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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1949)
Guests, Members Enjoy Club Benefit Tea LET’S BE SOCIABLE Altar Society Members Meet After Vacation Shower Honors Infant Daughter August 11 Following a month’s vacation, St. Mary's Altar Society mem bers held their August meeting Thursday at the Ben Meiwes home on Rose avenue. Due to the busy season on the farm, many members were forced to be absent, thus crippling the completion of several plans that were brought up for discussion. However, the foundation plans were made for a food sale to be held in early September. Mrs. Lena DeWolf of Gervais won the door prize. The September meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Eliza beth Mullins and Mrs. Henry Meiwes will clean and decorate the church for that month. A dainty lunch was . served by the hostess. Mrs. Harry Borgelt and Mrs. Joe Vanderzanden were co-hostes- ses at a pink shower in honor of Rose Marie Siedelman at the Bor gelt home on August 11. Rose Marie is the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Siedelman of Vernonia. The highlight of the occasion was the presentation of a “Rose Mary tree’ to Mrs. Siedel man. The tree had been decorated by the guests with tiny pink bags each containing a dime, the dimes to be used in the purchase of gifts for Rose Marie. A num ber of other gifts were also pre sented. Mrs. Henry Meiwes won the prize in a scramble word game of baby needs. A number of Bingo prizes were also awarded. All enjoyed the afternoon and the generous lunch served by the hostesses. YOU MAY BE SURE Engagement Announced That when you see the sign of “Grade A Milk and Cream” that you and your familys health is safeguarded. You get this assurance at the NEHALEM OflIRV PR0DUIT5 CO. Grade A Pasteurized Milk & Cream PHONE 471 ____ Miss Shirley Cole, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. M. D. Cole of Long view, announced her engagement recently at a Sunday breakfast. She will marry Rodney Aschen- brenner January 2, 1950. The news was revealed when the guests lifted their coffee cups to find a picture of the betrothed couple in a sketched engagement ring with the nuptial date. The Coles formerly were residents of Ver nonia. The annual Vernonia Study club tea for the benefit of the library building fund was held at the Masonic Temple Thursday after noon where a pleasant afternoon was spent by guests and members. The hall was attractively deco rated with lovely gladiolis and sweet peas, a display of late books and a number of gay book jackets from the Vernonia public library. Presiding at the tea table were: Mrs. A. J. Hughes, Mrs. Harry Culbertson, Mrs. Marvin Kam- holz and Mrs. Paul Gordon. Mrs. Ralph Valpiani was gen eral chairman. Her committee was: Madames H. G. Sandon, W. G. Heath, Henry Schlegel, Marvin Kamholz, Sam Hearing, Jr., Emil Messing, Wesley Bolmeier, Harry Culbertson, Paul Gordon and Wm. Nichols. Mrs. Valpiani expressed her appreciation to the committee members, the friends donating the beautiful flowers, the Masonic Temple asociation and the guests who attended for their cooperation and support. It is hoped that next year a larger number of library friends will attend this annual affair in support of this worthy cause. Among the out- of-town visitors was Mrs. Henry Schlegel, Sr., of Portland and a group of guests from Mist. Ticket Use Explained PAINTI NG Guest tickets which are sold for the coming season of Little Dances will be good only on the date of the dance for which they are purchased a member of the F. L. club said Tuesday. As announced last week, guest ticket? would be good for any dance, hence the correction concerning them. Interior — Exterior FLOOR SANDING COLOR MATCHING Between 1601 and 1609, 2,000 Frenchmen of noble birth fell in duels. Scouts Mark Frazee Point THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY, AUG. 25, 1949 T Mist School Opening Date Is September 6 The Scouts of Vernonia Troop 201 spent the week end at Camp Hawkins, arriving there about 6:45 Friday evening and return ing Sunday afternoon. Saturday morning was occupied by a hike to Frazee point which is a bluff located about 1 % miles from the camp the long way and 1000 yards the short way. At the point a carved marker was erected, each boy carving part of the letters which read: “Frazee Point, 1949, B.S.A.” The pole is about 12 feet high. The boys also started work that day on two totem poles, one for the Wolf patrol and one for the Beaver patrol. Saturday evening was de voted to roasting wieners and marshmellows as well as several skits. The group worked on the totem poles again Sunday morning and also erected a new flag pole. A tent pitching contest was won by Chet Ray and Kenny Parker with a time of 2:20. Kenneth Jacobs and Kenny Walker pitched the best tent. Prizes will be given to the best tent pitching teams. A gateway was also erected at the park entrance from which a carved sign will hang indicating Camp Hawkins. Seventeen boys attended the camp plus two scouters, Allen Ray and Otto Cantwell and their Scout master, Lloyd Quinn. The boys attending were: Elroy Minor, Freddy Lindsley, Richard Kerns, Arlie Laramore, Kenneth Walker, Kenneth Jacobs, David Strong, Pat Lloyd, Bruce Hoyt, Billy Howard, Kenny Parker, Chet Ray, Jerry DeRoia, Jim Gosser, Phillip Lydie, Charles McAdam and Ozzy Ray. MIST — The school bell will call the pupils back to their school duties on September 6th. A Mr. and Mrs. Jones will teach this year and they will live in the cot tage owned by Ernest Lane. Rhody Okland will be the janitor again this year. The old wood shed has been torn down on the school grounds, the play shed reshingled and lots of other work and im provements made, including a new cesspool. Several people around here have been picking cones for seed and selling to Crown Zellerbach. Honored at Shower Miss Lotus West was the guest of honor at a bridal shower Tues day evening at the home of Miss Neoma McMullen. Miss West will become the bride of Leslie Mc Mullen September 4. Read and use Eagle want ads They get R—E—-S—U—-L—T—S Residence at Camp Rented CAMP McGREGOR — Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hulstine and family have rented the residence formerly owned by the Britt Morris family. John Rosette of Keasey was a caller of the Hulstines recently over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Starr of Portland came to visit Mr. and Mrs. Arland Sliffe Monday and returned late Tuesday afternoon. The Starrs are planning to Visit the Gresham Fair and go on a camping trip towards Bend foe several days. Mrs. Sliffe’s niece and nephew, Karen Kreig Hoover, of Portland have visited their aunt and uncle a week returning to their home last Saturday. Your 'One-stop' Saving Center Coronado 8 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator 38-lb. Frozen Food Capacity............ Presto Pressure Canner & Cooker.............. $22.85 Holds 9 Pints or 7 Quarts 2-Burner Wickless Kerosene Stove............ $8.95 9x12 Felt Base Rugs..................................... $6.59 VÛD CriIAHî lull uvUUUli Boys and Girls Shoes Nylon or Wool Sweaters DRESSES ........................ $1.98-$2.98-$3.98 CLIFF WHITE PHONE 1271 VERNONIA, ORE. ALL WORK GUARANTEED ON CONTRACT BASIS Value comes from Volume Charles Seeberger 856 Rose Avenue Chevrolet offers you the most value because Chevrolet builds the most trucks! Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon i i I Cooperation also pays on the telephone party line World's biggest builder of trucks—that's Chev rolet! And Chevrolet volume helps cut production costs ... makes possible bigger truck values at lower prices. That's why'you get more truck for your money when you buy Chevrolet Advance-Design trucks. Come in and let us help you select the right truck for your delivery or handling requirements. Telephone party line cooperation has a wonderful way of spreading. If one neigh bor uses the line sharingly, the others have a better chance to use it. If another neigh bor always hangs up the receiver carefully after calling, it means the line won’t be needlessly "out-of-order" and others can make or receive calls. If calls are reasonably brief, everyone can make more calls. All of these little courtesies add up to better party line telephone service for everyone. Why not try them on your party line? You'll be delighted with the improve ment it will make in your service. ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS I IF cïïevrôlet ’r............. '> _______ FOR WORK! THAT ROCK! ‘ A Safe Place to Trade” Your Chevrolet and G. M. Dealer Vernonia, Oregon Bud Fisher MUTT AND JEFF LISTEN ! you CAME HERE LOOKIN’) COUPLE OF CONVICTS? NOW GET BUSY AND ) SPLIT W ROCK i VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY Standard Oil Products Phone 342 I I t I » I • I I • I I___ WELL, WHATCHA L WAITING FOR? MOU HEARD HiM SAY SHOULD SPLIT "~WHAT ROCK 1/ AV, TH ATS OK.. MUTT ! Ÿ0U KEEP THE WHOLE THING . FOR YbURSELF/ KING’S Grocery - Market "Where Your Money Buys More" Phone 91 At the Mile Bridge Riverview Drop in today and look over our excellent selec tion of those foods needed for picnics and cold suppers.