« THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1949 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—Livestock ' a 1 * 4 6 20 BRUSH goats, good for milk or meat. Inquire L. 0. Gillham ranch Keasey Rt. 18t3 FOR SALE—General CLASSIFIED RATES FRYERS, roasters. Capitol Hill Hatchery, phone 336. 20t3c MINIMUM charge 35c for 25 words or less. Words over min imum, 2c each. Three inser tions for the price of two. CARD of Thanks & Notices: 75c NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. ACCEPTED AFTER WED. NOON EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK’S PAPER. No information on classifieds will be given out until after paper is mailed. THE EAGLE assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors that may appear in ads publish ed in its columns, but in cases where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typographical mistake occurs. POETRY accepted only as paid matter. Rate: 5c per type line. BLIND ads with answers to be handled by The Eagle: Minimum charge 75c. No information given relative to such ads. TEAM AND harness for sale. Weight 3000 lbs. $150.00. Earl Snyder, Rt. 1, Banks, Oregon, care of Foster Brothers. 18t3 COME pick colors, tall canadala- tra primroses. Dahlia tubers, lge. flowering kind. Call days, 5th house, 10th St., Riverview, nights, Und house left. Mrs. John Kri- nick. 20t3 FOR SALE: Pansy plants, 25c dozen. Mrs. G. W. Thacker, 1008 Weed Ave., Vernonia. 20t3 FOR SALE: Used household fur nishings including washing ma chine, daveno, etc. James Chipps, 575 Second St.____________ 19t3c BLUE mohair daveno and over- xtoffed chair less than year old, $100. 1011 Nehalem St. or phone 552. 19t3c 1AKGE Coleman oil heater with barrels and tubing. 206 Bridge St., or phone 793. 19t3 2-UNIT Clean-easy milker com plete, $100. Inquire Henry An- rfcregg at Nehalem Dairy. 18t3 ALMOST new violin, $35.00; good propane 3 burner stove with oven, $12.00; Star motor, $25.00; large Vaaghan drag saw, almost new, with saw, $150.00; 1940 Hudson '11, good condition, radio and heater, $750.00. S. J. Rhodes, 1 mi. east wf Jewell, Oregon. 18t3c ELEC. “Everhot" roaster with stand, A-l condition. $35.00 cash at Mist Oasis, Mist. 18t3 FOR THE BEST values in Hard ware—See Hoffman. 15tfc LAWNMOWERS sharpened. T. L. DeHart. First house on the left off junction at the end of State st. 9tfc FOR SALE—Machinery 1946 2-ton Chev. truck with dual drive rear end, 2-speed divided box on three speed brownie, 4 speed main transmission. New motor and radiator and 6 new 8:25 tires. Very reasonable if taken soon. Items can be seen at 351 C St. phene 1117. 18t3 ALUMINUM and magnesium chain saw castings welded with “heliarc” process. Guaranteed. Reasonable. Open Saturday forenoons. Prompt service on mail orders. Alloy Weld ing and Fabricating, 1638 S. E. Grand Ave., Portland, Oregon. EA4771. 17tl0 FOR SALE—Real Estate 5-ROOM modern house wired for electric range. Chicken house, small barn, 36 acres. Mile out Rose Ave. H. Gronnel, Jr. 19t3 FOR SALE—Insurance STATE FARM Automobile and Life Insurance Co’s. Winston W’alker, 843 3rd St. (First house behind bakery). Phone 1066. 34tfc FOR SALE—Cars. Trucks ’46 DODGE pickup, $1045. ’41 Ply. 5-pass. cpe. ’40 Ford sedan, $795. ’40 Chev. 5-passenger cpe. ’37 Plymouth sedan, ’46 motor, $365. ’33 Chev. panel, 4-speed transmission, truck tires. Green wood Motors, phone 1121, Ver nonia. 20tlc FOR SALE OR TRADE ’38 STUDEBAKER Commander, new paint and upholstering, mo tor completely overhauled, $325.00. Will trade for pickup. Wolford at Vernonia Service Station. 20tl 4-YEAR-OLD horse, $65. Broke to ride or work. Also wood heater for sale, $15. Mall saw, $45. L. P. Hill 6th St., Riverview. 20tl FOR RENT HOUSE for rent. 1st house on left in Riverview going towards Mist. Furnished. Call after 6. 20tl FURNISHED 3-room apartment. Electric range, oil heat, newly decorated. Riverview cabins, cor ner Second street. 20tl HOUSE for rent, close in. In quire at 847 Third St. Call noon or evenings. 18t3 APARTMENTS for rent. Mor row apartments under new man agement. J. C. Hoadley, 545 Bridge St. 52tfc LOST AND FOUND LOST OR STRAYED: 1 little fe male dog at O-A log dump Apl. 26. Will enjoy ride on any machine from Jeep to D8 cat. Answers to Brownie or Tiny. License No. 380 not attached. Elmer Berger- son. 18t3 WANTED WANTED: $1600 for 16 months at 6%. Amply secured. Refer The Vernonia Eagle. 20t3 Yesterdays FIVE YEARS AGO From The Eagle. May 18, 194 4 Fifty-one eighth graders from the Washington grade school will participate in commencement ex ercises to be held at the Wash ington grade school, Tuesday, May 23, at 8:00 p.m. Dr. C. A. Howard, president of the Oregon College of Education gave the address of the evening. Loel Roberts presented his re signation as city recorder to the city council at their regular meet ing which was held Monday even ing. The resignation will become effective as soon as appointment can be made. Twenty-two seniors will partici pate in the commencement ex ercises which will be held in the Washington grade school audi torium Wednesday evening, May 24 at 8:00 p.m. Dr. W. C. Giers- bach, president of Pacific Univer sity will give the address of the evening. TEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle, May 19, 1939 The burning of slashings on the William Pringle property located between Vernonia and Mist on the Mist highway was named as the cause of a fire costing between six and seven thousand dollars to bring under control. Veterans of Foreign Wars of the Vernonia Smith-Christensen Post announced this week that the post will sell poppies here on May 26 and 27, Friday and Saturday of next week. Plans were completed for the benefit program to assist in the purchase of shrubbery for the Vernonia Memorial cemetery at a meeting of the Little Theatre group held Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Judd Greenman. The program will be given at the LEGAL NOTICE same, dully verified as by law re quired, to the office of Bush and WOMAN to cook for 4 people, no Hieber, attorneys for Executor heavy work. Write Hattie M herein, Joy Theatre Bldg., Ver Draper, Buxton. 19t3c nonia, Oregon, within s:x months from April 14, 1949. ’33 CHEV. truck, excellent run Vernon Sykes ning condition, good tires. $200. Executor Harold Mabley, Morrow apart Bush and Hieber ments. 18t3c Berry Pickers Attorneys for Executor 15t5c Pickers must be 12 years old or ■ over or be accomnanied by guard CALL FOR BIDS ion or parents. Only pickers fur nished transportation free. Reg Sale of School Property FOR RENT ister by post card or with Bruce Sealed bids will be received by McDonald, 101 B St., Vernonia. STANDARD TYPEWRITER Myrtle Mathews, clerl, of the ADDING MACHINE ROLLING HILLS FARM school board of the Mist School $1 per week Dist No. 52, Mist, Columbia Coun Banks, Ore. Inquire Vernonia Eagle ty, Oregon until 8 P.M. Standard HIGHEST cash prices paid for Time, May 23, 1949, for the fol cream and eggs at your door— lowing described real estate and picked up once or twice weekly— buildings thereon, known as the call or write Forest Grove Cream Natal School property: ery, Forest Grove, Oregon, phone Parcel 1: A part of the north 126. 14tfc east quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 29, Township 6 North, Range 4 West of the Wil MISCELLANEOUS lamette Meridian, Columbia Coun NEW, HOME LAUNDRY. Family ty, Oregon, described as follows: Regular meeting,: washing washed and dried, 15c lb. Beginning at a stake marked 2 & 4 Weds., 8 p.m. Finished at reasonable rates. Also “M” being 696.14 feet west of the curtain stretching. Mrs. E M. quarter stake standing on the Winston Walker, Commander York, 108 A. St., phone 1107. section line between Section 28 James Cox. Adjutant 38tfc and 29, Township 6 North Range AUXILIARY Regularly meet«! l«t 4 3rd Wed. 4 West Willamette Meridian; run 4-49 LEGAL NOTICE ning thence west 198 feet to a stake marked “P”; thence south SUMMONS A. F. & A. M. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF 279 feet to a stake marked “B”; Vernonia Lodge No. 184 THE STATE OF OREGON FOR thence North 59°12’ East 230.5 A.F. & A.M. meets at feet to a stake marked “R”; COLUMBIA COUNTY Masonic Temple Stated thence north 161 feet to the place Fred D. Wyland, Plaintiff, Communication first of beginning. vs. Thursday of each month, Parcel 2: A part of the northeast Gladys Wyland, Defendant. at 7:30 p.m. quarter of the southeast quarter To Gladys Wyland, Defendant: Walter E. Linn. W. M. In the Name of the State of of Section 29, Township 6 North Ray Mills, Sec’y 1-50 Oregon: You are hereby required Range 4 West of the Willamette Meridian, Columbia County, Ore Order of Eastern Star to appear and answer the com gon, described as follows: plaint filed against you in the Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. Commencing at the quarter above entitled court and cause Regular com within four weeks from the date stake on the section line between munication first of the first publication of this Sections 28 and 29 of Township and 3rd Wad. summons, or for want thereof the 6 North, Range 4 West of the of each month Meridian; running plaintiff will apply to the court Willamette at Masonic Tern« for relief against you in accor thence West 894.14 feet to a stake pie. All visiting dance with the prayer of the marked “P”; thence south 279 sisters and broth complaint, to-wit: The dissolution feet to a stake marked “B” and ers welcome. of the bonds of matrimony now the true point of beginning of Ethel Titus, Worthy Matron the tract to be described: From .Alberta Mills, Sec’y. 1-50 and heretofore existing between you and the plaintiff, and the said true point of beginning, run ning thence North 46’ West 160 granting of sn absolute divorce. Vernonia F. O. E. Service of this summons is feet; thence North 46’ East 80 (Fraternal Order of Eagles) made upon you by publication by feet; thence south to the true 810 Bridge order of the Hon. J. W. Hunt, point of beginning. Street Judge of the County Court of the According to the Deeds these two Vernonia State of Oregon for Columbia parcels contain 1 and 15/100 acres. County, made and entered herein Certified check for ten per cent Meets of the amount of bid to accompany April 20, 104:» Every each bid. CLIFF W. BROWER. Friday Terms are cash and successful Attorney for pla ntiff. Residence and Post Office Ad bidder tn receive marketable Title 8 P. M. evidenced by title insurance pol W. N. Noakes. W. P„ Timber Rt. dress: St. Helens, Oregon. Wm. A. Mott, Secretary 7-19 First Publication, April 28, 1949. icy, together with a good and Final Publication, May 26, 1949. sufficient deed conveying the Estate of Carmen M. Sykes, above described real property, American Legion free and clear of all liens and Deceased incumbrances. Revenue stamps on NOTICE TO CREDITORS VERNONIA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, deed to be affixed by sellers. POST 11» that Vernon Sykes has been ap The board reserves the right to pointed Executor of the Estate reject any and all bids. Meat, First aad Signed, Inger K. Ashley of Carmen M. Sykes, Deceased, by Third Mon. of Chairman the County Court of Columbia Each month. Signed Myrtle Mathews County. Oregon. All persons hav- AUXILIARY Clerk Firat and Third Tuesdays 1-49 ng claims against said estate are 19t2c hereby notified to present the WANTED Washington grade school May 25, Thursday. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle, May 18, 1934 Vernonia high school came back from the district track meet at Forest Grove Saturday with 19 points for fifth place and a new district record in the 220 yard dash. Arrangements are being made this week by a group of local golf ers to finance the upkeep of the Vernonia golf course during the interim from its relinquishment by F. D. Macpherson until such time as the city takes over the course and decides upon its dis position. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From The Eagle, May 16, 1921 A class of eight will graduate from Vernonia high school Friday. They are Blanche Bergerson, Hel en Brown, Ernest Narver, Eiwin Condit, Benita Parker, John Whar ton, Weston Sheeley and Margaret Tousley. Extension Unite Plan for Year Next year’s program for the five extension units in the Ne halem valley was planned at a meeting held May 18, yesterday, when unit officers and the county committee member, Mrs. Hulda Keasey, met at the home of Mrs. Rita Lamping. Officers and the units they represent are: Mist unit — Mrs. Jane Hansen, Mrs. F. W. Sigen thaler and Mrs. Inger Ashley; Birkenfeld — Mrs. Leona Turner and Mrs. Guy Bellingham; Timber Route — Mrs. Florence Kirkbride, Mrs. Mae Wienecke, Mrs. Jennie Stanley and Mrs. Hattie Peterson; Vernonia — Mrs. Viola Eckland, Mrs. Grace Laramore and Mrs. Bernice Knoedler; Keasey — Mrs. Alice Buckley, Mrs. Edith McFar land, Mrs. Gladys Conklin and Mrs. Iva Gillham. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL MONUMENTS AUTHORIZTI) PHILCO RADIO TELEVISION SERVICE AND INSTALLATION We Service All Makes VERNONIA RADIO AND APPLIANCE Corner Weed and Maple Guaranteed Radio Service and HEADSTONES ! ( Rainbow Granite Red Black and Diamond ’ Mrs. S. L. Kirtland BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon Phone 1012 STOUT IRRIGATION WATER WELLS Free Estimates PACIFIC DRILLING CO. Scappoose, Oregon Phone 566 OLD H ermitage ^ Kentucky ll/iiskey -A Blend $230 pt. S36O 4/5 qt. ’FOR GENERATIONS A GREAT KENTUCKY FAVORITE* LODGE AND CLUB NOTICES Knights of Pythias Lodge Harding 116 No. Vernonia, Oregon J'» I.O.O.F. Meetings: Hall, Second and Fourth Mondays Each Month AVm. I). Shafer, Chancellor 'Commander Oscar G. Weed, Secretary Pythian Sister * Vernonia Temple No. 61 Meetings: Second I.O.O.F. Fourth and of each month Hall Wednesday 2-48 VERNONIA LIONS CLUB MEETS SECOND AND FOURTH MONDAYS AT 6:30 VERNONIA COUNTRY CLtJB DINING ROOM Lynn Thomas, President Bill Wilson, Secretary Vernonia Lodge No. 246 ¿jccyo.o.F. * Meet Every Tuesday S P. M. Art Davis, Noble Grand O'm. I). Shafer, Sec’y. 4-50 Columbia Encampment No. 89 will meet the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at the I.O.O.F. hall. Earl Atkins, Chief Patriarch Wm. I). Shafer, Scribe. 1-50 Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge Meet, 2nd and 4th Thursday evening, of each month in I.O.O.F. Hall. Bevj 1 Cline. Noble Grand Jewelle Robinson, Vice Grand Jane L. Pace, Secretary Gladys Strong, Treasurer 3-49 V. F. W. National Distillers Prod. Corp., N.Y. • 86 Proof • 65% Grain Neutral Spirits xf- & USED CARS 1946 Ford Super Dlx. tudor. Original light green finish. Good motor and tires. Equipped with radio, heater and foglights. See this bargain before you buy at $1295. 1946 Ford Super dlx. club cpe. Radio and heater, beautiful maroon finish. New car in every way. Priced at only $1295.00. * • « 1942 Ford conv. with radio and heater. New finish and top. Just the car for your summer driving pleasure at $1050.00. * » » 1940 Ford Tudor. A clean car that is ready to go has good motor. Tires and black finish. Equipped with radio and heater. $675.00. * • * 1940 Ford coupe, a clean little car with good motor. Green finish. 90". rubber. Ha., heater Priced at $650.00. 1947 Ford, 14 ton. A clean low mileage truck with 90G tires. See this (or a really good buy. $ 1295 00. • * * A D’ENTION Loggers and berry pickers. 1941 Dodge crew car. Recon, motor, good tires, excellent all metal body. Has seats for 14. 4-wheel drive. Priced at $695.00. « « * '36 '36 ’38 ’34 • • * 1941 Ford 1- ton pickup. This pickup is ready to go and has good motor, body anj tires Very clean. $595.00. « * * 1946 Ford 2 Un 2 speed caton 825 tires. This truck has had go< <! care tied is ready for work. Prie d at $1175.00. • « » Chevrolet Tudor Ford Tudor Chevrolet T udor Nash 4-door. • • * Doherty Motor Co. I 126 Pacific Forest Greve Phone 1711