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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1949)
<6 THURSDAY, DEC. 1, 1949 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General FOR SALE—Cars, Truck* COLEMAN floor furnace with full barrel oil and copper tubing. Phone 1163, Joe VanderZanden, 1325 W. Bridge. _______ 48tl 4- WHEEL drive Dodge weapons carrier; tractor and machinery. McFadden, Mist Route. 48t3 AUCTION: Highlighting our Wed. Dec. 7th auction will be a Ford tractor with Ferguson plow and cultivator; this is not junk but good equipment — will be sold together. 1948 Willys pick up, has heater; low mileage. Reasonable terms may be ar ranged on above articles. 5-ft. Deere tractor disc. Spring tooth and drag harrows. Brand new, undamaged, large square type electric washer; has pump, auto matic pressure wringer. New vacuum cleaner. Furniture, etc., sell at 11; livestock at 1:00. At tend our auction, we are pleased to have you with us. Altman’s Auction Mart. We sell auctions anywhere. Phone 16215, Forest Grove. 48tlc TRAVELER 120 Camera with 3 filters, K2, 3X and 2X, and adap ter ring. Excellent Condition. $8 complete. Cost new $14.30. For good pictures see this excellent bargain at the Eagle office. 47tf COLEMAN floor furnace with full barrel oil and. copper tubing. Phone 1163, Joe VanderZanden, 1325 W. Bridge.___________ 47t3c ORDERS taken for handmade cro chet gifts. Chair sets, doilies, holders. 875 1st Ave. 44tfc BUNDLES of old papers for sale. Inquire at The Eagle Office. FOR SALE—Machinery SMALL handwinch; 2 200-ft. % winch cables; 5 rabbit hutches. McFadden, Mist Route. 48t3 MeCORMICK-DEERING 10-20 on ijood rubber, recently overhauled and in excellent mechanical con dition with Case 2-bottom 14- inch plow, almost new. Both for $675.00, delivered. Late model Fordson on steel with serviceable 2-14” plow, both for $245 deliver ed. Earthmaster, like new, with plow and tandem disk, both hy draulically controlled, all for $875, delivered. Ford tractor, recently overhauled, good tires, $885. Wal ker Tractor Co., W. Washington & Dennis, Hillsboro, Ore. 47t3c 8-FT. Mill, 56-in. saw, trim saw, 150 ft. conveyor. L.A.E. Case power unit.Climbing spurs, new fire can, misc. tools. Mrs. Gladys DeRosia, Birkenfeld, Ore. 48t2c FOR SALE—-Livestock WELL BROKE stock riding pony for sale. Practically new stock saddle and bridle. Inquire at 537 Rose avenue, Vernonia, Ore. 48t3 10-DAY-OLD heifer calf for sale. T, • phone 8812. 48tlc CHESTER WHITE weiner pigs, $8.00. Roy Wilson, Mist, Oregon. '46t3 FOR SALE—Insurance LIFE, Fire, Car and Accident Insurance. Oregon Automobile Insurance Co. H. Hudson and • •• ■ ige Bell. Mtfe STATE FARM Automobile and Life Insurance Co’s Winston Walker, 843 3rd St. (First house behind bakery). Phone 1066. ____________ •____________ 34tfc CLASSIFIED RATES MINIMI M charge 35c for 25 words or less. Words over min imum. 2c each. Three inser tions for the price of two. CARD of Thanks & Notices: 75c No information on classifieds will be given out until after paper is mailed. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY AI)V. ACCEPTED AFTER WED NOON EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK'S PAPER. POETRY accepted only as paid matter. Rate: 5c per type line. BLIND ads with answers to be handled by The Eagle: Minimum charge 75c. No information given relative to such ads. .THE EAGI.E assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors that may appear in ads publish ed in its columns, but in cases where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typographical mistake occurs. FOR SALE—Real Estate FARMS 2*4 ACRES, 3-rm. house furnish ed plus bunk house and chicken house. Lots of fruit and berries. Only $500 down. $2000 full price. 31 ACRES nearly all bottom land lots of wood. Very good 6-rm. modern house, small barn. Plenty of pasture available. Only $5750. 2 ACRES, 3-rm. house right on river with frontage on paved highway. Good spot for cabins and service station. Only $1800. 58 ACRES, good 4-rm. modern house. About 300 thousand ft. second growth. Only 4 mi. out on paved road. $4250 full price. 4 ACRES, 5-rm. modern house, 40x40 barn, garage. $4750 full price. HOMES GOOD 4-rm. house on extra lge. lot. Only $1500 cash. 3-ROOM house, good condition, on % acre. $1800, $500 down, balance like rent. 3-ROOM, modern, $1750, good terms. 5- ROOM, modern, $2500, $700 down, close in. See Don Bayley, Broker, McDonald Hotel. 48tlc Second Match Won Friday On Friday night, November 25, the Vernonip Gun club rifle team met Portland team No. 5 at the local range and beat them with a score of 896 to 883. This was a sitting-standing match and 896 is a very high score for this position. Ralph Aldrich, Jr., had the hard luck, while shifting position, in that his elbow slipped and he missed one shot entirely. Box Score Name 182 Milton Lamping 180 Bernard Lamping 180 Harold Paterson 180 Ben George 174 Tod Bowerman 1’0 Ralph Aldrich 165 Bill Nichols 158 Carl Davis 154 Melvin Snook 148 Robert Lamping 1$2 Clyde Lamping Bowling Results This week starts the second ten week period of play of the Vernonia Men’s Bowling League CITY LEAGUE 4 O-A Mill 3 Mist Auto Service 3 Eagles 1 V. F. W. 1 Sundlands 0 Nance’s O-A Mill 4 Nance’s 0 931 854 956 Handy staple removers for sale at 2741 THE EAGLE office O-A — high game W. Stevenson 204; high series W. Stevenson LOST AND FOUND 599. FOUND: Full size bicycle. Owner Nance’s — Forfeit. V.F.W. 1 see Shirley Kirtland and claim Mist Auto 3 888 793 by paying for this ad. 48t3c 864 835 899 829 FOR RENT 2622 2489 MODERN house closein. Inquire Mist Auto — high game L. Clos- at 847 Third St.___________ 47t3 ner 206; high series L. Closner 576. RIVERVIEW apartments. All apts newly decorated. Elec, range, oil V.F.W. — high game M. Ander beat, individual elec., hot water, son 196; high series M. Anderson 528. nice laundry. Wm. A. Greene, Sundlands 1 proprietor. 46tfc Eagles 3 696 631 633 685 ROOMS newly decorated. Kitchen 683 712 and living room privileges. Mrs. 2064 1976 Lulah Fullerton, 479 Rose Ave. SStfc Eagles - high game L. Atkins 216; high series L. Atkins 542. SERVICES Sundland’s — high game G. Ba con 190; high series. B. Horn NELSON REFRIGERATION 521. SERVICE, household and commer This series between the Eagles cial. 455 W. Baseline St., Hills boro, Oregon. Phone 701 collect. and Sundlands was bowled by four men on each team. Leave service calls at Vernonia INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Eagle.______________________ 15p Dessy’s 3 Club 3 NOTICE______________ Heath’s 2 THOSE wishing to sign up for I. O. O. F. 2 the Townsend club please come Brunsman’s 1 to 728 Third St. Application Vernonia Trading 1 blanks available. I will be pleased Dessy’s 3 Trading 1 to take your membership. Mrs. 2691 2461 George E. Nichols. 46t3c Dessy’s — high game R. East 215; high' series R. East 570. WANTED______________ Trading — high game L. Clos WANT to buy anything old in ner 195; high series C. VanDe- good condition. Old furniture, Bogart 514. Brunsman 1 glassware, lamps, coffee grinders, Club 3 881 809 copper, etc. Write Ruth M. John 793 826 son, Warren, Oregon. 47t6c 913 810 BODY-FENDER repairing, reason 2587 2445 able rates. Bring your car to me , Club — high game H. Roberson for free estimates. 191 A St., 216; high series H. Roberson 586. phone 794. Ralph Roediger. 46t3 Brunsman — high game R. Curl 198; high series R. Curl 528. WILL CARE for children in my I.O.O.F. 2 Heath’s 2 home day or night. Mrs. V. Hamer, 867 909 first door west of Pittsburgh 898 759 Guard station. 42tfc 794 807 2475 HIGHEST cash prices paid for 2559 cream and eggs at your door— I.O.O.F. — high game C. Minger picked up once or twice weekly— 197; high series C. Minger 527. call or write Forest Grove Cream Heath's — high game L. Blount ery, Forest Grove, Oregon, phone 219; high series O. Fuller 517. 126,_______________________ 14tfc MISCELLANEOUS NEW, HOME LAUNDRY. Family washing washed and dried, 15c lb. Finished at reasonable rates. Also curtain stretching. Mrs. E. M. York, 108 A. St., phone 1107. ______ ___________________ 38tfc About two-thirds of the inhabi tants of the world are now peri- adically counted by means of a census. Former Policy Holders Invited to See Me for Re-Instatement DON BAYLEY. Agene McDonald Hotel 6,000,000th Maytag Washer Sets New Industry Retard Legal Notices ESTATE: Luther J. Choate The County Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County has appointed the undersigned Ad ministrator of the Estate of Luther J. Choate, deceased. All persons having claims again«*, the said estate are reauired to r esent them with proper vouchers to the undersigned at 471 Thi^ Street Street. Vernonia, Oregjn, or at the office of Bush and Hieber. At torneys, Joy Theater Builling, Vernonia. Oregon. within six months from November 10, 1949. J.»’.her L. Choate Administrator Neal ,V. Bush and Glen Hieber Af’orneys for Administrator BEN'S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Werk Vernonia, Oregon In the presence of a large crowd of spectators — amid the din of aerial bombs, fire sirens, factory whistles, bells and workers' cheers — the 6,000,000th Maytag washer recently rolled ofT the assembly lines at Newton, Iowa, setting a new world record for washer production. Maytag Plant No. 1, where the historic event occurred, was gaily decorated for the occasion. Open house for residents qf central Iowa was spon sored by the company's management club. Ten thousand visitors toured the production lines and inspected historical, educational and product exhibits, enjoyed refreshments and carried away souvenir booklets and pocket pieces. Top pictures show the front of Maytag Plant No. 1 on 6.000,000th washer day and the final assembly lines down which machines roll at the rate of more than 200 an hour. Bottom photos show onlookers watching the 6.000,000th Maytag — a Model E conventional washer — coming of! the inspection line, and President Fred Maytag congratulating L. C. McAnly (right), manager of manufacturing, on the achievement aa N. E. Molleck, production superintendent, looks on. The 6.000.000th Maytag was a square aluminum tub Maytag Master with pump attachment. In addition to this and two other conventional models. Maytag also manufactures a new automatic washer in an ultra modern factory recently completed at Newton. The company's line of appliances also includes automatic electric ironers, gas ranges and home freezers. Second Forestry Meeting Due Sat The 4-H Forestry I club will * portunity to join, hold its second meeting at 1:00 Each member has been asked Saturday at the Washington to bring to the meeting the cones grade school, It is still not too from three different kinds of late to join, Any boy or girl trees so that the meeting can be interested in 4-H forestry work devoted to studying cones. should come to this meeting At the first meeting, held two since this will be the last op- weeks ago, Phillip Lydie was elected president. Other officers elected included Donald Tunnell, vice-president and Patricia Nor mand, secretary. The title “Progressive Party” has been used by third party movements in the United States three times. SUN’S GONE NOW AVALIABLE AT THE EAGLE OFFICE The Brownie 620 ; Flash $15 Complete FLASH BULBS NOW IS THE TIME TO TAKE INSIDE PHOTOS WITH G. E. No. 5 G.E. No. 2? Press Flash No. 2 ✓ — Press Flash No. 25 Press Flash No. 40 SM Midget Bulb FEATURING SYLVANIA SUPER FLASH WITH THE SAFETY SPOT Photo Finishing The Vernonia Eagle Office Supplies Let Us Supply Your Photo Needs 4