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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1949)
Library Adds New Book List New books have been added to the shelves of the Vernonia public library with the past few weeks Mrs. Paul Gordon, librarian, said last week when she released the names of the new volumes. Some of the additions were purchased from selections by the board and some were donated by Mrs. Judd Greenman. The books are: Children’s: Teddy Bear of Bumokin Hollow, Sharon Boucher; Five i it tie Firemen, Brown and Hurd; Uy Truck Book, E. C. Reichert; Adventures of a Letter, G. Warren Schloat; Wonderful Train Ride, R. C. Weir; Wonder ful Plane Ride, i*. C. Weir. Teen-age: Pink Magic, Margar et Lee Runbeck; Unexpected Sum mer, Gertrude E. Mallette; Har lequin Hullabaloo, Dorothy Lyons; Canyon of Whispers, L. A. Wads worth. Adult: The Devil in Massachus etts, Marion L. Starkey (Salem Witch Trials); Twilight on the Floods, Marguerite Steen; The Egyptian, Mika Waltar, Pride’s Castle, Frank Yerby; The Game ster, Rafael Sabatini; Let Love Come Last, Taylor Caldwell; Cut lass Empire, F. VanWycke Mason. Mysteries :Tongue Tied Canary, Nicolas Bentley; Disappearing Parson, Miles Burton; D. A. NEW SHIPMENTS HAVE ARRIVED Blouses Corduroy Skirts Dresses _• — •— Hosiery New Lingerie and Pajamas The Apparel Shop Missionaries Leave For Montana Field RIVERVIEW—Mrs. O. M. Hud son, who is confined to her bed, is staying at the Hank Hudson home. Elder Krebb and Elder Lind quist, who have been laboring here in the Latter Day Saint mission field, left last week for Montana. Bill Hudson of Butte, Montana is here for a week on business. Rex Normand, Jr., suffered second degree burns while work- ing on his car. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dutton and daughters are moving up on Rose avenue. Kenneth Lindsley left Monday to go to Sweet Home where he will stay with his sister, Mrs. Sam Smith. 23rd Anniversary Celebrated Sun. RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gibson celebrated their 23rd wedding anniversary Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard McNair and Delmar Jepson were dinner guests. Chief Boatswain and Mrs. J. F. Breedin and daughters of Honolu lu, Hawaii are visiting with the Louis Huntley family for a few days. From here they will go to Virginia where they will visit Mr. Breedin’s mother and then will report to the naval air station in Rhede Island where he will go on duty. Mrs. Mary Unroe and son, Tom, 2nd Nate Huntley of McMinnville were recent visitors at the Louis Huntley home.. Breaks an Egg, Erie Stanley Gardner; The Second Confession, Rex Stout (for Nero Wolf fans). Books donated by Mrs. Judd Greenman: Arch of Triumph, Erich Mana Remargue; Point of No Return, John P. Marsuand; C/O Postmaster, Corporal Thos. R. St. George; Cass Timberlane, Sinclair Lewis; The Egg and I, Betty MacDonald; The Wayward puss, John Steinbeck; The Snake Pit, Mary Jane Ward; Brideshead ßevisited, Evelyn Waugh; Taps for Private Tussie, Jessie Stuart; Man-eaters of Kumaon, Jim Cor bett; The White Tower, James Ramsey Ullman; Catalina, W. Somerset Maugham; Sapphira and the Slave Girl, Willa Cather; Gus the Great, Thos. W. Duncan. THE Two Sisters Here to I Advantages of Celebrate Birthday —Mrs. J. R. Army Pointed Out ford RIVERVIEW of North Plains and (Cpl. Keith Cowan’s personal message to the young men of Ver nonia and vicinity) Hello gentlemen—Did you save as much money this summer as you had planned? A dollar doesn’t go as far as you thought, does it? Would you like to learn while you earn enough money to go to college or buy that new car. It can be done you know. If you would like to save the money for college or a new car, get the broadening effects of travel, the pleasure of working with men having similar interests, and become a skilled worker in a civilian field, ask me to explain the U. S. army technical school training plan for high school grad uates or non-grariuates. Also our USAFI college courses leading to a degree, or you may complete your high school work and get your diploma with the armed ser vices. It is an excellent plan for the young man who knows what he wants, The plan gives him his choice of many highly skilled jobs. Whether he chooses to be a stenographer, an engineering draftsman, a medical technician dr any one of the 60 other courses now open, he knows that he will first go to basic training at Fort Ord, then to the school of his San- Mrs. James Walters of Cedar Mills mo tored here Friday to help Mrs. W. J. Lindsley celebrate her birth day. They are Mrs. Lindsley’s sis ters. Mrs. Annie Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Parker motored to Portland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Parker are from Paxton, Californ ia and were here to spend the week end with Mrs. Roberts. choice and then to a job working at that specialty, regardless of the number of years of school com pleted. If you are an individual with your eyes on a better education or job, this is a plan that you must at least consider. If you review all the factors, I know you will be with us soon. The recruiting sta tion is at 425 SW Taylor St. Port land or I will be happy to see you and talk to you at the Ver nonia post office the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. You may also write to me at one of the following addres ses: Cpl. Keith Cowan USA & USAF’ Recruiting Main Sta 425 SW Taylor St. Portland 4, Ore. or Vernonia Post Office care of General Delivery EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY, SEPT. 15, 1949 County 4-Hers Win Awards The quality of all exhibits at the state fair were very high, states Harold Black, extension agent in 4-H club work. Twenty-three rib bons were awarded four club mem bers of Columbia county. Vernonia participants were Harriet Heath and Dorothy Gwin, cookery dem onstration, and Phyllis Laramore, dollar dinner «ontest. Harriet Heath was awarded a white ribbon for baking a sponge cake. Club Meetings Start The first meeting of the Ver nonia Study club for the 1949-50 is dated to be held September 15, this evening, at 8:30 at the home of Mary Fletcher. Teachers Honored at Welcome Program Thur». MIST—The P.-T. A. gave a wel come program last Thursday ev ening for the teachers, Mr. and Mrs. Jones, in the Mist gym und er the direction of Mrs. Waiter’ 1 ‘ Mathews. Mrs. Carl Enneberg tells us her father, L. E. McGee, of Ver nonia isn’t feeling too good. Mrs. Les Closner was doing some painting about her home las: week. Not long ago Miss Olga Holm strom came home to get some of her furniture to move it to her place of living at present. She found to her surprise some one had been there and moved away some of her priceless possessions, of not much value to anyone else, but to her they can not be re placed. Funny people in the world. HANK'S PARTS HOUSE Open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. except week ends ARMATURE TESTING AND TURNING NEW AND USED PARTS If you’ve got the pieces, I’ve got the parts Riverview Phone 773 Count the FISHER BODY STYLING AND LUXURY EXTRA VALUES and you’ll choose FISHER UNISTEEL CHEVROLET/ _JDY CONSTRUCTION 3-INCH ^IDE-BASE but 26,500 strands woven together, form each main cable of the world-famous GEORGE WASHINGTON bridge J^^NLY A DOLLAR WHEELS plus LOW- PRESSURE TIRES X, but many dollars, deposited regularly at this bank, can help you build security, and have the other good things you want. CERTI-SAFE BRAKES EXTRA Values are exclusively yours at lowest cost in Chevrolet! with DUBL-LIFE RIVETLESS BRAKE LININGS Vernonia Branch Commercial Bank of Oregon Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. AFFILIATED WITH THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK OF HILLSBORO ”Jíg!»>■ PANORAMIC VISIBILITY TO OWN—OPERATE— MAINTAIN VERNONIA AUTO Standard Oil Products Phone 342 WORLD'S CHAMPION CENTER-POINT VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGIN! STEERING EXTRA ECONOMICAL CURVED WINDSHIELD- COMPANY “A Safe Place to Trade” Your Chevrolet and G. M. Dealer Vernonia, Oregon We’re featuring Chevrolet Super-Service Specials all this month — so "ALL ABOARD FOR VALUES UNLIMITED!’ MUTT AND JEFF *>-u » lsher KING’S Grocery - Market “Where Your Money Buys More” Phone 91 'T’X At the Mile Bridge Riverview Drop in today and look over our excellent selec tion of those foods needed for picnics and cold suppers.