LET’S BE SOCIABLE Grange Home Ec Club To Meet Again July 6 Three Honored at Shower Last Week The Natal Grange Home Econo mics club met for its regular meet ing June 1 at the home of Mrs. Robert Mathews. The meeting was conducted by the chairman, Mrs. L. Carmichael. Several mat ters of business were discussed. Members present were Mrs. L. Carmichael, Mrs. Wm. Carmichael, Mrs. Ira Peterson, Mrs. C. L. Wad dell, Mrs. M. B. Steers, Mrs. Wal ter Mathews and a new member, Miss Virginia Mathews. Refresh ments were served after the close of the meeting. All members are asked to meet July 6 at Mrs. L. Carmichaels. Members of the Nehalem Social club met Wednesday, June 8 at the home of Mrs. Pete Brunsman with Mrs. Bert Brunsman as co hostess and Mrs. Walter Linn assisting. Twenty-nine members and two guests were present. The social club will sell a radio and table lamp at the Apparel shop June 18. After the business meeting a shower was given for Mrs. Gordon Cline, Mrs. Wilfred Holce and Mrs. Bert Brunsman. Refreshments were served be fore the close of the evening. FT MILLER'S The Friendly Store where Quality Costs No More Church Rites Unites Couple June 4 George Turner Weds Portland Girl June 11 Miss Nina Marie MacDonald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCabe, was united in marriage with Anthony Franciscone June 4 at St. Lawrence Catholic church, Portland, by Rev. Robert C. Cies- linski. The bride attended the Vernonia schools and is well known here. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fran ciscone. Given in marriage by her step father, the bride wore a mauve satin afternoon dress with sheer veiling and feather-trimmed hat. she carried a nosegay of white orchids. The bride’s only attendant was Miss Greta Mackler. Nick Fran ciscone was best man and Jimmy Dimarco and Thomas Gibbons were users. A reception followed at the Mallory hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Franciscone will be at home June 18 at 5045 S. W. 26th Place. At the East Vancouver Metho dist church at one o'clock Satur day, June 11, occured the marriage of George M. Turner, son of Mr. «nd Mrs. Thos. Turner, to Miss Maryellen Sawyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Royce Mitchel of Portland. The simple but impressive single ring ceremony was performed by Rev. R. B. Parcel. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Mrs. Claudia Champlin, sister of the bride, and Marvin Turner, brother of the groom, were the only attendants. The bride was attired in a navy blue suit with pink and white accessories. Her corsage was of white gardenias and pink rose buds. After a short honeymoon at the beach, the couple will reside in Portland where the groom is em ployed by the Pacific Power and Light company. Those attending the wedding from here were: Mr. and Mrs. Turner, Marvin and Jean Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis and Glen Justice. Four Initiated at Special F. L . Meet The F. L. club held a special meeting Monday evening at the I.O.O.F. hall with President June Ray in charge. The purpose of the meeting wan to initiate four new member.». The new members are: Tharis King, Orene Robert son, Isabel Anderegg and Irene Minger. A regular meeting of the club will be held at the home of Audrey Thomas on June 16. Father’s Day Gift Suggestions With Distinction THE Miss Delanie Jan Anderson was the guest of honor at a birthday party last Saturday. Fourteen guests were present including mothers and children. Many lovely gifts were given and the refresh ments were enjoyed by all. Miss Anderson was celebrating her first birthday anniversary. HICKOK JEWELRY ORE. THURSDAY, JUNE 1«, 1948 MONUMENTS and HEADSTONES Last Meeting of Study Club Held Rainbow Granite The last regular meeting of the Vernonia Study club was held Thursday evening of last week at the home of Mrs. Richard Fletcher. A pot-luck picnic was enjoyed by those attending. Red and Black Diamond Mrs. S. L. Kirtland Phone 1042 Your ‘One-stop’ Saving Center SPECIAL THIS WEEK BE READY 6.00x16 Western Giant Tire $14.10 tax inc. 6.00x16 Tube............................... $2.84 Exch. Generator, Ford, Chev., Ply $8.95-$9.95 Semi-Gloss Enamel...............................Gal. $4.45 FOR EVERY OCCASSION! Gives Smooth Satin Finish Large Size Thermos Jugs.................. $2.69 $6.95 Baby Stroller, folds to carry in car.......... $6.98 Ladies House Dreases, latest styles, pat—$2.79 Ladies and Girls Jeans, sanforized. $1.98-$2.98 of being ready for EVERY oc casion. Bring your cleaning in TODAY! - Vernonia Cleaners SUITS MADE-TO-MEASURE 1 PHONE 1271 CLIFF WHITE HICKOK BILLFOLDS VERNONIA, ORE. •--■■y— , I WEMBLEY TIES YOU want these EXTRA VALUES exclusive to Chevrolet in its field I VAN HEUSEN SHIRTS WORLD'S CHAMPION VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE e for Sport and Dress FISHER BODY STYLING AND LUXURY e CERTI-SAFE HYDRAULIC BRAKES (with Dubl-lifo Rivutleu irakn Lining») MEN’S SPORT COATS AND SLACKS e LONGEST, HEAVIEST CAR IN ITS FIELD, with WIDEST TREAD, as well until I get a Chevrolet— e I want to be sure I get the most for my money!” SPORT SHIRTS S-INCH WIDE-BASE WHEELS (with Extra Low-Pressure Tires) e Come, see the new Chevrolet— the mo»t beautiful buy of all— and we believe you, too, will decide that it gives more for your money— more fine-car beauty, more fine-car features, more EXTRA VALUES of all kinds—at the loweet price» and with outstanding economy of operation and upkeep! SPORT JACKETS CENTER-POINT STEERING • ♦ CURVED WINDSHIELD with PANORAMIC VISIBILITY • FISHER UNISTEEL BODY CONSTRUCTION • l BUÏ of#// 7%e most SPORT AND DRESS SOX EXTRA ECONOMICAL TO OWN- OPERATE—MAINTAIN SWEATERS FANCY TEE SHIRTS ç, z £ / V INITIAL BELTS AND BUCKELS by Hickok VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY I MUTT AND JEFF ^(SOLLY. it MUST HAVE SNOWED A LITTLE DURING THE NIGHT » SNOW’S BEAUTIFUL IN THE Standard Oil Products Phone 342 ‘‘A Safe Place to Trade” Your Chevrolet and G. M. Dealer Vernonia, Oregon By Bud Fisher ^1 WONDER WHAT THAT farmer ’ s lookin ’ P okin ’ around IN 3 Plans were formulated for * silver tea to be held sometime in August for the benefit of the Li brary Building Fund at the Ma sonic Temple with Mrs. Ralph Valpiani as chairman. The roll call was answered by each member giving her favorite recipe, after which Mrs. Judd Greenman reviewed the book “Clementine in the Kitchen,” by Phineas Beck. On Friday evening last week a stork shower was given at the home of Mrs. Mary Laramore on North street in honor of Mrs. Mary Crawford of Timber route. Friends who gathered and brought gifts were Mesdames Blanche Lundgren, Anna Raines, Nettie Jones, Virgie Jones, Ruby Brewer, Edna Kilcoyne, Marvis Patterson, Pauline Schmidlin and daughters Theresa and Frances, Mrs. Theresa Schmidlin and Mrs. Veretta Schmidlin. ing of your clothes assures you Guest of Honor VERNONIA, Mrs. Crawford Honored At Shower Friday Expert dry cleaning and press HICKOK SUSPENDERS AND GARTERS EAGLE, KING’S Grocery - Market “Where Your Money Buy» More" Phone 91 At the Mile Bridge Riverview FOR CONVENIENCE QUALITY COURTESY Shop King’s Grocery and Market for all your FOOD NEEDS