LET'S BE SOCIABLE District 2 Meeting Held at Clatskanie Banquet for Mothers, Daughters Enjoyed Several V.F.W. and Auxiliary members were in Clatskanie last Friday night for a meeting of the posts and auxiliaries in district 2 of which Bert Brunsman is com­ mander. Attending from here were Ken­ neth Anderson, Mr. Brunsman, Mr. and Mrs. James Cox, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Roberson, Jr. A delicious lunch was served by the Clatskanie Auxiliary and the people assembled also enjoyed en­ tertainment during the evening. Cason Transfer Local — Long Distance Hauling Wilbur (Shorty) Davis, Prop. Phone 581 or office at— Sundland Electric r i I i I I i ! ♦ » I I • I ♦ I I I » I I i I The mother-daughter banquet at the First Christion church last Thursday evening was a success in every way. Approximately 100 were in attendance. The program consisted of special musical num­ bers by Mrs. Sam Hearing, Jr., Lorraine Crowston and Joyce Jones and Nancy Thomas. Mrs. G. Wm. Anderson delivered an address on ‘Why the Blues, Ladies' and presented an inspirational theme to avoid worry and enjoy life in the time that is ours. The decorations by Mrs. H. G. Dickson and Mrs. R. A. Simmons were in spring colors with floral cards at each place. The dinner was one of ham, peas, potatoes, cottage cheese and pineapple salad relishes, and pie and coffee. Organizations Thanked The Senior class of Vernonia high school issued a statement this week expressing the thanks of members of the class to all organizations responsible for the Senior banquet. FARM SUPPLIES Stout Irrigation — J. I. Case Farm Machinery DeLaval Dairy Equipment — Goodrich Tires SHALMON LIBEL Mist, Oregon ARE YOU COUNTING ON fl VACATION If you are, you surely don’t wish to have little troubles with your car spoil your pleasure. Bring your car to Heath’s for SIGNAL LUBRICATION and prevent those troubles before it starts. CHANGE TO SIGNAL TODAY! Phone 5711 Degrees Conferred; Mothers Honored Legion Auxiliary Names New Officers Initiatory degrees were confer­ red upon James Johns with his sister, Mary Ann Cline, acting courtesy candidate, at the last meeting of Nehalem Chapter O.E.S. All mothers were honored and given favors and E. P. Brous sang a special vocal solo for the occa­ sion. Mrs. H. G. Sandon told interesting facts on the origin of Mother’s day. Refreshments were served in the social hall on tables gaily decorated with May poles and dancers and apple blossoms. The American Legion Auxiliary elected officers to head the or­ ganization for the coming year at their meeting earlier this week. Installation will take place at a later time. Mrs. Bill Horn will act as presi­ dent of the Auxiliary and the other officers are: Gordon Larson, first vice-president; Mrs. Tressie Michener, 2nd vice-president and Mrs. Harry Culbertson, secretary­ treasurer. On the executive committee are Mrs. Milton Lamping, Mrs. Frank Slemmons and Mrs. Cleo Walrath. The naming of members to serve in the appointive offices has not yet been done. Delegates to the state conven­ tion to be held this year at Salem are Mrs. Horn, Mrs. P. Weidman and Mrs. Glen Mitchell and alter­ nates are Mrs. Freda Biggs, Mrs. Slemmons and Mrs. Julia Boeck. On May 28 the members are asked to be present for a meet­ ing at the hall to make Memorial day wreaths. Oldest Mother Honored By Pythian Sisters At the regular meeting of the Pythian Sisters on Wednesday May 11, a beautiful tribute was paid to Mrs. Fannie Owens as the oldest mother in the Temple. She was presented with a lovely floral crown and a bouquet of gar­ den flowers. Also during a short recess, Janet Siedelman, the girl the Temple is sending to 4-H summer school paid a short visit. After a delightful meeting, re­ freshments were served by Ger­ trude Rusow, Grayce Bundy and Irma Johnson. THE VERNONIA, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1949 9 ORE. Fire at Mill Extinguished MIST — Walter Mathews had his house painted last week. So, also, has Roy Hughes. Rhody Okland assisted the Kales- ses with their strawberry cleaning and hoeing Saturday. Mrs. Percy Baillett was a Ver­ nonia shopper last Wednesday. A little fire got started at the Wikstrom mill from a cigarette last week but was very quickly extinguished before it did any damage. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kulju from Portland were visitors of her parents, the Chas. Hansens. Mrs. M. Wilson is confined to her home with illness. Her daugh­ ter has been caring for her at the Wilson home on the Burn. The John Winslows left for a few days trip to Spokane last Friday to see his brother who has not been too well. Only a week and a half of school, then the youngsters are due for a well-earned vacation. Your 'One-stop' Saving Center MAY SPECIAL Coronado Refrigerator $199.95 8 Cu. Ft Capacity, 14.57 Sq Ft. Area. 20J< pound Frozen Food Capacity. 5-Yr. Warranty. Supreme Compounded Motor Oil ....... Gal. 89c In Your Container 100% Pure Parafine Base. Astoria Lodge Visited Mirro Matic Presaure Cooker................... $13.95 Twelve Odd Fellows drove to Astoria Thursday evening of last week to be present for degree work put on by that lodge for eight candidates. Other lodges re­ presented included Seaside and Warrenton. 14 Groups Help Fourteen groups helped the Legion Auxiliary prepare ♦ he Senior banquet last week by contributing financially to the af­ fair. They are: Eastern Star, Altar Society, I.O.O.F. lodge, C.I.O., Martha Circle, Pythian Sisters, Study club, V. F. W. Aux­ iliary, Neighbors of Woodcraft, Mt. Heart Rebekah club, I.O.O.F. Encampment, S.D.A. church, Ma­ sons and Lions club. EAGLE, 4-Quart Size Single Burner Hot Plate............................. $3.19 100-lb. Bleached Flour Sacks. Perfects......... 30c Ladies Leather Work Gloves.................. $1.29 Treated with Lanolin Boy’s Sport Shirts............................................... $1.89 1 Men’s Sport Shirts....................................... $2.69 On Display . . . UNDERWOOD Universal Typemaster typewriter with touch Ideal for home or school. portabe turing. Vernonia Eagle Office Supplies PHONE 1271 CLIFF WHITE VERNONIA, ORE HERE'S WHY Social Club Meets Members of the Nehalem Social club met at the Masonic Temple Wednesday of last week with Mrs. Walter Linn and Mrs. George Laird as co-hostesses. A social hour and refreshments followed the business meeting of the "roup. CUT YOUR HAULING COSTS , More than a pint of water per day is exhaled in the breath. They expect i YOU CAN’T i Economical, L-head "Job- * Rated”engine—with “Float­ ing Power" mounts, and remov­ able precision-type bearings— provides the right power, with economy I SAVE MONEY! 9 times out of 10, people who say they can’t save money never really try. Once you’ve opened a savings ac- coSnt and made your first deposit, you’ve proved that it can be done. Why not make up your mind to save right now? Then, follow through. We’ll welcome your account. Vemonia Branch Commercial Bank « Oregon Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. AFFILIATED WITH THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK OF HILLSBORO n Rugged front axles, with wider tread—give new safety, new ease of handling. <1 Riding is improved, spring ” life increased, by longer rear-shackled front springs. « An entirely new design of ’ "cross-type” steering, in combination with shorter wheelbases, permits turning in narrow streets. Turning diam­ eters are as small as 38 feet in the W-ton model, both right and left. 1 hrilling beauty! And a main­ spring that eliminates 99% of repairs due to steel mainspring failures. See our new Elgin Watches—priced from 129.75. FOR APPLES! LONG ICROvV! IM PRACTieiN FOR THIS YEAR? f ’EM and Remember . . ere priced with lhe lowest I GREENWOOD MOTORS Phone 1181 Vernonia, Oregon TRUCKS DODGE By Bud Fisher duckin ’ a 6V4-, 7V4- and 9-foot bodies, • of 44.16, 56.08 and 67.28 cubic feet capacities, on 108', 116' and 126' wheelbases— provide far greater load space than other pick-ups. BODGI "Jeb-Rsfed" TRUCKS . MUTT AND JEFF I’ m Handsome new "Job-Rated" Panels are available in three models. Gross vehicle weights range from 4,250 to 4,850 pounds; payload capacities from 875 to 1,450 pounds. Bodies are 55' high inside; 63H’ wide; 92V long to back of driver’s seat; 125Vi* to cowl . . . providing 155 cubic feet of load space on a 108-inch W.B. chassis. y Smooth riding and long life ' result from 52 x 1 Vi-inch rear springs, of Amola steel. I .ton). Dual roar whools am available on the 1-ton model«. WACTHMAKER — JEWELER Official Watch Inspector S. P. & S. Railway S ink MORI LOAD SPACK I Rick-Ups in 12 different "Job-Ratod" modali. G.V.W. capocitie« A. L. Kullander gotta TEETH IN i Side rails of high-strength 0 steel, with 5 crossmembers in 108' and 116', and 6 in 126'- W.B. models, including channel-type bumper, produce exceptionally rigid frame. from 4,250 to 7,500 pounds (nominal ratings — H-, “Open an Account” yA Mone, Savlnt Panels, tool r Husky, silent 3-and 4-speed 3 transmissions insure smooth operation and long life. ya — SINK VA TEETH KING’S Grocery - Market "Where Your Money Buys More” Phone 91 At the Mile Bridge Riverview HOUSEHOLD EFFICIENCY ... is helped a lot by our delivery service because you can depend on it. You can also depend on the top quality foods you order from KING’S.