THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1949 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mr. and Mrs. Will Harder on Capitol hill are the owners of a hen that quite frequently lays double yolk eggs. They have one egg that measures 8*4 inches by 6V4 inches. RED CROSS dance, Legion hall, March 26. Eddie Kaphammer's Masie Makers. Admission 91.00. title Francis W. Jones was brought to Vernonia last Wednesday night from Camp Olson In the Bush ambulance and later taken to St. HEAR J. R. DeLap of Klamath in Falls REVIVAL MEETINGS at First Baptist Church The Church with a Bible Message 969 Bridge Street Meetings Nightly at 7:30 March 27 to April 10 Vincent’s hospital for treatment for a broken right foot. He had returned from the hospital early this week. Ker. Allen H. Backer was in Portland Thursday to visit Albert Krieger who has been confined to the hospital. Mr.' and Mrs. Donald Morris were here during the past week end to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris, before moving to Klamath Falls where they are buying a home. They formerly resided at Pullman, Washington where he was attending Washing­ ton State college. RED CROSS dance. Legion hall, March 26. Eddie Kaphammer's Music Makers. Admission $1.00. 12tlc Elna Morris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris has trans­ ferred from Oregon State college to the University of Oregon medi­ cal school and will start her stu­ dies there March 28, next Monday. BAKED GOODS sale at Sundland Elec, Sat., March 26. V.F.W. Aux. 12tlc Mrs. Walter Linn, Frances Mul­ lins, Mrs. Harry Sandon and Mrs. John Titus were in Portland to attend an associate conductress and conductress luncheon March 12. Three carloads of members of the Eastern Star were at St. Helens Tuesday of this week to attend a district meeting of the O.E.S. HOME Baked pies and cakes Sat., at Sundland Elec. V.F.W. Aux. 10:00 A. M. 12tlc Mr. and Mrs. Judd Greeman were in Eugene Friday and Satur­ day of last week here Mr. Green­ man attended a lumberman's meet­ ing while there. Soldier Writes From Germany TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. Loren Dodge received a letter from Gene (Dutch) Beck. He is at Straubing, Germany now and says things are rather hostile there. He seems to like it there and says it is warm and the sun shining like summer here. He enlisted in the cavalry last November. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schooley sold there farm on Stoney Point and have moved to Troutdale ac­ cording to a letter received by Albert Walker. Grandpa Tisdale has been quite sick for a few days. Ted Tisdale and Mrs. Gus Hall of Seattle arrived Tuesday to wait a few days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tisdale. Mrs. Hazel Fletcher and child­ ren of Castle Rock are visiting at the Roms Whitmire home this week. • Recovery from Illness Noted in Riverview RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Tim White spent Saturday even- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gibson. Claude Eugene Gibson, Jr., is ill with a cold this week. J. W. Nichols is able to be back to work after being ill several weeks. Mrs. Jack Hendrickson and baby visited at the Ralph Mahar home the latter part of last .week. Mrs. Artie Buckner is able to be up after being ill. Mr. and Mrs. Connie Anderson were at Gearhart during the past week end. Elton Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Cloice Hall and Mrs. Calvin Davis drove to Timberline lodge Sunday to ski. Marvin Turner came home from Monmouth Tues, evening and will remain until returning to classes at the Oregon College of Educa­ tion Monday. Boy Recover* After Swallowing Gasoline CAMP McGREGOR — Danny \Voolford, a nephew two years of age, of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Nelson who has been residing with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson for some time was brought from Doernbecker hospital by his mother last week. He suffered severe bums from swallowing gas. Danny had picked up a pop bottle which contained gas and drank some. Mrs. Hazel Cook of Seaside visited their relatives and friends in camp Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Bemis and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lee and family motored to Portland Sat­ urday. • O' Residence of Family Changed to Sweet Home RIVEVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Walt Parker moved to Sweet Home this week end where Mr. Parker is employed. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lindsley and Joan Lindsley and son visited the Albert Mead and Phil Mead families in Beaverton Sunday. Mrs. h Its x at H H H H M H X H TUES-WED. MARCH 29-30 Joe Palooka in “FIGHTING MAD” Plus 2nd Feature "BRING EM’ BACK ALIVE” With Frank Buck SURVEYOR Registered Professional Engineer Surveys, Maps and Estimates All Surveys Recorded Office in Court House Basement Phone 698 Spring S HOFFMAN’S ï H 98c GRASS HOOKS ................................... SEYMOUR SMITH $159 EZY-CUT GRASS SHEARS................ HE1MERDINGER $r° GRASS SHEARS.................................... ALL STEEL TROWELS.............................. 20c ALL STEEL WEEDERS................................. 20c SNAP-CUT PRUNING SHEARS £975 THE WORLD’S FINEST SCYTHE COMPLETE £K00 WITH ?»-IN. BLADE SPECIAL THIS WEEK 80 ROD SPOOL 2-POINT HVY. H CATTLE BARB WIRE........................ H » ^TECHNICOLOR Columbia County X H VILLAGE BLACKSMITH THURS-FRI. MARCH 24-25 •CRY OF THE CITY” With Victor Mature-Richard Conte SATURDAY MARCH 26 “APACHE ROSE" With Roy Rogers Plus 2nd Feature ‘WRECK OF THE HESPERUS" SUN-MON. MARCH 27-28 SO DEAR TO I MY HEART /¿g- Clarence R. Wagner nHIHIHIHIHIHIHlMIHIHIHZHH Joy Theatre WALT DISNEYS Are your feet killing you? They might, if you're careless in traf­ fic. £700 • Hoffman Hardware Co. H S Telephone 181 2 Vernonia, Ore. , H H H H H H H H H H M For Hardware?? See Hoffman KXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXki Tlie Friendly Store where Quality Costs No More SPRING SHOES! If you find you shelves running low, simply pick up your telephone and call 721. We’ll rush your order to you on our next delivery. NEHALEM For Everybody in the Family MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 Everything to Furnish Your Home Seven out of every 100 children under the age of 21 years are crippled, reports the Oregon So­ ciety for Crippled Children and Adults, the Easter Seal Agency. H MILLER’S CHECK. YOUR FOOD SUPPLIES Albert Krieger and sons, Marvin and Bill, visited at the Lindsley home Saturday evening. Mancel Lee Rose of Corvallis is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Rose this week. Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Woodruff and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mills, all of Portland, visited Mrs. Alice Mills and Mrs. Parson over the week end. Mrs. Mills went into Portland Monday on business. * • MEN WOMEN COMPLETE STOCK OF FINE WORK AND DRESS SHOES DRESS. SPORT AND EVERYDAY SHOES ■ /O pre - tested PoINParrot v SHOES FORj’BOYS AND GIRLS ... kitchen, dining room, living room, bed rooms utility room, etc. See Bush Furniture first for Electric Ranges. Washers. Deep Freeze Units. Hot Water Heaters. Small Appliances Davenport and Chair Sets Bed Room Suites Dinette Sets % Occasional Chairs and Tables • leather Finish Trim and Creped Outsole • Scientific lost Radio-Phonographs, Radios Record Players. Records Oil Stoves. Oil Furnaces 1 ■< BUSH FURNITURE • Full Shock Proof Insole • Flexible Arch Cushion • Full Breathing Uppers • Woshoblo • "M Proof" Eyelets The Season's Newest Dutchboy »hoe mounted on • tpringy tractor tread. Laa- '« ankle «rap «rd colorful beachrobe fabric for every occatioa. Washable. X