns - - $3.49 Fancy Pink, Blue and Yellow For Men and Women — Just in! Mens VanHeusen Pajamas $3.95, $4.95, $5.95 Hickok Suspenders, Belts Billfolds and lewelry SPECIAL - $1.50 Ties, $1 New Van Heusen Motts Used Store Golfer Shirts.......... $3.50 Van Heusen Comoletely Washable Gabardine Sport Shirts Men’s All Wool Shadow Plaid Shirts • OUR warm and sin ­ cerest GREETINGS GO White Dress Shirts OUT TO yOU AT THIS Van Heusen. 5 Different Numbers and Styles. Assorted Colors. HAPPIEST SEASON OF THE YEAR. Ladies Nylon Slips and Gowns Ladies Cannon and Berkshire Hosiery LeSonier Powder Mitts & All Other LeSonier Gift Packs-ONE HALF PRICE VISIT MILLER’S FOR LADIES GOWNS, PANTIES AND ALL OTHER LINGERIE AT VERY POPULAR PRICES! Norcross Boxed Xmas Cards, 20% Reduction 50c Boxes—40c; $1 Boxes—80c Xmas Wrapping Paper — 10c "’MILLER'S WISH YOU ONE AND ALL : Vernonia Branch Commercial Bank of Oregon 1 f f • t I 1 I SINCERE GOOD WISHES for a delightful holiday season Apparel Shop Lottie Swanton A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND COMPLETE HEALTH AND HAPPINESS THROUGHOUT THE COMING YEAR