LET’S BE SOCIABLE Mist-Nehalem Unit Elects New Officers Club Schedules Last Meeting of Year The Mist-Nehalem Unit of Home Extension met at the home of Mrs. Fred Siegenthaler with nine members present. An inter esting film on step-saving kitch ens was shown by Mrs. Maud Casswell. New officers elected in the unit were: Mrs. Alden Ashley, chairman; Mrs. Fred Siegenthaler vice-chairman and Mrs. Robert Mathews, secretary-treasurer. Meetings will be discontinued for the summer but will be held in the fall and winter months. The Vernonia Study club met Thursday evening, May 19, at the home of Mrs. Marvin Kamholz and fifteen members answered to roll call. For the program of the even ing Mrs. Fred J. Tousley reported on the book of Ruth. On June 2, the Study club will end the year's activities with a picnic which will be held at the home of Mrs. R. B. Fletcher at 7 o'clock. Mrs. Judd Greenman will be in charge of the program, “Clementine in the Kitchen,” by Phineas Beck. Roll call will be a favorite receipe. BE READY Initiation Occupies Part of Evening FOR EVERY OCCASSION! Z A | Expert dry cleaning and press- • ing of your clothes assures you I of being ready for EVERY oc- 1 casion. Bring your cleaning in {TODAY! : Vernonia Cleaners ' MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS Wednesday evening of last week Mrs. Floyd Bush was initiated into the Order of Easter Star, Ne halem Chapter. She was present ed a ritual by Mrs. Pete Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Brock of Portland were visitors. Clever little gifts were given all members having birthdays in April, May and June. A pretty birthday cake and cof fee was served by the “eats” com mittee. Their tables and the dining room was attractively dec orated with a profusion of spring flowers. “MEET ME AT THE PAL SHOP” Check Our List of Special Ice Cream Flavors ALL OF OUR ICE CREAM MADE IN VERNONIA FOR VERNONIA FOUNTAIN — DRINKS SUNDAES SANDWICHES To Please Your Palate Open from 11 S.m. to 11 p.m. The Pal Shop Treasury Replenishing Discussed by Society Cleanup of Cemetery For Summer Started The members of St. Mary’s Altar Society wended their way to the Borgelt ranch on the Pebble Creek road Wednesday af ternoon, May 18. After an hour of social chatter, a business meet ing was held at which there were lively discussions as to future activities and on ways and means for replenishing the treasury. Most members favored a cash assess ment rather than the usual ticket trick. A vote which carried almost unanimously was taken to re-in stall the silver offering. As an incentive to better attendance it was decided that each hostess fur nish a door prize. Mrs. Borgelt was aided in serv ing a dainty lunch by Mrs. Dale Bartlet. MIST — Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roeser were up from Astoria over the week end visiting rela tives. Claud Kyser was in Clatskanie Saturday. The caretaker for the cemetery hired by the M.H.C. has started the summer cleanup. Mrs. Lloyd Garlock is ill and confined in bed at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Burnham and family came down from Port land and spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. J O. Libel. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sundland were Portland business visitors one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Knowles were in Clatskanie Saturday af ternoon. Joseph Banzer went to Port land Saturday for a check-up. He is getting along fine the doctors say. Mrs. Walter Bateson has been doing some painting for Jim Hill in his two cottages the past three weeks. Two Receive Degree At Mt. Heart Meeting The regular meeting of Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 was held May 12 in the Odd Fellows hall. The Rebekah degree was confer red on Delores Johnson and Ro bert New. Following the meeting refresh ments were served to about 40 members. The next meeting will be the election of officers and all members who can do so are urged to be present. At this time also, the delegates to the Rebekah assembly held at North Bend will give their report on the session. Delegates who attended were: Faye Davis, Silvia Turner, and Zoe Whitzell. Mrs. Whitzell was among approximately 70 candi dates who received the Decoration of Chivalry at ceremonies, held on Monday night, May 16. Rummage Sale Set THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. Dike Patrol Started On 24-Hour Basis THURSDAY, MAY 26, LOG SCALE BOOKS A 24-hour-a-day patrol of the West Rainier Drainage district dikes was begun Wednesday of last week as the level of the flooded Columbia river reached the 15.8 foot stage at Rainier, some three feet below the point at which the local dikes broke last year on Memorial day, flooding a large area of rich farm land. • Scribener’s • 1948 Columbia River • Waterproof • Only 50c • From 12 to 80 Feet VERNONIA EAGLE Clear Vision Means Better Work . . . and a much happier person when you can see without having to squint and read without getting those bothersome headaches. Come in today foT a check-up to see if you need glasses. DR. C. A. PLUMSTEAD — Optometrist Phone 445 Hillsboro 233 E. Baseline For Further Information Inquire at Kuilander's Jewelry Store “You Can't Be Optomistic if You Have Misty Optics" Your 'One-stop* Saving Center Motor 0ilSu"|:T' (c0?T2T'ed89c Gal STANDARD TYPEWRITER ADDING MACHINE 100% Pure Parafine Base. In Your Container Rebuilt Fuel Pump.................... $1.89 Exchange $1 per week For Ford, Chev., Plymouth Inquire Vernonia Eagle Varcon Spark Plugs................................. 45c Each Mirromatic Pressure Cooker 4-Qt. $13.95 Men’s 9-oz, Waist Band Overalls ........ $2.69 Men’s Bib Overalls, hi black.......................$2.79 White Star Bed Sheets, 81x108................ $2.49 Just rec’d. Shipment Ladies Blouses $1.98-$2.98 Cason Transfer Local — Long Distance Hauling Davis, Prop. i Phone 581 or office at— Sundland Electric There will be a rummage sale Friday, May 27 at the Eagles hall, an announcement early this week indicates. The affair will be sponsored by the V. F. W. Auxili ary. Activities of Past Few Days Written RIVERVIEW — Mrs. Ancel Ro- berts and Mrs. Beulah Gill mo tored to Portland Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Fiel, Nate Huntley and Tommy Fiel visited at the Louis Huntley home Sun day. Mr. anti Mrs. Claude Gibson and Claude Jr., attended the ball game in Portland Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Richard McNair visited relatives in Beaverton Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lindsley motored to Nehalem Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mead. Mrs. Lindsley, Joan and Denny Ray motored to Helvetia Monday. .,. zzz?// i/ie reason is, iigives so muc/i and cosis so /iii/e io operaie andmainiain EFFECTIVE JAN.1,1949 These two charts show the increase in Postal Money Order Rates. OLD RATI $ .01 2.51 3.01 10.01 20.01 40.01 60.01 $0.01 to $ 2.50........................6< to 3.00..................... t< to 10.00...................... 11« Io 20.00...................... 13« Io 40.00...................... 13« Io 60 00...................... 11« lo »0.00......................20« to 100.00........................ 22< STYLING 5.00.... 10/ ,01to$ 5.01 to 10.00.... 15f 10.01 to 50.00.... 25< 50.01 to 100.00. .. . 35< BUY BANK MONEY ORDERS INSTEAD AND SAVE Yes, so great is the demand for new Chevrolets this spring that it seems everybody's t&ncy is turning to this most beautiful buy of all! All America is thrilling to the fleet, flashing lines and colors of Chevrolet’s Bodies by Fisher ... to the sparkling and spirited performance of its Valve in-Head Engine . . . and to the extraordinary new driving and riding results imparted by its famous Center-Point Design. And all America is agreeing that Chevrolet is the only car that offers all these advantages of highest-priced cars and costs so little to buy, operate and maintain! The most Beautiful BUY for— NIW RATI $ Milk Products Will Make a (Happy) Man of Him! DRIVING AND RIDING EASE COMFORT ALL-ROUND SAFETY THRILLS AND THRIFT Vernonia Branch Commercial Bank of Oregon Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. AFFILIATED WITH THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK OF HILLSBORO Delicious milk products rich in vitamins and minerals are com plete foods that contain essen tial body-building materials indespensable to growth and health. NEHALEM ORIRV PRODUCTS CD. Grade A Pasteurized Milk & Cream PHONE 471________ MUTT AND JEFF VERNONIA THAT'S THE *(000000 YEH I PARK AVENUE HOUSE ANDREI.' I'M R ussia bought for GOIN' IN AND ANDREI GROMYKO THEIR SEE IF ANDREI REPRESENTATIVE/ H WILL INDULGE IN A FRIENDLY GAME OF POKER! I DON'T KNOW THE GAME? AW.COMG on / i ’ ll r- TEACH IT TO YOU. ANDREI? AUTO COMPANY “A Safe Place to Trade” Vernonia, Oregon Your Chevrolet and G. M. Dealer Phone 342 Standard Oil Product* By Bud Fisher KNOW 7T BUT KING’S Grocery - Market “Where Your Money Buy» More” Phone 91 At the Mile Bridge Riverview Here’* Where it— SOUND WAS HEARD SAVE FOR THE CUCK i I THE FOR RENT Wilbur (Shorty) a PAYS to SHOP At King's you find the best in meats, groceries, canned goods and produce so every food dollar buys the maximum. It pays to buy foods at King's. I >