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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1949)
Old Man on Hill Takes Vacation Yesterdays a a a FIVE YEARS AGO From The Eagle. Doc. 7. 1944 "Charley's Aunt”, a comedy farce in three acts will be pre sented by the Junior class Friday night at the Washington grade school. Miss Esther Wilers is coach for the play. A handsome, framed certifi cate of award, designating Ver nonia as winner of second place in its population group in the 1943 Oregon cities traffic safety contest was presented to Mayor George W. Johnson a few days ago. Paul Gordon, grade school su- perintendent, was named presi dent of the Columbia county branch of the Oregon State Teachers’ association Monday of While we were down by the | much as did the tails on Little beach watching the sunset, we Bo Peeps’ sheep. noticed two men fishing from Arriving at the house I found some rocks that extended out the better half greatly perturbed, some way from the shore. They almost in tears in fact. She seemed to be having good luck, had been watching from the win catching several fish while we dow and had not been able to were watching. Right then it see what had become of me was decided that next morning I after that wave had broken over was to go fishing, for while I was the rock. I was deeply touched not much of a success as a clam and complimented by this evi digger there was no telling but dence of her devotion and solici what I might be a good fisher tude for my safety; but did not man. feel so flattered however, when Accordingly the next morning she explained that her greatest found me picking a precarious concern was how she and Frowzy way out to the rdcks, armed with were going to get home, being a long bamboo fishpole and a nearly two hundred miles away pail containing the clams I had and neither of them knowing gathered th? day before. Instead how to drive a car. I tentatively of gracing a platter they were suggested that perhaps we had doomed to be fish bait. But when better start for home while I I had arrived, conditions did not was still available and take no look so good. The water was more chances of being stranded heaving "and boiling around the out h-re in the wi'ds. To my rocks, sometimes surging up over surprise, she agreed—said she believed Frowzy was getting the edge where I was standing. I decided that the fish that lived homesick. We had a nice drive home. there must lead, indeed, a turbu lent life. I somehow felt rather The road sometimes leaves the desolate and alone with the sea beach and bends back through rolling in all around and the the forests where the beautiful raucous cry of the sea gulls circl rhododendrons grow 10 feet high ing overhead. I realized, in a and the Douglas fir, that prince way, how a lone castaway must of conifers, are so close together feel on some deserted island. in places, that one can scarcely Yet if others could catch fish see between their trunks. They from there so could I. However, stand straight as arrows, a hun it seemed I had not taken into dred feet or more without a consideration the vargaries of the branch, then ballon out in green fronds that almost obscure the tides. I had just prepared to bait my light of day. Where the head hook when I saw a big green lands come down to the sea the comber bearing down with evil highway winds along ledges high intent. It struck the rock, over the ocean; in some places drenching me with spray, carry the roadway is hewn from the ing away mv pail of bait and al sheer face of the cliff, hundreds most washed me overboard also. When it receded I went away from there, splashing my way to shore in far less time than I had taken to go out. That ended my sea fishing. My clams had gone back to their natiye ele ments and my new hat, purchas ed for this occasion, may now be adorning the head of som? sp irt- ive meriman as he meanders through the coral gardens of the Pacific. But I saved my fish pole; in some wav the hook got tangled in mv oat tails and it trailed along behind me to shore of feet above the waves breaking on the rocks below. The Roosevelt highway is the mcst beautiful scenic drive in Oregon, at least that is what I have been told for I have seen none, or at least very little of it. I was driving and, when you are piloting a car, you have no time to gawk around at the scenery. You need all your facilities to keep on your side of the yellow stripe and be r-ady to dodge some careless driver. But I had an agreement with the assistant driver whereby she was to observe all points of in terest, take mental notes and tell me about them afterwards. To Be Concluded. this week when all teachers from here attended institute at St. Helens. As an aid in boosting tjie sale of war savings stamps. IWA Local 5-37 is sponsoring a dance Saturday night of this week at the I.O.O.F. hall. Admission will be $1.00 of which amount 75c will be refunded in war stamps. TEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle. Dec. 1, 1939 Monday saw the beginning of work of extending Oregon Gas and Electric power to people in the Pittsburg district. Promo- tion toward the project was be- gun a year ago last Christmas but the line work proper started only this week. The two miles of line involved serving 15 or 20 customers whom the manage ment hopes to be serving elec tricity by Christmas. The oil burner installed at the Oregon-American mill was given its initial trial Monday of this week and Wednesday as- sumed the load of providing steam and electrical power to replace the boi'ers used during the time the mill was in opera tion. Coach Mason McCoy announced this week that this year’s pros pective basketball p'ayers will provide a team of more experi enced men than did the football group. The fall run of salmon in the Nehalem river and Rock THE EAGLE, VBRbJONIA, ORE. THURSDAY, DEC. 1, 1949 5 creek began several days ago following the first excessive fall of rain. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle, Dec. 7. 1934 The financial reorganization plan for the Oregon-American Lumber corporation was approv ed by the United States district court for the western division of the western district of Mis souri on November 26. Tranferrence of the deeds to the golf course and the Bank of Vernonia building to the city was completed Monday after Judge W. A. Harris, attorney re presenting the city, had secured- them from W. G. Hare, attorney for H. E. McGraw. The state highway engineer has ordered 400 feet of fence to be built along the bluff just south of town, according to word No vember 28 from Chairman Les'ie M. Scott of the stat? highway commission to L. H. Dewey, pre sident of the chamber of com- merce. TWENTY FIVE YEARS AGO From The Eagle, Dec. 9, 1921 Our light and power plant has had considerable trouble since- Thanksgiving. It hasn’t been dependable at all. Eddie Condit returned Thurs day from college to spend the- Thanksgiving holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nance are making their home in Chehalis. Washington. LOG SCALE BOOKS OREGON Laundry Send your Dry Cleaning to Portland’s most mo dern plant. One pick up and delivery weekly on Thursday at Ver nonia at your home or our local agent— REN BRICKEL’S BARBER SHOP and • Scribener’s • 1948 Columbia River • Only 50c • From 12 to 80 Feet Dry Cleaners vrnNONIA EAGLE \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ I 1 « I 1 • I I 1 i ' ' Bio Pork SAFEWAY! \ \ \ \,___ „„ ___ 11 _ , „ - /____ , Shoulder 29 Picnic "Style“ \ Frowzy Pork ii big news this week at Safeway. And pork roast at 29c a lb. is sensational news! If you really want to save and still en- joy mighty good eating, pork at SAFEWAY is the best idea of the week. The Cat Shopping Points FOR POUND Pork Shoulder Steaks lb. 39c lb. 39c Pure Sausage All Pork! Vary lean! Smoked Picnics " TZ c Be?/ iti Food Volavi Trift In thia «4 ar« «ÿ. /activa tbraafi Soturloy, 0««. 3 — W« raaarva fia rlfif fa Il tilt qaawflfla». The Bi-i/ Meri/ oí To?«« Drarazvwi APRICOTSD„ À p^iAOovd Haluf Yaodi TOMATO JUICE likk„ N. 2_ ]3c GREEN BEANS 22« 18c Santicm-cut, No. 2 c*n E,,ir. n .. CHEERIOS CEREAL LOG CABIN SYRUP > w »-«. pt« 15« 24-eg. Cabin 49* FOR THE THRIFT MINDED dittv WM«T«? DLL Id Chip Sliced DOG FOOD Remember— DELIVERIES TWICE PHONE 1391 6 Can. 39C TOMATO JUICE IW, FLOUR The Vernonia Eagle Marvin Kamholz, Editor and Publisher Melvin Schwab, Linotype Operator KHcbaft CraH anrichaW 9 13c h . 10-lb. tack Green Beans--2^25 Crackers Crisp* Sodas Entered as second class mail matter. August 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernonia, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price, $2.50 yearly. A— I Grado ORANGES 5-Li. BAG » 45e SQUASH APPLES LB. 5e Marblahaad Delicious ....................... 2-lb. 19c lb. 8c Rom«............................ Winesaps ............... . ...2-lb. 15c Quirk easy to serve, tender beef, corned to your taste. . tack 59c '-sack $1.19 Potatoes ÎJt’zÆ Corn Flakes £ 2 '* 25c FRESH DATES ll-lb. cello pkg. 29c BRUSSELS SPROUTS Kraft MIRACLE WHIP Ä 49° CAULIFLOWER GREEN CABBAGE CRISP CELERY LETTUCE Tart tasty dressing for your salads and sandwiches. Zee Tissues' ~°’ 20e Solid lb. 3c Green Variety lb. 9c Dew-fresh heads lb. 10c BOILER ONIONS PARSNIPS 9-oz. pkg. 23c Snowy white lb. 10c Small 5-lb. sk. 25c Uniform size lb. 9c SPINACH Leafy, green 10-oz. pkg. 2/25c TOMATOES Fnmnrr« brand facial Gssues — Keep several boxes handy. TURNIPS Red Ripe 14-oz. carton 25c Fine in stews lb. 7c 89® DUZ Granulated Soap S—Vk Sunnykar* Ivory Soap Granvlatad ■ — TREND 49c IDA ORANGES !b. 10c Corned Beefuv> - 39e • Lux Toilet Soap • White King Arm or Buy several cans for future use — this is a real good price! i Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon cs±lb.65c £±lb.75‘ lb. 55e The Season's Finest PRODUCE KELLOGG S — Cover with banana slices for a treat. NOB HILL COFFEE Lk. 68‘ 2lk «1.35 AIRWAY COFFEE u 65« ,.lk »1.29 EDWARDS COFFEE Lk73« 7-lb ,.»«1.45 HERSHEY’S COCOA rX 39« DAILY : 10 a.m - 3 p.m ARMOUR'S Mb. Sirloin Steak Round Steak Beef Pot Roasts Rib Roast Lean Ground Beef Your choree of Snowflakes or Busy Bakers — Stock up! BEANS Chili Beans s? 3'-25c MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS Vz-lb. lb. 39c 47c 29c unp..i.d, No. j1/, coo DEL MONTE PEAS Sfivwoli SWIFT DäCOH PREMIUM Pkg. Smol.d Shoulder, Picnic Style —Other Featured Value SAVE AT SAFEWAY / , Granulated 12V1-O Ivory onow 1^^« ph9. 30e