Let's Be Sociable Friendship Anniversary Dinner Enjoyed Aug. 25 Mrs. Laura Carmichael was host­ ess on August 25 for the Friend­ ship anniversary pot-luck dinner. Corsages containing the names of secret pals were presented the membership by the retiring presi­ dent, Mrs. Carmichael. The names of the past year’s secret pals were revealed and gifts exchanged. Following the dinner and business meoting, the election of officers took place with the following being named: president, Ruth Steers; vice-president, Isabel Carmichael and secretary-treasur­ er, Blanche Millis. Mrs. Isabel Carmichael was voted in as a new member. Guests present were Mrs. Ida Condit, Mrs. Grace Mathews and daughter, Donna Marian. Next meeting of the club will be September 11 at the home of Mrs. Claude Gibson. Past Chiefs Meet The Past Chiefs held their first regular' meeting September 6 at the home of Isabel Culbertson with seven members present. After an interesting business meeting and discussions, all enjoyed delicious refreshments served by the hostess. The next meeting will be held at the home of Reta Lamping. Activities of Long Week End Tabulated AOUAMEDICO sheds water like a duck! Wear the amazing AOUAMEDICO! Swim-bathe-shower in hot, cold, fresh or salt water. Laugh at rain, dampness, perspiration. Only the A quamedico is certified water* proof by United States Testing Co., Inc. before it’s delivered to us. Make sure to bring it here in case the watch must be ‘ opened, closed and serviced. Precision 17-jewel movement — shock­ resistant — sweep- second hand—radium dial —waterproof strap — dust-and- fax included tarnish proof case. See Our Window A. L. Kullander WACTHMAKER — JEWELER Official Watch Inspector S. P. & S. Railway RIVERVIEW — Visitors at the W. D. Steele home Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Frost and grandson, Gordon Leslie, of Dundee and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Delsman of Hills­ boro. Miss Josephine Rohmer of Fresno, California, visited at the W. D. Steele home over the week end. Others visitors at the W. D. Steele home over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Neby and children of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Farnstrom of Vancouvr and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Steele of Sweet Home. Visitors at the Glen Hawkins home Labor day were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Felton and son, Elon and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore and son, Gary of St. Helens. First Birthday Is Occasion for Dinner Ex-Birkenfeld Resident Dies BIRKENFELD — Mrs. Tex Burnett and children spent the week visiting relatives at Hills­ boro. S. F. Pidcock, Sr., a former resident here, now of Clatskanie passed away Monday. Miss Barbara Pio of Portland spent some time recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Vegoors. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Ocean and son, Alden, arrived from Vermont on Friday. Shirley Bennett and Calvin Bass were married last week at Van­ couver, Washington. They will be living in Vernonia. Miss Shirley Berg returned to Portland Monday to continue her studies at Northwestern Business college. Recent visitors at the A. G. Bellingham home were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crouch and Mrs. Ri­ chardson, Sr., of Astoria. Dawn Lousignont returned home after visiting relatives at Baker and Bend. Sewing is generally much harder on the eyes than reading. THE RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Harry Woodruff gave a dinner in honor of their grandson, Byron Frank’s, first birthday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Woodruff and sons, Mrs. Alice Mills and Mrs. S. J. Parson. Miss Claribel Lindsley, who has been visiting relatives here, left Sunday to return to Springfield. Few Salmon Are Reported Caught BIRKENFELD — Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wood of Elsie were callers at the G. E. Bellingham home Saturday. Marcia and Janice Garner re­ turned home after a little vacation at Lakeview with relatives. Fishing seems to be the order of the day. The past several days many people from around here have been trying their luck. Not too many salmon have been caught. Mr. and Mrs. Cloice Hall of Vernonia were recent dinner guests at the home of Ted Belling­ ham. WE REPAIR ALL MAKES EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY, SEPT. 8, Dakota, Idaho People Here RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Richard Goodman are the parents of a girl born Sunday night at the Forest Grove General hospital. She weighed three pounds, 14 ounces and has been named Fonda Louise. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mills and son, Jeffery, visited at the Alice Mills home Sunday. Albert Helland and son, Mur win of Ellensburg, Washington, Mrs. Frank Maturna and son, Reggie Peterson, of Ellingson, South Dakota, Lyle Weisback of Bowman, North Dakota and Lu­ cille Weisback of Koskia, Idaho were visitors at the Rex Normand home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Mancel Lee Rose of Corvallis visited at the Bud Rose home Monday. Everett and Harrison Young visited at the E. L. Lloyd, Howard Dutton and Bud Rose homes. Mrs. Dutton is the boy’s sister. Recent visitors at the George Dodt honfe were Dr. and Mrs. Foltz of Oakland, California. While they were here Mr. and Mrs. Dodt accompanied them to Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lee of Omaha, Ne­ braska spent Labor Day at the George Dodt home. Your ‘One-slop’ Saving Center Supreme Compounded Motor Oil......... 85c Gal. 100% Pure Parafine Base. In Your Container $6.59 Folding Camp Cots .................... Camfiold Automatic Toaster New Reduced Price........................ Lunch Boxes with Thermos........... 9x12 Felt Base Rugs...................... Bed Sheets, Size 81x108 Pillow Cases Bath Mat Sets $17“ $2.39 $6.59 $2.49 59c $1.89 Conquering car troubles is our specialty—so if your auto fails to perform at peak efficiency, let us give it the once-over. H. H. STURDEVANT r ^ agvee 717 Rose Avenue Phone 337 CLIFF WHITE PHONE 1271 ORE. VERNONIA, Acquaintances of School Visited at Birkenfeld A BIRKENFELD — Hisa Yamada and her sister, Mary, and husband from Rockline, California were visiting old school acquaintances recently. Hisa is now employed in the office of the state game commission in Portland. The Community was saddened to hear of the terrible accident and death of Frank Cechmanek The sympathy of all is extended to the family. Khfi IA V « lij ij M * \ 1V ^^ONLY A DOLLAR but many dollars, deposited regularly at this bank, can help you build security, and have the other good things you want. ______________ / Join the Movement to Keep Oregon Green! 'Tri1! Jr t ■V When forest lands are properly managed and protected, they keep on growing trees for tomorrow. Never overlook the importance of seedling trees. They will become the lumber, plywood, paper and thousands of other products in the years to come. This community needs to keep its forests growing to maintain our industries, jobs, schools. When we keep our forests green, by pre­ venting forest fires, we are helping make our community more secure. Vernonia Branch Commercial Bank m Oregon Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. AFFILIATED WITH THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK OF HILLSBORO MUTT AND JEFF - i st COLUMBIA COUNTY COMMITTEE OK. ILL PAY WU ^VE^Ä^U \ 'WHY DON'T f \ DUNNO! DUNNO!' BECAUSE WEH- BUT TWO BITS FOR ANY< -J. ASK ME ) A GROUND HE STARTS HOW DlD you THATS YOUR OUESTION YOU ASK (t WHICH \ SOUlRREL ANSWER AT THE QUESTION! HE GET LEAVE ANY BOTTOM IF I CANT ANSWER VACANT TO THE DIRT AROUND AND DIGS IT BUT ypu must ) BOTTOM? THE TOP OF BE ABLE TO ANSWER;!/^ vou PAy THE H<5 l E YOU < WHEN HE DIGS IT? I KEEP OREGON By Bud Fisher Z GREEN KING’S Grocery - Market "Where Your Money Buys More” Phone 91 At the Mile Bridge Riverview K Drop in today and look over our excellent selec­ tion of those foods needed for picnics and cold suppers.