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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1949)
Retribution... Uy The Old Man On The Hill Mrs. Abbie MacLain called one afternoon On her old friend, Shela Farlie. It was the custom for years For those two old dears Thus to forgather for tea. While the kettle was boiling They talked of the news And the goings on there about, How the widdy McCown in her new velvet gown Was setting the fashion no doubt; The supper and dance at the Odd Fellows hall Was the coming event of the day, And Paddy O’Flynn, in the dog house again, He’d been under the influence they say. As she poured the tea now for a change Said Shela from Mikes’ bottle here Into each cup I’ll pour a wee bit sup, It gives it a flavor I hear. Tis grand tea said Abbie, lets fill them again And, if I may be so bold, Of the creature in mine A few drops I’ll not mind, I think I’ve a bit of a cold. * Said Shela, my man has left his cigarette Let’s try one just for a jest; We’ll smoke one or two I will if you do We will be modern as well as the rest. They laughed at the thrill of their transgression mild When the smoke got into their eyes, But the door bell rang in the midst of their fun And th“ir mirth turned to panicked surprise. THE PLACE WHERE ! YOUR : FOOD DOLLARS GO FARTHER 1 We feature the best brands on our shelves and still the consumer is able to save money. Why not try the Mill Market today and really stretch those food dol lars. Remember two deliveries daily. Hivens, said Shela, tia the preacher that come Quick, our cigarette in the tray, You fix everything while I let him in, Whosh, things are happening this day. Said Shela your reverence, we were just having tea I will bring you a cup, by my troth I am proud I will own in my humble home To serve tea to a man of the cloth. As the minister sat he happened to glance Toward the ash tray, what he saw there Caused a look of surprise to come into his eyes, Two cigarettes, half gone, still afire. But blissfully Abbie extolled Shela’s brew. It cannot be beat I am told You’ll like it as well As I do my ain sell And its, hie, verry goude for a could. Poor Shela so flustered by the preacher’s advent That to her it never occured From the bottle close by a stiff shot of rye Into his cup she had poured. The good man smiled as he quaffed from his cup, Then a look came into his face Of shocked unbelief, like the virtuous grief Of an angel fallen from grace. For Convenience— Remember— DELIVERIES TWICE DAILY: 10 a.m - 3 p.m. PHONE 1391 Slowly his eyes to the ash tray turned. Where the smoke curled up and away, Again tasted his tea then bent to his knee Saying SISTERS, I think we should pray.” gegl Subscription price, $2.50 yearly. For last week the stage of the river showed a drop of several inches each 24 hours but since Tuesday of last week the drop has been more rapid, an average of six inches per day. The gauge at the city dock at St. Helens showed a depth of 14.4 above zero, which is a drop of an even 5 feet from the high reading late in May of 19.4 feet. The weather bureau predicts there will be a slow fall each day for the next week and this will bring the stage down to about 10 feet, usual for this time of the year. Handy staple removers for sale at THE EAGLE office. Good Business JERSEY CITY, N. J.—Members of the Jersey City Chapter, American Motorcycle Association, in'front of the Jersey City Red Cross chapter house where they are taking first aid instruction. These fast-traveling cyclists know how to care for injuries to themselves, as well as to unfor tunate motorists. proposed by the power company but it was the general opin on of the council that the citizsns should decide whether or not they wished to pay for the entire re commended installation. The 13 lights will cost the city an add! tional $60 per month. KMCM OPENING DUE M c M innville — start of regular broadcasting by Yamhill county’s new radio station, KMCM was scheduled for Saturday, Jun< Opportunity ! 18. Testing of equipment was under time direction of KMCM’s consult- Polly’s Variety view. Store, River Will sell outright or lease building and sell stock LOG SCALE BOOKS at inventory. • Seribener’s ® 1J48 Columbia River 0 Waterproof ®Only 50c • From 12 to 80 Feet See PciHy Huds'n anytime before 6 p.m. THE VERNONIA EAGLE Our ground beef isn’t ordinary ‘‘hamburger.” It’s a carefully prepared item, made according to rigid Safeway standard. It contains nothing but selected beef—ground a few pounds at a time. Always the same uniform Quality and goodness. Guaranteed to please you—or your money back. Try Safeway s REAL GROUND BEEF Mad* from Quality lean beef • All beef—always the same high quality and goodness. AT OUR SPECIAL GET ACQUAINTED PRICE! • Made Fresh Dally • Satisfaction Guaranteed — GROCERY SECTION VALUES — ------------------ OTHER WONDERFUL MEAT BUYS------------------- I Pure Pork Sausage c«“';z Ib. 49' SIRLOIN STEAK Tander, Quality Beef Ib. 69e T-BONE STEAKS Ib. 89c Fancy Hams ¿7" w^. Smoked Picnics Shari Shaaks kXor Ib. 59c e,".7. lb. 49c Thuringer Saadwlckas Goteberg Hard Saasaga Polish Sausage Cooked Salami wick faverite LA 45' LI. 59' LI. LI. 79' 49' 55' SfRVT WITH Creamed Potatoes Spiced Beets Beeta USING SAFEWAY'S I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 3 Pkg*. 19c FIG BARS, whit* and wheat V/a Ib*. 29c KOOL AID, mak* soft drinks, 3 pkt*. 14c Combined with SAFEWAY'S Pure Pork Sausage lb. ground beef lb. pork sausage cup diced celery medium onion, chopped ’/j cup diced green pepper 1 1 % 1 egg« cup water 1 cup tomato juice I cups soft bread crumbs SYRUP SPERRY—FAMOUS PANCAKE FLOUR s ■ I I ■ I I I ■ I B I 12-OI. pkg. 19c CHEERIOS CEREAL 7-oi. pkg. 16c RICE KRISPIES, Kellogg, 8-os. pkg. 19c SUNNYBANK MARGARINE lb. 31c CREAM CORN ¿u lUn Country Country Home—Golden Benlam—No. 303 cans. I I SALAD DRESSING, Duchess I SANDWICH SPREAD, Lunch Box, pt. 33c I CATSUP, Tasty-Tast* Tolls, botti* 10c I I I FRENCH'S MUSTARD I I pin* 32c 9-oi. jar 14c WE REDEEM PROCTOR AND GAMBLE COUPONS! SAFEWAY VEGETABLE VALUES It’s the season of abundance for gloriously-fresh vegetables. And you’ll find produce in all its natural goodness at Safeway Oranges 5-Jb. bag 39c VALENCIAS BEETS pig. Bu- S' lb. 15c PLUMS NOB HILL COFFEE Santa juicy. Rosa it. . ä - Swwt. lb’ 19 C Fresh—Fragrant Ground when you buy it 23C 19* LUX SOAP ¿X 13‘ $‘X2/17‘ S’ 48‘ U 95‘ POTATOES Vi-gallaa EDWARDS kick—vacuum pact 2-lb. S4B5 4 SA H cae I lbs. A Palmolive SOAP • » PUSS'N' BOOTS MOD cTTs 3 for Green Beans lb. 15c No Strings Cabbage lb. 6c Solid—Green Cantaloupes COFFEE VALUES! 3-o.ce. Reg. Sia* Bor WHEATIES Nice—Ripe 35c Lang-Lasting Toilet Soap No. 2'/. Can Bing Cherries STUFFED OLIVES. Grandee 3-oz. jar 37c RINSO GRANULATED SOAP, 46-os. pkg. 59c fancy tuna teaspoons salt SLEEFY HOLLOW 2 for 25c Biltmore — Seasoned te Tear Taifa i i /i Combine all ingredients — pack into a greased loaf pan. Bake at 300 degrees F. for 1 hour or until done. Serves 8. ” 39c KRAFT MACARONI DINNERS 3-in-1 Machine Oil White Magic Bleach Real Ground Beef APRICOTS Rio-Rito brand. Tantalizing Golden Fruit JUICY MEAT LOAF... can JELLO DESSERTS, 6 Flavors How about a 45' FRUIT COCKTAIL,.27c Hostess Delight — Sparkling Variety I I I I i ■ 49' Luncheon Meats Assortmaat Fresh Bologna SPICIAL. Skinkss Wieners VEAL ROAST 59' LI. 45' 5 River Drop Indicated By Gauge Reading* G round B eef ! The Vernonia Eagle Entered as second class mail matter, August 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernonia, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. ORE. THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1949 VERNONIA, In Oregon Suany Shies —All Green — Tender. Tasty Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon EAGLE, CYCLE SAMARITANS PERMITS TOTAL $19,875 SEASIDE — Building permits for the city of Seaside totaled $19,875 for the month of May, according to the report of R. R. Shawcross, city engineer. Permits were issued for one new com mercial building at an estimated cost of $5000 and one new resi dence to cost $3930. There were 12 permits issued. TEEN-AGE GOLF TILLAMOOK — Arrangements have been made for a teen-age day at the Alderbrook golf course. Free lessons will be given. Mrs. Irving Smith of the YMCA Youth committee is in charge of this pro gram and will help arrange free transportation for boys and gills wishing to take advantage of this worderful opportunity to learn golf the correct way. NEW LIGHTS ORDERED WILLAMINA — The council has accepted a contract with the Port land General Electric company to install 12 mercury vapor lamps from the south end of the narrow bridge to the intersection of Main and D streets. This is only half the number of lights originally ASPARAGUS Marvin Kamholz, Editor and Publisher Melvin Schwab, Linotype Operator THE at SAFEWAY—Get SLICED BACON MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS grace. 25' c White Raw u , New. No. 11 Grode . n ,, 10-lD. . _ 4QC lb. 8c Flavorful, sweet Golden Corn Sweet, lb. 13c tender Zucchini Squash Sunkist Lemons lb. Ib. 23c Quality famous Lettuce lb. 5c Crisp Leaves Apricots Tomatoes lb. 15c lb. 12c Field grown S AFE WAT•