TMUR8DAY, AUG. 18, 1949 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. TOPICS OF THE TOWN Me. aod Mrs. Fay Russell of PL Wayne, Indiana and Mrs. Jas. Ba*era of Indianapolis, Indiana visited at the home of their Mather, Rev. H. L. Russell, the past week. During the week Mr. Mrs. Russell took them to see the ocean, then down the coast to Mewport where a deep seafish- UK trip was taken. They re- taraed with six nice Silverside ■almon. The return trip was made oy Crater Lake. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Russell and fam ily joined the group for a family dinaer. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Russell re- eeatly entertained his aunt and ancle, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Russell and Mrs. Rogers of Indiana, with their first visit to the city of Portland. Several places of in terest were shown them and din ner was enjoyed in the evening. Miss Janet Peterson, Mrs. Marie Frazee and daughter, Betty Lou, and Shirley Vike are at Stayton •There they are picking beans. They left here Friday morning and expect to pick until school starts. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davis and Mr. and Mrs. John Sundquist mo tored to Gresham last Sunday to visit Mrs. Davis’ grandparents and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Sundquist, parents of Mr. Sundquist. They returned Sunday. Mrs. Nancy Horsley is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jim Haney in California. She will return in about two weeks. dog Theatre THURS.-FRI. AUGUST 18-19 “Outpost in Morocco” With Geo. Raft - Aiken Tamiroff AUGUST 20 SATURDAY “DISASTER” With Richard Denning Plus “MISS MINK OF 1949” With Lois Collier SUN.-MON. AUGUST 21-22 W mhu B ros : thrill TUE8.-WED. jammed triumph ! AUGUST 23-24 “Ride the Pink Horse” With Robert Montgomery and Wanda Hendrix A number of relatives from ■ Vernonia attend the funeral ser vices of Mrs. Ira Mitchel at Rain ier Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fowler of Riverview motored to Rock away over the week end and visited the May White family, formerly of Vernonia. GIVE to the Vernonia Library building fund! Attend the silver tea this afternoon (Thursday) at the Masonic Temple, 2-5 p.m. Mrs. M. Coleman was on the sick list the first part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sidwell and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Whitaker, Jr., and sons, Ronald and Loren, all of Salem, (Mrs. Sidewell and Mr. Whitaker are sister and brother and also nice and nephew of Mrs. John Rosa) called on Mr. and Mrs. Rosa on Timber Rt., Vernonia Sunday for the first time in years. Also enjoying the day with the group were Mrs. Sylvia DeVaney and Janice, of Keasey, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brady and Bud and Wilma Borton and son, John. The Whitakers and Sidwells left to return to their homes that even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kamholz were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartwick in Portland last week. GIVE to the Vernonia Library building fund! Attend the silver tea this afternoon (Thursday) at the Masonic Temple, 2-5 p.m. Miss (harline Ann McAlister, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James McAlister, was married to James Schwitter Saturday, August 6 at St. Rose Catholic church, Port land. The McAlisters are former Vernonia residents. Mr. and Mrs. John Kirk left her Saturday morning for Port Angeles, Washington on their va cation trip. From there they will go to eastern Oregon to attend the Pendleton Roundup. They plan to be away about two weeks. H. H. Kang, city marshal, is confined to his home with a back injury which took place while he was working last week on the bulkhead being constructed at the culvert on Maple street. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Larson are away while he is on vacation from the bank. He will return to work in two weeks. Mrs. Clara Anderson of Kalama, Washington arrived here Tuesday to spend the rest of the week visiting her sister, Mrs. R. E. Archibald. Waker Olinger was taken to the Physicians and Surgeons hospital, Portland, Tuesday after becoming ill Monday while working at the mill. Cause of the illness had not been determined by Wednesday Mrs. Clara Leipold arrived here Monday to spend several days visiting at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rosa. GIVE to the Vernonia Library building fund! Attend the silver tea this afternoon (Thursday) at the Masonic Temple, 2-5 p.m. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Anderson were Mr. and Mrs. Bollin and Mr. and Mrs. Ennis Lint and son, Ronnie. Mr. An derson is a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Lint. Mr. and Mrs. M. Grunden re turned last week end after a vacation trip that took them to Grand Coulee dam, Creswell, and Roseburg. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Greene at Creswell. At Roseburg they were guests of Mrs. Robert Morgan, formerly Loraine Space, and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wilbur. All are former Vernonia residents. Mrs. Wilbur returned here with the Grundens for a short visit with friends and left again Monday of this week for her home. Guests at • he home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Howard of Pittsburg are Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jackson and sons, Gordon and Ray, of Santa Barbara and Mr. Jackson’s father, Roy Jackson, of Los Angeles. Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Howard are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Louia Graven are the parents of a daughter, Phyllis Marie, born August 6 at the Good Samaritan hospital, Corvallis. MILLER’S The Friendly Store where Quality Costs No More says M? /¿’Zfe íat&fáy ★ It’s the Baby who never has Diaper Rash Doctors and hospitals prove never a case of Diaper Rash with Playtex Baby Oil, Cream, and Powder. * * * * "Look! S-t-r-e-t-c-h-y never leave a mark, on me!" ; are made of ? f , n * st quality materials . x ALL SOLID STEEL «RICHARDSON S SALMON ROD h $14.90 THEY a LOOK B_ETTER| lq NGHB» I * It’s the Baby who rests in comfort M E X J ¡J OCEAN CITY NO. 935 $PT40 SALMON REEL. STAR DRAG........ CLADDING’S DONEGAL 81-LB. TEST $050 LINEN SALMON LINE 50-Yd. T ALSO IN STOCK — Salmon Plugs, Wire, M Leader, Swivels, Sinkers Etc. 5 N H $4.34 Per Gallon in H 5-Gallon Quantities H SPECIAL THIS WEEK H H H H H H H H H H Z x Hoffman Hardware Co. M X Telephone 181 If Vernonia, Ore. h Z For Hardware H See Hoffman X hzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhz K * Stays smooth, soft and comfortable. Will not harden, crack or tangle. Never absorbs odors, 10 seconds to rinse! 10 seconds to pat dry! * Nylon reinforced. It’s tear resistant, wear resistant. 18"x27" 69c H H * Pittsburgh Pcnnts enriched with "vito ll red oils" give best looking, longer last ing, most economi cal results. We carry a complete stock of all Pitts burgh Paints. PITTSBURG Outside White Paint Gal. $4.44 wr Completely waterproof. Playtex pants always keep baby "Socially Acceptable.” There’s no binding, no chafing. Accurately sized by baby’s weight. Small, up to 12 lbs.; medium, 13 to 18 lbs.; large, 19 to 23 lbs.; extra-large, 24 lbs. and up A perfect fit for your baby! | at HOFFMAN’S > H X H Playtex Baby Pants are made of natural tree-grown liquid latex. S-t-r-e-t-c-h-y, soft, and comfy Playtex washes odor-free in ten seconds, pats dry with a towel. Won’t rip or tear with constant wear. SHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZH» | Two Weeks Until s | Salmon Derby Time! i ★ It’s the Baby who’s “Socially Acceptable” Play+ex Pants s a wonderful new antisep tic that safely checks skin germs. Playtex Baby Powder is made from the finest grade talc. Safely deodorant, highly absorbent................................................ 49c’ Playtex Baby Oil contains 6 times more lanolin than any other baby oil you ever used................................. -...................... 79c Playtex Baby Cream has a non-chilling oil base. Lanolin-rich for protection all night long-- ------------ ------------- ----- - ---- 79c’ All three come in the handy Nursery-Pakt gift basket for only $2.49! We predict that mothers will reach for these wonderful baby products for their own personal use! * All three contain SUN-PROOF— CE 10 HOUSE PAINT Gal.V*» *5.30 Gallon in 5-Gallon Lots 27"x36" 89c 36W$ i ,49 A size for every need. ' My Playfex Air-Nurse ! !ti 3 ßed! !/‘s 3 ßdth! !ti 3 7r3ve!Sest! 3'n y more!" FLORHIDE- Interior or exterior i 68 Fltv'r Enamt-l Qt. wl *5.68 Gallon in 5-Gallon Lots WALLHIDE SEMI-GLOSS— One coat oil base (J* * 59 Wall Pa-nt Qt.*'< *5.31 Galkin in 5-Gallon Lots WATERSPAR ENAMEL— Quick Drying Finish for any type surface interior or 17 ev’erior Qt. *7.56 Gallon in 5-Gallon Lots Com« in todav for FREE booklet: "Color Dynamics for Your Home.” Bush Furniture Everything to Furnish the Home Phone 592 Pink or Blue sanforized covers. ★ It’s the Baby who has the amazing one- pound nursemaid! Playtex® Air-Nurse.1 The modern "babysitter”! The "nurse-maid” that safely guards baby at home, in autos, ontra‘nsorplanes!