Ministerial Meeting At the Churches Sunrise Rites Attended A thin mist was falling on Easter Sunday morning when townspeople came to the Easter Sunrise services, but it did not dampen the spirits of those at­ tending. Following the song service led by Rev. G? Wm. An­ derson, Rev. Allen Backer brought the message of the morning. Rev. and Mrs. Harry Russell and Rev. Thomas Kilcoyne participated also. This was one of three special events of Easter under the spon­ sorship of the Vernonia Ministerial | association, the others being the Palm Sunday Cantata and the Good Friday evening services. Choir to McMinnville Members of the all-chureh choir of Vernonia will leave Sunday to perform their Easter Cantata, "Olivet to Calvary,” at the First Christian church, McMinnville, Sunday afternoon at 3:30 p.m. Thirty eight members will be going over.’ Following the per­ formance, the choir of the Mc­ Minnville church will hold a re­ ception for the all-church choir. COUNTRY FRESH I Cool, refreshing milk makes an *deal drink at meal-time or be­ tween meals. Try it today. NEHALEM DAIRY PRODUCTS TO. >. Grade A Pasteurized Milk & Cream PHONE 471 The ministers of Ver­ nonia are urged to attend a meeting called for tonight (Thurs­ day) in the home of Rev. G.Wm. Anderson, 430 North St. This is the regular monthly meeting of the Vernonia Ministerial associa­ tion. Easter Breakfast Success Sixteen young people attended the annual Easter breakfast at the First Christian church. A fine menu of bacon, sausages and eggs was served by Mrs. Cliff Fowler, Mrs. L. L. Wells and Mrs. G. Wm. Anderson. This was sponsored by the CYF of the church. Birthday Sunday Next Sunday, April 24, is April birthday Sunday at the Evanelieal U.B. Sunday school. A special candle light service will be pre­ sented in honor of all whose birth­ days come this month. Easter Services Success The Christian Church reports a successful Easter day with large crowds at church school and both services of the day and with 7 ad- litic'.s to the church during the day. ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC —Rev. Anthony V. Gerace —Rev. J. H. Goodrich There’ll be only one Mass at 9:30 at St. Mary’s Catholic church until further notice. LATTER DAY SAINTS Sunday school convenes at 10 a.m. at 925 Rose Ave. under the direction ef Charles Long, Branch President. Polly H. Hudson, Superintendent. A cordial invitation is extended to visitors. 7:30 p.m.—Evening services. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Services on Saturday: 10:00 a.m.—Sabbath school. 11:00 a.m.—Preaching, missionary programs or Bible study. EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN —Rev. Allen H. Backer, Minister 9:45 — Sunday school 11:00—Morning Worship 7:30—Bible Study hour. 7:30 Wednesday—Prayer meeting. Having Motor Trouble? Well, your troubles will be over quick when you see us about it. Stop at this Chevron station for your automotive needs. H. H. STURDEVANT 717 Rose Avenue RGARAGEE Phone 337 It's Time for a CHANGE If your car has been lying down on the job, it’s time to let us service it, using SIGNAL lubricants and SIGNAL motor oil. Heath’s Service Station Phone 5711 Shop Nehalem for farm fresh fruit» a* the season for each approaches. Make this store your headquarters for the best during thte com­ ASSEMBLY OF GOD —Rev. Howard Hollar, Paator “THE FRIENDLY CHURCH”. Where You’re a Stranger Only Once. 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. -All classes remembering Easter. 11:00 a.m. — Subject: “Easter Every Day.” 7:30 p.m. — Special evangelistic service. The pastor will speak at both services. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday—Bible study and praise service. 7:30 p.m. Friday—Prayer service. FIRST CHRISTIAN —G. Wm. Anderson, Pastor “Where Action Is Predominant” 9:45 a m. — Church school. M. L. Herrin, Supt. Attendance last Sunday 218. 11:00 a.m. — Sermon: “A Full Persuasion.” WED. 7:00 p.m. — Choir rehearsal 8:00 p.m. — Service of prayer study. NAZARENE CHAPEL The church that cares. —H. L. Russell, Pastor Residence — 1208 — Bridge 9:45 a.m.—Sunday school. 11:00 a.m.—Morning worship. 6:30 p.m.—Young People’s service. 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic service. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. — Prayer meeting. FIRST BAPTIST ‘ 969 Bridge St. The Church with a Bible Message —Thomas J. Kilcoyne, Pastor 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11'00 a.m.—Morning worship. 6:30 p.m.—B.T.U. 7:30 p.m.—Evening worship. 7:30 p.m. Wed—Prayer service CHURCH OF GOD LN CHRIST (Colored) —Elder J. C. Foster, Minister. Services every Sunday at 1:30 and 7:30. Anniversary Is Dinner Cause j I I j ' RIVERVIEW — Mrs. Don Poet­ ter from Idaho arrived at the Geo. Bell home Monday. An anniversary dinner was giv­ en Sunday at the Hank Hudson home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Hudson. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Manford John­ son of Astoria, Lindy Hudson and Joe Criss and Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith and sons and Kenneth Lindsley of Sweet Home, Claribel Lindsley of Eugene and Lee Lindsley of Port­ land spent the week end at the W. J. Lindsley home. Claribel is now employed at Chase Gardens greenhouse in Eugene. A picnic was held at the Dass Park Sunday and thoBe present were Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Lindsley and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lindsley and family, David Strong, Joy Lousignott and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lindsley and family and Teeney Normand. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Rose and family and Pat attend a family re- union Sunday at the O. B. At- kinson home in Scappoose. People from DeLake Spend Few Days Here RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bell and family of De Lake visited at the Geo. Bell home over the week end. Mrs. Kenneth Bell and family are staying here | for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Borst and a friend of Portland spent the week end at the Ancel Roberts home. Mr. and Mrs. W’elter wgr» Sun­ day dinner, guests at the Albert Schalock home. Mrs. Richard Goodman and her LIFE IN A MORGUE int:u‘esOlg little cousin visited Joan Lindsley But you say you would not live last Wednesday afternoon. in a morgue, not with all those dead bodies. But you do live in a Easter Sunday Services morgue. For to God, this world Well Attended at Mist is but one big morgue—BIBLE, MIST — The Easter services Eph 2nd. For we have all sinned brought out a good attendance and the wages of sin is death— Sunday at the little church here. BIBLE DEATH—eternal separa­ Al Bartlett and Ben Vegars, the tion from God. So he lost us. latter coming from Portland, gave God lost his heart treasure, even the Easter message. We were us. glad to see the church nearly SHEPHERD HEART—See that filled. shepherd set forth and range the Mrs. I. E. Knowles and son, hills to find the sheep that was Earl, were in Portland Saturday. lost. See him come back with Mr. and Mrs. W’alter Bateson the sheep on his shoulders. Hear went to Forest Grove Saturday him shout his joy—I have ’found going to see her mother in Cor­ the sheep that was lost. Just so, nelius. Christ acted to win you back. Melvin Saxton was a Portland He put all your sins on Christ, visitor Tuesday. his Only-Born Son. And know Sunday dinner guests at the God’s joy when you turn and pos­ L. P. Wikstrom home were Mr: sess rhrist as having died for and Mrs. Norvin Wikstrom and you. POSSESS, not just confess. family from Vernonia, Mr. and NEW LIFE — If while we were Mrs. Larry Wikstrom, Mr. and wholly changed over in God’s holy Mrs. Joe Roeser and two children eyes by the death of his Only and Jim Hill, these all from Mist. Born Son, much more, being Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sundland changed over, we have new ways were in Vernonia Sunday. and new days by the Risen Christ Mrs. Walter Bateson called on indwelling us. Romans 5:10. Says Mrs. Austin Dowling Monday eve. DR. F. KISS, Director of Anatomy Mrs. L. P. Mathews was a vil­ U of Buda 4*681, Hungry—“Christ lage shopper on Saturday. is now my peace and power in my private iife and the wisdom in my research work.” Life in a Morgue EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1949 7 Clam Digging Enjoyed Sunday at Seaside the Commercial National Bank at Hillsboro. With the addition of the department, The Commercial Na­ tional can now act as executor, administrator, guardian or trustee the announcement stated. People wishing to take advan­ tage of the new service are re­ quested to make appointments with the manager of the local bank. THE CAMP McGREGOR — Mr. and Mrs. Eric Peterson motored to Seaside Saturday for a day of clamming. They met Mrs. Peter­ son’s sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Anderson of Clatskanie at Seaside and spent the day with them. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Martin of Neaselle, Washington, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Martin, visited the Martins from Friday to Sun­ day. Mrs. Fae Wood and Mrs. Raleigh Martin motored to Forest Grove Thursday, accompanied by Mrs. Robbin Bailey, who went on to Portland. Mrs. Wood and Mrs. Martin returned to camp that evening. Mr. and Mrs. Swen Westerberr and family were in Clatskanie from Friday evening to Sunday. They visited relatives and friends. i —•__ Fancy Gift APRONS —• —•__ I Gabardine, Tweed and Butcher’s Linen SUITSAND JACKETS The Apparel Shop Complete Tire Service GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES Frequent inspection and proper care will add many miles of usefulness to your present tires. But when replacements are needed, be sure to specify GOODYEAR. Vernonia Serv. Sta. Geo. Johnson Corner Rose and Bridge Telephone 311 USED CARS VePNONIA TRADING CO.' S. W. McChesney Rd., Portlano- This space paid for by a Portland businessman and family. SATISFACTION QUALITY Easter Sunday Guests, Dinners Are Mentioned RIVERVIEW—Mrs. Ora George spent the week end at the Ed Buckner home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McKee and family enjoyed a lovely Easter dinner at the Ed Buckner home. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bond visited at the Charles Allen home Sun­ day evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hollell and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hollell and son of Dallas and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Steele spent Easter at the W. D. Steele home. Mr. and Mr. Walter Moore motored to Seattle and Pasco for a two-week vacation. They returned home Saturday. Visitors at the Alice Mills home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Woodruff and sons. Miss Ruth Parson called on her mother, Mrs. Parson, last week. 1947 Kaiser 4-dr. sdn. — 1595.00 1946 Ford epe. — 1295.00 1942 Chev. Club epe. — 1095.00 1942 Ford Conv. — 950.00 1941 Ford Club cpe„ new motor — 995.00 1941 Pontiac Club epe — 995.00 1940 Ford 2-door sdn. — 675.00 1940 Pontiac 4-dr. sdn. — 895.00 © ¡UMSLTOB k FIKLD8 SYNDICATS U h AT MAKES YA TH INK IT WONT BE PRACTICAL, MAW?’ WIEIRNÖNIIA TRUCKS 1947 Ford 1U ton — 1345.00 TRADING COMPANY 1946 Ford 2 ton 2 speed — 1295.00 SEED PEED FERTILIZER BUILDING MATERIALS CEMENT EXPLOSIVES WEED AVENUE PHOME 681 1941 Ford pickup — 595.00 EYESIGHT IS PRECIOUS . . . shopping center for all food needs. Take care of yours! ’ MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 SKIRTS The addition of a new service for its customers was announced a few days ago for the Com­ mercial Group of Banks by Wil­ liam C. Christensen, president of INE IFttKS ffl IHCMIE In fact, make Nehalem your NEHALEM New Spring Commercial Banks Group Adds Trust Department GOOD TRANSPORTATION 1937 ing summer. — Let us examine your Olds 2-dr. Sdn. — 395.00 1937 Ford 2-dr. Sdn. — 175.00 1936 Chev. 2-dr. sdn. — 325.00 1934 Nash 4-dr. Sdn. — 250.00 eyes regularly ... fit you with correct lenses. DR. C. A. PLUMSTEAD — Optometrist Phone 445 Hillsboro 233 E. Baseline For Further Information Inquire at Ku.lander's Jewelry Store -You Can’t Be Op to mis tic if You Have Minty Optica” 0-0.... Doherty Motor Co. 12« Pacific Forest Grave I’hone 1741