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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1949)
L Vernonia Tops Top Team Friday evening, March 18, Ver nonia’s rifle team was waiting with shaking knees for the ar rival of Portland rifle team No. 5 which was rated the best team in the sharpshooters class. The local team had not met this team this season, but from all reports they were tops. Due to postponed matches there was to be two matches at this meeting. The first one was a prone-stand BEST FOR YOUR CAR This sign of motor service stands for the best for cars and trucks Stop today for satisfaction. H. H. STURDEVANT rg 0ÌL cvee 717 Rose Avenue Seaside Team Loses To Vernonia Bowlers ing match in which Harold Peter son of Vernonia shot a perfect score of 100 in the prone position. Ralph Aldrich was first with a score of 184 followed by Ben George, 183, and Milton Lamping, 183. Vernonia Portland Green 186 Aldrich 184 Moyer 180 George 183 Koch 174 Lamping 183 Erickson 163 Lamping 179 Larson 157 Peterson 175 Portland 860 Vernonia 904 Match number two was a sitting and standing match which ’ Ver nonia dreaded but again led by Ralph Aldrich (who shot a high score of 88 in each match in Phone 337 “MEET ME AT THE PAL SHOP” Check Our List of Special Ice Cream Flavors We Always Have VANILLA - CHOCOLATE ■ STRAWBERRY HAMBURGERS CONEY ISLANDS To Please Your Palate The Owen and Mabry bowling team of Seaside lost to Vernonia here Sunday in a return match to the meeting when Vernonia was in Seaside earlier this month. Ver nonia’s score totaled 49 pins more than the visitors. A wo men’s team from Seaside played here the same afternoon and won. A Vernonia women’s team will meet the Owl Drug from Portland here next Sunday and local tea«i will go to Seaside again April 27. • Democrats Name County Leaders The second meeting of the year of the Columbia County Democra tic Central committee was held in the St. Helens city hall council chambers Wednesday, March 16. Temporary officers elected at the previous meeting were elected to permanent officers as follows: County Chairman Glenn A. Lee- mon. Secretary, Mrs. Glenn A. Lee- mon. . Vice Chairman Mrs. Rose L- DuBois. Treasurer Manley Wilson. Arch? Duncan was elected state committeeman and Mrs. Manley Wilsjn state committee woman. The next meeting date was set for April 27, time and place to be announced later. standing position) with a score of 185 followed by Harold Peter son with 181, and M'lton Lamping, 181, Vernonia came out on top with a total score of 896 to Portland’s 850. Vernonia Portland Aldrich 185 Green 186 Peterson 181 VanDuzer 168 Lamping 181 Larson 168 George 178 Erickson 165 Lamping 171 Moyer 163 Vernonia 896 Portland 850 a When following another ar, a good rule is to allow at least < i e car length for each ten miles in hour of speed. THE GOP Officers Are Elected C. R. Hallberg of Rainier was elected chairman of the Republic an county central committee at a meeting held in Rainier recently, which was attended by 16 com mitteemen and committee women. Dr. A. C. Bailey, chairman for the past eight years, was defeated for the office, receiving 5 votes to 15 for Hallberg. Three proxies werq voted. Claude Mason of St. Helens was also nominated but withdrew. Mrs. Alice Wood of Rainier was re-elected vice-chairman; Glen Wil liams of Rainier was elected alter nate for chairman, but stated he would resign in favor of any Young Republican qualified for the job. Alternate for vice chairman is Mrs. J. E. Tapp of Vernonia. Mrs. Marion Sten of St. Helens was elected secretary. A f nance officer is to be appointed at a later date. For congressional committeeman and committeewoman, Frank Tay lor of Vernonia and Mrs. Irene Van Natta were unan mously elected. S. C. Morton was elected state cornnrtteeman and Mrs. Dorothv Ccldwell committeewoman. Both are from St. H"lens. EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 194» 7 More women are homebound as the Oregon Society for Crippled a result of injuries and sickness Children and Adults, the Easter than Seal agency, show. men, figures released by IF • • • Your automobile is worth the price you paid for it ! AND . . . You want to make it last as long as possible. I THEN . . . Have it lubricated and the oil changed regularly. AND - always depend on SIGNAL products. Heath’s Service Station Phone 5711 e New Rifle Range for Clatskanie Started Ground was broken recently for the new rifle range and club house for the Clatskanie Rifle and Pistol club near Murray Hill cemetery. The club was given a ten year lease on the land from the city of Clatskanie by the council. A spot is being leveled for a shot-gun trap and the Clatskanie Rod and Gun club will be invited to use the facilities. The Rifle and Pistol club has be“n shooting in the basement of the Clatskanie I.O.O.F. hall. • A thinking driver doesn’t drink; a drinking driver doesn't think. CHEVROLETTRUCKS ATTHIS Right Compare our prices before buying Right on the they’re tough, on the job all meet 1949 CHEVROLET PASSENGER CAR. PRICES DELIVERED AT VERNONIA job. day after day because and ruggedly built.... Right of the time with a model to every hauling need! In every State in the Union, more Chev rolet trucks were sold last year than any other make. That’s because Chevrolet can offer—power with economy • . . strength with convenience . . . and duty-proved dependability combined in a variety of models to meet every need ... up to 16,000 lb. Gross Vehicle Weight! Keep in mind, too, that Chevrolet Heavy- Duty Trucks alone offer you 3-Way Thrift —low cost operation, low cost upkeep and the lowest list prices in the entire truck field! Choose Chevrolet Trucks for Transportation Unlimited! Styleline Special Business Coupe........................... $1585.00 Club Coupe.................................. $1664.00 Town Sedan. .................. $1659.00 Sport Sedan—4-Door................ $1706.00 Styleline Deluxe Club Coupe ................................. $1754.00 Town Sedan................................. $1738.00 Sport Sedan—4-Door................ $1785.00 Convertible Coupe....................... $2129.25 Look at all these Extra-Value Features! • 4-Spaad Synchro-Mash Tran«mi«*ion • Spllnad Rear Asia Hub Connaction • Lood-Matfar Valvo-ln-Haod Engine • Tha Cob that "Breatha*"* •truetian a Asia« • Tha FlaaLMauMad Cob a Now, Haovlae Spring* • Hydrovec Power Broke« • UniwaEd, olMEaal Coew Full-Hooting Hypold Raor • Wide Bota Wheel* Fleetline Special 2-Door Sedan............................... $1659.00 Sportmaster Sedan—4-Door $1706.00 Fleetline Deluxe I OFFICIAL REGISTRATIONS PROVE THERE ARE MORE CHEVROLET TRUCKS IN USE THROUGHOUT THE NATION THAN ANY OTHER MAKEI CHEVROLET J 2-Door Sedan ............................ $1738.00 4-Door Sedan............................. $1785.00 A Vernonia Auto Co. VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY ‘‘A Safe Place to Trade” Phone 342 Standard Oil Product« Vernonia, Oregon Y our Chevrolet and G. M. Dealer