2 THURSDAY, DEC. 22, 1949 THE TOWN TOPICS Mies Beverly Herrin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Herrin, flew home for the holidays Sat­ urday from Texas Christian uni­ versity at Fort Worth, Texas. Miss Neoma McMullen and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Twiss of Forest Grove plan to leave here Friday for Calgary, Alberta, Canada to spend the holidays with relatives. They will be away a week. BUI Fulton. Bill Usher. Janet Siedelman, Edwina Siedelman, Mary Tapp, Nona Ray Sawyer, Shirley Vike, Betty Frazee, Nan- EAGLE, ORE. VERNONIA, cy Bergerson and Leona Hoehner dropped in at the Lewis Lara- more home for a surprise birth­ day party for Phyllis Laramore Sunday noon. REMEMBER. Naw Year's Eva. Dance. Legion halL December 31. Bob Cosine, his trumpet and his orchestra. Sltlc Mr. and Mrs. Joe VanderZan- den and daughter had as their dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. William VanDomlin of Ray and Mrs. Mary Spiering and Mat Theewen of Hillsboro. Mrs. Frank Hartwick and Max­ ine and Mrs. Phil Taylor, all of Portland, were here Wednesday to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Culbertson were in Portland Friday to see the Ice Cycles of 1949. Going to see the presentation Saturday were Mrs. A. J. Hughes, Mrs. Merle Ruhl, Mrs. Fred Olin and Mrs. Bill Manning. REMEMBER. New Year's Evo. Dance, Legion halL December 31. Bob Cosine, his trumpet and his orchestra. 51tlc Mrs. Marie Frazee and daugh­ ter, Betty Lou, will leave here Christmas Eve by plane for California where they will spend the following week visiting friends and relatives at Baldwin Park, Pasadena and Long Beach. Claude Thomas is recovering from an attack of the flu. Curley Buffmire and Lloyd Quinn were at John Day from Wednesday to Friday of last week to hunt during the special doe season. They said that any deer killed that they saw were in very poor condition. Scouts Ask for 1949 Licenses The Boy Scouts of Vernonia Troop 201 will collect 1949 car license plates when removed from autos this year if owners wish to dispose of them. Word of the collection was released Tuesday by Lloyd Quinn, Scout­ master, who said that some revenue can be obtained from the Aluminum Company of Am­ erica for the turn in. Washing- ....... HAPPY HOLIDAY to all of you. May no cloud ?* ton state license plates are also acceptable for that purpose. The Scouts will enjoy their Christmas party this Friday V evening at 7:30 at the cabin. At Sportsmen can obtain their the board of review Monday of this week, a large number of new 1950 licenses for fish and merit badges were awarded and game now because blanks have plans were discussed further for ’ been made available to the four the merit badge show to be pre­ places in the valley which issue sented during national Scout the permits for the state game week in February. Game Licenses Available Now commission. The licenses are up in price this year over last, costing $4 each seperately or $7 for the combination, with a writing fee of 10c being charged for licenses costing under $5 and 25c for those $5 or over. Licenses are issued at Hoff­ man Hardware, Bush Furniture. Heath's Service Station in River­ view and by Wayne Pugh at Mist. Joy Theatre Vernonia, Oregon THURS.-FKI. DEC. 22-23 Glen rord-Janet Leigh-C. Coburn SATURDAY DEC. 24 "RHYTHM IN THE SADDLE” Gene Autry Plus "ROSE OF THE YUKON” Steve Brody__________ sO.N-MON. DEC. 25 "YES SIR THAT'S MY BABY” Donald O’Conner - Charles Cobum Gloria DeHaven MERRY XMAS TUES.-WED. DEC. 27-28 SEASON'S GREETINGS Send your appear to disturb SEASON'S GREETINGS its serenity. BEST WISHES 1949 Keep in Shape E. V. Robertson with Distributor, Shell Products < NEHALEM MILK At H H H H Hoffman's We Wish H H H H N Make it a regular part of your happy milk gives you nourishment and diet. H H M :c holiday to all. Grade A Pasteurized Milk & Cream A Gift for the Home Suggestions Among the Following 32-PIECE SET FiESTAWARE ................ BATHROOM SCALES HEALTH-O-METER TELECHRON ELECTRIC CLOCKS ............................. ORBON WOOD CIRCULATING UF.ATF.R HEATER, 5 R Large Rnnm Room Cunaritv Capacity RIDGID IRONING BOARDS METAL FRAME............................. NATIONAL PRESSURE COOKER, 5 Quart Jar».................. $1550 $ 795 $ 395 <£7950 ’ $ 750 $2070 Assortment of ! Selection of Sporting Goods Toys for the and Tools for Children Men PHONE 471 H SEASON’S H GREETINGS H Hoffman Hardware Co. Telephone 181 H Vernonia, Ore. and the Residents oí Vernonia » J. Kriegei, D.M.D. H Best Wishes H H H for a H H MERRY CHRISTMAS H H H Vernonia Cleaners H and a 'J HAPPY NEW YEAR H 15, 20 and 30-lb. Test To Our Employees H * SPECIAL FOR THE FISHERMAN PURE SILK AMERICAN-MADE 10' LEADER MATERIAL, 30-Yard Coil» H H H H M NEHALEM DRIRV PRODUCTS CO. M Z H H Wholesome NEHALEM SMALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES, KITCHEN GADGETS AND STAINLESS STEEL WARE FOR WOMEN H • and important vitamins. M N BEN BRICKEL’S BARBER SHOP Dry Cleaners A H H i to Portland’s most mo­ dern plant. One pick­ up and delivery weekly on Thursday at Ver­ nonia at your home or iur local agent— OREGON Laundry SHZMZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZH!» M Dry Cleaning H H H Oregon* American Lumber Corporation H H Z H For Hardware H See Hoffman _ « m XHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXK King's Automotive Service »