An Unfaithful Friend ... Mr. Jimniie James, Portland, Oregon My Erstwhile Friend: When I waved you God speed last night after your very pleasant visit with us, my heart was filled with the warmth and comfort one feels when he has a friend he loves and trusts. I did not then know the difference a few short hours would make. I would not then have believed that you could have so deceived and conspired against me, thou Judas. I now know what Shakespeare meant when he wrote “how sharper than a serpents’ tooth is an unkind friend”. I will admit I told you about the experiment Ma was making, try­ ing to cure the neuritis in my knees by putting hot packs on them. I also told you that they were plenty hot but, by exerting Spartan will power, I was able to stand it as Ma had to put her hands in the water, to a certain extent, to wring the towels out although she sometimes used the potato masher to stomp the water out of them; but now, by a new technique which she admits you showed her, she dips the towels in NOW IS THE TIME/ TO ORDER // V $2.20 Complete Extra Head $1.55 boiling water and, by a peculiar twist, wrings them out without putting her hands in the water and plops the scalding cloths on my legs. Whatever have I done that you should so betray me? If you could realize my torment I know you would repent. My pleadings and howls of pain fall on deaf ears. In fact, she seems to take an unholy satisfaction in my misery and I strongly suspect it is in reprisal for my real or fancied shortcolhings of the day. If she intends to cbntinue the treatments, and I think she does, I very much fear the outcome. My whole day is beset by apprehensions of what will come at nightfall and you, traitorous friend, are to blame for it all; you and your bright ideas. In all justice to’ you, your' inten­ tions may have been good but the results are painful. I am about half cooked now from last night's operation. Two or three more treatments and I will be ready to be served up as a fancy dish. I am seldom vindic­ ative and do not hold grudges for long. In time I may feel less bitter and more forgiving but just now I have pleasant visions of meeting you out is some lonely place in the woods where I have a Winchester rifle and a spade. Sincerely, The Old Man on the Hill Yesterdays FIVE YEARS AGO From The Eagle, March 31, 1944 The amount of $130,000 was agreed upon as the price for the sale of the Oregon Gas and Elec­ tric property here to the rural electrification district formed a short time ago. Negotiations for purchase of the company property had been carried on by the REA committee, Harry King, Charles Uhlin and Noble Dunlap, the dis- trict’s attorney, R. M. Burley, and E. G. Keffer, REA field representative. Six Vernonia ladies donated a pint of blood each Friday, March 17. at the Hillsboro doning center. They were Mrs. Frank Lane, Mrs. Virgil Powel, Mrs. Leslie Waters, Mrs. Leslie Lane, Mrs. Howard Frank and Miss Helen Frank. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Robertson purchased the Cozy Confectionary from Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Hausler and took over management Thurs­ day. March 16. TEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle. March 31. 1939 The 20th anniversary of the American Legion and the 15th of the local post was celebrated with an appropriate ceremony and with cómmanders from three neighboring posts present. Ed Tapp, Vernonia commander, re­ viewed the history of the post since its founding in 1924 with a mem­ bership of 15 and with the commands, Earl Kingsley. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle, March 29. 1934 Jewell Lloyd who has been with the U. S. Army for three years at Fort Mills, P. I., sailed from Manila March 18. Friday, March 30 will be clean­ up day according to announcement by Mayor Ben S. Owens. Effort will be made to get the stores to close from 1 to 3 in order to assist in cleaning up. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From The Eagle. March 29, 1924 The official name of the resi­ dence site of the O-A Lumber Co. on Spencer hill is announced by Supt. E. E. Hayes as “Millview.” A. L. Kullander of Portland has purchased the W. Martineau jewel­ ry store and takes charge Satur­ day. Bert Mills has announced his candidacy for county commissioner. The cornerstone of the new Evangelical church was laid Sun­ day. THE EAGLE, ORE. THURSDAY. MARCH 31. 1949 5 VERNONIA, God Among Us Why did Christ, the Creator lay aside His glory and step down to take human birth and live among us as the Son of Man? And why did He, the Architect of the universe, stop to learn the carpenter’s trade and grow up in the despised city of Nazareth? Why did He go out those three years of His public ministry to mix and mingle with the common people and heal their sick- and raise their dead. Why did He all this? Love drew Him. Sinful and suffering mankind is the magnet Christ ever lives to reveal the love of God the Father. WHY DO THEY?—Why do murderers, thieves, prostitutes, gunmen, the defeated, the care­ worn, the weary of life, trust their lives over to Him? It is that God proved his love by tak ing up among us as the Son of Man and dying for us. PAOSHAN, CHINA — As the prisoners heard how Jesus for­ gave the thief on the cross, a murmer of hope sprung up in their hearts and they were touched to hear that the Son of God loved His enemies and prayed for them. At the invitation to accept Christ, fourteen responded and among them two murderers, one being a Buddhist, who confessed his need of the Saviour. So writes Kathrg Harrison. G as.'. S. W. McChesney Rd., Portland- This space paid for by a Port­ land businessman, wife, and daugh­ ters. LIGHTING FIXTURES Wide Selection LOG SCALE BOOKS • Scribener’s Columbia River + — -oof • Only 50c w r rum to 80 Feet WIRING APPLIANCES All Your Electrical Need»* at L. A. JACKSON ELECTRIC ("o-nelius — Phone 371J — Contractor THE VERNONIA EAGLE BUY COFFEE THIS WAY SAVE FROM 5‘tolO‘pER POUND! SAFEWAY service " YOUR FULLER BRUSH MAN I’m back with more GIFT BRUSHES and a few new Household Brushes and Cleaners. We also have several budget stretching specials on at the present. For personal calls, please drop a card to, Mr. Rich­ ard Walker, Mallory Park Cabin No. 2, Clatskanie, Oregon giving your name and address. CXTRA fLAVOR in the CUP.1 Roasted in small batches, these fine coffees are hur­ ried to Safeway from near­ by modern plants. Flavor and freshness are shielded nature’s way—in the whole bean. The full flavor is re­ leased for the first time when the coffee is ground for you—in the store. CXTRA SAVINGS in the BAG! I I No expensive container needed for these coffees. Be­ cause their freshness and flavor are locked in the whole bean until you buy, they can be packed in simple pa­ per bags. And the saving in package cost goes to you! Enjoy good coffee without paying a big price. The Mix You Know 2>/2.|b Edwards Pkfl- corn . . . pure energizing foods build healthy people. Shopping at Mill Market always assures you Coffee J CANNED GOODS FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES MEATS PACKAGED GOODS reacne Peaches, Casfle Crest, No. 2X Can, > Juice, Church’s, For Convenienc Remember— DELIVERIES TWICE DAILY : 10 a m - 3 p.m. PHONE 1391 53c $105 Corned Beef Hash, Libby, No. 2 Can, G« o '"S*TU’ Lipton’s TEA Can, Cream of Tomato Soup, Heinz, Jiffy Lou Puddings, Variety, Orange Pekoe 16-bag Black pkg. WAX PAPER Franco-American SPAGHETTI 2 <°n! 25c FLOUR I203 ) I /• IVORY PARD SNOW DOG FOOD & 14c 12'/z-ox. OO- Pkg. OOC SNOWDRIFT Tenderoni, Van Camp Macaroni, Pkg., 11c Small White Beam, 2-lb., 33c 5-lb., 79c Red Beans, 2-lb., 29c 5-lb., 69c Pint, Cottage Cheese, Kraft, 3-LB. CAN SAFEWAY’S FRESH SPRING PRODUCE $] .03 17c 13-OZ. Pkg., 21c Ralston Ry Krisp, SHORTENING today - to enjoy Quart, 79c Nu-Made Mayonnaise, Kitchen Craft DREFT «T 33c Sunnybank Margarine, lb., 31c Quart, 54c Aerowax, Self polishing, MARGARINE Dalewood Brand, LB. FRESH ASPARAGUS Crisp and tender ... Yes, these choice lender Spears are now arriving at Safeway. Price is right. SAFEWAY WASTE-FREE, GUARANTEED MEATS FOE LENTEN MINUS* SWISS STEAKS LB tender, full-flavored and juicy MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS 1- LB CAN 2- LB. CAN Quart, Niblets,Whole-KernelCorn,12-oz.Can the finest foods available. And that’s true in every department 1 i Exira Rich Vacuum packed. Grapefruit, Glenn-Aire, No. 2 Can, Proper nutrition is al! important 48e pi..: s .AIRWAY COFFEE GoW®n ®°n'° - Goodness Sake Vacuum-pack quality and flavor plus store-ground freshness and thrift Mild and mellow—the world’s most popular flavor in coffee BISQUICK For NOB HILL COFFEE Ground Beef * Beef Short Rib», Boneless Corned Beef, Bologna or Wieners, ROASTING CHICKENS READY FOR THE OVEN! RABBITS, lb. 69C lb 45e lb l"e lb 49c lb. 45c Codfish, Salted, Ling Cod, Fillet», Fillet of Sole, Halibut Steaks, Salmon Steaks, Oysters, Med. Fresh SMELT, 3 lb. 55c lb. 35c lb. 39c lb. 49c lb. 69c pt. 75c lbs. 25c FLORIDA Oranges Brimming with sweet flavorful 10-lb. vt/ Juice. SPINACH 2-LBS cello bag 15c CELERY, crisp green lb. CALAVOS 9c each 19c Potatoes, 50-lb. No. 2 $1.59 New Potatoes GREEN ONIONS & RADISHES, 4-lb. 29c C,