THE classified as “commercial forest land"—nearly as many acres as we have in “farm crops.” The New Story Should Be Told There is real need for a new Sixteen counties in western Ore­ book on the lumber business, gon and southwestern Washington for general reading and study. have been lined this spring into This book should visualize the the peacetime blood program of wartime economic trend, for ex­ the American Red Cross with the ample, that brought wholesale and opening of the Portland regional retail lumber dealers, and even blood center and the first visits building contractors, into the of the traveling unit. The unit ownership and management of came to St. Helens on May forest lands. 18 to collect blood from volunteer The general public and stu­ donors for the benefit of hospital­ dents of business should be ex­ ized residents of this county. posed to all of the modern phases Under this new blood program, of lumbering. A book of the kind people of all communities in the is needed to serve the student in sixteen county area will receive high school or college in progress the benefits of blood and it’s pro­ through the “conservation units" ducts through their physicians and that are now common in history, | hospital whenever they may need botany and social science courses. them. There is a particular want for The “bloodmob’le” is staffed such a book to win the interest of wdth a physician, Dr. Richard young people who are starting Stone, Portland; nurses and a their careers in ar.y of the avenues blood custodian. It brings with of the lumber business; from the it all the necessary equipment retail salesman of “remodeling for taking blood. The local Red jobs” in Brooklyn’s Greenpoint to the forest fire guard who ranges the high branches of the Dosewal- lips and Duckabush in the Olympia Peninsula wilderness. Interior — Exter’or The young retail lumber sales­ man and the budding young FLOOR SANDING forester are brothers urder their COLOR MATCHING spec’al concern and ambitions in our times. They are both men ALL WORK GUARANTEED of the forest family. Each is ON CONTRACT BASIS dependent unon the other for a future in the lumber business Ciarle* Seeberger To these timber twins, let the 856 Rose Avenue new book on lumber be dedicated. First Visit of Blood Unit Set Wanted: A New Lumber Book During the past 30 years the lumber business has been made over, modernized and re-tooled in its basic thinking as well as in its production processes. Un­ der today’s American forest man­ agement, timber is a soil crop— not a mine to be worked out vein by vein—and lumber remains its basic product. The lumber business like the grain business, stands for pro­ ductive use of the land. Lumber­ men all over America are grow­ ing trees as a specific, planned part of their business. In the woods the forest engineer, with college diploma and shield of membership in the Society of American Foresters, is as familiar a figure as the boss logger of tradition. A picture of the lumber business today in terms of manufacture, sales and uses—that is, simply as a commodity business—would be old hat. All forecasts on lum­ ber agree that its present and future problem is to maintain available supplies of commercial trees of sawtimber sizes (which vary regionally) to me-t demand. And all authorities agree that the first job in meeting this problem is to raise trees and protect them from fire. Wood and Wheat are Brothers Lumber bears a simple com­ FLASHBULBS ! Wabash 25, Ctn. 81.50 G. E. No. 5, Ctn. $1.28 Popular sizes of Kodak Black and White and Color Film. Vernonia Eagle Photographic Dep’t. parison with wheat. The raw material grows from planned re­ seeding amid the stubble of the cutovers. The sawmill is the threshing machine of lumbering. Wheat goes chiefly into bread, which people eat to live. Lumber goes principally into housing, which people build to live in. To make sure that there w41 be ample supplies of timber for the future, the lumber business has taken leadership in forestry and the foresters in the public service follow its course. Mil­ lions of acres that were consider­ ed valueless 20 years ago are now being replanted or reseeded and given protection against forest fires. Today the individual user of wood products—even the casual newspaper reader—has a responsi­ bility for tree growing. The house you dwell in, the desk you write on, this paper itself, could not be made without leaving stumps and rubbish on forest land, even the bread you eat has its stubble and straw on the wheat fields. The lumber business is growing more trees among the stumps for more houses more desks, more books, more newspapers. These things are growth of the soil, fruit of the forests, the end uses of America’s 462 million acres EAGLE, ORE. THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1949' 5 VERNONIA, Cross chapter sets up the center in a convenient location and sup­ plies the volunteers needed to insure a smooth-running day. The chapter’s recruitment committee signs up donors in advance of the mobile unit’s visit. The blood taken is refrigerated immediately in special containers and taken to the regional center’s laboratory for processing and typ­ ing. It is returned to the county where it is collected in line with the estimated need established by that county’s medical society and hospital authorities. Estimated yearly need for Columbia county is 400 to 500 pints which would require approximately 4 visits of | the mobile unit to collect. No one, neither the patient nor the hospital pays for any possible misunderstanding, however, Rev. A. S. Tyson, chair­ man of the Columbia county Red Cross chapter points out that a patient is responsible for fees charged by his physicians or hos­ pital for administration of the blood or blood product and for any other service, such as typing and cross matching which is ne­ cessary to insure safe transfusion. OFFICE SUPPLIES at the OFFICE EAGLE Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION PAINTI NG Vernonia, Oregon ' „■ ■ I Eat a Tempting, Juicy “Oven Roast” fa and SA VE MONEY, too! STANDING ROAST SAFEWAY at Special this week flügge LB . Just call 1391 to save time and effort in fill­ ing your food needs. When you order here, you can be sure of top quality foods because of our affiliations with United Grocers. WE ALWAYS OFFER TEMPTING DISPLAY OF MEATS AT PRICES THAT MEAN A SAVING TO YOUR POCKETBOOK. MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS For Convenience— Remember— DELIVERIES TWICE DAILY: 10 a.m - 3 p.m. PHONE 1391 Standing Rib Roast—the King of Oven Roasts—at a price like this means a terrific drop in the cost of good eating for thousands of Safeway customers. Better yet . . . these are trimmed-before-weigh­ ing Rib Roasts which in itself means you get more good eating meat for your money. The illustration at right shows you how Safeway trims rib roast before it is displayed for sale. Result: you pay only for portion that will eat just right . . . not for excess bone, waste and fat. Safeway regularly trims its meat this money-saving way- each cut according to its own special requirements. Best of all— these are Safeway Guaranteed Rib Roasts—cut from top grades of beef. Be sure to speak for yours early! Lower prices! Waste-free trimming! Top grades in quality? Get yours today! —This Week’s Grocery Values— Pork & Beans No. Medford—Freestone 9 A SPAGHETTI Franco-American NIBLETS Whole-Kernel corn DEVILED HAM Libby—Tatty Spread Entered as second class mail matter, August 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernqpia, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price, Can in a hurry! 19* Star Boat — Oval tin cam 12-ox. can OEc AU 19e Chicken FRICASSEE Lynden—Heat 'n eat 29-oz. SOUP MIX 0 Betty Crocker W Pkts. PAPER NAPKINS Zee or Silk Pkg. (100) 89* RICE KRISPIES Kellogg naw large sire pkg. Cake Mix Betty Crocker Devil Food or Swansdown Instant JELL-WELL 1C IP lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. 19c 49c 53c 59c 45c lb. 49c lb. 29c PORK LIVER Sweet «nd tender SMOKED HAMS h . h w ww. lb. 55c 12-OZ. CAN Beef or Pork 49' 12-OZ. PKG. JUNKET BRAND 3Î Fudge Mix Pkg. Wieners or Bologna Absolutely frodi. A delight to «al! / T «U IL IUe Fryer Chickens W«.f.-fr«. PAN READY IL ZCt 10. 03 Whole Crabs lb. 29c Lunch Meats A large fresh assortment! Delightful desserts r 10-or. Can Tea Timers I-lb. Pkg. Sweet, fresh mergarine Lb. Blu-Hill Evaporated CERTO Liquid Pectin Aerowax ’«s» Quart 54C Pin* Jar—Fresh 37£ "BUTTER" CRACKER 29£ SUNNYBANK 3Î PEANUT BRITTLE 19* CHERUB MILK 2/25£ Ice cream mil MAYONNAISE »-O1. Sparkling Water 4£c Sparkling Whit. Rock Merry Mix 32 oz 2- “ • 28-oz. Ginger Ale Whit. Rock 28-ot. gCc AU MCP Pectin Pkt. Peanut Butter Peter Pan— energy spread Ivory Soap size bar PEANUT BUTTER . Beverly—I-lb. 37c Cheese Food^:^” 7-oz. Ml AU One. Cola 6-25 Refreshes 6-oz. Root Beer 12-01. & Hire's fo you PLUS BOTTLE DEPOSITS ON THE ABOVR CARDE" FRES" ASPARAGUS 2-lb. Loaf ORANGES Florida 2-lb. 29c guaranteed delicious! YES, YOU SAVE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT lb. 10c Zucchini SQUASH Firm, Fresh Red, Crisp RADISHES Fresh, Plump NEW PEAS NEW POTATOES Albers White Corn Meal............. 2’/i*. 25c 34b. 5tc Price» in thia ad an eliective through Saturday, May 31. We reeerve the riiht to limit quantities. No talee to dealen. SAFEWAY NATURALLY FRESH PRODUCE 12-oz. Pkg. Tell Cen Bir.ley's Water ftftt botti. ZZ Powdered— sure-fire results lb. 49e SPARKLING REFRESHERS Soft Drinks 9 97c Pepsi Cola Ec Big U-oz. bottle U Large variety A Qf,. Af Orange Soda A/9Cc Pkg. Kitchen Craft Hour................ 10-lb. Sack 89c NATIONAL EDITORIAL- I ASSOCIATION U HI ----- “vcSÄS't BEEF RIB BOIL PURE PORK SAUSAGE PORK LOIN ROAST PORK LOIN CHOPS c„..,«.. PORK SHOULDER ROASTS PORK SHOULDER STEAKS OSCAR MAYER 7-oz. Pkg. Crispy cereal $2.50 yearly. 0R£c1o0N uiPER P UILIS ¿E LS* * TI 0 R YOU SEE HERE HOW A SAFEWAY RIB ROAST IS TRIMMED BEFORE IT IS OFFERED TO YOU! 10£ CHEERIOS •A can TEN-B-LOW Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon VAN CAMP’S A delicious meal No. 2 SARDINES PEACHES Tasty puddings Marvin Kamholz, Editor and Publisher Melvin Schwab, Linotype Operator Heavy Chine Bone removed before weighing. OTHER SAFEWAY GUARANTEED MEAT VALUES JIFFY-LOU The Vernonia Eagle ar - a End section of Short Ribs removed before roast is weighed. 2-lb. 25c Nice Bunch 5c 2-lb. 25c White Rose 4-lb. 23c Crisp, Fresh LETTUCE lb. 10c Flavorful GREEN ONIONS Nice Bunch 5c lb. 23c CUCUMBERS «r SAFEWAY ________ - -