2 THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1949 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. TOPICS OF THE TOWN Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Kileoyne Mr. Jimmy Jim« and Miss Sidney Marshal of Portland spent represented the First Baptist the week end with Mr. and Mrs. church of Vernonia at the regional Charles Castner. Miss Marshall is meeting of the Oregon Baptist the granddaughter of Ben Lamp association held Saturday, March man, associate editor of the Ore 6. The Temple Baptist church of Newberg was the host church of gonian. the meeting. The Baptist church Mr. and Mrs. Hale Graves and at Medford will be host to the children of LaGrande visited rel next meeting which will be held atives in Vernonia over the week April 5. end. DANCE, March 26, Legion Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Graves lOtlc and sons of Tigard were week John Burnside was here last end guests of the W. T. Graves. week from Whittier, California, Mrs. Fred Ovesen and Mr. and where he and Mrs. Burnside are Mrs. Hale Graves visited in Port now residing, to make arrange land Saturday at the Stanley ments for their household belong Ov esens. ings relative to establishing their Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hirsch of residence permanently in Calif Portland and Mrs. H. E. Stevenson ornia. Mr. Bumside has retired of Springfield were week end from work in the shipping office guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank at the Oregon-American. Their Lange. Both of them were former property was shipped to California residents. Tuesday of this week. "DANCE, March 26, Legion Hall. 5x7 ENLARGEMENTS FLOOD lOtlc Photos taken of Rock Creek at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lusby and The Vernonia Eagle Office. Only daughter of Hillsboro spent Sun 30c each or four for $1.00. day visiting his mother, Mrs. Jen Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vaughxn nie Lusby and friends in Vernonia. flew from Portland to Los Angeles Mr. and Mrs. M. Gründen, Mrs. Wednesday of last week and re "Merle Ruhl and Mrs. Claude Nor turned here this Monday after ris were in Portland Tuesday of visiting their daughter and son-in- this week. law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Page, and grandchild. Mrs. Dave Marshal was in Salem Wednesday of last week to visit friends. THUR8-FRI. MARCH 10-11 Mr. and Mrs. Judd Greenman were in Portland over the past week end to visit at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burrow. During the time they celebrated Mrs. Greenman’s birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. McCool are the parents of a boy weighing SATURDAY MARCH 12 nine pounds and born March 8, “THE NIGHT HAS A 1000 EYES” Tuesday, at 10:45 a.m. at the With Edward G. Robinson Louis Huntley home. Plus 2nd Feature Mrs. Ed Buckner was taken to -THE SPORT OF KINGS’’ the Emanuel hospital, Portland, SUN-MON. MARCH 13-14 last week and underwent an opera "THE BABE RUTH STORY” tion Thursday. She is recovering With Wm. Ben-iix - Claire Trevor fairly well. TUES-WED. MARCH 15-16 5x7 ENLARGEMENTS FLOOD “SHE” Photos taken of Rock Creek at With Preston Foster - Allan Hale The Vernonia Eagle Office. Only Plus 2nd Feature 30c each or four for $1.00. “LAST DAYS OF POMPEII” Mr. and Mrs. Harry King were With Randolph Scott in Seattle last week end to visit his brother who recently under went an operation. Mrs. Bertha Rosa spent last Saturday at the horde of Mrs. Ollie Roberts. This visit was their first in several years. Word has been received from Roy Brady that he has arrived safely in San Francisco to visit his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Woodruff. He is in better health than previously. Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Leath spent last Friday night and Saturday in P.eedsport visiting friends. H. V. Holcomb spent one night last week in St. Helens visiting That’s The Question his son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Holly Holcomb. It is not a question of Mr. and Mrs. Don Parker are whether a loss is likely to the parents of a boy, Michael Al occur but whether it len, born March 3 at Forest Grove. He weighed, seven pounds, nine would be serious if it did ounces. occur. Mrs. C. F. Heiber returned to Buy first the kinds of her home here Wednesday after insurance which protect spending over a week at Salem you against the largest where she visited with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. financial losses that can Douglas DeCew. happen to you. Consult Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ramping this Hartford agency for are the patents of a boy born Sunday, February 27 at the Lamp advice. ing home. He weighed seven pounds, nine ounces and has been 905 Bridge Street named Gregory Bruce. VERNONIA Mr. and Mrs. Winston Walker are the parents of a boy, David INSURANCE Edwin, born February 24. He BILL J. HORN. AGENT weighed seven pounds. Phone 231, Vernonia Marvin Turner and Ralph Stur devant, students at Oregon College of Education at Monmouth, were Joy Theatre A GOOD BREAKFAST GIVES YOU A GOOD START FOR THE DAY. And a goad »tart for every time you order table needs is to telephone 721, THE NEHALEM. We’ll deliver your order promptly. NEHALEM MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 Income Tax Topic Talked Timber Extension Studies Gadgets TREHARNE — Mrs. Carl Wie- MIST — The Hank Wilson children have been down with necke was called to Springfield to care for her son, Chester’s, the measles but are out again. Helen Johnson spent part of family who were all down with the last week visiting her mother in measles. Harry Wilson is on the s’ck Forest Grove. Her sister, Maxine, list again with double pneumonia. was there from Tillamook. The Chas. Sundlands were in He is improving though at the Portland on business Wednesday. last report. The income tax seems the gen- The Timber Route Extension ral topic of the day now. Unit met at the home of Ruth Mrs. J. O. Libel and son, Shal- Hult Tuesday. The use of kitchen mon, were in Vernonia Friday. gadgets was demonstrated b” Z'l- Rhody Oakland was a caller of la Davenport and Florence Dodge. the Geo. Kalassee’s on the sum Dorothy Odam was joint hos‘-ss. mit last Saturday afternoon. the The next meeting will be Roy Hughes had his spring Grange kitchen with Mrs. Laurel plowing done the first of the Jensen and Mrs. Bernita P-ter- week. sop as project leaders and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roeser jour Pat Galloway and Mrs. Laura neyed to Elsie Saturday night and Thacker as hostesses. The meeting took in the dance. will be held April 12. Mr. and Mrs. C. Russell from Mrs. Rilla Snyder was called Longview came over Sunday and from Portland Monday by the visited her brother, Percy Baillett, illness of her father, Harry Wil and wife. son. Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Jones • are occupying the cabin owned by Jim Hill up in the cast end of the ‘Convert to Humus’ villafee. Scientist Advises Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lindberg and “Don’t burn anything that can Larry were guests from St. Helens over the week end of her mother, be converted to humus” is the advice of R. E. Stephenson, soil Mrs. J. O. Libel. scientist of the O.S C. experiment here last week end to visit their station, in a bulletin, “Humus for parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tur Oregon Soils,” reprinted as sta ner and Mr. and Mrs. H. H. tion circular 143 from an earlier Sturdevant. They returned to ed'tion. Monmouth Sunday afternoon with A high humus level is usually Mr. and Mrs. Turner. desirable, but consistant addition DANCE, March 26, Legion Hall. of organic matter is even more lOtlc important, the author states, as Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace it is the fresh material that rots Bergerson of Warrenton February and feeds the crops. Humus con 21 was a boy weighing eight servation and soil conservation are pounds, six ounces at St. Mary’s twin problems he adds, since soils hospital, Astoria. He has been lacking in humus are more ero named David Edgar. sive. Coastal Waters Now Closed to Angling C. A. Lockwood, Oregon state game supervisor, reminded anglers that coastal waters are now closed to angling. The closure will re main in effect until May 1, when the general trout season opens. This closed season is effective in all coastal streams and lakes with the exception of the Rogue river and the Umpqua river. The Ump qua will open to salmen fishing on April 15th and the Rogue river is now open to salmon fish ing. Mr. Lockwood also stated that it is hoped to have the new syn opsis of angling regulations for 1949 ready for distribution the first of next month. • IS YOUR boy a Scout? ZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHXHZHZHX H H X Z H H X Z H H X Z H H X Z H H X Z H H X Z H H X Z H H X at HOFFMAN'S Chick Feeders................. 30c Fount Caps..................... 25c \1/z Gallon Founts........... $1.50 LuxMorcrop - - - - 10-lbs. 75c H NP Lawn Seed........... lb. 75c X H H X Creeping Bent Mix - - - - lb. $1.35 Z H H Z X SPECIAL THIS WEEK H H Z X H Barb Wire....... 80-Rod Spool $7 H Z X H New Low Price X N X H Hoffman Hardware Co. X Telephone 181 For Hardware N Vernonia, Ore. See Hoffman $1 • $34.50 BILTMORE • $44.50 ESSEX • $54.50 WARWICK Awake refreshed from the thistle down softness of this guaranteed innerspnng mittress. Heavy spring coil units are blanketed luxuriously with a lavish amount of fine quality layered cotton. Complete with full bottom tufts, reinforced rol led edge. A C.A. type ticking. In twin or full size. The lullaby special for tired nerves and bodies Your slumber is sound and restful when you'ie pillowed on the feather bed comfort of the E sex. 209 heavy coil units float a snow cloud of extra fine cotton layers covered with heavy 6-oz fancy woven ticking. Pound with pre-built border, outfitted with mattre s handles for easy turning, in twin or full size. Slip off to dreamland on this buoyant Nachman. Its 235 coil innerspring units yields instantly to your weight, spring back firmly to original posi tion. Cushioned with layers and layers of down- soft-cotton. your Rest-Tested Warwick is covered with beautiful Woven Damask ticking, bordered by sateen and reinforced at the edges Eight air vents keep it daisy fresh Guaranteed for 5 years BOX SPRINGS TO MATCH BOX SPRINGS TO MATCH............ BOX SPRINGS QI A A TO MATCH............ EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME ON E-Z TERMS H Z H Z H Z H ^ZHXHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZ^ A Solid Carload I*u reliase GENUINE "CRAFTMASTER" MATTRESSES AT REGULAR LOW BUSH FURNITURE PRICES - PLUS MATCHING BOX SPRINGS.......... for only $1.00 A $1.00 BUSH FURNITURE Phone 592 Vernonia, Oregon r