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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1949)
Let's Be Sociable Auxiliary Answers Call For Polio Fund Help An urgent call to help the polio epidemic drive came to the American Legion Auriliary at the regular meeting Tuesday, Sept ember 20 and a sum of $10 was MILLER'S The Friendly Store Where Quality Cost* No More completely washable gabardine in ’brave’ colors! contributed to the cause. A raise of 25 cents in dues on all renewal and new members was voted to coincide with the department. Louise Larson, mem bership chairman, is planning a cooked food sale for September 24 and all members are urged to contribute. The proceeds are to further the junior auxiliary membership program. A definite date for the humorous production, “Laff It Off,” has been set for November 4 and 5. Committee chairmen appointed by President Reatha Horn are: Americanism, Nora Mitchell; child welfare, Jennie Lusby; Girl’s State Freda Biggs; junior activity, Beu lah Slemmons; rehabilitation, Mar garet Walrath; membership, Louise Larson; national defense, Laureta Lamping; Poppy sales, Julia Boeck; community service, Lona Weidman; music and Pan Americanism, Maeva Brimmer; past president’s parley, Blanche King; publicity, Isabel L. Cul bertson; Poppy Poster, Tressie Michener; legislation, Mrs. Fugate and unit activity, Ruby Biggs. Birthday Friend Names Revealed at Party Van Heusen ® REG r M. VAN GA3 SPORT SHIRTS »495 Never so many bright pastels in gabardine sport shirts! Completely washable. Just use soap and water —a guaranteed money-saving In dian trick. New low price, too, for this California Lo-No model. Two- way collar is smart with or with out tie. Other models ... a wide range of colors to choose from. The annual birthday party of the Vernonia Study club was held at the home of the president, Mrs. R. B. Fletcher, Thursday evening. “Birthday Friend” names were dis closed and new ones were dis tributed in attractive copies of the 1949-50 year .book. The pro gram chairman, Mrs. H. Schlegel, explains that this year the pro gram and the members will be divided into four sections, each group studying one part: Art, music, literature or dance. Mrs. Ralph Valpiani, chairman of the library committee, an nounced that the results of the Study tea for the benefit of the library building fund last month was $39.00. She also gave a recapitulation of all funds turned into this fund. Carnival (All organizations con tributing time and effort $147.06 Vernonia Study club tea, 1948 ’ 62.04 Rebekahs' cooked food sale 46.08 Vernonia Study club tea. 1949 39.00 Pythian Sisters, rummage Sale 143.11 Total $438.01 Past Presidents Meet With District President Members of the Past President’s club of the American Legion Aux ilary met at luncheon September 13 at the home of Mrs. Beulah Slemmons with Mrs. Maybell Me- Coy, district president of the Aux iliary from Hillsboro. Purpose of the meeting was to form a ri tualistic team for installations. Present were Lona Weidman, Margaret Walrath, Ruby Biggs, Freda Biggs, Isabel Culbertson, the, hostess and Mrs. MeCoy. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Lona Weidman October 11. Party of the 18th Honors Birthday A birthday party was given in honor of Mrs. Tressie Michener September 18 by Mrs. June Woold ridge who acted as hostess. Those attending were Mrs. Nancy Worth, mother of Mrs. Michener of Forest Grove, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Hickox of Beaverton, Mrs. Michener’s bro ther, Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Mich ener and Lynn, Margaret Michener and the hostess, Mrs. June Woold ridge, and two daughters, Shirley and Madaline of West Uunion. Ten more were invited to at tend but on account of sickness were unable to be present. A big dinner was served including a large birthday cake and the tra ditional candles. Series of Card Parties Planned by Altar Society A pleasant afternoon was spent by the Altar Society at the Eliza beth Mullins home Wednesday. The business meeting consisted of balancing accounts from the food sale held the previous Sat urday and planning for a series of card parties to be held during the winter months. The food sale was quite a suc cess and the ladies appreciate very much the patronage of the public in making it so. Mrs. Alice Sauer drew the door prize. A short session of Bingo was in dulged in after the close of the meeting. Mrs. Kenneth Anderson held high score and Mrs. Joe VanderZanden held low. The host ess served a delicious lunch. Church Rite Unites Couple September 4 THE The main aisle of the Oregon City Church of God was decorated with bouquets of gladiolus Sunday, September 4, for the wedding of Lotus Killian, 1407 Jackson street, Oregon City, and Leslie V. McMul len, Vernonia. The altar of the church was decorated with pink and white gladiolus and potted palms. Light ed candelabra also were at the altar. Rev. Horace Bachelder read the nuptials. Mrs. Perry Chapelle was pianist for the ceremony. Vocalists were Mary Ann West and Leonard Edgecomb. The bride was given in marriage by her father, Frank F. West. She wore a white brocade taffeta gown trimmed with lace, and a necklace of pearls and rhinestones. Her flowers were rosebuds and stephanotis. Honor attendant was Mrs. E. L. Merritt. She was gowned in green crepe and carried a bouquet of gardenias and rosebuds. Bridesmaids were Neoma Mc Mullen and Mrs. Lloyd Quinn. Miss McMullen wore yellow taffeta and rose satin was chosen for the gown of Mrs. Quinn. Both car ried gardenia and rosebud bouqets. Lloyd W. Quinn was best man for the bridegroom. Ushering were William Meiwes and Norace W. Bell. The flower girl, Marilyn Watt, wore a blue taffeta frock and scattered rose petals along the aisle ahead cf the wedding party. Wayne Edgecomb, as ring bearer, carried the ring on a satin pillow. The bride’s mother, Mrs. West, attended the wedding attired in a pink crepe suit, with a corsage of gardenias and rosebuds. A reception followed in the church parlors. White gladiolus and palms decorated the rooms. Mrs. Olive Chapelle served the bride’s cake. Pouring were Mrs. Horaec Edgecomb Jr. Mrs. Warren Watt and Mrs. Wayne Edgecomb. Mrs. Art Reynolds was in charge of the guest bock. The honeymoon took the newly weds to San Francisco. Since their return they have been at home here where they hal purchased a residence cn Nehalem street. Mr. McMullen is em ployed by the Oregon-American. EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY, SEPT. 22, 1»4« T Rainbow Girls Plan Installation Monday Social Scheduled Installation of officers of Ne halem assembly No. 16, Order of Rainbow for Girls, will be held at 8 p.m. Monday, September 26, at the Masonic Temple. New of ficers are: Worthy advisor, Marjorie Ro land; worthy associate advisor, Barbara Bass; Charity, Bonnie Wilcoxen; hope, Beverly Brady; Faith, Claudine Gibson; chaplain, Nancy Fletcher; drill leader, Don na Aldrich; love, Delores Barrett; religion, Tempie DeHart; nature, Cleo Lamping; fidelity, Pat Lob dell; patriotism, Frances Kaspar; service. Katherine Keasey; im mortality, Patty Floaten; outer observer, Joy Silver; inner ob server, Betty Lou Frazee; musici an, Glenna Pearl; choir director Mary Tapp; historian, Lorraine Crowston; recorder, Janet Peter son and treasurer, Mildred Thack er. Official Visits Lodge Special District Deputy Grand Master Daniel Hawk was here Tuesday evening to pay an official visit to the I.O.O.F. lodge which was attended that evening by 30 members and three visitors. Re freshments were served at the Another social night for mem bers of IWA Local 5-37 is sched uled for Saturday night of this week at the union hall. Dancing and refreshments will feature the evening with the affair to begin at 8:30. The event is free to members of the Local and their families. close of the meeting by the Re bekahs. The initiatory degree will be put on Tuesday evening of next week for Darrell Rose. TAKE A TIP— For skillful dry cleaning service by a locally owned firm, take your cleaning to the Vernonia [Cleaners. Expert work is as sured. ffernonia Cleaners MADE-TO-MEASURE R-jflnrickC Ford, Plymouth, Chevrolet, Dodge Ddlierieb 12 & 24-Mo. Guaran. $8.45-$12.45 G.E. Electric Automatic Irons.................... $11.95 15-Piece Tap & Die Set.............................$ 5.98 22-Piece Set $9.65 30-30 & 30-06 Rifle Shells. Men’s Red Felt Hunting Hats Men’s Heavv Built Work Shoes............. $ 5.95 JustRec’d $5.89 CLIFF WHITE PHONE 1271 RIVERVIEW — A baby shower was given Thursday, September 15 at the Lindsley home in honor of Mrs. Richard Goodman. Those present were Mrs. Tom Fulton, Mrs. Gene Goodman and two boys, Mrs. Kirkbride, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Rex Normand, Mrs. Grace Normand and Bill McKenny, Mrs. Carl Ernest, Mrs. Myrtle Rose, Mrs. Alice Lindsley, Mrs. W. J. Lindsley and Joan and Mr. Rich ard Goodman. Refreshments were served and many lovely gifts were received. Those who were unable to attend sent gifts. WK?**' but 26,500 strands woven together, form each main cable of the world-famous GEORGE WASHINGTON bridge ^g^ONLY A DOLLAR V < Vernonia Branch Commercial Bank of Oregon Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. AFFILIATED WITH THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK OF HILLSBORO A pan of water is often enough to douse the careful fisherman's campfire. But the careless sportsman can start a raging inferno that thousands of men, with the most modern equipment, can’t control. Forest fires burn an average of 25 million acres of America’s woodlands each year. Fishermen know what these fires do to trout streams and good trolling lakes. They also know how nine out of ten fires may be prevented— by obeying the law of the woods. For more than 300 years, Americans have found good fishing where the trees grow green. Do your share to pass on our outdoor heritage to tomorrow's sportsmen. Help keep fires out of our woods. COLUMBIA COUNTY COMMITTEE KEEP SUITS Your ’One-stop’ Saving Center Mrs. Goodman Honored At Shower Thursday but many dollars, deposited regularly at this bank, can help you build security, and have the other good things you want. ______________ * OREGON GREEN VERNONIA, ORE.