BRUNSMAN Hardware and Electric Frigidaire Automatic Electric Ranges FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS and FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGES HARDWARE — SPORTING GOODS — GUNS — AMMUNITION PAINTS — LINSEED OIL — TURPENTINE — ELECTRIC WIRING — NAILS New Surprise Bargains Every Week on Our 2nd Floor Bargain Table. Many Items Still at 9c Each Such as Ash Trays, Loaf Pans, Mugs, Bowls, Saucers, Etc. NAIRN INLAID Garbage Can 26-Gailon $2.88 $2.59 LINOLEUM 20-Ga!lon Large She Step-on Garbage Can Special $1.59 Roll Roofing 90-ib, Red or Green $395 55-Lb. $250 Roll .. 45-LB. $220 Roll .. Inlaid Linoleum with Tile Insert Pat tern $2.40 Sq. Yard. Regular Inlaid Lino leum per Sq. Yd. $2.25 Print Linoleum 85c yd. • Radiantuba 5-Speed Unit* • Large Even-Heat Oven • Thermizer Deep-Well Cooker • Cook-Mas’er Oven Control Garden Hose, 50-Ft. Lengths Rubber- $5.85 Koroseal $9.95 Model Shown RK60 New Low Price $289.75 RK 10 ............ $184.75 FRIGIDAIREI Home Fraszer New Design. New Features, 8.4 cu. ft. capacity. The only home freezer 26-pc set of Ruby Red Dishes. 6 Cups, 6 Sau cers, 2 Large Vegetable Dishes, 6 Plates, 6 Des sert or Cereal Dishes. A SPECIAL BUY ON PORTABLE DOUBLE LAUNDRY TUBS $3-26 Deluxe ABC Washer With Pump and Timer $169.15 M a PLYWOOD 4x8x>4 $3.85 4x8x% $8.35 4x8x% $6.95 MASONITE 4xx4x3/16 $1.45 4x8x3/16 $2.85 SIMPSON BOARD 4x8 Sheets $2.25 3-Tab Square Butt Roofing. Green or Red Sq. $775 Extra Hvv. Roof coating, Asbestos base. 5 Gal. $3.50 W’indow Screen in Rolls from 24 inches to 48 Indies Wide Extension Window- Screens. Open Size 15”x36 $1.05 powered by the Meter-Miser. Has all these features, too: • Space for 290 lbs. fro ton Food • Finger-tip balance lid • Extra-thick, sealed-tight Insulation • Two, handy sliding baskets New Low Price AL 60 $189.75 MJ7........... $219.75 • Quick-freeze shelf o Automatic alarm signal • Interior light 25c Hand Sickle. 98c Vai. MARSHAL - WELLS Special 21st ANNIVERSARY SALE ON OUTSIDE HOUSE PAINT. Reg. $5.49, Special $4.88 Gal. Interior High Glade Enamel $5.85 Gal. Gloss Coat Ena mel $4.95 Gal. Miracle Clam Guns $2.75 Wall Tone $3.59 Gal. Free Tide Books 59c A new low-priced ABC Washer with pump $109.95 Good Used Washer $59.50 Cash 8 Clearance Sale on Used Cook and Heat ing Stoves Choice $(J50 THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1919 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. AN OPEN LETTER house to get the gun, and when Now that my name has appeared I came out, stood and looked at in two news items on the front the dogs. Having never shot a page of The Eagle with reference dog in my life before, found it to the shooting of marauding dogs, hard to do it. Then made up my it is only fair and fitting that the other side of this controversy mind to give the dog another chance, so got behind the barn out should be as publicly aired. Many have expressed themselves as being of sight. In not more than three satisfied that we must have had a or four minutes one of the dogs Kood reason to get rid of these bounded off the bank in front of clogs. Others have been surprised the chicken house, selected a hen, to ihink that we would do such and drove it up against the door i thing. Still others with biased behind which I was standing. Step tn ¡ds have passed judgment with ping out from behind the door, saw out knowing the circumstances the dog straddle of the hen, and that led up to the getting rid when he saw me started to slink of these animals. To these cir- away and I shot him. •fun. tances we will now turn our At the time of this shooting we never knew to whom these dogs attention. belonged, the only time we ever As far back as the spring of 1946. we noticed that something saw them was when they came up on the hill to attack our chickens. was taking our chickens, and this continued at intervals through this Ibis we swear solemnly in the samr spring and summer. That i presence of the God who reads the «log1 were responsible for this hearts of all men. In fact we never knew the man even had a continued L rs. never entered our dog. If we had known, we would minds. We had concluded that coyotes coming down out of the certainly have made a strenuous timber on the place were the cul effort to have the owner keep them up, if we had to travel a prits. and we had about reconciled ours» Ives to these losses, think hundred miles to inform the ing nothing copld be done about owner. We were honest in our convictions that these dogs ran it. However, these losses continued through the spring and summer the country living off the farmer’s chickens. The next day a man of 1946. In October of 1947 we came along in front of the place were up in front of the barn and chicken house when two dogs and called up to me on the bank, asking me if I had seen a couple came up the hill and came around where we were. One of the dogs of dogs. For a minute I was had fresh blood on his mouth. dumbfounded, thinking perhaps I had shot my neighbor's dog. How Naturally, we thought that per- hap* it were dogs that were taking ever, made up my mind to be honest with him, when there were our thickens. Going immediately <lown the hill behind the barn I a dozen ways it could have been fount! a hen fresh killed with its h'dden from him. We told him breast all eaten away, still limp the circumstances that led to the and warm. Went up to the house shooting, tried to show him that to gtt the gun, and when I got he himself or anyone would do as back to the barn the dogs had I did under the same provocation disappeared in the timber. and circumstances. Rut not one We renewed our efforts to spark of reason or neighborliness could be found in the man’s make catch these dogs, and our poultry losses continued. Then on March up. Selfish and shallow thinkers 23, 1948, one of these first two consider only their side of contro dogs in company with anther dog versy. and talk and plan only for came up in front of the barn, if 1 vengeance. If real neighbors have had had the gun in my hands I differences they will talk it over, would have used it. Went to the and let reason prevail if possible. wear on your engine’s vital parts. Fill up with Shell the next time. Geo. Johnson I Telephone 311 Vernonia Sen. Sta. Corner Rose and Bridge Extra Good 5-Sew Broom $1.39 The neighbor that will fail to ine Defense League in Great Bri meet you half way, ceases to be a tain, note the following: “Delin neighbor. They partake of the quent dogs are really not to blame spirit of well known characters for their misbehavior. It is our that through vengeance and not thesis that any dog of ordinary reason, plunge a world into need intelligence can become well train less war. We call them war ed within six months. The train mongers. Lawmongers are headed ing of the dog owners is the real in the same direction, and lose the problem that the league is per respect of ninety-five per cent of plexed about.” their neighbors, which is a calam Before me is a clipping from a ity in itself. prominent newspaper stating that As before stated, that after two a man was shot for fumbling at years and more of provocation and a mans’ back door. destruction we finally catch up Here is the quotation: “Edwin with the marauder that was caught S. Rolston, 312 S. E. 20th Ave., in the very act of killing a hen, was justified in the fatal shooting a Columbia County jury flounts of Nestor Frank Limnell, 38, 820 the Oregon State Law and fines S. W. third Ave. early Sunday, a us $800 for killing this dog. Below coroner’s jury decided Thursday. is a word for word copy of this Limnell was shot by Rolston, ac law. cording to a police report, while Oregon Laws—1945, Chapter 45. fumbling at the rear door of Rol- page 57. Section 3. ston^i home. The coroner’s jury “Any dog whether licensed or verdict stated “Edwin S. Rolston not, which, while off the premises was justified in his action in the owned or under control of its protection of his own home, there owner, shall kill, wound or injure by causing the death of Frank | any livestock not belonging to the Limnell.” But in Columbia County master of such dog, shall be deem a man is fined $800 for killing a I ed a public nuisance and may be dog that was caught in the act of I killed forthwith by any person; killing his poultry, and had been I provided that nothing contained killing them for two years and I herein shall apply to any dog act more. We quote from an ancient ing under the direction of its prophet who foresaw conditions master, or the agents or employes that would exist in these last days of such; further, that if any dog of this old world’s history—“And not under the control of its owner judgement is turned away back or keeper, he found chasing live ward, and justice standeth afar stock not the property of such off; for truth is fallen in the owner or keeper it shall be deemed street, and equity ennnot enter. prima facie as engaged in killing, Yea, truth faileth; The Lord saw wounding or injuring or chasing or caught shall be counted as and it, and it displeased Him that there chickens upon a public place or National Forest Areas shall constitute for that day the was no judgement.” Some ques highway, or within the corporate Attract 535,582 Visitors tion a man's religion for shooting limits of any incorporated city. personal use bag limit. a dog, to such we will say, if, after Section 1. Winter sports areas on the na 3. The taking and/or possession you have read this letter, and be The term “Livestock,” when tional forests of Oregon and Wash still of the same opinion, we ans used in this act, shall mean cattle, of clams for personal use means ington attracted 535,582 visitors wer you with words of a chaplain sheep, goats, swine, turkeys and the taking, digging or possessing chickens.” of the second world war—“Praise last winter, according to figures the Lord and pass the ammuni Then it is crystal clear that the clams for one's use individually just released by the U. S. Forest tion.” anyone can shoot a dog that is Service. For the first time on or for the use of his family or even just chasing your chickens. G. F. Brown record, Washington forest areas guests and not for sale, barter, When we break the traffic laws had more winter sports visitors we pay a fine or go to jail. We exchange cr disposition in any pay a penalty for doing what the than Oregon. other manner. law says we cannot do and get Abnormal snowfalls and bliz away with it. A Columbia County 4. Razor clams are not included zards closed some of the popular jury fines us $800 for doing what in the above mentioned bag limit. national forest ski areas for sever the state laws says we are at liberty to do. Then why should a al weeks at the peak of the sea The daily bag limit on this specie With the advent of the summer | jury flount the Oregon law?, were also being thirty-six (36) clams son, and as a result there was a they biased, prejudiced, pusillani season, the Oregon fish commis per day. which also may be taken region-wide decrease of 19 per mous. or did they fall for a dis sion reminds prospective clam dig cent from the 1947-48 winter or dug at any time without a li torted harangue of a hound gers that the present regulations cense. sports use. lawyer?, take your choice. Let governing the digging of bay us not be uncharitable toward this clams for personal use are: jury, rather regard them with pro. found pity. A couple of dog 1. Bay clams may be taken' for pedigrees were dangled before th s personal use at any time without jury, with multiple noise about a license in Oregon water; except dog virtues and values that did not that horse clams may be taken exist, with the hope that if they Open week days until 6 p.m. only during the period July 1 to were repeated often enough they would finally be believed. December 31 of any year, both We are willing to admit that the dates inclusive. RICHMOND DOUBLE GUARANTEED TIRES loss to a man and his family of 2. The bag limit is three doien his dog that had been with them (36) bay clams of all species in for a period of years, was a shock If you’ve Got the Pieces, I’ve Got the Parts to say the least. But the dog was the aggregate in any one day, not not guilty, let the blame fall more than eighteen (18) of which squarely where it belongs—on the Phone 773 Riverview may be horse clams. The first owner. thirty-six (36) clams dug, taken Quoting from the National Can Regulations for Clams Explained HANK'S PARTS HOUSE Shell gasoline to take you farther easier and w‘»h less V : K-M Hot Plate, 2- Burner, Closed Ele ments. $15.95 Candid Forestry tëyfé/M/Zosr Views on Dog Shooting Episode Presented in Submitted Article on All Metal Ironing Board $8.95 Wooden Ironing Board Special $3.60 ! I