1! THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1949 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. tojwy topics Practices for Ctea Mitchell was taken to the Veterans hospital, Portland, early thia month and will remain there for an indefinite stay for medical attention. Mr. and Ms. Bob Curl and son plan to leave Friday for Paris, Illinois, his former home, to re main about two weeks while on his vacation from Brunsman Hard ware. DANCE with Hal Cook Sat., May 2*. LO.O.F. hall. Sponsored by Odd Fellows. 20tlc Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hamnett are the parents of a girl bom Friday at the Portland Sanitarium. She weighed eight and one-half pounds. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vaughan flew home Wednesday of last week from Los Angeles where she had Baseball Held MIST — The boys are busy with their baseball game practices dur ing all the spare time they find. Joseph Banzer is getting along very well although very weak yet. He walks inside. While out on a Sunday after noon last week a member of the Scribe’s family came across two large ponds in the creek where beaver have cut down large trees and made dams. Strange what perfect and wonderful work those little animals can do. Oscar Jones was a Sunday caller at the Austin Dowling home. Mrs. J. O. Libel and son spent Sunday in Portland with her daughter, Mrs. Francis Burnham, and family. Ernest Kyser has been in Willa mina the past week where he was called by the very serious illness of his sister, Mrs. Acie Trotter. The other brothers, Claud and Waynne Kyser, were also called. Mrs. C. O. Hansen was a Clatskanie visitor Saturday going on down to Marshland to see her parents, the Salmi family. Send your Dry Cleaning to Portland’» most mo dern plant. One pick up and delivery weekly on Thursday at Ver nonia at your home or our local agent— BEN BRICKEL’S BARBER SHOP spent three weeks visiting her daughters and families while he went east on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bechtel of Hillsboro were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Leath. While here they attended the dance in Vernonia Saturday night. DANCE with Hal Cook Sat., May 28, LO.O.F. hall. Sponsored by Odd Fellows. 20tlc Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Schwab and sister Lois and Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Peasnall at Astoria Sunday. OREGON Laundry and Dry Cleaners Eye Efficiency You work better — look better — when your eyes are given proper care. Let us examine eyes now. DR. C. A. PLUMSTEAD — Optometrist Phone 445 Hillsboro 233 E. Baseline For Further Information Inquire at Ku.lander’s Jewelry Store “You Can’t Be Optomistic if You Have Misty Optics” Trip Being Made to Texas by Ex-resident* RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith and sons of Sweet Home visited relatives here over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bond, former residents here, are on a trip to Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Brunsman are building an addition to their home. DANCE with Hal Cook Sat, May 28, I.O.O.F. hall. Sponsored by Odd Fellows. 20tlc Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gibson and Claude, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Dick McNair motored to Seaside and also Brighton where they visited the Glen Gibson family. Mr. and Mrs. Criss I-ange of North Plains visited at the W. J. Lindsley home Sunday. The Langes and Mrs. Lindsley went to school together when they were small children. Arm Broken by Fall Last Week TREHARNE — Mrs. Bert Tis dale was hostess to the Birthday club Thursday when a number of ladies gathered for pot-luck din ner. Mrs. Laura Thacker brought the birthday cake. Those present were: Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Ruth Hult and son, Mrs. Dorothy Odam and son, Mrs. Floy Odam and daugh ter, Mrs. Eleanor Kells and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Rome Whitmire, Mrs. Sarah Cox, Mrs. Laura Thacker, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walker, Mrs. Florence Dodge, Mrs. Leon Odam, Mrs. Florence Reynolds and Cher.vlee, Mrs. Sib Falconer, Mrs. Zella Davenport, Kenny Thomas, the hostess, Mrs. Bert Tisdale. DANCE with Hal Cook Sat.. May 28, I.O.O.F. hall. Sponsored by Odd Fellows. 20tlc Little Butchie Weaver fell and broke his arm last week. Mrs. Exie Weaver, who has been visiting in Dalias, returned i.ome last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harve Whitmire from Wasco visited his parents Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale spent Sunday in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Reynolds and family spent Saturday at the Al- bel t Reynolds home. ZHXHXHIHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHTj Fishing, Picnic Along AT HOFFMAN’S FOR SPRING PAINTING H H Public Service Outside White Paint Super Quality M mouse paint Gal. $5.45 River Enjoyed Sunday RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Frank Serafin and daughter, Vic kie, of Trenholm visited at the Glen Hawkins home Sunday. They spent the day fishing and picnic- ing along the Nehalem. DANCE with Hal Cook Sat., May 28, I.O.O.F. hall. Sponsored by Odd Fellows. 20tlc Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Felton and son, Elon, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore and son, Gary, and Pete Serafin of St. Helens visited at the Glen Hawkins home Thurs day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Meyer of Forest Grove visited at the Ed Buckner home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buckner mo- tored to Portland Saturday. Handy staple removers for sale at THE EAGLE office. DOMINO OUTSIDE WHITE HOUSE PAINT ............................... Gal KEM GLO QO39 INTERIOR FINISH............................... Qt.^ Finishes woodwork with a finish that looks and washes like baked enamel Qt Produces a durable finish which withstands repeated washings. WHITE UNDERCOAT THINNERS, TURPENTINE, LINSEED OIL, PAINT BRUSHES, ETC M X M SPECIAL THIS WEEK M Hoffman’s annual sale on odds and ends H colors of enamels and interior finishes While They Last Qt. 50c M Hoffman Hardware Co Telephone 181 Vernonia, Ore. Clam Digging Enjoyed; Nebraska People Visit CAMP McGREOGOR — Several families enjoyed clam digging at Seaside over t ie week end. Mr. and Mrs. Bus Wynne of Grand Island, Nebraska were visi tors of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Wynne for the past week. The two families left Monday for a two-weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wynne of San Diego, California. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Cook and daughters of Seaside were camp visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Cook and children took Aaron Chapman to Goble Saturday where he will visit a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Urie before returning to his home in Edmonton, Alberta Cana da. Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Cook and family spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Chapman and family of West Linn. Mrs. Glenn Johnson was a Ver nonia visitor Tuesday. For Hardware See Hof man BZHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHZR Only one or two offspring reach maturity from the millions of eggs produced yearly by a single fish. One more car is needed to haul strawberry workers to the Frank Bailey fields above Buxton Mrs. Frank Morris said early this week when she reported that berry growth there was spotted this year. Certain slopes suffered from the frost while others were not affected, but that there was no uniformity as to which solpes were damaged. Mrs. Morris asked that anyone interested call her if they have a car available. Picking will pro bably start 10 days later than in the valley and will be close to the seventh of next month. © Scrib»ner’s ©V'48 Columbia River • Waterproof ©Only 50c © From 12 to 80 Feet The Apparel Shop THE VERNONIA EAGLE COFFEE TABLES MAY 19-20 and END TABLES MAY 21 With Diana Lynn - Guy Madison Plus 2nd Feature Madeleine Carroll - Ian Hunter in “HIGH FURY” 10% TO 40% REDUCTION MAY 22-23 "Red River With John Wayne - Montgomery Clift and Walter Brennan MAY 24-25 “THE ACCUSED” I I ALE “TEXAS, BROOKLYN AND HEAVEN” TUES.-WED Blouses, playsuits, mid rifs, shorts and bra sets James Cagney - Wm. Bendix Wayne Morris SUN.-MON. $1.50 SALE LOG SCALE BOOKS ‘ The Time of Your Life” SATURDAY The 1949 Columbia county fair will be held August 18, 19 and 20 at the fairgrounds near Deer Island, it was reported by the County fair board recently. An extensive program of agri cultural competition is being ar ranged by the fair board, which hopes to make the 34th annual county fair the biggest in history. Members of the fair board in clude Jewett A. Bush, Clatskanie; Ralph Langdon, Scappoose and Dr. Kent Magruder, Marshfield. Use of One Car Needed •foil Theatre THURS.-FRI. Fair Dates Set For This County Last week’s warm weather hit a maximum of 87 degrees Thurs day Mrs. Helen Spofford said. Tuesday of this week, She op- erates the cooperative weather station here, High and low read ings for all of last week were: Min. Max. 45 77 Sunday 42 78 Monday 42 82 Tuesday 41 85 Wednesday 48 87 Thursday 44 83 Friday 41 71 Saturday BUSH FURNITURE Everything to Furnish the Home Phone 592 Vernonia, Oregon Loretta Young-Richard Cummings HERE IS WHAT YOU GET FEELS LUCE a NW MOTOR FIT NEW PISTON RINGS. FIT NEW PISTON PINS ADJUST ROD BEARINGS. ADJUST MAIN BEARINGS RIDGE REAM CYLINDERS GRIND VALVES. RESEAT HEAD. CLEAR OIL SCREEN. Qt. $1.55 H H A large group of Warren Grange members visited Vernonia Grange last Saturday night and by means of a cleverly executed drill, pre sented the traveling gavel to Herbert Counts, Master of Ver nonia Grange. Jerol Moran was introduced to the Grange by Byron Kirkbride, leader of the club to which Jerol belongs. Mr. Kirkbride told of Jerol's club activities and showed the many fair ribbons Jerol had won. Mr. Counts, Grange Master, responded by presenting to J»rol the Grange Scholarship which en titles him to attend the 4 H sum, mer school at Corvallis in June. This Saturday night, Vernonia Grange will visit Canaan Grange which meets on the Columbia coun ty fairgrounds at Deer Island. Be cause Canaan is on daylight sav ing time, it will be necessary to leave Vernonia at 6:00 p.m. stan dard time, so all Vernonia Grang ers are to assemble at the Ver nonia high school at 6:00 p.m. Saturday. Mercury Hit» 87 Degree» For Week’» High Point $4'° Equal in quality to many lower priced paints offered on the market today. INSIDE BARONIAL WHITE ENAMEL Warren Grange Presents Gavel MINOR MOTOR TUNE-UP ECONOMY SPECIAL $65.00 This operation complete with parts, labor and oil for any model Chevrolet. Use our Budget Plan. Pay as little as $6.00 per Mo VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY ’’A Safe Place to Trade” Standard Oil Product» Your Chevrolet and G. M. Dealer Phone 342 Vernonia, Oregon I