Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, December 01, 1949, Image 8

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    » THURSDAY, DEC. 1, 1949
Holiday Guests
Names Told
Dallas Residents Here
To Visit Over Holiday
TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Jones from Dallas visited
with relatives over Thanksgiv­
Mrs. Flora Whitmire and Mrs.
Truman Davenport were in
Forest Grove Tuesday.
Mrs. M. F. Tisdale returned
to Seattle with her daughter,
Mrs. Rachel Hall, for a stay of
several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cox made
a trip out in the valley Satur­
day, returning Sunday. Mr. Cox
is working out there for a few
RIVERVIEW — Thanksgiving
guests at the Glen Hawkins home
were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hawkins,
Mr. and Mrs. John Serafin and
daughters, Nina and Janet, all of
Vernonia, Pete Serafin of Tren-
ho.m, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Moore and son, Gary, and Mr.
ar.d Mrs. Felton and son, Elon,
of St. Helens.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCool
of Portland visited at the Louis
Huntley home Sunday. Mr. and
Mrs. Huntley and family and
Ted Melinski spent Thanksgiv­
ing in Carlton.
Three Sons Together
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Buckner of For Reunion Sunday
Portland spent Thanksgiving day
with Mrs. Artie Buckner.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Steele of Mrs. Arland Sliffe had a very
Sweet Home and Mr. and Mrs. happy gathering last Sunday, it
Nick Farnstrom of Vancouver being the first time in years that
spent Thanksgiving at the W. all three sons were together with
D. Steele home. Mrs. L. A. their mother, Mrs. R. N. Sliffe
B .ings and son. Allen, and Mr. of Silverton. Mr. and Mrs. Paul
and Mrs. Schmick of Portland Sliffe came from Mt. Angel and
spent Friday at the Steele home. Art Sliffe and daughter from
Mrs. Dan Richards of Treharne Salem. Due to illness Mrs. Art
v. sited Mrs. Steele that after­ Sliffe remained at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lund
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fowler and grandaughter, Sandra, mo­
and boys spent Thanksgiving day tored to Portland to spend last
with Mr. and Mi’s. Charlie Biggs. Friday and Saturday, returning
The Harding children visited to camp Sunday forenoon.
re.atives and friends here over
The Borton family spent the
the holiday.
week end at Turner with their
daughter and family, Mr. and
Samples of brass wire more Mrs. Ronnie Harlan and Loree.
than 2.000 years old have been Mrs. Nellaray Bradford and Jim
Taylor were also there.
Dinner Served Thursday
For Birthday Event
Cookery IV Club to
Meet Again December 4
TREHARNE — A pot-luck din­
ner was served at the home of
Mrs. Florence Kirkbride Thurs­
day, November 17, in honor of
her birthday. Mrs. Mae Wienecke
presented her with a lovely birth­
day cake. She received many
nice gifts. Due to illness several
of the birthday club members
were unable to attend. Those
present were: Mrs. Ruth Hult
and son, Mrs. Dorothy Odam and
son, Mrs. Mae Wienecke, Mrs.
Florence Dodge, Mrs. Pauline Tis­
dale, Mrs. Kirkbride, Sr., Mrs.
Sally McNair, Mrs. Flora Whit­
mire and the hostess, Mrs. Flor­
ence Kirkbride.
The Happy Homemakers 4-H
Cookery IV club will meet at
the home of the leader, Mrs
Florence Kirkbride, December 4
at 2 o’clock. Members are asked
to bring their scrap books and
planned menus.
Service Man Home for
Week End to Visit
Move Here from Sweet
Home Planned Soon
Rural School District
Board to Meet Dec. 10
RIVERVIEW—Mrs. Sam Smith
and sons. Mr. and Mrs. James
Calhoun of Sweet Home motored
here Monday evening to bring
Gary Smith, who is visiting his
grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. W.
J. Lindsley for awhile. He start­
ed school here and the Smiths
are going to move here on the
Hult place as soon as possible.
The rural school district board
will meet December 10 at the Co­
lumbia county courthouse to de­
cide their policy toward the
budgets of the districts in the
rural school district.
The discussion will center
around the amount of the emer­
gency fund to be asked for by
the rural board.
MIST — Wm. Hill arrived
1 here from California during the
week end to visit his father,
Jim Hill, and sisters. Bill is
still with Uncle Sam.
Bernard Dowling is spending
i a few days in Portland this
Mrs. Leonard Egerton spent
Thanksgiving at Sweet Home
with her folks.
Mrs. Minnie Johnson spent '
Thanksgiving here from Forest
| Grove with her daughter, Helen.
Tanks holding water for tropi­
cal homes usually contain small
fish put there to eat mosjuito
Belgium is the most densely
populated European country.
Jack C. Smith
Doctor of Optomentry
For Appointment
Joy Theater Bldg.
Tues: 9:30 A.M. — 8:00 P. M.
When the .’rouble les deep
" the motor, you can depend
on us to get to the bottom
of it. Drive in >’oday for a
cold weather eheek-up.
Automotive Service
Mist Re
Phene 3720 |