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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1949)
THE 2 THURSDAY, DEC. 1, 1949 TOWW TOPICS Mr. and Mn. O ku Weed «pent Thanksgiving with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Weed, and family at Myrtle Point. They returned by way of Eugene to spend Sunday with Mr». Weed’s mother and to help her celebrate her birthday. She was 91. CHRISTMAS baxaar and cooked food sale Saturday. December 10, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Eagle's hall. By Ladies Aid groups, E.U.B. church. 48t2c Mrs. Clara Reich recently spent a few days in Vernonia visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Minger, and her brother and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Minger. Mrs. Reich returned recently from New York where she had spent two months visiting her daughter, Lottie. Lottie is going to a New York university anti working as a registered nurse several days a week. Mrs. Reich lives in Portland with another daughter, Mrs. Wm. Gehlen, the former Heidi Reich. LOVELY Christmas gifts, delic ious cooked food at E.U.B. Ladies' Aids' baiaar Saturday, December 10, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.. Eagle's hall. 48t2c Mr. and Mrs. Emil Messing drove to Neskowin Sunday where they spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Layer, form er Vernonia residents. NEHALEM Social club dance. Masonic Temple, December 3, 9 p.m. $1.50 per couple. 48tlc KHE, ftUKS AT HOME ir VERNONIA TRÛOING CO. EAGLE. VERNONIA, ORE. Mr. and Mr». Frank McCabe returned Tuesday evening after spending about three weeks visit- ing et Vancouver, Washington and Sandy. They were guests at Sandy of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. McKinnon. Mrs. McKinnon is the former Daisy MacDonald. Mrs. A. E. Jennings is much improved this week after a week's illness which prevented her being present at the organi zation of the Townsend club. She became ill November 15. NEHALEM Social club dance. Masonic Temple, December 3, 9 p.m. $1.50 per couple. 4811c Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eckland had as their guests on Thanks giving Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eggert and sons, Douglas and Philip, Irma Chance and Anna Part ridge. CHRISTIAN church ladies ba zaar and food sale December 10. Sundland Electric store. Wil! be ready to sell as soon as store opens. 48tlc Mr. and Mrs. Hale Graves and children of LaGrande and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Graves of Ti gard spent Thanksgiving at the W. T. Graves home. BAZAAR and food sale at the Eagle's hall Decemeber 10. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. by E.U.B. Ladies' Aids. 4812c Mr. Cookson and George Biddle have hauled a load of Christmas trees to California. The load went to SantaAnna. Store Buyers Wished Success RIVERVIEW — Mrs. Ed Buck ner motored to Portland to spend the week end with her husband who is in the Physicians and Surgeons hospital. Mrs. Ora George of Portland, spent the week end with the Buckner children. The people of Riverview wish Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nichols lots of luck in their recent purchase of the variety store. Visitors at the Hank Hudson home for Thanksgiving were Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wells and daugh ter, Sue Ellen, George Be!!. Lindy Hudson, Bernice Harvey and Mr. and Mrs. Mansford John son and son. SfEINFRa* SKINNFR PhOThO JANfe-rtlf »Y W.q..ALEXINOER HOFFMAN HARDWARE yFRNONiA ORE THE ORIGINAL Hoffman Hardware building constructed in 1223 is pictured a, it burned January 6, 1924 from a fire which started in the Steiner and S inner garage located where the Western Store now stands. Practically all hardware on tne first floor wai removed and placed in the Mess;ng building on Third street where C. S. Hoffman opened for. business at 8 o'clock the mornHg after the fi-e. Not one business day was lost as a result. The fire gained considerable headway due to the extreme cold at that time which froze the adjacent hydrant. In spite of the cold, volunteer firemen kept the fire con fined to the two buildings. Work started on the si te before the ashes had cooled towards the construc tion of the present fireproof hardware building the firm occuoies. This photo was made available for publication by Mrs. C. S. Hoffman who is residing at McKenzie Bridge. CASON TRANSFER Call 581 for Free P* M Wilbur (Shorty) Davis, Prop. Office at Sundland Electric he Friendly Store where Quality Costs No More On Display . . . UNDERWOOD Universal Typemaster typewriter with touch Ideal for home or school. MOVING? portabe turing. Vernonia Eagle _________ Office Supplies________ Joi/ Theatre Vernonia, Oregon THURS.-FRI. DEC. 1-2 Millers has free gift box folders for ties, sox, kerchiefs, slips and shirts, etc., when you shop at this "friendly store where quality costs no more." SATURDAY DEC. 3 “AFRICA SCREAMS” 4bbct & Costello - Frank Buck SUN.-MON. DEC. 4-5 0 P au S ays all kitchens . SHOULD HAVE BUILT-IN DISHWASHERS'. \VIEIRN0NIIA TRADING COMPANY SEED PEED FERTILIZER BUILDING MATERIALS CEMENT EXPLOSIVES WEED AVENUE PHONE 681 TUES.-WED. DEC. 6-7 "JIGSAW” Franchot Tone Plus “THE FAN” Jeanne Crain - George Sanders AT HOFFMAN'S H H H Time to Brighten Up for the Holidays with Public Service Paint Products PORCH AND FLOOR H ENAMEL ..................... ■f H W H H INTERIOR GLOSS FINISH ...................... ENAMEL UNDERCOAT VARNISH STAIN ....... ................. L1N-X CLEAR VARNISH .................... Quart Quart Quart Quart Pint T Insure Proper Drying, Use H BATAAN DRIER ................................. H Fo»* Touch Up Work, Use TOM THUMB ENAMELS % Pint M X M SPECIAL THIS WEEK X H 2C- PIECE LURAY POTTERY SET, PASTEL SHADES H Regularly *4.95 Hoffman Hardware Co. H Telephone 181 H Vernonia, Ore. H Struiwear Slips in crepe, satin and Dupont Nylon $135 H H $135 $13° H H $135 H $103 H 65' H H H 15c H H H H X H For Hardware See Hoffman the shirt with the soft collar that won’t wrinkle ever! SHOP AT MILLERS AND SAVE MONEY AND TIME &HXHXHXHXHXHZHXHZHZHZHZH?» H H X N H X H New- NORCROSS CARDS AND GIFT . WRAP White Tissue 10c Other gift wrap paper 10c Van Heusen • M«. T. M. Century By Wembly and Van Heusen The big news in white shirts!— the new Van Hepsen Century! Its comfortable collar stavs wrinkle-free all dav—without starch or stays! The points can't curl up. It's one woven piece of special collar fabric with no fused or stitched layers tq work apart or fray. W ide-spread o. regular models Men’s White Stag SPORT JACKETS H H Van Heusen H SPORT SHIRTS H X H H H fjZHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXK Shop our gowns and pajamas for women! You will be pleased. BERKSHIRE AND CANNON HOSE All number are washable! Many colors and fabrics $3.95 — $4.95 — $5.95 Come in and see the new Van Heusen golfer’s shirt for sport as well as golf 9 HIKOK Suspenders Belts Jewelry Billfolds A complete assortment at reasonable prices.