• THURSDAY. SEPT. 8, 1949 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General FOR SALE—Insurance ARE YOU planning your fall and winter clothes? For lastest art,les in. dressmaking and re­ modeling, Call 253 for appoint­ ment. 36tfc LIFE, Fire, Car and Accident Insurance. Oregon Automobile Insurance Co. H. Hudson and George Bell. 26tfc FOR SALE: Fence Posts. Inquire «>/ Norman Peterson, Mist, Oregon. No Saturday calls. 31tl 25-20 WINCHESTER carbine rifle, tlcod condition. $30.00. 30-06 En- t'ietd. rifle, new, $175.00. '/< mile nouth of Vernonia on Timber Rt. Reuben E. Tipton. 36tl PIANO TUNING. L. T. Davis wiH be here Monday, Sept. 12. Anyone interested in piano tuning, leave order with Vernonia Eagle, phone 191. 36tl CRAB APPLES for Spofford, Corey hill. sale. D. P. 35t3c CUCUMBERS for sale. Front •>f city water pump house. Geo. Barm. Also green tomatoes. 35t3 Riverview Home Sold Previous to Move Our Great America & ¿ÿ Bade ~| RIVERVIEW — Mrs. Sally Gor­ man of California and her son, Mike, and his wife of Portland visited Mrs. Ethel Hall Sunday. Mrs. Ethel Hall has sold her place to Mr. and Mrs. Walt Parker and is moving to Clats­ kanie. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith and •Wf« STATUE« LIBEFTV A sirr sao4 -a, ptont o» tu , mpvsik or ' FiAHca io twe eaot>u ot -taf uhitip timi COMMSVOtATlUd TW, AU.LASCI OS TU, TWO HAtOB pusms -rst amiwcau nettunio»!. -rxa siauae < Hi ritT Sl«S AHP X MAPI or COPPO HAMMOIP ihto «SAP» sy MSP. TX, s-aTua, piwcatbp by PBtliPBMT «SROvrW ClCt/BLANP OH OCTOBBB iSBé VMS PBS> young guernsey cows. C. B. where this paper is at fault, coastwise vessels and intercoastal Reul. 2 miles from Riverview on will reprint that part of an through the Panama Canal and to Per tie Creek road. 35t3 adv. in which the typographical foreign markets over the Seven Seas. mistake occurs. FOR SALE—Machinery POETRY accepted only as paid The other distinct type of Doug­ matter. Rate: 5c per type line. las fir sawmill is the inland op­ TD-6 like new. Earthmaster trac­ tor with plow and disk. Ford NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY eration, or trail mill, which dries ADV. ACCEPTED AFTER and finishes a much greater pro­ tractor reconditioned and guaran­ WED. NOON EXCEPT FOR portion of its products. This type tturf. Fordson tractor on steel, NEXT WEEK’S PAPER. of operations ships its products used implements. Walker Tractor mostly by railroad. Co., West Washington and Den- The key to the seperate charac­ nie Ave., Hillsboro. Phone 6291. KODAK ters of these two types of opera­ 33t2c tion in the same geographic region DEVELOPING PRACTICALLY new craftsman is in the fact that the freight power chain saw. Two chipper rates for ocean shipments are SUPPLIES chains, 30" bar. $275.00. % mile based on cubage, while rail freight S. Vernonia on Timber Rt. or rates are determiner on weight. write. Reuben E. Tipton. Box 293 T H F, EAGLE office. Green lumber costs more than dry Vernonia, Oregon. 34t3 per foot for shipping by rail. You’ll £et more fun out of summer driving if all the parts in costs no more when shipping by water. Peeler Fir Log. The Douglas fir plywood in­ dustry takes the highest grade logs from the old-growth forests for face stock of the 4x6’ and 4x8’ panels of plywood ranging from *4” to 1” in thickness. The interior plys and core of most Douglas fir plywood is made from Douglas fir logs which do not have the deep clear stock required for face material. As logging climbs into higher country in the aged stands, the trees become slimmer. This means that the kind of face stock now required by the plywood industry is stea lily contracting. However, as the supply of “fat trees” has tightened, the plywood industry has driven its research toward new and improved makeup techniques which put short pieces of clear material to work in the manufacturer of acceptable ply­ wood. The plywood industry used to sell the cores from the rotary peeling of big, fat logs for domestic fuel. Today the trend is toward using the core for further peeling on a smaller lathe to produce core stock and some of the plywood plants are converting their cores into dimension lumber. One-fourth of young people suf­ fer from defective vision. See the smaliest-fe.vatest!- j Sonotones ever made— ! SONOTONE i HEARING CENTER j Mr. Gifford will be in Vernonia on September 15, morning only. If you wish him to call at your home, write our office for an appointment. | | | } four car are in good condition. Look over our selection of everything for your car. V Fine Elberta Peaches YOU PICK BUSHEL 50c ON TREES YOU PICK BUSHEL $1.00 WINDFALL Please Bring Own Containers EIINIE SCHMID 2 Miles out Gales Creek Road from Forest Grove Phone 11F24 Look for our »ign on road LODGE AND CLUB NOTICES Knights of Pythias Harding Lodge I power, for those who need it! Yet—for people with sen­ sitive ears—it provides gen­ tlest minimum power! BOTH ways—farther, clear­ er understanding than ever before! FREE consultation. I I I ♦ Regular SONOTONE OF Winston Walker, Commander James Cox. Adjutant 4-50 Commander Oscar G. Weed, Secretary A. F. & A. M. Pythian Sisters Vernonia Lodge No. Vernonia Temple No. 61 and I.O.O.F. Fourth Wedne.da, Communication first Thursday of each month. at 7:30 p.m. 2-48 of each month VERNONIA LIONS CLUB Luther Choate, President Bill Wilson, Secretary Walter E. Linn, VV. M. Ray Mills, Sec’y Chapter . and BUTTERMILK right from the farm to your door, write or call Telephone No. 8812 OUR PRODUCTS ALWAYS SATISFY 11-25-48 PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY Timber Rt., Box 56 Vernonia, Oregon 4-50 Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge Meet» 2nd and 4th Thursday evening» of each month in I.O.O.F. Hall. Jewelle Robinson. Noble Grand lone Ju:»ice. Vice Grand Jane L. Pace, Secretary Gladys Strong. Treasurer 3-50 S. month ••'** welcome. ers Ethel Titus, Worthy Matron Alberta Mills, Sec’y. 1-50 Vernonia F. O. E. (Fraternal Order Eagles) of 810 Bridge Street Vernon in Columbia Encampment No. 89 will meet the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at the I.O.O.F. hall. Earl Atkins, Chief Patriarch Wm. D. Shafer, Scribe. 1-50 E. com- ** ^*,on‘c Ten» p'o- All visiting sisters and broth­ 3-50 Meets Every Tuesday s P. M. O. munication first *nd 3rd Wed- f “ Allan Ray, Noble Grand Wm. D. Shafer. Sec’y. 153, Regular Vernonia Lodge No. 246 MILK CREAM 1-50 Order of Eastern Star Nehalem of I.O.O.F- 184 A.M. meets at Temple Stated A.F. de Masonic Hall PORTLAND For Pasteurized meeting«: 2 & 4 Weds., 8 p.m. AUXILIARY Regularly meet.: l.t 4 3rd Wed. Wm. D. Shafer, Chancellor MEETINGS RESUME IN SEPTEMBER R. L. GIFFORD Certified Sonotone Consultant V. F. W. 116 Meetings Legion Hall, Second and Fourth Mondays Each Month Second EW exclusive “Fitted No. Vernonia, Oregon Meeting.: ♦ Power” more than N doubles previous hearing aid I There’s a lot of extras too, that make driving a pleasure: A good radio, fog Ikes, etc. Meets Every Friday 8 P. M. F. M. Russell. W. P. Rex Normand, Sec’y. 7-49 American Legion VERNONIA POST 11» Meets first and Third Mon. Each of moath. AUXILIARY F irre and Third Tuesday* 1-50